I loved that link with the mention of the Independent closing down, if only the Grauniad could be next.
Anyone want to bet the BBC will be up in arms when it goes? I’d love to see Murdoch buy it and turn into into a beeboid hating right wing rag, that would be hilarious.
Well Martin, if you read The Independent, you would know that it is hardly a left wing rag at the moment. It has been consistently critical of Brown/Labour in recent years, and has had many pro-Tory editorials. If it’s the pro-Environmental angle that annoys you then fair enough, the Independent does push eco stories hard. Saying that, it’s hardly a major drama that some papers care about our environment is it? After all, we all live on this planet, breathing the polluted air, drinking the polluted water. Although, I do wonder sometimes if regular Biased BBC contributors live somewhere else as the concern of this planet’s eco-system is regularly mocked/ignored.
Gus. As I have posted MANY MANY times I’m all in favour of treating our planet in a much better way and that includes things like de-population and energy independence form the middle east that hate our guts.
But your greenie eco loon mates are only interested in smashing capitalism and are using their latest crusade to try to do that.
Lying about the effect man made CO2 is having on the climate (that it’s the ONLY cause of climate change when it very clearly isn’t and now more and more scientists are starting to admit this)
Pollution of all sorts needs to be reduced and good practice needs to be rewarded. But councils harassing home owners about household waste when companies are responsible for packaging in the first place is pointless. Make the likes of Tesco responsible for disposing of packaging and trust me much of it will vanish overnight.
The problem with toilet rolls like the Independent is that they only have one message and bang on about it all the time they distort the truth and even lie.
The likes of the BBC are typical of the Indy/Grauniad set. They mince about the world producing huge amounts of the very gas they say is responsible for climate change yet offer to attempt to reduce their own emissions as if somehow they have a right to pollute but no one else does.
Martin, I agree with energy independence, we need a govt. with a long term energy policy that is prepared to take some risks (nuclear?). I’m not so sure about de-population though – how do we decide who is and who isn’t allowed to breed? I mean, personally I’d like to see Man U fans barred from having kids, but that’s probably not much of an ideal solution.
Some ‘eco-loonies’ as you put them are interested in destroying capitalism, but not all. I care about the environment, but I also like capitalism. They are not mutually exclusive values.
I’m not sure that organisations like the BBC/Independent do ‘mince’ around the world causing pollution as you claim. If you prove that in some way, then fair enough, but it sounds like an outrageous claim.
Gus, the Government should have some idea of the ideal population size for the Country and for each region otherwise how do they work out the need for resources?
You can de-populate in many ways, the taxation system can be used to make it very expensive to have more than say one child and discourage single mothers from living a life on benefits.
Immigration controls can be used to restrict who comes here and of course on a broader scale third world countries need better healthcare for women, better education and contraception.
Finally you make some sense about Capitalism, but sorry there are a lot of people who jumped on the climate change bandwagon who have no real interest in the planet but have simply moved from CND to the globalisation rubbish now to climate change.
Those with a real concern for the damage being done to the planet have been swamped by the Johnny come lately’s with their own agenda.
You really don’t think that the likes of the BBC don’t go around the world preaching to us about climate change whilst generating huge amounts of CO2 then tell ‘us’ that CO2 is bad for the planet?
Just how many people did the BBC send to cover the Olympics again Gus? over 400!!!
The BBC’s so called ‘ethical man’ prattled on about how much CO2 he’d saved bumming his way around America, yet failed to mention how much CO2 he produced flying back and forth from America in the first place. Couldn’t the BBC have used a US reporter to do the story in the first place?
The BBC are typical of the arrogant left, take Polly Toynbee who preaches leftist politics and higher taxes why she’s swans off to Italy and her expensive holiday villa, very working class. Not.
If people want to lecture me then I strongly suggest they start by living their lives the way they want the rest of us to follow.
Emma Thompson tries to campaign to stop the expansion of Heathrow yet continually flies out of there to visit her luvvie mates in Hollywood. Here’s a thought Gus, why doesn’t SHE say that she’s not flying any more so as to set an example to the rest of us?
I’m not a big fan of nuclear living not that far from a power station and having worked for a short period in it. However, the country needs a proper long term solution and that is nuclear fusion and for cars hydrogen fuel cells. I really want a politicians stand up and say we’re going to do this, public or private these are the best long term solutions that give us total energy independence
Believe me, I hate bandwagon jumping celebs too, but that’s not really the point in this case is it?
The truth about recycling is that our modern disposable culture has encouraged waste. The fact we can buy so much cheap food, for example, these days means that we buy more than we eat. So we throw it away. Same approach went for carrier bags until they started charging for them – though that has lessened, not solved, the problem.
In terms of CO2, it is a major contributor to global warming. Enough scientists have prooved that for it to be a conspiracy. However, it is not the only cause, and therefore taxing it is not the only solution. Also, planes only account for a small percentage of CO2 waste – cars and factories present a greater threat. I’m not suggesting we all quit driving or the human race stop making things in factories, just that we invest in ways to make cleaner technology to reduce the pollution. Expensive start up costs yes, but worth it in the long run.
We probably should look at restricting how comes here; the problem is that no party wants a serious immigration debate. The only party that discusses it openly is the BNP – and their problem isn’t immigrants, it’s people with brown or black skin. Immigrants put a strain on resources regardless of background or ethnicity. Labour aren’t going to talk about it in an open way – the Tories might shy away too. We don’t want to stop immigration as most immigrants don’t come here to rip off the state, they come to work, and they pay taxes like you and I. But do we want to limit those people? Based on occupation, given the current unemployment stats, yes maybe. But it needs a proper investigation, one focused on the employment issues caused by immigration – nothing else. Well, that be my opinion anyway.
Even as I listen to a report on the BBC World Service I can hear the rehabilitation of the Taliban as Saviours of Afghanistan is under way. How decent, just and wholesome they sound. How evil the Americans!
Education spending could be cut by £2bn by axing thousands of senior staff and “discipline” over pay, the schools secretary for England has indicated.
Funny that, because I see the word ‘cut’ quite clearly. And that’s a Labour ‘cut’ they are referring to aren’t they? The ‘nasty’ bit is your own interpretation and appears nowhere in the text.
David, I just watched a few minutes of BBC News, and the headline was about Labour cuts in the NHS. Those very words. I realise there is a temptation to look for bias in every single story, but you really should follow the evidence and not go looking for something that isn’t there but nitpicking and talking about hypothetical situation.s
Martin, so the headline with the word ‘save’ is a story, yet you ignore the opening paragraph mentioning ‘cuts’? You ignore the item on news 24 about cuts? I’m sorry to sound like a broken record, but I do not see how on earth this constitutes bias in the slightest. If the article online didn’t mention cuts once, and if the TV report neglected mention of the word cut, then maybe you would have a point. But both have spoken of cuts, hence the point here is that Mr Boycotts point is pointless.
“Three men…”
“third man, also from Afghanistan…”
“involving international and domestic terrorism…”
Maybe the beard gives it away?
What would that link be? The BBC sure as hell won’t spell it out for you. Now had they been neo-nazis the title would have read “Three neo-nazis held over US ‘plot'” getting straight to the point.
What a f*cking abortion your new comments system is. I can only conclude it is designed to restrict comments from internet nerds only.
After 20 minutes of p*ssing about I have finally managed to post a comment but I’m not sure I’ll be able to remember how.
Your site has great content but is dreadful from a technical point of view. Not only does it cause problems with my browser but now you’ve dreamt up this new comments system!
“Former BBC governer Sir Richard Eyre says corporation neglects classical drama
A former governor of the BBC, Sir Richard Eyre, has accused the corporation of a “dereliction of duty” for failing to show enough classical drama on television.”
When will people get it? There is a dereliction of duty throughout the BBC’s output this is part of the reason (other than the obvious one) we should not be forced to pay for it.
I think the new system is good, my only complaint is if you click on the next page on the comments for some reason you have to scroll all the way back up again.
<a href=”http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8262551.stm”>Palestinians queue at checkpoint</a>
Sometimes you wonder if the BBC Internet editors actually watch the BBC video before writing the text below? Did the reporter see the editing?
1) The BBC’s Tim Franks reports from Qalandia that “The hundreds of people that you can see down there are the <B>womens'</B> section of those Palestinians trying to get through one of the main checkpoints …” The camera shows Israeli Border Police at a checkpoint where the only Palestinians you can see are, you guessed it, <B>men and boys</B>!
2) The text states <I><B>Men must be over 50</B> and women over 45 if they want to get through the checkpoint. </i> Yet the video clearly shows teenage and younger boys (see about 00.31 and 00.38)passing the checkpoint without problem.
3) The history of violence coming from the (Muslim) Aqsa Mosque particularly on a Friday and particularly when the (Jewish) Temple Wall below is packed on a Jewish Festival is ignored. This leaves the impression that there is no reason for policing access to Muslim sites.
Sometimes you wonder if the BBC Internet editors actually watch the BBC video before writing the text below? Did the reporter see the editing?
1) The BBC’s Tim Franks reports from Qalandia that “The hundreds of people that you can see down there are the womens’ section of those Palestinians trying to get through one of the main checkpoints …” The camera shows Israeli Border Police at a checkpoint where the only Palestinians you can see are, you guessed it, men and boys!
2) The text states, Men must be over 50 and women over 45 if they want to get through the checkpoint. Yet the video clearly shows teenage and younger boys (see about 00.31 and 00.38) passing the checkpoint without problem.
3) The history of violence coming from the (Muslim) Aqsa Mosque particularly on a Friday and particularly when the (Jewish) Temple Wall below is packed on a Jewish Festival is ignored. This leaves the impression that there is no reason for policing access to Muslim sites.
The new system will take some geting used to bu at least it doesnt slow my PC to a standstill.
Did anyone see aunties morning team on beeb 1 dismiss the tories 3pc tax claim as unfounded.
Its amazing they can get to such a succinct and secure verdict in just one evening.
Maybe the Beeb should run the treasury if they are so bloody sh+t hot.
Then maybe Zanulabour told them to rubbish it as much as they could early before it built up any steam.
They really are desperate for old left eye Mc lopez to get a boost in the polls
The beeboids stated that “an independent analyst had looked at the figures and found nothing wrong” so there we go then, nothing happening here move along.
The Tories though in my view are letting the media off the hook, especially the BBC. Remember it was Frazer Nelson who skewered the one eyed coward at the monthly questions when he specifically asked McCoward is there would be cuts after the election and Brown stated NO. He’s a frigging liar
Yep I saw brillo head take the mentally retarded Cable apart. Ever noticed how Cable’s head and body shake ever so slightly especially when under pressure?
Hmm, seems to work, I decided getting a js-kit account seemed the most commonsense approach – although for some reason I had to log out then log back in – and then when I posted a test I needed to refresh the page to be able to post another, and now it appears my test has disappeared..
all this linking up accounts and emails all over the web scares me a bit
Sorry, but having spent the weekend getting used to the new comments, I am going to whinge. Logging on to my Google account is long winded and a pain in the backside, and the refusal now to allow guest comments is going to put a lot of people off making spontaneous comments. That makes the cure worse than the troll problem ever was.
And why is it that when I click to the next page of comments I get dumped on to the bottom of the page?
I don’t mind being taken to the last comment but when I say the bottom of the page I mean right at the bottom, amongst the quotes from Messrs Jay, Marr & Paxman. And then have to scroll all the way back up again.
Cant say Im a great fan of the new posting system. The last one, while not particilarly good was a heck of a lot more intuitive than this one (plus I could have multiple windows open for reading.
Meh…Ill just have to get used to it I guess 🙂
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Recent Comments
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I loved that link with the mention of the Independent closing down, if only the Grauniad could be next.
Anyone want to bet the BBC will be up in arms when it goes? I’d love to see Murdoch buy it and turn into into a beeboid hating right wing rag, that would be hilarious.
One way to stuff the Guardian, which should be taken by any Government now they are all using the C word:
Set up a website jobs.gov.uk
All central & local govt & quango jobs to be advertised exclusively there. ie end to the “5 a day coordinator” jobs in the Guardian.
Win/win. Govt saves us a fortune, Guardian needs a new business model.
Well Martin, if you read The Independent, you would know that it is hardly a left wing rag at the moment. It has been consistently critical of Brown/Labour in recent years, and has had many pro-Tory editorials. If it’s the pro-Environmental angle that annoys you then fair enough, the Independent does push eco stories hard. Saying that, it’s hardly a major drama that some papers care about our environment is it? After all, we all live on this planet, breathing the polluted air, drinking the polluted water. Although, I do wonder sometimes if regular Biased BBC contributors live somewhere else as the concern of this planet’s eco-system is regularly mocked/ignored.
Gus. As I have posted MANY MANY times I’m all in favour of treating our planet in a much better way and that includes things like de-population and energy independence form the middle east that hate our guts.
But your greenie eco loon mates are only interested in smashing capitalism and are using their latest crusade to try to do that.
Lying about the effect man made CO2 is having on the climate (that it’s the ONLY cause of climate change when it very clearly isn’t and now more and more scientists are starting to admit this)
Pollution of all sorts needs to be reduced and good practice needs to be rewarded. But councils harassing home owners about household waste when companies are responsible for packaging in the first place is pointless. Make the likes of Tesco responsible for disposing of packaging and trust me much of it will vanish overnight.
The problem with toilet rolls like the Independent is that they only have one message and bang on about it all the time they distort the truth and even lie.
The likes of the BBC are typical of the Indy/Grauniad set. They mince about the world producing huge amounts of the very gas they say is responsible for climate change yet offer to attempt to reduce their own emissions as if somehow they have a right to pollute but no one else does.
Martin, I agree with energy independence, we need a govt. with a long term energy policy that is prepared to take some risks (nuclear?). I’m not so sure about de-population though – how do we decide who is and who isn’t allowed to breed? I mean, personally I’d like to see Man U fans barred from having kids, but that’s probably not much of an ideal solution.
Some ‘eco-loonies’ as you put them are interested in destroying capitalism, but not all. I care about the environment, but I also like capitalism. They are not mutually exclusive values.
I’m not sure that organisations like the BBC/Independent do ‘mince’ around the world causing pollution as you claim. If you prove that in some way, then fair enough, but it sounds like an outrageous claim.
Gus, the Government should have some idea of the ideal population size for the Country and for each region otherwise how do they work out the need for resources?
You can de-populate in many ways, the taxation system can be used to make it very expensive to have more than say one child and discourage single mothers from living a life on benefits.
Immigration controls can be used to restrict who comes here and of course on a broader scale third world countries need better healthcare for women, better education and contraception.
Finally you make some sense about Capitalism, but sorry there are a lot of people who jumped on the climate change bandwagon who have no real interest in the planet but have simply moved from CND to the globalisation rubbish now to climate change.
Those with a real concern for the damage being done to the planet have been swamped by the Johnny come lately’s with their own agenda.
You really don’t think that the likes of the BBC don’t go around the world preaching to us about climate change whilst generating huge amounts of CO2 then tell ‘us’ that CO2 is bad for the planet?
Just how many people did the BBC send to cover the Olympics again Gus? over 400!!!
The BBC’s so called ‘ethical man’ prattled on about how much CO2 he’d saved bumming his way around America, yet failed to mention how much CO2 he produced flying back and forth from America in the first place. Couldn’t the BBC have used a US reporter to do the story in the first place?
The BBC are typical of the arrogant left, take Polly Toynbee who preaches leftist politics and higher taxes why she’s swans off to Italy and her expensive holiday villa, very working class. Not.
If people want to lecture me then I strongly suggest they start by living their lives the way they want the rest of us to follow.
Emma Thompson tries to campaign to stop the expansion of Heathrow yet continually flies out of there to visit her luvvie mates in Hollywood. Here’s a thought Gus, why doesn’t SHE say that she’s not flying any more so as to set an example to the rest of us?
I’m not a big fan of nuclear living not that far from a power station and having worked for a short period in it. However, the country needs a proper long term solution and that is nuclear fusion and for cars hydrogen fuel cells. I really want a politicians stand up and say we’re going to do this, public or private these are the best long term solutions that give us total energy independence
Believe me, I hate bandwagon jumping celebs too, but that’s not really the point in this case is it?
The truth about recycling is that our modern disposable culture has encouraged waste. The fact we can buy so much cheap food, for example, these days means that we buy more than we eat. So we throw it away. Same approach went for carrier bags until they started charging for them – though that has lessened, not solved, the problem.
In terms of CO2, it is a major contributor to global warming. Enough scientists have prooved that for it to be a conspiracy. However, it is not the only cause, and therefore taxing it is not the only solution. Also, planes only account for a small percentage of CO2 waste – cars and factories present a greater threat. I’m not suggesting we all quit driving or the human race stop making things in factories, just that we invest in ways to make cleaner technology to reduce the pollution. Expensive start up costs yes, but worth it in the long run.
We probably should look at restricting how comes here; the problem is that no party wants a serious immigration debate. The only party that discusses it openly is the BNP – and their problem isn’t immigrants, it’s people with brown or black skin. Immigrants put a strain on resources regardless of background or ethnicity. Labour aren’t going to talk about it in an open way – the Tories might shy away too. We don’t want to stop immigration as most immigrants don’t come here to rip off the state, they come to work, and they pay taxes like you and I. But do we want to limit those people? Based on occupation, given the current unemployment stats, yes maybe. But it needs a proper investigation, one focused on the employment issues caused by immigration – nothing else. Well, that be my opinion anyway.
Even as I listen to a report on the BBC World Service I can hear the rehabilitation of the Taliban as Saviours of Afghanistan is under way. How decent, just and wholesome they sound. How evil the Americans!
Got to love the BBC’s headline today.
Nasty Tory ‘cuts’ compared with lovely Labour ‘savings’:
The first paragraph from that article
Education spending could be cut by £2bn by axing thousands of senior staff and “discipline” over pay, the schools secretary for England has indicated.
Funny that, because I see the word ‘cut’ quite clearly. And that’s a Labour ‘cut’ they are referring to aren’t they? The ‘nasty’ bit is your own interpretation and appears nowhere in the text.
Gus – there i a big difference between the first para of an article and the main headline on the BBC’s front page.
Has the Beeb ever published a front page story referring to Tory savings rather than cuts?
David, I just watched a few minutes of BBC News, and the headline was about Labour cuts in the NHS. Those very words. I realise there is a temptation to look for bias in every single story, but you really should follow the evidence and not go looking for something that isn’t there but nitpicking and talking about hypothetical situation.s
Gus it’s the headline. Read it!!!!
Martin, so the headline with the word ‘save’ is a story, yet you ignore the opening paragraph mentioning ‘cuts’? You ignore the item on news 24 about cuts? I’m sorry to sound like a broken record, but I do not see how on earth this constitutes bias in the slightest. If the article online didn’t mention cuts once, and if the TV report neglected mention of the word cut, then maybe you would have a point. But both have spoken of cuts, hence the point here is that Mr Boycotts point is pointless.
I don’t think we’ll be seeing a headline such as “UKIP could save billions” by cost-cutting quangos, EU and other govern-mental waste.
BBC Labour “savings”. No mention that all this extra management is the result of a decade’s Labour overspending.
Testing testing 1234!
test 2
Three Afghans held over US ‘plot’
Let me see what could this plot be about.
“Three men…”
“third man, also from Afghanistan…”
“involving international and domestic terrorism…”
Maybe the beard gives it away?
What would that link be? The BBC sure as hell won’t spell it out for you. Now had they been neo-nazis the title would have read “Three neo-nazis held over US ‘plot'” getting straight to the point.
What a f*cking abortion your new comments system is. I can only conclude it is designed to restrict comments from internet nerds only.
After 20 minutes of p*ssing about I have finally managed to post a comment but I’m not sure I’ll be able to remember how.
Your site has great content but is dreadful from a technical point of view. Not only does it cause problems with my browser but now you’ve dreamt up this new comments system!
“Former BBC governer Sir Richard Eyre says corporation neglects classical drama
A former governor of the BBC, Sir Richard Eyre, has accused the corporation of a “dereliction of duty” for failing to show enough classical drama on television.”
When will people get it? There is a dereliction of duty throughout the BBC’s output this is part of the reason (other than the obvious one) we should not be forced to pay for it.
I agree with cod liver oil. This will kill the site
I think the new system is good, my only complaint is if you click on the next page on the comments for some reason you have to scroll all the way back up again.
cod liver oil
Give it a chance, you’ll grow to love it 😀
This is desperate, it takes ages to load.
<a href=”http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8262551.stm”>Palestinians queue at checkpoint</a>
Sometimes you wonder if the BBC Internet editors actually watch the BBC video before writing the text below? Did the reporter see the editing?
1) The BBC’s Tim Franks reports from Qalandia that “The hundreds of people that you can see down there are the <B>womens'</B> section of those Palestinians trying to get through one of the main checkpoints …” The camera shows Israeli Border Police at a checkpoint where the only Palestinians you can see are, you guessed it, <B>men and boys</B>!
2) The text states <I><B>Men must be over 50</B> and women over 45 if they want to get through the checkpoint. </i> Yet the video clearly shows teenage and younger boys (see about 00.31 and 00.38)passing the checkpoint without problem.
3) The history of violence coming from the (Muslim) Aqsa Mosque particularly on a Friday and particularly when the (Jewish) Temple Wall below is packed on a Jewish Festival is ignored. This leaves the impression that there is no reason for policing access to Muslim sites.
Palestinians queue at checkpoint
Sometimes you wonder if the BBC Internet editors actually watch the BBC video before writing the text below? Did the reporter see the editing?
1) The BBC’s Tim Franks reports from Qalandia that “The hundreds of people that you can see down there are the womens’ section of those Palestinians trying to get through one of the main checkpoints …” The camera shows Israeli Border Police at a checkpoint where the only Palestinians you can see are, you guessed it, men and boys!
2) The text states, Men must be over 50 and women over 45 if they want to get through the checkpoint. Yet the video clearly shows teenage and younger boys (see about 00.31 and 00.38) passing the checkpoint without problem.
3) The history of violence coming from the (Muslim) Aqsa Mosque particularly on a Friday and particularly when the (Jewish) Temple Wall below is packed on a Jewish Festival is ignored. This leaves the impression that there is no reason for policing access to Muslim sites.
David was deegee
I am an arch-hater of the BBC.
I noticed today that they never touched the 3p tax increase on the news broadcasts, although Andrew Marr did cover it.
Can’t wait for our weekly Live bitch about Al Beeb to start on Thursday. Did any see Andrew Neil smash Saint Vince’s Halo on straight talk?
This is Unemployed Tory bye the way
The new system will take some geting used to bu at least it doesnt slow my PC to a standstill.
Did anyone see aunties morning team on beeb 1 dismiss the tories 3pc tax claim as unfounded.
Its amazing they can get to such a succinct and secure verdict in just one evening.
Maybe the Beeb should run the treasury if they are so bloody sh+t hot.
Then maybe Zanulabour told them to rubbish it as much as they could early before it built up any steam.
They really are desperate for old left eye Mc lopez to get a boost in the polls
The beeboids stated that “an independent analyst had looked at the figures and found nothing wrong” so there we go then, nothing happening here move along.
The Tories though in my view are letting the media off the hook, especially the BBC. Remember it was Frazer Nelson who skewered the one eyed coward at the monthly questions when he specifically asked McCoward is there would be cuts after the election and Brown stated NO. He’s a frigging liar
Yep I saw brillo head take the mentally retarded Cable apart. Ever noticed how Cable’s head and body shake ever so slightly especially when under pressure?
Hmm, seems to work, I decided getting a js-kit account seemed the most commonsense approach – although for some reason I had to log out then log back in – and then when I posted a test I needed to refresh the page to be able to post another, and now it appears my test has disappeared..
all this linking up accounts and emails all over the web scares me a bit
Sorry, but having spent the weekend getting used to the new comments, I am going to whinge. Logging on to my Google account is long winded and a pain in the backside, and the refusal now to allow guest comments is going to put a lot of people off making spontaneous comments. That makes the cure worse than the troll problem ever was.
And why is it that when I click to the next page of comments I get dumped on to the bottom of the page?
Because that is where the most recent comment is to be found. It’s logical.
Change is never easy on the blogosphere but in the final analysis it is essential. Stick with it – your comments are always worth reading.
I don’t mind being taken to the last comment but when I say the bottom of the page I mean right at the bottom, amongst the quotes from Messrs Jay, Marr & Paxman. And then have to scroll all the way back up again.
Cant say Im a great fan of the new posting system. The last one, while not particilarly good was a heck of a lot more intuitive than this one (plus I could have multiple windows open for reading.
Meh…Ill just have to get used to it I guess 🙂