One of the main BBC stories this Monday morning is that efforts are being made to create a new ‘anti-slavery’ law in the UK. Surprise, surprise, it is supported by the BBC favourite harridan-in-chief, the ubiquitous Shami Chakrabati, as well as Anti-Slavery, described as ‘the only British charity to fight slavery’. The concern among some sections of the political classes who have sanctioned the influx of millions of immigrants is apparently that some of these incomers are being forced to work long hours for little money by ruthless gangmasters.
The chaps at the BBC, of course, support the whole idea of more new laws, first by giving such heavy emphasis to such a non-story (even Anti-Slavery concede there are only 1,000 people possibly affected), and second by ensuring that, in the write-up of this non problem (which, in reality, can easily be dealt with by existing legislation), those who want a deluge of new laws to regulate our behaviour, including Ms Chakrabati, are given the greatest prominence.
This particular topic is viewed as esepcially important by the BBC because, of course, to them, slavery was a nasty and inexplicable part of our imperial past, and there’s nothing that the BBC hates more than Britain’s colonialism.
And missed altogether in the reporting is the obvious link to why Nick Griffin and his racism thrive; that this ‘problem’ has been created by the very liberal classes (including the BBC) who are somehow surprised that, if you allow in to Britain on an unregulated basis hundreds of thousands of people with different types of behaviour, you import elements of their criminality, too.
It beggars belief that these people actually think we will buy into their lies!
Multiculturalism and mass third world immigration has brought the very worst traits and habits of the third world to our shores and allowed them to thrive unhindered.
Domestic slavery brought from the Indian sub continent and Arabia, indentured servitude, a thing outlawed in the UK for years just happens to make a comeback at the very time of unlimited third world immigration and these people fail to recognise their key role and guilt?
People like Chakrabati are the real enemies of tolerence, parasitic agitators like her making millions out of her poison bleeding a system that we all pay for and wouldnt have a hope in hell of getting anywhere near.
Tell me which political parties are promising to strip these parasites of their power and influence?
The Liberal-Left (including the BBC) doesn’t link slavery to Islam.
“Condemning European Slavery sparing Islam, the bigger culprit”
‘Only 1,000’ people in near-slavery is 1,000 too many in my opinion, so i think this is actually a good idea. The Government will probably still manage to muck it up though.
I wonder how many 14 year old Muslim girls are sent off to Pakistan each year to be raped and married to an inbred goat herder?
Shami never seems to be bothered about that.
Labour’s continuing policy of mass immigration has imported:
Sharia Law, Islamic Jihad, criminality and unemployment.
Labour’s (and BBC underlings’) ‘solution‘
but to throw more resources at the negative consequences of mass immigration.
Very relevant, re-Labour’s (and BBC’s) plot to impose ‘multiculturalism’ and mass immigration on British people:
Melanie Phillips –
“The outrageous truth slips out: Labour cynically plotted to transform the entire make-up of Britain without telling us”
Read more:
Shami Chakrabati didn’t need to get elected as an MEP to get onto Question Time did she? And she speaks for nobody except herself and her tiny membership.
The BBC takes anti-slavery too far when it comes to itself and its employees. BBC fat cats are a national disgrace.
I’ve written to my Labour MP about this and he doesn’t get it either: there’s a reason 3rd World countries are 3rd World countries – they’re full of 3rd World people. It’s not a question of lack of resources, or climate, or colonial history – it’s about primitive and retrograde ideologies and levels of civilisation.
Which means that, other than in the case of a handful of exceptions, if you import 3rd World people, you import the 3rd World.
It’s just diversity init.
Why does no at the Al BBC ask Chakrabati the bleeding obvious question.
As these things are all totally illegal already under existing UK law what good will more laws do?
Strange that they support the story, but refuse to relay the one about how , Straw and other Traitors, conspired to get the expoiloted immigrants into the country in the first place!
You know you could have made a much better case by just highlighting that the BBC gave prominence to a fairly minor issue supported mainly by left wing groups (and the tories)
But instead you make wild assertions about an anti-imperial bent, and bring the BNP into it, despite this being mostly about immigrants forced to work n farms and beaches well away from the inner city social housing issues that they thrive on
And you talk about forcing more unecessary laws upon us – two more laws which could have no conceivable effect on us, and which are not even supported by labour, who are the arbiters of the deluge of new laws, and yet the BBC do not seem to agree with their supposed bed-fellows on this
– altogether a very confusing take on events, should’ve just stuck to the fact that the BBC chose to focus on a lords reading of a left-leaning bill, I might have agreed with you
Thanks to the thieving socialists and their immigration free4all, we lead the world in the high-tech field of CAR WASHING.
Where else can you enter any supermarket car-park and find groups of illiterate non-English speaker willing to wash the cars Briton’s are not prepared to wash.
Thank you Blair. Thank you Brown. Keep up the good work.
This is GREAT news! Now I can push my anti-workhouse bill through besides my anti-humansacrifices bill.
“…to create a new ‘anti-slavery’ law in the UK”
Funny, Shami never gots on her soapbox about us all being made slaves of the undemocratic, totalitarian, globalist, EU Socialist superstate does she??
Funny that.