I await tonight’s Dispatches programme on C4. with that familiar dread and sinking feeling.
It’s no good saying wait and see before getting upset because there’s plenty there already…
The inevitable baying mob on the C4 website sets the scene. The gist is that the Jewish lobby is a sinister secretive conspiracy influencing political decisions and forcing our trembling government to support the brutal Zionist entity against the interests of the UK. Furthermore, Jews will try silence such accusations with charges of anti-Semitism, so remember to ignore whatever Jews say in their malevolent attempts to shut down this perfectly reasonable and well-intentioned debate.
Peter Oborne has written some explanatory notes, (takes forever to load) which make his position quite clear. He airs his views on Jonathan Dimbleby, Jeremy Bowen and the Balen report, and concludes that the BBC is muzzled by this crippling Zionist stranglehold.
(Take the influential and intimidating words you are reading right now as proof of this. Sense the powerful ominous Jewish threat impliedly lurking behind them and wonder at the unimaginably emasculating effect they are having on the BBC)
So the lobby is uncovered, but wait. There is another disturbing Jewish tactic. People are asking “So what?” “So what if there’s a lobby group? Aren’t there countless other lobby groups?” For example the Muslim, Palestinian, Gay and Lesbian, Hunting/anti hunting lobbies?
Anyone who saw the report Our World by Emily Buchanan on BBC News 24 the other day extolling the benefits of Sharia in the UK, not just for family courts, but for Sharia friendly finance, might have pondered over the government’s keenness to establish London as the World hub of Sharia finance. The film was at pains to point out that the little things we ignorant Islamophobes might fear about this development are mere overreactions to the threatening behaviour of a few unrepresentative radicals and pure racist scaremongering. Surely, if there was anything to worry about, Peter Oborne would be onto it? Fatwa permitting.
A sole dissenting voice came from an Iranian lady whose apostacy had drawn death threats. She explained that, amongst many other unenlightened principles, under Sharia a woman’s word is worth half a man’s .
Now it seems, under the UK’s newly unenlightened principles, a Jew’s word is worth nothing at all.
It’s the lobby, the evil sinister lobby; it’s in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and you’d better believe it.
I agree with your point entirely Sue. Let me just make that fact clear before in turn am labelled a ‘bigot’ and a ‘racist’ for daring to question you again. Although channel 4 is merely a repository for the BBC unemployed, I would like to ask again…
…What does this have to do with BBC bias?
6 paragraphs later and you are tackling the issue. So why isn’t that the focus of your article?
For me the first six paragraphs are as much an issue as the rest.
Two important takes on this are at Robin Shepherd’s blog, and Mel’s “Britain’s least effective lobby?”
An aristocratic friend was erratically negotiating a complicated system of roadworks A policeman said “Excuse me Sir, have you been drinking?” “No officer” replied the gent, “I’m just a bloody awful driver” whereupon a police escort concernedly accompanied him homeward. That’s true.
Likewise, I’m no aristocrat, maybe just a bloody awful writer. Next time, before I post, shall I run my essay past you for marking?
Your postings are improving markedly Sue. I’m not trying to discourage you. I just think a sharper focus on your subject matter as it relates to BBC bias gives it more clout. Anything that clubs the BBC should be positively encouraged, but panning it out to the rest of the mainstream media is pointless on this blog.
She is right to question the continual attacks on Jews from the leftist media whilst arse licking a vile group of murdering lunatics that promote Islam.
Sharia finance? So what about workers co-operatives that have operated for decades in the UK like the Co-op or the John Lewis partnership? Housing associations that part buy homes etc.
How interesting that the BBC’s Sharia UK stayed away from the rape of 14 year old girls, forced marriage, female circumcision and other barbaric Islamic practices (please leftie turds don’t come out with the “It’s not just Islamic” I don’t care) and so called honour killings.
And yet again the BBC are running the SAME effing video of that Mussa bloke being interogated. I saw worse during training in my days.
I remember seeing someone smashed in the face with a rifle butt during basic training because he was pratting about, his nose just exploded, there was blood everywhere. That sort of thing happens in the forces.
That vile pig Caroline Hawley seems to enjoy showing this crap every day. It’s war you stupid drug using beeboids!!!!
The textbook way newlabour is tearing down and destroying our national institutions is easy to see, the waging of an unwinnable war/quagmire in Afghanistan could well be carefully planned to discredit our armed forces in the eyes of the people, I mean what better way to sow hatred and distrust between the ultimate protectors of our Island home and the people of that island? Look what happened with Vietnam, the unpopular war came close to breaking the link between the people and its protectors.
Once the link between us and our forces has been broken it will be easier to deliver us into foreign servitude.
Afghanistan is looking more and more like another Vietnam every day, a corrupt regime bolstered by $$$$ and limited to the central cities with safe havens for the terrorists where no NATO soldier may go, billions being poured away every month for NO gains, blood and treasure being wasted for no rational purpose when the real terror threat comes from our own cities populated by hostile colonists.
If newlabour are the frontmen for a sinister treachery betraying our nation into slavery, they are doing a textbook job of it!
The war in Afghanistan is winnable. The problem is we have a intellectual lightweight in office in America who is more interested in winning the political battle against the republicans than he is in winning the military battle against the Taliban!
Has anyone seen any reporting of Liebour scum Peter White calling the Queen ‘vermin’?
Couldn’t see it on the BBC website (plenty of anti Tory stories of course) nor have I heard anything on the BBC news.
Sky mentioned it.
he called them “vermin” cos they were “parasites” on society.
oh really – so who taxes us to the hilt – robs our money – for thousands of non-jobs Peter White.
yes – that would be Labour.
They were discussing this earlier on R4.
On the news or just agreeing with the comments?
Took only a couple of seconds to find:
7th most read story and headline on the England page.
Why is the BBC not reporting this,
Yet they have the tory story of a four year old affair !!
Well one) they did, on radio 4
and two) is it really a story? – it’s about someone’s facebook page, you can’t jump on such a thing until it becomes news for other reasons
Oh what you mean like this Bob?
Or is it only news when the promotion of it it could aid Palestinian terrorists.
legislation about blocking the internet is somewhat different to what someone says on facebook/twitter etc isn’t it?
If the British army did that I’d expect a story, some bloke on facebook slagging off the queen – no, not really
i have to say – this has to be the most godawful comment system i have ever encountered on the internet.
absolutely terrible – its a barrier to discussion, a barrier to whistleblowers and no wonder that your comment count has plummeted.
biased bbc blog – taken over by the bbc. wouldnt in the slightest surprise me.
‘A barrier to discussion’ is a good point. Anyone who doesn’t think the BBC are the devil’s spawn are derided as “beeboids”. These ‘beeboids’ are almost always ‘lefties’, apparently. Some people try to make dicusssion here, others are just ranters.
folks – if this comment system is not changed to haloscan, i will resurrect bbc-biased.blogspot.com
you have 1 week to get rid of this godawful system – or else i will reactivate that blog , with its full and free comments – and ANONYMOUS comments too.
i hate that its come to this, but i’ve stood back and watched this blog be driven into the ground. and its time i said something.
bring back haloscan and all will be cool.
dont bring it back and i will set up a rival blog.
Oooooooooh, get you! Look out DV, Handbags at dawn. Mwah!
Presumably you used to be involved with this operation – would the whole BBC-bias thing be a bit more about BBC-bias and less about people not having their hardline opinions promoted
There you go John. You’ve got a taker.
i do apologise for the rant above – but its an expression of my frustration. i just wanted to dive onto this site when seeing that disgraceful “bash israel” dispatches.. and i want confronted with an ID wall that even myself with 15 years computer programming experience couldnt figure out. took me about 10 minutes to figure out.
what hope does a non-technical user have? or indeed a reader of this blog that wants to remain anonymous and tip you folks off.
its ridiculous. you have a week. bring back haloscan. or else you’ll have a rival.
Let us know when you do it John so we all know when to avoid it. Hopefully it will serve as a bucket of shit to keep the flies away from this site.
This is a new one, even for Biased-BBC: a complaint of bias about a programme not even on the BBC!
Great. Theres SO much bias on the beeb, that you’ve had to go looking to other channels….
It’s already been pointed out that the posting was referring to ‘Our World’, Twat Face Penguin Seal. You should have got your helper to finish reading it to you.
You see my point Sue. A bit of editorial can only be a good thing if it silences fifth form social studies students like Twat Face Penguin Seal.
Oh twat face penguin seal, my god I hadn’t considered that. Tell me, any more name related jokes you have for us?
The first 5 paragraphs refer to what then….oh yes, a channel 4 show. Hmm. Tell me travis, are you the same Travis bickle who last night said
Oh god, the muslims have found this forum again.
Looks like we’d better start sucking up to them in the manner they are accustomed too. I can hear a gentle ticking.I think that speaks for itself really, when it comes to the argument of ‘fifth form social studies’. If I am fifth form, you haven’t got past nappies yet boss.
In answer to your question Twat Face, I didn’t post that last night, I posted it TODAY. The clue was in the part that stated “Today, 20:48:03”.
Again, ask your helper to read all the message before posting.
And as I was responding to an Islamic troll who has been gloating about the deaths of British soldiers, the only person likely to care about my comments are yourself and the other trolls.
“If there is a Jewish/Israel lobby here, it is not very effective, as Israel is almost treated as a pariah state in the media and has few friends in politics,”
Well. I just watched a ridiculous programme. Was Peter Oborne not aware that his programme about bias was itself one of the most biased programmes ever made?
Peter Oborne’s strip-cartoon hate-fête verged on parody. In the unlikely event that he offers to make another one on behalf of the other side, I’d advise against.
Who ever had the brilliant idea to juxtapose gruesome images of Gazan corpses with close-ups of knives and forks guzzling posh nosh at the Tory friends of Israel Gala night? Subtle as a Sledgehammer Documentaries R Us sure know how to get a point across.
I bet he didn’t have to lobby those nicely spoken anti-Semitic English gents very hard to persuade them to express their opinions, no doubt they generously donated their contributions without sweeteners. Not to mention the Jewish critics of Israel who have built whole careers out of it. I bet poor bedraggled Mr. Rusbridger, still unaware of his daughter’s impending disgrace, didn’t have to be asked twice either.
HawkEye, you mysterious piece of lobbying blogger, you’re effing famous. Not in a good way. Well maybe in a good way. Depends.
It was a modestly self-confessed act of fearlessness from Peter Oborne, to boldly defy the powerful Jewish lobby and get this programme off the ground and past unimaginable Jewish obstacles.
To get away with shouting “aggressive” in an aggressive voice, with tiny narrowed eyes, that took guts.
He seemed to believe that Israel invaded Lebanon and Gaza but had no idea why, so it was courageous of him to actually go to Israel personally and risk getting invaded, lobbied or tortured himself; the fact that he came back all in one piece, disappointingly unbribed, was a testament to his indefatigability and incorruptibility.
Now, I know that it was on channel 4. Please don’t tell me that again. It is highly relevant because it contained lots of direct references to the BBC, you see, as well as indirect ones, and the whole thing echoes and reflects the BBC’s wide ranging and wrong-headed influence.
That bloody Jewish lobby though, might be gay. It shouldn’t, like, ever be allowed and shit.
I didn’t bother watching it as I’m so bored with ‘serious’ documentaries that are only opinion pieces filled with fluff and gloss. Sitting there waiting for something, anything to be uncovered when most of the time there is nothing at all there but media manipulation and so I’ve wasted my time watching it.
One Harry’s Place commenter noted…
“Notice how all the ‘goodies’ – Rusbridger, the ex-BBC man, Oborne himself – are filmed in cosy book lined rooms. Meanwhile, the Jews are all filmed in ‘hidden camera’ style, like furtive footage of Mafia bosses getting in and out of cars – even the pics of Cameron were jerky – and put to a soundtrack straight out of a John Le Carre Cold War drama.”
I haven’t seen it yet, living in Spain I don’t see Channel 4 so I’ll have to wait for it to get uploaded to YouTube.
Osborne is an ex-BBC employee so discussion of this is on topic.
“Everything is now illuminated”
(by Melanie Phillips)
-with appropriate references to BBC.
Surreal in Solihull
Last week I was approached by the BBC with a request to appear on its BBC1 Sunday morning live religions and ethics debate programme ‘The Big Questions’ as what is termed an ‘expert contributor’. The subject of the debate was to be ‘Is antisemitism on the rise in the UK?’.
Now read on…
Good article BioD
Perhaps we have define a new kind of functional antisemitism as practised by the BBC and Peter Oborne – ‘hypocritical antisemitism’?
It always begins something like this: The Israel Lobby always accuses any critic of Israel as being antisemitic. I am not antisemitic BUT:
*I support people who openly declare it a religious duty to kill Jews;
*The one state that doesn’t have a right to defend itself is the Jewish one;
*The one state that doesn’t have a right to exist is the Jewish one;
*I repeat Medieval antisemitic tropes such as Jews poisoning the wells, stealing organs, forming secret cabals to control governments without question;
*When I produce imagery to criticise Israel I fall back to antisemitic imagery of the past including hook noses, broad brimmed hats, beards, sidelocks and Stars of David;
*I accuse Israel of mistreating Palestinians but ignore hideous crimes against Palestinians, indeed many other groups, so long as Israel is not involved;
*So long as the subject is Jews or Israel I will never admit the connection between anti Zionism and antisemitism but I will do everything I can possibly do to connect Jews with Israel where it can reflect badly on them. No professional ethics or the values I profess to hold will stand in my way.*
I’m sure we can think of more.
If you understand Spanish there’s an excellent interview which was on Spanish TV with the Argentinian writer Gustavo Perednik on “judeofobia” last Sunday, in which first he explains why he prefers the term to “antisemitismo” then he goes on to give the examples you’ve given and more.
Amongst other things he explains how antisemitism, or “Jew hatred”, has been practised for so long throughout history that all the necessary negative images and libels are there for the taking, so it’s easy.
I disagree with him when he says that antisemitism is on the wane, but agree that the only possible cure is education, which by the way is part of the BBC’s obligation under its charter.
The interview is here, and here‘s an English version based on a twelve-lecture Internet course prepared for “The Jewish University in Cyberspace.” During 2000 and 2001 which is very similar in content to the ground he covers in the interview.
Honest Reporting has a good line to add to my list: However, we also recognize that even if the intent may not be anti-Semitic, the consequences may be.
Inside Channel 4’s Conspiracy Factory
The Dispatches programme was a total disgrace. The way I would link it to the BBC is that the BBC would be proud of it and it won’t have done the odious Oborne’s career prospects with the BBC any harm.
Maybe he can switch to the BBC and do a similar film on the Arab lobby !
Next up on the Liberal British media:
‘Kauf Nichts Bei Juden’:
Louis Theroux spends time with some men wearing ringlets and Peter Blowhard asks: “was it really necessary to get those Israeli avocados from M&S, when Mr.Patel in Tooting sells ones that are just as nice”?
Honest Reporting puts its side of the story here.