I thought this was quite telling from John Redwood...
This afternoon I was asked to appear this evening on the World Tonight to do an interview on spending cuts. I agreed. I was asked if I preferred a pre-record or live. I said I preferred live. They agreed and made the arrangements.
I was then telephoned and asked in detail about my views. (They are on the website anyway). When I said they should ask the government where their cuts were coming, as I was happy to set out my proposals and Conservative proposals, there seemed a hesitation. I said if they did not want to do that I would naturally raise the question. They then confirmed the interview.
A few hours later they left a phone message to say they did not want to do the interview after all! Clearly they did not want me asking on air for Labour to explain where their cuts were coming under the new headings the PM has so wisely set out.
Start the Week 3rd March 2025
WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…