I have been reading some of Mark Mardell’s posts on his blog. Mark, as you know, has taken over from Obama’s number one fan Justin Webb, and seems determined to continue as a cheer leader for The One,whilst ensuring he is as faithful as possible to McDoom. This latest post states US State accepts that Brown “did not make the decision” to release Megrahi. Good for Gordon. Then there is one entitled “Conservatives against Obama’s war” – how dare they! Prior to that it is “Coming back to work will be tough for Obama.” How awful for him. I’m sure Mark’s experience as a cipher for pro EU propaganda will prove helpful as he eases himself into the departed Justin’s shoes.


I don’t know about you but I have to say that I read the item title “Cameras capture Lorry Death Pair” with some disgust. This story relates to images captured on CCTV of little 9 year old Stacey Lawrence and her suspected murderer, Darren Walker, her mother’s boyfriend. Walker is suspected of sexually assaulting this child before strangling her. He later hanged himself. My point is that there is a chilling insensitivity in this heading – they were not a pair – and whilst it is not biased per se it does show stupendous crassness.


“O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” – Sir Walter Scott’s words (Good inspiration for a blog btw!) come to mind again reading McDoom’s latest evasions over the shabby and degenerate deal to off-load Megrahi for Libyan Oil. Have you read this BBC treatment of Brown’s desperate efforts to get his DNA off the Libyan appeasement? I did enjoy the little side quote from the HYS section, highlighted to get our attention. “It’s a sad state of affairs when on the one occasion a politician does a decent thing, he is forced to prove that he has no ulterior motive.” Yes, very sad, though not quite as sad as losing family at 30,000 ft when a plane explodes.

The BBC is trying to be sympathetic to McDoom and the gang by placing all the responsibility on that “Scottish Government” and it’s world-famous “Scottish justice” which Nelson Mandela himself has endorsed. Brown just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole on this one and try as it might the BBC needs to realise that Brown and Salmond come out of this looking exactly what they are – two faced double dealing shysters.


We touched on this story a while back and I see it also picked up on the Open Thread but isn’t the heading “TV Presenter jailed for two years” curious? The fact is that it is a BBC Presenter who is off to spare some time in prison but the BBC seems a tad shy claiming him as one of their own in the heading. Why not? There are many other instances of the BBC claiming responsibility when it suits their agenda.


I was looking at this loving BBC profile of Manuel Barroso – he who is EU Commission President. It portrays him as some sort of right wing character although he considers himself “centrist”. You have to wonder at the sort of media prism that presents Barroso as anything other than a hard left anti democratic dictator. Still, since the EU helps fund the BBC, this kind of spinning is always to be expected.


BBC running the line that Single Mums are just fine and dandy and broken families just don’t matter. They use a specious OECD report to imply that there is no evidence to suggest that children brought up in a traditional family are any better off than those brought up by a single mother. I am sure that there are some single Mums who do a great job in bringing up their kids but the political left, and the BBC, know that the traditional family unit is the best defence against the all powerful State – and that is why they never miss the chance to try and undermine it.


A) British Police Attacked by Muslim Mob
B) Rioting British Muslim Mob Threw Fireworks at Police
C) Police hit out at fireworks mob

One of these headlines is from the BBC. I know the ones that use the M word are rather anti Islam so it’s no level playing field, but the BBC has managed to turn the whole incident inside out. The police are the villains!


I see that the feminazis are out for male blood today and the BBC are keen to give them a platform.

A third of teenage girls suffer sexual abuse in a relationship and a quarter experience violence at the hands of their boyfriends, a survey suggests. Nearly 90% of 1,400 girls aged 13 to 17 had been in intimate relationships, the NSPCC and University of Bristol found. Of these, one in six said they had been pressured into sexual intercourse and one in 16 said they had been raped.

As always, the NSPCC exists to promote itself. This characterisation of 90% of girls aged 13-17 is rubbish. This character assassination of young teenage boys as violent sexual predators is also ludicrous. Still, it gives the NSPCC something to do. Oh to be a pretend charity.


Oh, I just love the bias that riddles this report!

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is visiting the Arctic Circle in Norway to draw attention to the need for action at climate change talks in December. Mr Ban said it was “absolutely crucial” that world leaders took united action. In December, leaders must agree on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol for cutting carbon emissions, which are believed to cause global warming. Scientists warn that the results of climate change could be catastrophic if greenhouse gas production is unchecked.

Erm, no. First of all, some believe carbon emissions cause global warming despite the evidence that they don’t. Second, some tenured scientists advocate the alarmism the BBC highlights, others don’t. For some reason, the BBC pushes just one side of the debate. Read the rest of this one-sided item and then repeat – the science is settled, we must obey….we are doomed unless we start de-industrialising!