One of the few BBC programmes that I regularly enjoy is “New Tricks”. I think it’s a right laugh and I do enjoy the rather lovely Amanda Redman solving crime! HOWEVER, last night, in the run-in to the last Question Time liveblog, the New Tricks episode was all about a US secret rendition flight to Guantanamao Bay from England which had crashed on take-off killing innocent British citizens. The bad CIA had swooped on some of our finest Brits, you see, and were whizzing them off to be tortured. This agitprop was only off-set by the parallel plot that they MIGHT have been aliens of the close encounters of the third kind kind!! Now I am prepared to watch Amanda and the boys solve any crime BUT I do object to some blatant leftist anti-American propaganda spoiling an otherwise decent series. Perhaps this is the sort of left of centre thinking that Ben Stephenson is so anxious to see much more?
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Midweek 12th March 2025
True that the Vance memes are dangerously out of control – I think it’s what crashed X … they are…