The subversive swine on the World Service calmly informed us yesterday that eight “foreign” soldiers and seven Afgahn soldiers were killed. I thought at first there must have been more than one nationality among the “foreign” soldiers but then realised that was just the BBC reaching new lows when in subsequent broadcasts it became clear that the eight were all Americans.
On a different tack, I can’t access the third page of the 51 comments currently under the “Civility” thread. Anyone else having the same problem?
I notice that Inspector Blakey (Ainsworthless) being collared about troop numbers and equipment doesn’t seem to be making the BBC Tv news. I wonder why?
And here we go again, Liebour politicians doing grandstanding in the Tory conference week and making announcements to try to trump the Tories. I always thought it was considered ‘good form’ to give each party the airtime during their conference week?
But yet again we see Liebour breaking that tradition and the BBC bigging up the good stuff but playing down Blakey. ITV have reported it.
Error message
“A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
Following on from BBC ‘Panorama”s latest propaganda programme for illegal immigrants from Africa tonight, there’s the BBC’s uncritical propaganda piece for further immigration, of Iraqi refugees, courtesy of the European Union:
“EU ready to accept 10,000 Iraqis”
“Priority will be given to those with medical needs, torture victims, single mothers and religious minorities. ”
Excellent! And there’s to be an endless, unlimited stream of such immigrants every year from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc., which Britain will be forced to make residents.
Cannot British people have a direct say in this, and be allowed to say: No ?
And, on top of the endless numbers of the world’s ‘refugees’, which Britain is being forced to take every year, there are the ‘asylum seekers’, the illegal immigrants, and let’s not forget either, the 75 million Muslim Turks whose entry is being lobbied for by the global Organisation of Islamic Conference, as well as by Brown, D.Miliband and Straw.
BBC radio 4 ‘PM’ continues its campaign for Calais camp’s illegal Afghani immigrants, c/o BBC’s Ms Kirby.
BBc’s Ms. Kirby represented the viewpoint of the Afghani illegal immigrants, who are part of an endless stream of such people, trying to enter Britain to become residents; but. of course, not one British person’s voice is heard in all this BBC propaganda paid for British BBC licencepayers’ money.
(The item is the final one in today’s ‘PM’ programme, available on BBC iPlayer.)
BBC continues its campaign for Calais camp illegal immigrants, c/o BBC’s Ms Kirby – now online as video.
Note: BBC uses British licencepayers’ money, but allows NO British voice to oppose the BBC’s propaganda for illegal immigrants, whom the BBC wrongly calls ‘migrants’.
Note Ms. Kirby’s parting words of overt propaganda: ‘they’d be better of in Britain than in Calais’:
‘Let me tell you what Ken from Chalfont S. Giles’ says…
I never thought I’d be sympathetic to Tesco or its CEO Terry Leahy.
This on top of top political interviewer Sian desperately trying to cram as many ‘what our readers are telling us’ [read: what we think quoted from some selected emails we agree with] to a clearly, and equally unimpressed David Cameron.
This is not legitimate news reporting, it is rigged opinion blatantly trying to use (not very subtly) proxy commentary filtered by in-house corporate editorial.
Now listening to… surprise.. ‘guest’ ‘commentator’ Kevin Maguire’s pearls of wisdom.
Ably complemented.. indeed prompted via the hostess with mostest by all those emails from [50 year old public sector workers about to retire] ‘readers’ saying how the Conservatives have lost their vote.
Go figure. Bogging off early on full whack funded by the rest of the country working until they die to support them seems quite popular with the public sector national broadcaster and its employees. And those it invites on daily.
If the BBC spent less time interrupting the Tory interviewee after every word, and their never ending supply of left wing guests actually cleared the red wax out of their ears, they might actually hear and understand what is being said in the interview.
Immediately after Cameron’s interview this morning, the BBC went straight into attack mode with comments like the message on women’s retirement age is “confusing”.
I heard Cameron quite clearly and slowly say the issue of Women’s retirement age is, because of the change from 60 to 65, being reviewed. What is “confusing” about that statement? I know and everyone else can understand what he said. It is still being reviewed.
The BBC should stick to reporting what is actually being said rather than trying to twist everything into a pro-Labour message.
The BBC simply cannot report anything accurately these days.
An interesting claim on the BBC Panorama programme website was that the UK is contrary to popular myth not the country with the highest influx of asylum seekers. Malta, France Spain and others have more than we do . Interesting! I don’t suppose it has anything to do with the way asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are counted? All family members are counted for statistical purposes in other countries whereas we count only the head of the family. Take for example the Afghan plane hijackers (the ones who were going straight back according to Robin Cook) only three were counted for asylum purposes , but the real headcount was 13.
The BBC should be made to compare like with like and not follow the deliberately misleading figures put out by government.
BBC soulmate Robert Fisk is given the front page of the Independent to come up with an anti-US tale. Needless to say the BBC rush to claim Fisk’s ramblings have come to pass
“The dollar has fallen following a report that Gulf states are in secret talks to replace the greenback as the main currency for the trading of oil. Nations including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were speaking to Russia, China, Japan and France, said the UK’s Independent newspaper. “
that’s despite denials & currency movements well within daily norms
“However, Saudi Arabia subsequently said the report was “absolutely inaccurate”. It caused the euro to rise 0.5% against the dollar to $1.4727. The pound also rose, by 0.4%, before falling back.”
<h2 style=”font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: normal; font: normal normal bold 1.19em/normal ‘Trebuchet MS’, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;”>SunTalk’s Jon Gaunt: ‘BBC should be banned from the internet'</h2>
Whilst the BBC where happy to wax lyrical about Matt Lucas’ “marriage” to his boyfriend, they’re less keen to advertise the fact that said “husband” has killed himself. When you point out on liberal fora that gay rights has only corresponded to greater problems for homosexuals, you are rapidly censored.
The review in the BBC Radio Times makes tonight’s programme sound straight down the middle!
<div id=”titleInfo”>
<h3>Iran and Britain</h3>
<!– END titleInfo –>
Wednesday 07 October
8:00pm – 9:00pm
<div id=”review”>
Documentary in which writer and journalist Christopher de Bellaigue explores the fraught but intimate history of Britain’s relations with Iran. He looks at some key events in the relationship, notably Britain’s role in the overthrow of several Iranian governments, its control of Iran’s oil and the on-off support for Iran’s democrats. Meeting prominent Iranians, he examines the foundations and justification for Iranian suspicions and asks if they are still there after 30 years of isolation.
Yes, the BBC’s political priorities re-Islamic Republic of Iran are:
1.) play the dhimmi in the hope of the continued operation of a politically castrated BBC Persian service;
2.) relegate the Islamic jihadist ideology of the Iranian regime – and all its murders, tortures, and anti-semitism;
3.) present a politically unsympathetic view of Britain’s historical relations with Iran- up to, and including Iran’s capture of British navy patrol in the Gulf, a couple of years ago; at the same time present a picture of Islamic Iran since 1979, with all its horrific theocracy as, nevertheless, as somehow preferable to the British example;
4.) never criticise the fact that Labour allows London to be used as the Islamic Republic regime’s HQ for the anti-West political propaganda of ‘PRESS TV’ s 24/7 operation.
I see Newsnight is hammering the Tories again over Dannett. Funny that the BBC never had a problem with Alan Sugar being appointed to the government whilst still working for the BBC and he attacks the Tories but I guess that’s OK at the BBC.
Well Martin, be fair (if you can), the Dannett thing was a balls up. Clearly Cameron acts like Brown does, centres power round his circle of advisers and ignores the shadow cabinet. Otherwise he would’ve told Grayling wouldnt he? You can’t blame the BBC for correctly pointing out the farcical way this has played out.
Agreed Martin, it’s almost as though it is a bad idea to have Dannett aboard, I mean, what could he bring to the table……..
Ah, Newsnight now questioning the judgement of Osbourne.
Where the hell were these febrile leftie scum ‘journalists’ last week when they were covering (promoting) a conference fronted by pathalogical liars.
Now showing that nice Mr. Brown to back up their argument. this argument that the Tories were not behind bank support has been rubbished all week at the conference.
the BBC take your money and give you what they think you ought to hear.
Paxman now interviewing Osbourne.
Whilst getting an answer, he’s muttering in the background like a senile old codger that sits in the corner of a pub.
I’d like to see Boris give him a decent, verbal uppercut.
Paxman, like Humphreys, seems to like the sound of his own voice, I suppose he has to market himself somehow.
“Stephen Fry (he is the bore that is a permanent fixture on your television screen but is not Jonathan Ross or David Attenborough) has delivered an insulting attack on Catholics and Poles which grotesquely misrepresents historical fact and which, if levelled at almost any other targets, would probably be characterised as a “hate crime”.”
I’m actually already a member of the Islamic Jihad – didn’t you know that? All of us who are to the left of you are members of at least 1 Jihadist cell. And I’m proud of it.
Accepting that Newsnight has a problem when interviewing Conservatives – the visceral loathing just keeps showing through – the supine response of the Conservative interviewees doesn’t help the Conservative cause. If, instead of treating Paxman with the deference he expects, it would be refreshing to see the Conservatives on the attack. I didn’t see Paxman-Osborne interview but if Paxman was indeed mumbling in the background would it have been beyond the ability of Osborne to have said words to the effect that if Paxman asks a question it’s only polite – as well as journalistic – to listen to (and allow others to listen to) the answer and seek clarification of anything unclear or ambiguous? There’s little point in this blog and most of its commenters highlighting the many examples of BBC bias if those with the opportunity to challenge that bias directly just sit there there allowing themselves to be abused verbally by Paxman et al in the vain hope of getting their unmediated case across to the viewing public.
Do you think it might be remotely possible that experienced people like Osbourne recognise robust journalism for what it is and respond as they see fit, rather than constructing elaborate – and ultimately irrational – conspiracy theories about The BBC fighting to keep Labour’s grip on power? A simple question should be at the back of your mind: Is The BBC likely to bet its entire existence on the remote possibility of keeping an unpopular Labour Government in office? Simple self-interest – never mind the real issue of living up to its duty of impartiality – should ensure that the Tories do not wreak a terrible revenge when they come to consider the next licence settlement, as they very likely will.
My criticism was levelled at the Conservatives: I take the bias of the Newsnight team (chronicled endlessly on this blog and elsewhere) for granted. “Robust journalism” as you call it deserves a robust response which Osborne, apparently, is incapable of conducting. The likelihood that the Conservatives are going to do anything about the BBC (except nibble round the edges and maybe appoint another political eunuch, a Conservative Michael Lyons, to guard the seraglio) is so remote as not to be worth considering. Accordingly, the BBC runs little risk if it continues on its present course. On the matter of the BBC my contempt for the Conservatives is as great as that for Labour.
The likelihood that the Conservatives are going to do anything about the BBC …. is so remote as not to be worth considering.
Possibly because they perceive the BBC as behaving as it should rather than in the manner summed up here by Mr Vance’s friend Andrew McCann:
the nation’s principal broadcaster has lost the diaphanous veil of ‘impartiality’ it claimed to have had. Every effort has thus far been made to portray the Tories in the worst possible light.
If the BBC were seriously embedded in the Labour election campaign, the Tories would be letting the nation, never mind themselves, down by ignoring it. The reality is that – minor skirmishes apart – Cameron’s cadres see the world as a less conspiratorial place than Biased BBC sees it.
George, I for one am entirely grateful for the cuttings service you provide, almost exclusively from the pages of the Telegraph and the Mail. I no longer need to click on their websites, much less buy the print editions.
On the other hand, most people might regard Google News as providing that service already. Could I encourage you to add a few thoughts of your own?
I do note… online. Guess that means the other guys can break the ‘rules’ as per normal.
Or maybe the plan is to call all of them ‘commentators’, and hence get wiggle space on semantics.
It’s like hoisting a windsock in a typhoon: a little bit of guidance, but sod all use that will make zippy difference. However, I am sure many meetings were had, and boxes ticked to get there. Nifty.
(and as I hit post, I really hope this system won’t turn my cut & paste into HTML-hell)
I see those evil Joooz are preventing the nice Palestinians from importing Zebras for their zoo (wait… I though they lived in state of permanent penury?);and they’re having to dye white donkeys with black hair dye at the zoo.
Nice one, al-BBCeera for dressing up Jew baiting as a humorous human interest story.
A BBC Business correspondent (not mother & baby, or somesuch, correspondent) fills most of his R4 Today slot with an interview with a representative of the electricity supply industry. They talk about Offgem’s projections of staggering increases in future energy prices. The industry man tells of the £billions to be paid by customers as a result of the investment required to, in large part, meet Climate Change policies.
The BBC man swiftly interjects “To be paid by the customer, not by you”. The industry man patiently explains that it is always the customer who, in the end, pays.
It’s reassuring to know that one can be awarded a Nobel prize for doing nothing but having spurious, grandiose visions these days. I spend most of the day sitting on my fat arse, shacking and masturbating to Hentai, but I daydream about alleviating hunger, curing disease, establishing peace, and solving the remaining secrets of the universe. I’m expecting a call from the Nobel committee any second. I’m not black (or even half black) or a lefty or the leader of a personality cult. But that shouldn’t matter should it?
This really shows how pathetic people have become over Barry. The man is a failing President, he can’t sort out healthcare, his populartity rating is below 50% and Afghanistan is a total mess, not to mention the economy and the threat to the US Dollar if it is no longer the currency of choice for oil sales.
But hey Barry’s a good guy has a nice smile anda a nice wife.
The only thing pissing the BBC off is that Gorgon McDoom didn’t get anything for saving planet Earth.
Al Gore. Arafat. And now this. The prize is a worthless joke – why are we even surprised?
Or did I miss something – did Iran dismantle its nuclear facilities while I slept? Did Israel and the Palestinian Arabs make peace while I was in the shower? Did any of Obama’s speechifying actually achieve anything?
No you woke up in an alternate reality!!! In this world Gorgon Brown plays a man who flies a space Shuttle around the Moon to save the Earth from a Comet.
Obama was only President for TWO WEEKS before nominations for the Nobel Peace prize closed.
The Nobel prize used to be something worth winning, but over the last 20 years it’s simply become a political tool for wet liberals to use.
O/T, but just to cheer up DV if he missed it. Shortly after 7am on “Today” Ofgem’s Chief Executive tells us that costs could rise by up to 60% above inflation by 2016. Jim takes this as badly as a man who can’t afford to heat his house, so the Offgem man chirpily suggests that we look on the bright side, “but emissions are going to fall by up to 40%” Rejoice!
The Taliban have condemned Barry getting the Nobel Peace prize, yes we really are living in an alternate reality when I find myself agreeing with the Taliban for once
I see injuries from knives have rised by some 9% over the last few months. Some of you might remember that the BBC’s Sheena Easton was made to look a fool some time back when he bigged up some distorted statistics issued personally by Gorgon Broon.
Some of you might remember the Tories accusing Labour of distorting knife crime figures when they got these hospital stats (Sheena accused the Tories of distorting these figures).
So I wait to see how Ms Easton waffles his way out of the latest jump in the figures? Perhaps more people go to hospital now? After all being stabbed in the stomach was never the sort of thing you’d go to hospital in the past for was it?
Expect to see Sheena’s poison all over this story by this afternoon.
Don’t worry, he’ll find some way to square this with his contention that knife crime isn’t as bad as people think, while still claiming that he has always been skeptical of government figures on it. It was “sharp objects” or something, not knives, and anyways it’s more of a rise in the reporting of crime, etc.
Yes well I did hear that on the BBC already David (more reporting) but as I posted above you always went to hospital for a serious stab wound, unless you fancied bleeding to death.
BBC haven’t even reported it not only that but there is a report showing that most Police forces are failing the public, that wasn’t reported on the TV news either.
It appears that despite the revelations by Steve Mcintyre on his blogsite concerning the data used to underpin the “hockey stick” suppression of the medieval warm period (and which includes Briffa’s response) the BBC seems to have chosen to ignore the matter in its entirety. A search on the BBC website of the word “Yamal” contains no reference to the debate let alone the consequences for the “hockey stick” assertion.
There must be a tiny connection to sanity somewhere in the offices of BBC News Online. The HYS on The Obamessiah “winning” the Nobel is actually asking if people thought He deserved it. Someoene there must realize this isn’t exactly awarding anything other than pretty speeches and the media’s mass hysteria of Hope.
And the comments I’ve seen are all negative, except one Norwegian guy (surprise) reminding everyone of said mass hysteria of Hope.
Of course, they’re not all rightwingnut racists in the comments, because more people are saying the Nobel is tainted goods because they gave it to Kissinger than to Arafat.
God something is wrong today. Not only do I find myself agreeing with the Taliban I now find myself agreeing with Jeremy Bowen who on News 24 was actually quite scathing of Barry’s award. The BBC even seem embarassed about Barry’s prize.
“The corporation drew a distinction between the two incidents, saying that Du Beke offered an unreserved apology, whereas Thatcher apologised but continued to maintain her comment was a joke.”
Another for my list of unique BBC semantic distinctions.
That’s what I’ve been talking about all along. The one who got the sack was the one who declined to admit racist intentions in the offending remark. It’s not denying that people might find the remark racist to say there were no racist intentions behind the remark. Yet, that’s what the BBC required Carol Thatcher to do.
Tob bloke. Clarkson for PM.
It’s funny reading the breathless Guardianistas reaction to this.
How dare he even think such a thing, well I’m glad he did because this is how reall people think.
Now bite down hard and deal with it.
The article also references this from the Strictly Come Dancing producer:
But today Forsyth waded in. “We used to have a sense of humour about this,” he told TalkSport. “You go back 25, 30, 40 years and there has always been a bit of humour about the whole thing. At one time the Americans used to call us ‘limeys’ which doesn’t sound very nice, but we used to laugh about it. Everybody has a nickname. And Anton is such a sweet guy, it’s such a terrible shame.”
A sense of humor? Does this mean that, like both Carol Thatcher and du Beke said, these racist remarks were meant in jest and not indicative of personal racism? Yes? No? In one case but not the other?
Interesting to read the BBCs have your say – readers recommended comments.
O’bama winning this is a complete farce – it has done for politics what the Turner prize has done for art.
’nuff said.
Could a “beeboid” be the political death of Brown? In the Glasgow NE by-election (Martin’s old fiefdom) the SNP candidate is “David Kerr, a personable 36-year-old former BBC journalist”
I was looking at the BBC Poll Tracker to see if it’s been updated. Funnily enough no! I wonder why. Perhaps this might be the reason?
After a narrowing of the Tory lead yesterday, today we have the first poll since David Cameron’s conference speech and it shows a swing back to them. The topline figures are CON 44%(+4), LAB 27%(-4), LDEM 17%(-1).
“When the EORN (CERN) hired him, it is virtually certain that no one asked him any questions about what he thought about jihad, Sharia, Israel, republican government, freedom of speech, etc. Honest answers probably would not have been forthcoming, but it is extremely naive and stupid of authorities such as these simply to assume that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that it would accordingly be in bad taste to try to determine whether or not one is employing a jihadist.
And another thing about CERN – we have not heard much about the god particle & the Large Hadron Collider since it went kaput over a year ago. If it was a project funded by US tax $$ the BBC would be very concerned that the cash was not being spent on foreign aid. When it is our Euros going down the pan the failed project is quietly forgotten.
The clarification which the BBC needs to make relates to the sentence about half-way down the report:
“Some media reports have said the minarets resemble missiles.”
The clarification which the BBC needs to make is that this statement about such comparisons was orininally made by the then Muslim Mayor of Turkey, now Prime Minister of Turkey, ERDOGAN, as reported by the ‘NYT’:
“The 43-year-old mayor is being prosecuted for a speech he gave near Diyarbakir last year in which he said,
”The mosques are our barracks, the domes are our helmets, the minarets are our bayonets and the faithful are our army.”
Not too happy with policy of getting a tame journo that shares Aunty’s views to come on and say things the national broadcaster would be (rightly) taken apart for, but watching the Guardian talking head was fun just now.
Mr. Bradshaw (ex. BBC, and soon ex. Gov Minsiter I’d hazard) getting taken apart for… um…not being very good at , well anything, really, but culture and communications awareness especially. By the BBC… and The Guardian! That’ll teach him for not being as supportive as he might.
‘Gordon… time to elevate another to the House of Lords before they get ejected!’
A few more comments telling ’em to pull the other one as they are a bunch of self-evidently self-monitoring, agenda-driven, out of control arrogant agenda driven numpties already, and this will make b-all difference… and I suspect the thread my get closed.
BBC has decided that the word ‘paki’ is racist! And the BBC demands a public apology (or more?) from anyone who uses that word (except when used by Pakistani friends amongst themselves).
To emphasise the BBC propaganda on this, the BBC ‘Today’ programme got two non-white people, one of whom happened to be from the BBC’s own ‘Asian Network’, to lay down the law on this. 8:54 am –
It’s all to do with ‘perception’ apparently. If certain people ‘perceive’ that the word ‘paki’ is racist, then it is racist.
So, when white people perceive the words ‘infidel’ and ‘kufir’ to be insulting when used by followers of Islam, those words too are now designated ‘racist’ by the BBC?
I emailed the Queen of breakfast Radio 5 (Nikki Campbell) exactly this question when their Radio phone in was about racism and words. Apparently ‘white people using offensive terms are “racist” but Muslims using abusive terms are “expressing their personal freedom”
“Ban the Burqa – the Niqab too” (by Daniel Pipes):
“Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …
AsISeeItFeb 23, 12:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 View from a lawyer from across the pond “One particularly funny one from the BBC, which is the broadcasting arm…
wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:05 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Excellent news The TTK regime is putting a record number of over 80s in hospital with flu- dont mention the…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 11:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 In the 70s I was one of the 4% who went to university. At the rate that this lot are…
AsISeeItFeb 23, 11:43 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘at some time there will be personal consequences’ The defence of course will be “I was just acting under orders”
DocmaroonedFeb 23, 11:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg…
The subversive swine on the World Service calmly informed us yesterday that eight “foreign” soldiers and seven Afgahn soldiers were killed. I thought at first there must have been more than one nationality among the “foreign” soldiers but then realised that was just the BBC reaching new lows when in subsequent broadcasts it became clear that the eight were all Americans.
On a different tack, I can’t access the third page of the 51 comments currently under the “Civility” thread. Anyone else having the same problem?
I notice that Inspector Blakey (Ainsworthless) being collared about troop numbers and equipment doesn’t seem to be making the BBC Tv news. I wonder why?
And here we go again, Liebour politicians doing grandstanding in the Tory conference week and making announcements to try to trump the Tories. I always thought it was considered ‘good form’ to give each party the airtime during their conference week?
But yet again we see Liebour breaking that tradition and the BBC bigging up the good stuff but playing down Blakey. ITV have reported it.
Anyone else experiencing RECENT COMMENTS not being updated ?
No, but it can be slow at times. What browser are you doing?
Same using IE8, Avant, Firefox, Orca, Google Chrome. (WinXP)
Recent Comments still duff.
Same problem in Ubuntu / Mozilla Firefox
Error message
“A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
Error message
“A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
Isn’t that the BBC mission statement on any conservative views appearing on theier commen boards?
Recent Comments are still duff.
Yes, my comment from this morning still shows up at the top of the list!
Question on BBCs Weakest Link last week.; Anne Robinson asked ”Of which national newspaper is Alan Rushbridgr the editor?
You just cannot imagine a similar question about the Times or DT can you? That special relationship evens appears subliminaly in quize programmes.
Mass immigration into Britain (cont’d):-
Following on from BBC ‘Panorama”s latest propaganda programme for illegal immigrants from Africa tonight, there’s the BBC’s uncritical propaganda piece for further immigration, of Iraqi refugees, courtesy of the European Union:
“EU ready to accept 10,000 Iraqis”
“Priority will be given to those with medical needs, torture victims, single mothers and religious minorities. ”
Excellent! And there’s to be an endless, unlimited stream of such immigrants every year from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc., which Britain will be forced to make residents.
Cannot British people have a direct say in this, and be allowed to say: No ?
Religious minorities? From Iraq? Do they mean minorities there, or in the UK? I bet it’s that religious minority Mark Thompson was concerned about.
And, on top of the endless numbers of the world’s ‘refugees’, which Britain is being forced to take every year, there are the ‘asylum seekers’, the illegal immigrants, and let’s not forget either, the 75 million Muslim Turks whose entry is being lobbied for by the global Organisation of Islamic Conference, as well as by Brown, D.Miliband and Straw.
No BBC report on this in Turkey:
“Turkey: Thousands attend anti-Israel rally, burn Israeli flag”
“Calais migrants are flown home…with a fat wad of your money”
BBC radio 4 ‘PM’ continues its campaign for Calais camp’s illegal Afghani immigrants, c/o BBC’s Ms Kirby.
BBc’s Ms. Kirby represented the viewpoint of the Afghani illegal immigrants, who are part of an endless stream of such people, trying to enter Britain to become residents; but. of course, not one British person’s voice is heard in all this BBC propaganda paid for British BBC licencepayers’ money.
(The item is the final one in today’s ‘PM’ programme, available on BBC iPlayer.)
BBC continues its campaign for Calais camp illegal immigrants, c/o BBC’s Ms Kirby – now online as video.
Note: BBC uses British licencepayers’ money, but allows NO British voice to oppose the BBC’s propaganda for illegal immigrants, whom the BBC wrongly calls ‘migrants’.
Note Ms. Kirby’s parting words of overt propaganda: ‘they’d be better of in Britain than in Calais’:
‘Let me tell you what Ken from Chalfont S. Giles’ says…
I never thought I’d be sympathetic to Tesco or its CEO Terry Leahy.
This on top of top political interviewer Sian desperately trying to cram as many ‘what our readers are telling us’ [read: what we think quoted from some selected emails we agree with] to a clearly, and equally unimpressed David Cameron.
This is not legitimate news reporting, it is rigged opinion blatantly trying to use (not very subtly) proxy commentary filtered by in-house corporate editorial.
Totally dishonest.
Now listening to… surprise.. ‘guest’ ‘commentator’ Kevin Maguire’s pearls of wisdom.
Ably complemented.. indeed prompted via the hostess with mostest by all those emails from [50 year old public sector workers about to retire] ‘readers’ saying how the Conservatives have lost their vote.
Go figure. Bogging off early on full whack funded by the rest of the country working until they die to support them seems quite popular with the public sector national broadcaster and its employees. And those it invites on daily.
A clear conflict of interest.
If the BBC spent less time interrupting the Tory interviewee after every word, and their never ending supply of left wing guests actually cleared the red wax out of their ears, they might actually hear and understand what is being said in the interview.
Immediately after Cameron’s interview this morning, the BBC went straight into attack mode with comments like the message on women’s retirement age is “confusing”.
I heard Cameron quite clearly and slowly say the issue of Women’s retirement age is, because of the change from 60 to 65, being reviewed. What is “confusing” about that statement? I know and everyone else can understand what he said. It is still being reviewed.
The BBC should stick to reporting what is actually being said rather than trying to twist everything into a pro-Labour message.
The BBC simply cannot report anything accurately these days.
BBC’s non-stop anti-Israel campaign.
1.) BBC report:
“Clashes raise Jerusalem tensions”
2.) ‘Jerusalem Post’:
“Third intifada?”
An interesting claim on the BBC Panorama programme website was that the UK is contrary to popular myth not the country with the highest influx of asylum seekers. Malta, France Spain and others have more than we do . Interesting! I don’t suppose it has anything to do with the way asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are counted? All family members are counted for statistical purposes in other countries whereas we count only the head of the family. Take for example the Afghan plane hijackers (the ones who were going straight back according to Robin Cook) only three were counted for asylum purposes , but the real headcount was 13.
The BBC should be made to compare like with like and not follow the deliberately misleading figures put out by government.
BBC soulmate Robert Fisk is given the front page of the Independent to come up with an anti-US tale. Needless to say the BBC rush to claim Fisk’s ramblings have come to pass
“The dollar has fallen following a report that Gulf states are in secret talks to replace the greenback as the main currency for the trading of oil.
Nations including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were speaking to Russia, China, Japan and France, said the UK’s Independent newspaper. “
that’s despite denials & currency movements well within daily norms
“However, Saudi Arabia subsequently said the report was “absolutely inaccurate”.
It caused the euro to rise 0.5% against the dollar to $1.4727. The pound also rose, by 0.4%, before falling back.”
Not a fan, I am guessing..
<h2 style=”font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: normal; font: normal normal bold 1.19em/normal ‘Trebuchet MS’, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;”>SunTalk’s Jon Gaunt: ‘BBC should be banned from the internet'</h2>
Whilst the BBC where happy to wax lyrical about Matt Lucas’ “marriage” to his boyfriend, they’re less keen to advertise the fact that said “husband” has killed himself. When you point out on liberal fora that gay rights has only corresponded to greater problems for homosexuals, you are rapidly censored.
More BBC special pleading on behalf of certain Pakistani Muslims –
in article here, and on BBC ‘Asian Network’:
“Families’ anguish over Pakistan missing”
For BBC’s attention:
“Muslim threats to Christians rise in Pakistan”
For BBC, including BBC ‘Asian Network’:
“Exclusive: Pakistan: Abuse of Christians and other religious minorities” ( by Adrian Morgan) –
The review in the BBC Radio Times makes tonight’s programme sound straight down the middle!
<div id=”titleInfo”>
<h3>Iran and Britain</h3>
<!– END titleInfo –>
Wednesday 07 October
8:00pm – 9:00pm
<div id=”review”>
Documentary in which writer and journalist Christopher de Bellaigue explores the fraught but intimate history of Britain’s relations with Iran. He looks at some key events in the relationship, notably Britain’s role in the overthrow of several Iranian governments, its control of Iran’s oil and the on-off support for Iran’s democrats. Meeting prominent Iranians, he examines the foundations and justification for Iranian suspicions and asks if they are still there after 30 years of isolation.
Yes, the BBC’s political priorities re-Islamic Republic of Iran are:
1.) play the dhimmi in the hope of the continued operation of a politically castrated BBC Persian service;
2.) relegate the Islamic jihadist ideology of the Iranian regime – and all its murders, tortures, and anti-semitism;
3.) present a politically unsympathetic view of Britain’s historical relations with Iran- up to, and including Iran’s capture of British navy patrol in the Gulf, a couple of years ago; at the same time present a picture of Islamic Iran since 1979, with all its horrific theocracy as, nevertheless, as somehow preferable to the British example;
4.) never criticise the fact that Labour allows London to be used as the Islamic Republic regime’s HQ for the anti-West political propaganda of ‘PRESS TV’ s 24/7 operation.
I see Newsnight is hammering the Tories again over Dannett. Funny that the BBC never had a problem with Alan Sugar being appointed to the government whilst still working for the BBC and he attacks the Tories but I guess that’s OK at the BBC.
Well Martin, be fair (if you can), the Dannett thing was a balls up. Clearly Cameron acts like Brown does, centres power round his circle of advisers and ignores the shadow cabinet. Otherwise he would’ve told Grayling wouldnt he? You can’t blame the BBC for correctly pointing out the farcical way this has played out.
Agreed Martin, it’s almost as though it is a bad idea to have Dannett aboard, I mean, what could he bring to the table……..
Ah, Newsnight now questioning the judgement of Osbourne.
Where the hell were these febrile leftie scum ‘journalists’ last week when they were covering (promoting) a conference fronted by pathalogical liars.
Now showing that nice Mr. Brown to back up their argument. this argument that the Tories were not behind bank support has been rubbished all week at the conference.
the BBC take your money and give you what they think you ought to hear.
Seen all of that. No bias? – no end of bias?
Paxman now interviewing Osbourne.
Whilst getting an answer, he’s muttering in the background like a senile old codger that sits in the corner of a pub.
I’d like to see Boris give him a decent, verbal uppercut.
Paxman, like Humphreys, seems to like the sound of his own voice, I suppose he has to market himself somehow.
BBC’s phoney non -election promise:
BBC’s ‘Have-Your-Say’ road to non-democracy –
“BBC to give licencepayers say on standards”
“Stephen Fry (he is the bore that is a permanent fixture on your television screen but is not Jonathan Ross or David Attenborough) has delivered an insulting attack on Catholics and Poles which grotesquely misrepresents historical fact and which, if levelled at almost any other targets, would probably be characterised as a “hate crime”.”
Something to celebrate: “One in four is Muslim, study says”.
Maybe you can organise a new Crusade to redress the balance…?
Maybe you be join the Islamic jihad against us.
I’m actually already a member of the Islamic Jihad – didn’t you know that? All of us who are to the left of you are members of at least 1 Jihadist cell. And I’m proud of it.
Fat Face jihadist.
Many a true word…
Accepting that Newsnight has a problem when interviewing Conservatives – the visceral loathing just keeps showing through – the supine response of the Conservative interviewees doesn’t help the Conservative cause. If, instead of treating Paxman with the deference he expects, it would be refreshing to see the Conservatives on the attack. I didn’t see Paxman-Osborne interview but if Paxman was indeed mumbling in the background would it have been beyond the ability of Osborne to have said words to the effect that if Paxman asks a question it’s only polite – as well as journalistic – to listen to (and allow others to listen to) the answer and seek clarification of anything unclear or ambiguous? There’s little point in this blog and most of its commenters highlighting the many examples of BBC bias if those with the opportunity to challenge that bias directly just sit there there allowing themselves to be abused verbally by Paxman et al in the vain hope of getting their unmediated case across to the viewing public.
Do you think it might be remotely possible that experienced people like Osbourne recognise robust journalism for what it is and respond as they see fit, rather than constructing elaborate – and ultimately irrational – conspiracy theories about The BBC fighting to keep Labour’s grip on power? A simple question should be at the back of your mind: Is The BBC likely to bet its entire existence on the remote possibility of keeping an unpopular Labour Government in office? Simple self-interest – never mind the real issue of living up to its duty of impartiality – should ensure that the Tories do not wreak a terrible revenge when they come to consider the next licence settlement, as they very likely will.
My criticism was levelled at the Conservatives: I take the bias of the Newsnight team (chronicled endlessly on this blog and elsewhere) for granted. “Robust journalism” as you call it deserves a robust response which Osborne, apparently, is incapable of conducting. The likelihood that the Conservatives are going to do anything about the BBC (except nibble round the edges and maybe appoint another political eunuch, a Conservative Michael Lyons, to guard the seraglio) is so remote as not to be worth considering. Accordingly, the BBC runs little risk if it continues on its present course. On the matter of the BBC my contempt for the Conservatives is as great as that for Labour.
The likelihood that the Conservatives are going to do anything about the BBC …. is so remote as not to be worth considering.
Possibly because they perceive the BBC as behaving as it should rather than in the manner summed up here by Mr Vance’s friend Andrew McCann:
the nation’s principal broadcaster has lost the diaphanous veil of ‘impartiality’ it claimed to have had. Every effort has thus far been made to portray the Tories in the worst possible light.
If the BBC were seriously embedded in the Labour election campaign, the Tories would be letting the nation, never mind themselves, down by ignoring it. The reality is that – minor skirmishes apart – Cameron’s cadres see the world as a less conspiratorial place than Biased BBC sees it.
BONO! Which bright spark thought it would be a good idea to get that tax dodging hypocrite to make a contribution?
“Would these classic BBC comedy moments still be made?”
George, I for one am entirely grateful for the cuttings service you provide, almost exclusively from the pages of the Telegraph and the Mail. I no longer need to click on their websites, much less buy the print editions.
On the other hand, most people might regard Google News as providing that service already. Could I encourage you to add a few thoughts of your own?
Thank you for another heplful, positive comment to this blog.
What is your motive, I wonder.
Georgie, is your here motive to alert everyone to the dangers of Jihad? You don’t seem to talk about much else. Except Muslims, of course.
You should join me in the Jihad – it’s got a bad press in recent years, but we do have a lot of fun.
Fat Face jihadist.
Appropriate to see you in the company of OTME.
Great humour you repeat about your jihad.
The BBC only allow jokes against against non-Islamic religions.
Meanwhile, back from the ‘playing the person because they can’t hope to make a case, let alone win one’ brigade:
<h2 style=”font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: normal; font: normal normal bold 1.19em/normal ‘Trebuchet MS’, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;”>BBC Trust tightens online editorial rules for journalists</h2>
I do note… online. Guess that means the other guys can break the ‘rules’ as per normal.
Or maybe the plan is to call all of them ‘commentators’, and hence get wiggle space on semantics.
It’s like hoisting a windsock in a typhoon: a little bit of guidance, but sod all use that will make zippy difference. However, I am sure many meetings were had, and boxes ticked to get there. Nifty.
(and as I hit post, I really hope this system won’t turn my cut & paste into HTML-hell)
(and as I hit post, I really hope this system won’t turn my cut & paste into HTML-hell)
Oh well.
All my posts are disappearing. 🙁
How the BBC uses its bloated wealth to crush the little guy.
I see those evil Joooz are preventing the nice Palestinians from importing Zebras for their zoo (wait… I though they lived in state of permanent penury?);and they’re having to dye white donkeys with black hair dye at the zoo.
Nice one, al-BBCeera for dressing up Jew baiting as a humorous human interest story.
More infantile than socialist.
A BBC Business correspondent (not mother & baby, or somesuch, correspondent) fills most of his R4 Today slot with an interview with a representative of the electricity supply industry. They talk about Offgem’s projections of staggering increases in future energy prices. The industry man tells of the £billions to be paid by customers as a result of the investment required to, in large part, meet Climate Change policies.
The BBC man swiftly interjects “To be paid by the customer, not by you”. The industry man patiently explains that it is always the customer who, in the end, pays.
Obama wins Nobel prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a frigging joke! The BBC are literally having on air orgasms
It’s reassuring to know that one can be awarded a Nobel prize for doing nothing but having spurious, grandiose visions these days. I spend most of the day sitting on my fat arse, shacking and masturbating to Hentai, but I daydream about alleviating hunger, curing disease, establishing peace, and solving the remaining secrets of the universe. I’m expecting a call from the Nobel committee any second. I’m not black (or even half black) or a lefty or the leader of a personality cult. But that shouldn’t matter should it?
This really shows how pathetic people have become over Barry. The man is a failing President, he can’t sort out healthcare, his populartity rating is below 50% and Afghanistan is a total mess, not to mention the economy and the threat to the US Dollar if it is no longer the currency of choice for oil sales.
But hey Barry’s a good guy has a nice smile anda a nice wife.
The only thing pissing the BBC off is that Gorgon McDoom didn’t get anything for saving planet Earth.
Al Gore. Arafat. And now this. The prize is a worthless joke – why are we even surprised?
Or did I miss something – did Iran dismantle its nuclear facilities while I slept? Did Israel and the Palestinian Arabs make peace while I was in the shower? Did any of Obama’s speechifying actually achieve anything?
No you woke up in an alternate reality!!! In this world Gorgon Brown plays a man who flies a space Shuttle around the Moon to save the Earth from a Comet.
Obama was only President for TWO WEEKS before nominations for the Nobel Peace prize closed.
The Nobel prize used to be something worth winning, but over the last 20 years it’s simply become a political tool for wet liberals to use.
O/T, but just to cheer up DV if he missed it. Shortly after 7am on “Today” Ofgem’s Chief Executive tells us that costs could rise by up to 60% above inflation by 2016. Jim takes this as badly as a man who can’t afford to heat his house, so the Offgem man chirpily suggests that we look on the bright side, “but emissions are going to fall by up to 40%” Rejoice!
The Taliban have condemned Barry getting the Nobel Peace prize, yes we really are living in an alternate reality when I find myself agreeing with the Taliban for once
Cult of Personality. Nobel Prize for giving pretty speeches. Do I have to join the little children in singing hymns to Him now?
Why do you call Obama “Barry”?
BBC licencepayers fund BBC ‘Asian Network’ to lobby for visas for
“Ire of visa-delayed Pakistani students”
God knoww why allowing even more Muslims here is seen as good.
I see injuries from knives have rised by some 9% over the last few months. Some of you might remember that the BBC’s Sheena Easton was made to look a fool some time back when he bigged up some distorted statistics issued personally by Gorgon Broon.
Some of you might remember the Tories accusing Labour of distorting knife crime figures when they got these hospital stats (Sheena accused the Tories of distorting these figures).
So I wait to see how Ms Easton waffles his way out of the latest jump in the figures? Perhaps more people go to hospital now? After all being stabbed in the stomach was never the sort of thing you’d go to hospital in the past for was it?
Expect to see Sheena’s poison all over this story by this afternoon.
Don’t worry, he’ll find some way to square this with his contention that knife crime isn’t as bad as people think, while still claiming that he has always been skeptical of government figures on it. It was “sharp objects” or something, not knives, and anyways it’s more of a rise in the reporting of crime, etc.
Yes well I did hear that on the BBC already David (more reporting) but as I posted above you always went to hospital for a serious stab wound, unless you fancied bleeding to death.
BBC haven’t even reported it not only that but there is a report showing that most Police forces are failing the public, that wasn’t reported on the TV news either.
It appears that despite the revelations by Steve Mcintyre on his blogsite concerning the data used to underpin the “hockey stick” suppression of the medieval warm period (and which includes Briffa’s response) the BBC seems to have chosen to ignore the matter in its entirety. A search on the BBC website of the word “Yamal” contains no reference to the debate let alone the consequences for the “hockey stick” assertion.
That’s because “we’ve moved on” or “the sicence is settled” or “you’re a climate change denier” or “tihs is is dangerous climate change”
Please keep up! 🙂
Just guessing, but this might not impress you guys much either….
£6M, eh? That would by a shed load of insulation for poor or old folk this winter.
But at least, as Martin has confirmed, the ‘science is settled’ (did I miss that?), so I guess ‘raising awareness’ with public funds is OK.
I’m in the climate caution camp and this one sucks.
But at least the BBC is not showing it… or…?
I should bet on the horses today…
Just watching it being ‘promoted’ on BBC Breakfast News: the commercial that aims to scare us into taking climate change seriously.
Yup, this ‘un will do it. And scaring has worked great so far. But maybe doing it with kids might be a better line of attack.
Although to be fair the BBC Science page has finally conceded that the Global Climate Models may be flawed
There must be a tiny connection to sanity somewhere in the offices of BBC News Online. The HYS on The Obamessiah “winning” the Nobel is actually asking if people thought He deserved it. Someoene there must realize this isn’t exactly awarding anything other than pretty speeches and the media’s mass hysteria of Hope.
And the comments I’ve seen are all negative, except one Norwegian guy (surprise) reminding everyone of said mass hysteria of Hope.
Of course, they’re not all rightwingnut racists in the comments, because more people are saying the Nobel is tainted goods because they gave it to Kissinger than to Arafat.
God something is wrong today. Not only do I find myself agreeing with the Taliban I now find myself agreeing with Jeremy Bowen who on News 24 was actually quite scathing of Barry’s award. The BBC even seem embarassed about Barry’s prize.
“The corporation drew a distinction between the two incidents, saying that Du Beke offered an unreserved apology, whereas Thatcher apologised but continued to maintain her comment was a joke.”
Another for my list of unique BBC semantic distinctions.
It will be fun seeing how the PC/diversity commissars ‘deal’ with this one. Fining the licence fee payer, if history is any guide.
That’s what I’ve been talking about all along. The one who got the sack was the one who declined to admit racist intentions in the offending remark. It’s not denying that people might find the remark racist to say there were no racist intentions behind the remark. Yet, that’s what the BBC required Carol Thatcher to do.
“Jeremy Clarkson: TV” [BBC] “obsessed with ‘black Muslim lesbians”
Tob bloke. Clarkson for PM.
It’s funny reading the breathless Guardianistas reaction to this.
How dare he even think such a thing, well I’m glad he did because this is how reall people think.
Now bite down hard and deal with it.
‘Guardian’s like-minded sister paper, ‘The Scotsman’ has this:
“Jerermy Clarkson inflames BBC race row with ‘black Muslim lesbians’ remark”
…”the A – Z of approved BBC swearwords”
(by Richard Littlejohn)–A-Z-approved-BBC-swearwords.html
Should it not be The Scotsperson?
The article also references this from the Strictly Come Dancing producer:
But today Forsyth waded in. “We used to have a sense of humour about this,” he told TalkSport. “You go back 25, 30, 40 years and there has always been a bit of humour about the whole thing. At one time the Americans used to call us ‘limeys’ which doesn’t sound very nice, but we used to laugh about it. Everybody has a nickname. And Anton is such a sweet guy, it’s such a terrible shame.”
A sense of humor? Does this mean that, like both Carol Thatcher and du Beke said, these racist remarks were meant in jest and not indicative of personal racism? Yes? No? In one case but not the other?
Interesting to read the BBCs have your say – readers recommended comments.
O’bama winning this is a complete farce – it has done for politics what the Turner prize has done for art.
’nuff said.
Could a “beeboid” be the political death of Brown? In the Glasgow NE by-election (Martin’s old fiefdom) the SNP candidate is “David Kerr, a personable 36-year-old former BBC journalist”
BBC=SNP wonderful
I was looking at the BBC Poll Tracker to see if it’s been updated. Funnily enough no! I wonder why. Perhaps this might be the reason?
After a narrowing of the Tory lead yesterday, today we have the first poll since David Cameron’s conference speech and it shows a swing back to them. The topline figures are CON 44%(+4), LAB 27%(-4), LDEM 17%(-1).
17% Tory lead.
BBC:”‘Al Qaeda link’ CERN worker held”
‘Jihadwatch’ comment:
“When the EORN (CERN) hired him, it is virtually certain that no one asked him any questions about what he thought about jihad, Sharia, Israel, republican government, freedom of speech, etc. Honest answers probably would not have been forthcoming, but it is extremely naive and stupid of authorities such as these simply to assume that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that it would accordingly be in bad taste to try to determine whether or not one is employing a jihadist.
And another thing about CERN – we have not heard much about the god particle & the Large Hadron Collider since it went kaput over a year ago. If it was a project funded by US tax $$ the BBC would be very concerned that the cash was not being spent on foreign aid. When it is our Euros going down the pan the failed project is quietly forgotten.
I don’t think they want egg on their faces again, it will be done quietly this time.
Zurich, Switzerland: a clarification for BBC, re- anti Islamic minaret campaign report.
BBC report: “Zurich allows anti-minaret poster”
The clarification which the BBC needs to make relates to the sentence about half-way down the report:
“Some media reports have said the minarets resemble missiles.”
The clarification which the BBC needs to make is that this statement about such comparisons was orininally made by the then Muslim Mayor of Turkey, now
Prime Minister of Turkey, ERDOGAN, as reported by the ‘NYT’:
“The 43-year-old mayor is being prosecuted for a speech he gave near Diyarbakir last year in which he said,
”The mosques are our barracks, the domes are our helmets, the minarets are our bayonets and the faithful are our army.”,%20Recep%20Tayyip
The BBC will make this clarification any time soon?……….
Astonishing! Balanced BBC!
Not too happy with policy of getting a tame journo that shares Aunty’s views to come on and say things the national broadcaster would be (rightly) taken apart for, but watching the Guardian talking head was fun just now.
Mr. Bradshaw (ex. BBC, and soon ex. Gov Minsiter I’d hazard) getting taken apart for… um…not being very good at , well anything, really, but culture and communications awareness especially. By the BBC… and The Guardian! That’ll teach him for not being as supportive as he might.
‘Gordon… time to elevate another to the House of Lords before they get ejected!’
<h1 style=”margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 0px; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #454545; padding: 0px;”>Updated editorial guidelines</h1>
A few more comments telling ’em to pull the other one as they are a bunch of self-evidently self-monitoring, agenda-driven, out of control arrogant agenda driven numpties already, and this will make b-all difference… and I suspect the thread my get closed.
BBC has decided that the word ‘paki’ is racist! And the BBC demands a public apology (or more?) from anyone who uses that word (except when used by Pakistani friends amongst themselves).
To emphasise the BBC propaganda on this, the BBC ‘Today’ programme got two non-white people, one of whom happened to be from the BBC’s own ‘Asian Network’, to lay down the law on this. 8:54 am –
It’s all to do with ‘perception’ apparently. If certain people ‘perceive’ that the word ‘paki’ is racist, then it is racist.
So, when white people perceive the words ‘infidel’ and ‘kufir’ to be insulting when used by followers of Islam, those words too are now designated ‘racist’ by the BBC?
BBC: ‘Paki’ = racism!
Strong riposte by Andrew McCann here:
I emailed the Queen of breakfast Radio 5 (Nikki Campbell) exactly this question when their Radio phone in was about racism and words. Apparently ‘white people using offensive terms are “racist” but Muslims using abusive terms are “expressing their personal freedom”
So there we have it.
More fence-sitting stuff from BBC (Christian Fraser) on the wearing of the Niqab in Egypt:
“No covering up Egypt’s Niqab row”
The BBC approach is not as insightful as this:
“Ban the Burqa – the Niqab too” (by Daniel Pipes):
“Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
Sorry, George R. I missed your comment before posting mine on this.