Yeah – I’ve been waiting on this! Ever since this site was redesigned thanks to the All Seeing Eye and G.O.T. I noticed more and more people have become followers of B-BBC. In the space of the past few months this number has almost trebled and is now sitting at 100, not out by a long count! Whatever we do, we must be doing something right – and here’s to the next hundred.
100 NOT OUT!
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Well done to all concerned and thank you for bringing the fetidness of the BBC in to the open.
The redesign is fine but the Comments section sucks. I have been unable to comment since day 1 and now I think this may well come up as Guest. Please sort it out.
This is NotaSheep by the way.
Slightly unclear how you are Commenting that you can’t Comment. There’s a logic issue going on there somewhere.
sheep – you need to click on your name in the box (ie. click on ‘guest’)
I chose the ‘Open ID” option and also can’t get my name to replace “Guest” though I’ve activated the account as required. Could be because I haven’t signed up as a “Follower” of B-BBC? Anyway, it’s a small thing – I don’t mind having to type in my psuedonym for each comment. It only takes a second.
Would have been good though if the administrators had taken the opportunity of the redesign to finally lay to rest the issue of the old deleted Haloscan comments – all those years of history gone in a flash. This has never been satisfactorily exlained – unless I’ve missed it.
That said, the redesign is a great improvement on the old blogger comment box, which did not post links automatically, couldn’t be maximised and generally didn’t function as it should have.
Another positive thing is that when the comments page fills up we can finally view those extremely pertinent quotes at the bottom of the page, without specifically scrolling down for them. Would be better though if the technical guys could get them up on the top right with the others. They’re a little lost down there.
It’s not because you aren’t a Follower, TooTrue, that’s only a way to get automatic updates via a Google account of new posts on the site.
Thanks for the positive words. Could you give the suggestion I’ve given a few Comments down from this Reply a go, see if it sorts out your Commenting issue? If not, email me via David on his email link on the A Tangled Web blog and I’ll look into it with you.
Sorry, re-read your post and you’re using OpenID not Google. Cool! End of issue.
All Seeing Eye,
Thanks. One remaining thing confusing me re comments – I seem to be the only one with a “delete” option instead of “flag” under my comments.
TooTrue, when you are logged in, there are several options available under the Comments. You can Delete your own post or you can Flag someone elses as abusive.
If enough people (from different IP addresses) Flag the same Comment then it’s brought to the attention of your overworked yet tireless hosts. Action can be taken if it’s deemed appropriate.
I’m writing a FAQ which will hopefully address things like this…cheers, I’ll add that question to it.
Now wouldn’t it be nice if there were a “delete” option for other people’s comments!
Thanks All Seeing Eye.
I’ve had a lt of problems registering with JS-Kit and have had no reply to emails to their support people. Hence my abscence.
I’m also noticing now that my spell checker doesn’t work in their comment box.
TooTrue said:
Would have been good though if the administrators had taken the opportunity of the redesign to finally lay to rest the issue of the old deleted Haloscan comments – all those years of history gone in a flash. This has never been satisfactorily exlained – unless I’ve missed it.
I agree, some very popular blog, like the Elder of Ziyon are still using Haloscan, and I imagine those comments are still being archived on Haloscan’s servers and will be recoverable if and when the Elder goes over to JS-Kit.
While the redesign her has gone to the trouble of linking to the original posts none of the comments are available. Pity.
Back on thread. While the BBC insists that the women prisoners released by Israel are “low profile” here’s the truth about one of them:
Thanks for that Bob
Can I ask that who cannot post yet to please email me and I will take the issue up? My mail is over on A Tangled Web
Congratulations, I’m a regular reader but I’m surprised the blog doesn’t get thousands of hits a day, 100 “followers” is way on the small side isn’t it?
I’ve had a few emails passed to me about the Comments system, but all of them so far have had the following solution so please give this a try if you are having problems authenticating/commenting:
In Firefox
Tools -> Options -> Privacy – Firefox Will (Use Custom Settings For History)
All ticked: Accept Cookies, Accept Third Party Cookies and Until They Expire.
Tools -> Options -> Content (check that Enable Java and Enable Javascript are ticked)
The option in IE7/8 is in basically the same place.
If you have tried this unsuccessfully then please email David via his mail button on A Tangled Web with a description of the issue and we will try to help.
I think DV means following via that Google tool, on the lower right sidebar.
David P is right! We do get thousands coming here daily but we also having now more than a hundred Google followers of the blog as the sidebar shows. Around six months ago, this was in the low 30’s and I have noticed the sustained increase. 😀