The subject, that is. Susan and I listened with mounting incredulity as Evan Davies of the Today programme came out with these gems while interviewing an anaesthetist on the subject of the abuse of prescription drugs and painkillers :
“Do you – (pause) – if you were – (pause) – if you had a – (pause) – teenage – (pause) – son, and you were trying to advise this – (pause) – person what sort of drugs to take and what sort of drugs to avoid – are the illegal drugs safer ? – less safe ? than the painkiller type ?”
Followed later by :
“And among your colleagues, and even your friends, do they abuse the drugs that are commonplace in your profession ?”
Does he always come out with this kind of penetrating questioning, or is it just this subject ?
Thank heavens he didn’t get given the following ‘legal highs’ piece !
Weekend 22nd February 2025
Welcome all, to our regular, daily: “Mental Muzzie Mass Murder” report: Featuring your favourite, regular 1) Algerian / Syrian 2)…