Nicky Campbell on “The Big Question” asks “Should Christians be Socialists”. First few guests assert Jesus was a lefty.
Andrew Marr virtually hugs Alan Johnson on his programme.
BBC World Service declares “Heart and Soul – the 99 beautiful names for God in Islam”
Not biased. Naturally.
SHOULD SOCIALISTS BE COMMITTED? Well, yes, obviously. Crazy ideology practised by hypocrites.
When was the last time any socialist did anything charitable. Socialists thinks it’s the job of “government” to do their charity work.
Socialists believe in state thievery. The correct question is SHOULD SOCIALISTS BECOME CHRISTIANS?
And there was me thinking that Christians really ought to be at church at that time on a Sunday morning.
Nest Sunday “Are all Muslims barbaric morons?” er well no Nicki won’t ask that question of course.
The BBC’s electioneering campaign for the Labour Party is well underway.
If the BBC were honest, it would print a disclaimer at the bottom of the TV screen during e.g. ‘The Andrew Marr Show’ stating:
“This programme will have an overt political bias towards the Labour Party, at least until the General Election. Accordingly, we reserve the right to be lovey-dovey with our Labour guests and supporters, like Alan Johnson and co today; but if ,and when, we ever have a Tory on the programme , Mr. Marr will, of course be hostile, and interrupt a lot. Thank you. Vote Labour.”
As with Marr so with Wark. On Friday’s newsnight Wark, haranguing Greg Clark, was pinning the blame for our woeful lack of future energy generation capacity, not on 12 years of big majority NuLab, but on Tory councils for turning down planning applications for wind turbines. All the while Milliband minor in a remote studio was bouncing up & down like Tigger, shouting “Kirsty, Kirsty”, wanting to join in the Tory bashing.
8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
Matthew 24
Not the words of a socialist.