From first thing this morning until last thing this evening, the BBC has been running the story of how the international community, led by Obama’s regime, has damned Israel for daring to evict “nine Palestinian families living in two houses in occupied East Jerusalem”. The BBC breathlessly informs us that “Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 and later annexed it, a move not recognised by the world community. The removal of the 53 people was also condemned by the United Nations, the Palestinians and the UK government. “
So, what does the BBC not tell us? Well, Jerusalem has been the capital for the Jewish people for 3000 years. I suppose that is just a mere technical detail to those fine minds at the UN? Just as important is the fact that the Arab families concerned presented documents that appeared to show Arab ownership of the homes dating back to the Ottoman period. However, the court found that the documents had been forged, and that the documents presented by the Jewish plaintiffs were legitimate. The neighborhood in question is located near the 2,000-year-old gravesite of the Jewish sage Shimon HaTzaddik. The neighborhood was founded in the first half of the 20th century by Jewish families, but fell under Jordanian rule following the 1948 War of Independence and was quickly populated by Jordanian Arabs.
How about Jordan takes back its own? Something the BBC will never discuss…
Weekend 18th January 2025
For services to the male incontinence pant industry.