It’s Friday, time to start chilling down, and what better way to start than to read this article by Johann Hari in the soon to be extinct Independent. Johann is very concerned that the much loved BBC is going to be broken up by the evil Tories. Now read on….
Let’s start with the good news. The BBC works. For just £2.60 a week, the British get a package of the best television and radio in the world. We get the best comedies, the best drama and the best news. There’s a reason why we have won seven of the past 10 international Emmies, and the BBC News website is the most popular on earth. As soon as he took power, Nicolas Sarkozy asked how he could make French broadcasting more like ours. It is a model for the world of how to create journalism that isn’t contaminated by either corporate advertisers and proprietors on one side, or state ownership on the other. Three independent polls have found that a large majority of Brits would happily pay more for it.
Then the silly man can pay my compulsory tax and feel even better about himself.
yes the £2.60 a week must be bleeding you dry…
The amount isn’t the point you “chump”.
How much do you pay for your Cocaine Gus?
Do I sense that the Beeboids and their sycophants are getting just a little rattled ? It would be wonderful to see the smug smirks wiped off their faces !
The independent(it isnt are you?)
I shall dance and sing, I shall laugh and celebrate when the indy dies, I will make a special trip to see the hacks slink off on their final day with a placcard saying ‘you lot are really independent now’.
One leftist rag bites the dust, more to follow? one can only hope so!
Hopefully the hacks will see the side of life thay have spent years trying to ignore, standing in line at the dole office, hopefully when they do they will start to see the reality of Browns vision of modern Britain.
Three independent polls have found that a large majority of Brits would happily pay more for it.
Then why does it have to be compulsory?
The Left love the BBC , the BBC loves the left. You only had to listen to the coverge of the labour conference to see how at home they all were. It will be a differnet story next week at the Conservative conference. The Conservatives would have faired better in previous elections if they had dismantled the BBC earlier. If they fail to do it this time they wiil be signing their own death warrant.
“Evening Standard to be free paper” (BBC to be licence-free too?):
The left have NEVER been able to get something to work without state backing. As pointed out above if so many people are willing to pay more for the BBC why not let them? Scrap the tax and introduce subscription? Once the switch to digital is complete this is quite easy to do.
Anyone else see the article about the need for a TV licence for businesses that let staff watch live TV?
Remember this is ANY live TV and not beeboid streaming crap.
No doubt the kiddy fiddlers that go around demanding to see TV licences will now be visiting businesses as well.
The rumor that Tebbit will be put in charge of breaking up the BBC is quite true and long overdue. Cameron might be a bit wet about the beeboids but others within the tory party are not.
Notice how the BBC’s new Poll Tracker (besides defaulting to YouGov as mentioned before) appears to have got stuck on the 30th September.
On that day it happened to record a small narrowing of the gap between Labour and the Tories, the only narrowing for quite a while.
But the current YouGov poll clearly shows that the narrowing was temporary, and the gap is wider than ever now. The Tories have headed up, steeper than the recent fall and Labour have gone down steeper than their earlier climb!
Funny how the BBC don’t want to show that. But of course, it did let Ben Bradshaw lie about the poll narrowing on last night’s Question Time, a lie which no one picked up on of course.
Gordon will still be like the bloke in the Full Monty next July, getting all dressed up every morning and telling Sarah he’s off to work in Downing Street. Ironic really , as listening to the government and BBC lackies it’s been the nasty Tories in power these past 12 years.
I can’t stand Hari and I hope someone rams a red hot poker into his throat.
<i>”We get the best comedies, the best drama and the best news.”</i>
Does anyone seriously believe that British television does drama better than American television?
Funny that the beeboids love TV shows like “The Wire” “The West Wing” and “Heroes” all British of course…….
You guys do costume dramas better than we do.
And the UK version of Queer Ass Folk was apparently more explicit than the US version, which in some minds equals higher quality. And Skins is more explicit than Dawson’s Creek was, so again, clearly higher quality.
Martin 11:33
I wonder if Norman Tebbit reads this website ?
I think he’s too busy roasting children alive Grant!!!
Biased BBC on the BBC.
Martin the wire is set in Baltimore USA. It’s not British.
Gosh I know I was being sarcastic.
“The BBC works. For just £2.60 a week, the British get a package of the best television and radio in the world. We get the best comedies, the best drama and the best news.”
Johann Hari thinks so therefore everyone has to be forced to pay for a subscription to the BBC TV project. Those on the left for the most part think that everything good for everyone (even if it is or not) has to be forced on the rest even if you disagree and don’t want any of it. If it’s that good then there’s not damn reason not to make it a subscription service.
For a bleeding heart leftie feminist he’s not that wrong, I would argue the drama point (which is almost solely HBO anyway) but other than that he’s right – i would hate to have american style tv here
I find it ironic that neither side in this case can see their own bias reflected in the other
“Three independent polls have found that a large majority of Brits would happily pay more for it.”
Well they didn’t ask me! And who are these “independent polls”?
And what was the question asked?
Yes, I wonder the where & when of those polls to which the fat boy refers, & did the polls indicate that people only wanted to pay more if everyone else was compelled to pay? That difers from the results the BBC themselves got when they polled a few years ago
“Majority ‘want change to TV fee’
Almost 70% of people in the UK want changes to the way the BBC is funded, according to a poll for a Panorama special about the corporation’s role.
The survey, conducted by ICM, found 31% thought the BBC should remain funded by the licence fee in its current form.
Another 36% said the BBC should be paid for by a subscription – like digital broadcasters – while 31% wanted advertising to pay for the programmes.”
Had the question been “would you pay something like £300 a year for a BBC subscription based service that does not force people to subsidise your entertainment?” I suspect the yeah I would pay more brigade would think again. They were probably thinking £10.
Spot on, most of the people who seem to like the BBC seem to be scottish or from places like Liverpool, basically tight fisted bastards, who want others to subsidise their viewing. These are the people who slag off Sky on the BBC yet then admit they don’t pay to use it it (I love the Discovery Channel, National Geographic and History channels which is one of the main reasons I have Sky) so why do they complain?
If I wasn’t foced to pay for the BBC I wouldn’t be complaining about it here, I wouldn’t care less if the BBC sends 400 people to cover the Olympics or employs ex drug addicts.
“Johann Hari: If we care about the BBC, we must fight to defend it”
Looks like Johann has another cause to fight for, possibly he’ll throw that in his bag of good causes and name it collectively as a cultural revolution where no diversity of choice will be allowed unless it’s the right diversity.
I see the Cocaine and 14 year old boy’s bottoms will be in full flow tonight in Islington as the beeboids have managed to again prevent publication of the Balen report.
This is priority 1 for Tebbit to sort out next year.
I think it would be a very sad day if the Beeb did disappear. They make all of the best comedies and their costume dramas are the finest in the world. All I want them to do is get rid of the endless lefty political propaganda…A shake up not a break up.
Martin 16:14
Norman Tebbit is indeed the Devil Incarnate ! At least I hope so !!