Yes, so I’ve been listening to the BBC’s coverage of the act of mass murder at Fort Hood carried out by Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Just one thing missing – the fact that he was a Muslim who apparently entertained dreams of Jihad. Maybe that’s not news? Best to focus on US foreign policy and how it enraged him….
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Yes, the BBC predictably relegates the fact that the murder of US troops was committed by a MUSLIM who supported Islamic jihad.
Ah, but he is a “moderate muslim” !
It was blackly humorous listening to them on Today asking what the motive might be and trying to avoid the obvious answer.
The BBC is in denial about the tenets of Islam, and about Islamic jihad.
While it is increasingly clear to all, outside the dhimmis of the ‘liberal-left’, that the very real, existing threat of Islamic jihad infiltration must be recognised and stopped, first and foremost in Britain, the ‘liberal-left’ still advocates mass Islamic immigration, from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia and Turkey.
Roland I agree. Hilarious in that black and dreary Beeboid way. Also interesting to see how the approach morphed. Initially, no mention of the M word, then slyly introduced into the news link (but entirely absent from the main report of the day, I think by Bbd (Beeboid) Paul Wood).
By the 1000 news the story had become the long expected “Moderate Muslim subjected to terrible American racism carries out attack to protest the unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan” message. Back to normal at last.
Gee, 2 “friendly”Muslim attacks in a week. We must, of course, blame Israel.
The perpetrator was “unhappy about being sent to Iraq or Afghanistan”.
Logically, then, there can be only three motives for this mass murder:
1. As a fully qualified psychiatrist specializing in post-traumatic stress, he was afraid of going into a combat zone.
2. As a lifelong devout Muslim, he decided that he would not go to Iraq or Afghanistan, but kill the US oppressor at home.
The first possibility is not very likely, as anyone who was afraid of going into combat is not wont to pick up guns and start killing people to avoid it. Myself, I prefer the Occam’s Razor approach here.
I read now (various sources) that the killer (or victim, as the BBC seems intent on portraying him) described himself as a Palestinian and supported suicide attacks.
I presume this will be reported by our “national broadcaster”?
Odd, I distinctly heard on the news this morning “Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim…” You’re obviously listening to a different BBC to the rest of the world.
No, they didn’t say he was a Muslim who has (or may have, according to his former colleague) jihadist sympathies. It wasn’t that the BBC left out the Muslim bit. That’s part of their defense for the murdere, really: he was a devout Muslim but a proud American, who went bad because he was bullied for being a Muslim of Middle-Eastern descent. It’s a perfectly understandable reason to go killing nasty US soldier/oppressors.
No, Alex, you are hearing what you want to hear. The BBC alibi’d the murderer by implying that he’d suffered racial taunts.
BBC apologetics for Islamic jihad at Fort Hood continue.
‘Jihadwatch’ exposes MSM:
“Fort Hood jihad shooter was disciplined for Islamic proselytizing”
“CAIR has been working overtime (they’re quoted in this article also), and the ‘Muslims fear backlash’ victimhood machine is in high gear. No one, of course, is questioning whether there might be any connection between this man’s devoutly held Islam and the massacre today. After all, how could there be any such connection? Islam is a Religion of Peace™!”
For BBC:
Some significant books have been recently published about the extent and methods of INFILTRATION used by Islamic jihadists in Western societies, including, e.g.:
“‘Muslim Mafia’: an important investigative book on the Muslim Brotherhood in America”
I saw a TB clip of the father of a waman soldier who said he was yelling Allah Akhbar. And yesterday morning he had been giving away his possessions, and Korans.
Plus the Feds had been alerted to jihaidist stuff he had posted on the net 6 months ago.
What people – and the BBC – simply will not recognise or acknowledge is that some of these guys are so full of hatred they will do “unimaginable” things. But it is NOT unimanigable – we have umpteen instances of their vileness, of cold-blooded murders or plans to murder.
There is a mosque about 400 yards from where I live. The BBC would have me believe that all the men going there this morning are peaceful. I CANNOT believe that, it is utterly ridiculous and dangerous to be so complacent. In the local congregation there will be a lot who passively endorse jihad, a minority who are real kooks – and maybe one or a few who are really dangerous to British society.
The mosques mostly know who the dodgy ones are. But they are not coughing up enough of them.
There is a dangerous fidth column in our midst – and yet we risk adding to it by allowing endless travel to Pakistan, and endless newcomers into the country. There should be rigorous travel restrictions on young men, and a total stop on further immigration from countries like Pakistan and Somalia.
If this situation weren’t so serious it would be hilarious.If the penny hasn’t begun to drop with these people after the events of this week it never will-and it’s all of the news channels.
Instead they are using the tragic events of the past week to step up the “troops” out campaign.I am sick to death of their crocodile tears over the deaths of our soldiers (they actually hate them and will do anything to undermine their morale, and that of their supporters).
If I hear them ask another greiving relative if their loved ones should be dying to prop up a corrupt regime (their favourite mantra right now).I swear I will kick the screen in.(Incidentally are they referring to Westminster or Brusssels?)
Can I finally add that much is being made of the RSM’s wife who is being described as a non practising muslim.Well if her father was a practising muslim she would have been in a suitcase at the bottom of the garden a long time before she got to stand before a Christian altar.
I am really sorry for that last comment,especially when the poor woman is greiving.But it is true, and she is alllowing herself to be a pawn to somehow mitigate the actions of her co-religionists-including he who killed her husband
I have it on good authority from some anonymous guy on the Times comments section for this story that this is all the fault of Israel and its ‘dirty, racist wars.’ Bloody Israel! Bloody Jews! Forcing some peaceful, loving, happy, peaceful Skittle-crapping unicorn farmer to go totally against the tenets of his wonderful, beautiful, peaceful, humanity-progressing, peaceful religion and turn into some violent, murderous barbarian. My God, will those filthy, hook-nosed gold-diggers stop at nothing? We are all Hamas now. We are all Hezbollah now. I’m going to march on the Israeli Embassy with my Keffiyeh-wearing buddies and advocate the completion of Hitler’s good work.
Jeremy Bowen, BBC News, Al-Aqsa. Allahu-Akbar, Allahu-Akbar, Allahu-Akbar.
As I’ve posted before, there is just one way to attain peace at home, i.e., separation from Muslims. The only question is how?
We must take liberal democracy to more Muslim countries, one by one – freedom for women, gays and religious minorities. Who can oppose such a noble aim?
Support our effort to bring freedom to Islamic nations. It is the one hope we have at the moment.
US gun rampage search leads to exremists websites
A US officer who killed 13 soldiers in a gun rampage at a Texas army base was being investigated for links to extremist websites, security sources said today.
Yes, Sarah Montague, that would make me question why we’re in Afghanistan and Iraq. But I bet my answer is different from the one you were trying to lead us to.
He was a devout Muslim who figured he was Palestinian. Just waiting for the BBC update on that aspect of things….
Classic line on the BBC’s 1 o’clock news on Radio 4 :
“Friends described him as devout but not extremist”
That’s OK then. So much a Muslim moderate that he committed mass murder.
I think we need a lexicon of translations of these comments for friends and relatives of jihadist Muslims.
“Not extremist” = only kills 17 people after deep and serious thought
“visited Pakistan to see family” = terrorism training
“we were all surprised” = we knew he was crazy, had evil thoughts – but we just did not expect him to carry through
Compare and contrast, the level of analysis and content of the following two accounts of Fort Hood jihad:
1.) from the mighty BBC’s dhimmi empire:
“US” (‘M’-word edited out by BBC) “major held over base shooting”
In the following report, the BBC makes no condemnation of him, but only provides what it perceives as mitigation for his mass murders apparently; the BBC talks of him being :
“Unhappy about imminent overseas deployment”, and
“a devout Muslim” (say no more).
2.) from Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’ site:
“Jihad at Fort Hood”
[Opening extract]:
“Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist, murdered twelve people and wounded twenty-one inside Fort Hood in Texas yesterday, while, according to eyewitnesses, ‘shouting something in Arabic while he was shooting.’ Investigators are scratching their heads and expressing puzzlement about why he did it. According to NPR [1], ‘the motive behind the shootings was not immediately clear, officials said.’ The Washington Post [2] agreed: ‘The motive remains unclear, although some sources reported the suspect is opposed to U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq and upset about an imminent deployment.’ The Huffington Post spun faster, asserting that ‘there is no concrete reporting as to whether Nidal Malik Hasan was in fact a Muslim or an Arab.’
“Yet there was, and what’s more, Major Hasan’s motive was perfectly clear — but it was one that the forces of political correctness and the Islamic advocacy groups in the United States have been working for years to obscure. So it is that now that another major jihad terror attack has taken place on American soil, authorities and the mainstream media are at a loss to explain why it happened – and the abundant evidence that it was a jihad attack is ignored.”
Update from Jeremy Vine show.
BBC still almost entirely clueless as to why Osama Bin Jihad shot fellows soldiers however two theories are starting to emerge:
1. He was subject to racial abuse so of course anything he then did was justified; or
2. He was mentally ill.
The M word was used but of course that could have no relevance to his actions whatsoever.
I would have thought being muslim automatically denoted someone as being mentally ill anyway.
just my two cents for what its worth…watched some of the BBCs Breakfast reporting on this early today and at no point was it made clear that he was indeed a Muslim, they only showed a grainy image of the guy so I was under the impression it was a white american doing the shooting, until later this afternoon I hear on the local radio station news about the muslim guy who killed 13 people in the american army base and how the authorities over there are looking into links with an extremist website
reading the news report of it on BBC…typically apologetic bullshit.
i’ve nothing more to add.
On the vital issue of Islam jihad infiltration, does the BBC have an intelligent vetting system to prevent Islamic jihad sympathisers operating BBC programmes and website? Or are the lunatics encouraged to take charge of the asylum?
This information was known hours before the BBC decided to report it. All previous BBC reports declined to mention it, and in fact made the effort to get quotes defending the murderer. Their bias in favor of catering to Muslim sensitivities over others, along with their bias that most of their audience are racists who need to be kept pacified about Muslims, kept the BBC from reporting it until reality forced their hand on the issue.
it’s all in the language; ‘Said’, ‘Believed’, ‘killed’, him being ‘unhappy’, etc. From what i can see a muslim fanatic is so scared of fighting he goes and shoots aload of his ‘comrades’ in the back to avoid it, and the death toll could have been far higher…pretty obvious that’s not anything to do with why he shot anyone. There’s another reason, the elephant in the fort.
Ambiguous, yes, and I know that if you look for something you will find it even if it’s not really there, but i certainly wasn’t looking for ‘bias’ when it occured to me there was something very wrong with the bbc many years ago, i have better things to do with my time like watching paint dry. It’s the fact the bbc really does run on subtextual rails and have their own agenda – like many other news organisations i’m sure 😉 – that has contaminated forever how I and others read their news output. That they are publically funded makes it really perverse and in serious need of a looking into by those best qualified to do so – the public.
Anyhow, i think the issue is why the f*ing hell was he allowed into the US army – if they can screen for this kinda personality type(?), and when the concerns were raised why was he allowed to remain holding a gun. BTW I don’t think him shooting all his comrades was because he was a muslim, he was clearly insane. But religion prospers on the insanity of man, and presently none more so than Islam.
So why not removed from the army? I don’t know why, but some people will say it’s because of the ‘don’t offend the muslims!’ mentality gaining ground (see Dara O’s refusal to do any mohammed related stuff that was posted a while back here, because it’s proven that you may very well be killed). Indeed creating a religion shaped fracture in the armed forces would be really, really bad in all sorts of ways, I can see the arguement for softly-softly, but likewise there are 14? dead soldiers, dead possibly because of this approach.
Reasonable people like myself would really like to see all those moderate muslims do something about the fanatics who would take over every mosque and turn it into a jihad school. Islam has a pretty bad rep atm, what with all those whacky muslim countries and jihadists. I know the majority of muslims/every other religion are pretty must just normal people, but historically the phrase ‘just normal people’ crops up in the most frightening of places doesn’t it – not exactly comforting. too much to ask? meh i’m frankly sick of religion and all the bullshit it fosters
And yes, i know full well my own country, England, makes countries like saudi arabia and iran look positively tame when it comes to inflicting mass death so no talk of doublestandards please; Democracies exist because of superior might and their willingness to use it, not inspite.
A fully trained psychiatrist, working in a fully-staffed emotional trauma center was pushed to the brink because of bullying? He had no support system to turn to in time of need, no sympathetic ear, no one to talk to about his troubles?
I agree with you David. I was merely pointing out the BBC spin. I’m sick of hearing minorities jsutifying their crimes on hurt feelings. I really hope this becomes a wakeup call for this counry and the USA. Immigrants – integrate completeley or get out!
I have met many people from the Eastern European countries who came here after WW2. They were grateful to escape communism and became more patriotic than the natives. Individually, there are good ones but as a group, the 3rd world immigrants have given us nothing but grief.
But he was happy to take the US dollar !!!
James Delingpole in the Telegraph :
“Hmm. Can’t imagine what Major Malik Nadal Hasan’s motivation could have been.
Nor it seems can the liberal mainstream media.
I was watching BBC’s Newsnight when the story broke of a killing spree at a Texas military base and instantly wondered – as I’m sure did 99.99 per cent of its other viewers – whether this had anything to do with the Religion of Peace. Then a news update came in that the suspect’s name was ‘Hasan’. But the BBC’s reporter hastened to reassure us that there was “no evidence” to suggest this was an act of “terrorism”. Phew! Perish the unworthy thought.”
The World at One on R4 spent ten minutes pondering the motivation issue, boldly striding round the elephant as if it wasn’t there.
It’s not just the BBC either. Almost the entire MSM is spinning like 747 turbofans trying to paint this as anything but the Sudden Jihad Syndrome it almost certainly is.
Do a search at for ‘fort worth jihad’ Even the Torygraph is telling us that this is ‘not a Muslim crime’.
They are clearly sh*tless about this.
Something is missing. If this man did not want to go to Iraq, he could have deserted. How could that be less rational, and more likely to have adverse consequences than what he did? Similarily, if he was afraid of being posted, how could carrying out a virtually suicidal attack be more attractive? What was his real motivation for a suicidal attack to kill US soldiers? Hmmm? And to think that this man was counselling unsettled soldiers!
The PM Radio news was hilarious. Lots of earnest discussion about “why he may have done it”. No mention of him screeching alahu akbar or giving away korans.
And the choices as to why he started killing kaffirs, according to the vacuous Beeboid reporter? 1. That he was a nutter, or 2. That he was a Muslim radicalised…. by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Nothing to do with the religion of peace’s extremist tendency, of course.
The BBC really is crap, corrupt beyond hope..
Well on the day prior to the inexplicable act:
1. He shaved off his body hair (confirmed by post attack examination)
2. Gave away his possessions
3. Gave copies of the Koran to anyone who would accept them
and yelled ALLAH AKBAR throughout the attack but still nothing definite as to WHY he did it, could; be anything…
Stopping Islamic immigration now is akin to having a referendum on the Lisbon treaty. Both trains have left the station.
What we need to think now is how
1. Get out of the EU.
2. To reverse islamic immigration.
Hassan’s brother initially stated that Hassan was uncomfortable with guns. This to show what a peaceful man hassan was. It turns out that Hassan was volunteeered for advanced waepons training.
So what is a psychiatrist doing with advanced weapons training?
It is also stated in mitigation, that Hassan was depressed, that he would be in combat, and may possibly have to kill fellow Mulims.
1. The US Army does not as a rule send psychiatrists to the front line – though there is a case to be made, that psychiatrists may well be a more lethal weapon against Islamonut Talebans.
2. And even if they did, he is required to show his allegiance to the country he is serving – or he may well have been.
ITN news didn’t shrink from reporting that the killer was shouting Allahu-Akbar or that it appeared to be an act of jihad.
According to the BBC he may have been radicalised by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not by anyone he may have met at the mosque then, or by his own interpretation of Islam. The BBC describes him as a ‘devout Muslim’, presumably to show that he wasn’t a nasty ‘fundamentalist’.
Devout Muslim = watch your back you infidel pig.
BBC ‘Newsnight’ is still in denial about discussing Islamic jihad nature of the Hasan mass murders.
Last night’s programme had on a US imam saying predictably that the fact that Hasan is a Muslim is irrelevant . BBC’s Mr. Esler did not interrupt, nor challenge any of this. No other point or view, e.g that of Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’ was allowed by BBC.
Robert Spencer has many excellent entries at ‘Jihadwatch’ site; here is an audio (7 mins) of him from Michael Savage show:
I am really surprised that the BBC haven’t hit on the real explanation. He just didn’t like the food.
Until you admit the problem there can be no cure. I’m sure Major Nidal Malik Hasan would agree with that proposition.
It seems that the allegations that Hasan turned against his fellow US soldiers and was driven to mass murder due to harrassment because he was a Muslim are BS.
Abdul-Rashid Abdullah, deputy director of the American Muslim Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Council, told that the nonprofit group has not received a single report recently of a U.S. soldier being harassed “simply because he was Muslim.”
“That kind of report is inconsistent with what we’ve heard,” Abdullah said prior to a press conference in Washington to denounce Thursday’s shooting at Fort Hood…
Boo! This is from FOX News! But before defenders of the indefensible dismiss it out of had simply because of that, consider the actual source. These guys are not mere propaganda tools of the US military.