Bit of a double whammy on how we Brits treat our kids today, care of the State Broadcaster. First we have the Rudd ritual apologies concerning the alleged “institutionalised” abuse that went on in Australia before many of us were even born. With Brown also poised to apologise for a programme that commenced before he was born and which he could have done nothing about, this is a good old liberal tear sandwich to start the day. Then, the BBC also runs an item claiming that Britain is the most punitive nation in Europe and that its child protection services are “not fit for purpose”. We’re all so bad, aren’t we? Nice way to start the week…
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I know! It’s hard to tell where we’re going with the BBC. I mean, it’s hard to find bias when they keep reporting all these alternative viewpoints!
What are we, a reformed nation of child abusers, a nation of child abusers or a nation of abused children! I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m the abused one with all this… news coming out of my bakelite radio set.
And worse still, there’s some kind of discussion at the end of the programme asking whether or not we should be apologising! Come on, BBC! Get a viewpoint and stick to it!
Hello Scott.
Can that be your pet name for me? I saw you used it before.
I’ll let you call me Scott if you let me call you Spanky. Okay, Spanky?
Why spanky Scott? Is this some kind of gay role play?
britain – as an irish person – you have NOTHING to apologise about.
how about a State that colluded with the police force to kidnap children from single mothers and deliver them into the clutches of Catholic Church paedophile rings.
well the report was released in Ireland last summer.
i swear to god – what you folks did was absolutely nothing to apologise about.
if you want more on this have a look at this youtube video from irish tv…
then come back to me on whether the british or aussies should “apologise”. dont bash yourselves over this.
poochie – welcome back. Nice name change.
I see your paranoia extends beyond assumptions of BBC bias…
…just to let you know, new people can come along and persecute you too. They have that power. I mean, I have that power.
Yeah, whatever you say Scott. Just put the moustache back into place as it’s slipped down at one side.
If this trend continues, NuLiebor migh eventually apologise for turning this country into a train wreck!
Funny the BBC don’t seem interested in 14 year old Muslim girls being sent off to Pakistan to be raped and married.
I wonder why?
Forced marriage and trading children for money and passports, modern slave trading thousands of women forced to endure a life of misery and slavery under the threat of death(honour killing) now that is something to appologise for isnt it?
The third world oppression of helpless children, the third world anti women abuse brought to our island and nutured and protected by the likes of newlabour.
I’m waiting for Brown to apologise for something he is responsible for. After all, there’s an awful lot.
like lack of helicopters…
First we have the Rudd ritual apologies concerning the alleged “institutionalised” abuse that went on in Australia before many of us were even born. With Brown also poised to apologise for a programme that commenced before he was born and which he could have done nothing about, this is a good old liberal tear sandwich to start the day.
Agreed, it’s stupid to apologise for something that happened before his time, but what does this have to do with bias at the BBC? You think that cos they report on it, that they agree with it? It appears you are doing the editorializing yourself.
I agree – apologising for historic events is a pointless gesture – but has this point of view been aired on the BBC – there is the bias.
Well, yeah. It was discussed at the end of the Today show yesterday. David Vance even linked to it here.
Hudd is an Aussie version of Obama – always saying sorry all the fcking time.
no exactly an aussie male alpha is he. i would bet that the Aussies are regretting they voted that idiot into power.
they’re not – he’s one of the most popular world leaders that saw through the whole finacial crisis
Its a nice convenient bite sized attack on our national history, guilt about our past, this guilt weapon is being hammered home by newlabour progressives, guilt of the past and fear of the future is being used to undermine our national confidence by those who wish to destroy us as a nation, everything about us as a nation is being attacked and derided, we are being set up by those who wish to destroy the UK as a sovereign entity.
Look how evil and nasty we were in the olden days and look how enlightened we are now, we were so cruel back then but look how progressive we are now! Its so easy for the forces of leftism/new socialism to play the handwringing crybabies, its designed to make them appear soooo concerned for the welfare of the proles, look how caring we are, no really looooook at how enlightened and caring we are, its gesture politics of the cheapest kind and its a dirty manipulative attempt to create a public hatred of our national past.
Does anyone really believe these creepy manipulative little political shits give a damn for slavery or war orphans? They are merely a convenient and cost effective political tool to create a mental seperation in the minds of the public, its an effective way of disconnecting us with our national heritage and this is the essential key to this ludicrous habit of appologising for the past.
A nation that is comfortable and proud of its history and achievments has little appetite for giving up its national sovereignty, a proud and confident nation with a strong national folk memory has no wish or desire to become a minor region of a superstate, only a weakened and unhappy nation ill at ease and filled with guilt about its past and fearful of the future would be happy to give up its national sovereignty hence the desire of the so called progressives to vandalise our national history!
Treachery and treason starts from within at the highest levels, the UK and our political establishment has been eaten away by treacherous traitors, only an empty shell remains now, the facade is all thats left, underneath the facade its a decayed and rotten corpse.
We have been betrayed as a nation, we have yet to realise the scale of the betrayal, when we do there will be trouble!
Whenever I hear those creepy greasy little commissars appologising for things like this it makes my skin crawl, the greasy smirking manipulators appologising on our behalf? Not in my name matey!
Sorry for going on about this folks but how long will it be before these scumbag commissars issue an appology on behalf of all of us about the carpet bombing of nazi Germany?
All reasonable people know that the nazi vermin in the form of the German people had to have their nazism scourged from their national soul and that nazism was deep seated in the German soul, the German nation had to be severely punished for their two world wars and genocide, they had to have the evil in their souls purged by fire and iron and if that meant bombing their nazi nests to dust then that was a price well worth paying. The German people were the willing incubator of nazi ideology and it follows that the German people had to bear the full cost of the nazi evil.
BTW the razing and cleansing by fire of the nazi nests and the utter destruction of the true home of nazism in the hearts of the German people was essential.
Now that Germany has nearly achieved its longed for domination of a new EU federal state how long before the German bully starts laying down the law again and with the UK poisoned and helpless then how long before the beast awakens again?
Good post Cassandra, spot on.
I remember in 1991 when a statue to Bomber Harris was unveiled, the lefty contingent were given much of the airwaves to voice their contempt at the man who spearheaded the Berlin blitz.
There’s not much fear of German bullying from the EU. They’ve bowed to Islamic worshipping nearly as much as the UK have.
Thanks Marky!
obama is going to hiroshima and nagasaki.
after rudd and brown, it doesnt take a genius to figure out that he’s going for the apology trifecta.
mark my words – obama WILL do that.
Is it really bias to report the news – it’s an international story relevant to Britain and many living people, does it really matter if we weren’t born? it’s not aimed at us
Cracking posts again, absolutely spot on !!!
Thanks Grant!