Anyone catch Andrew Marr “interviewing” out lamentable Chancellor Darling this morning? I think the thing that most struck me was the gentle treatment Marr afforded this wretch whose period of tenure in his role has been characterised by serial disaster and poor judgement. (Albeit overseen by McDoom) Darling even got to claim that he thought Labour “could” win the next election without Marr expressing much surprise! Yes, and Darling also sees green shoots of recovery wherever he goes!
The main point here is that the BBC must know Labour is a busted flush and that it will be excised from power next June. So like good little comrades they go through the motions for McDoom and his followers but the strategic point for the BBC must be to box in Cameron in order that all our ever so vital public services – like the BBC – continue to escape the cold chill of economic recession and public accountability. Perhaps Cameron knows this since he wiggles around the subject, as in the interview Marr also carried out with him this morning. This worries me. Either Cameron is afraid of the BBC, or he is afraid to admit that the axe will have to be taken to the grotesque state sector, or he plans no such thing.
Weekend 22nd February 2025
Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.