Did anyone else catch the Cameron interview on the Today show this morning? John Humphrys seem determined to suggest that there was some form of collusion between David Cameron and Sir Christopher Kelly when it came to highlighting the total failure of Brown to deal with certain aspects of the Kelly report. What did Dave know and when did he know it? – was the line being pursued by the BBC this morning. Nice way of deflecting the issue. John!
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Yes, the BBC’s General Election campaign FOR Labour, and AGAINST the Tories is wsell underway.
Compare the BBC’s ‘Today’ love-in between BBC’s Evan Davies and Labour’s Lord Mandelson yesterday (BBC iPlayer), with the hostility and interruptions provided by John Humphrys in his ‘interview’ with Tory leader, David Cameron, this morning.
B-BBC will no doubt find much more of this bias in the BBC’s political run up to the General Election; the Tories should record this well, and make appropriate charges of BBC’s Labour political bias .
Yes DV, I listened and could not believe my ears. Cameron was at least curtious with his responses even under constant interuptions.
If I was dave I might have simply said: Look pal! It was not in the speech and I brought it up the first chance I got, I gave him 2 chances to stand up and put it right and he took non of them.
No coincidence, Susanne Reid on Breakfast Time was in full interrupt mode, and argued the government case as if she were a government minister.
Surely this campaign by labour, appointing one of their placemen, Kennedy, and the BBC is not because Labour MPs and Lords are the worst offenders ?
When asked about his ‘cast iron gaurantee’ about a referendum Cameron quickly fell to pieces, he was uncomfortable and it showed.
No government can bind its successor, the illegal treaty/constitution can be revoked by an incoming government straight away after a proper consultation of the British people by way of a campaign and referendum.
Ask yourself just why Dave has broken his promise, ask yourself why is Cameron so scared of giving the British people a vote on our sovereignty and independence as a nation.
Could it be that Cameron knows full well that the British people would vote down the EU treaty and in fact would vote down membership of the federal EU superstate given the chance, knowing all this does it not seem likely that Cameron is just as keen on railroading the UK into foreign servitude, the selling out of our nation to foreigners.
The sad and indeed tragic fact is that Cameron wants us in the chains of foreign servitude every bit as much as the other two quisling parties, if Cameron wanted to give us a referendum he could and if he wanted to repeal the treaty he could by passing a law through both houses, its that simple and the fact that he is lying to us at least by omission must lead us to the conclusion that Dave is in on the scam.
Sorry I don’t agree…what else can Cameron do about the EU right now? He’s not PM; it’s not his fault there was no referendum. You can’t judge him before he’s even got the job (if he gets it, of course).
Of course you are quite correct FFPS, he is not the PM and he may not be the PM after the next election.
Where I disagree with you is about whether one can judge him by his words.
Cameron could state openly and clearly right now his intention to honour his promise of a referendum, he could clearly state while newlabour can enter into any agreement it wants to the tories will not honour them against the wishes of the people.
The treaty gives away UK sovereignty, this sovereignty is not and never has been in the gift of any government to give away without the authority of the people, this authority has not been granted so it follows that the treaty is worthless untill the people give their assent.
The attempt to spin this illegal treaty as a done deal unable to be altered or done away with is the biggest crime among many perpetrated against the British people.
Newlabour may have been at the helm during the betrayal but Cameron is just as guilty because he has lied and is lying to us about the reality of his power to cut down this anti democratic abomination IF he gets to be UK PM.
Left or right red or blue is not the issue here, its a question of we the people have not been asked if we agree to hand over our sovereign rights.
You can’t judge him before he’s even got the job
Actually, you can. When he says he will negotiate return of powers to the UK you know he’s lying because the other countries will have no intention of doing any such thing. It would involve rewriting the treaty and no-one has the stomach for it. Cameron knows it, but he hopes most of the public don’t. And that makes him a liar.
They’re all liars, so what’s your point?
Did I miss something??????? During the night did the Republic of Ireland invade the UK and take over the BBC?
All morning all I’ve heard is the BBC whining about some silly football match involving TWO FOREIGN teams and for some reason the BBC felt the need to waste English licence fee payers money covering this same match on the radio last night.
Why should I feel upset for Ireland? Don’t think the French go around murdering our soldiers or citizens and I’m betting that in 1986 during the famous ‘hand of god’ incident not many Irishmen singing IRA songs in Dublin bars would have given two shits for England.
They were robbed though…that dodgy frencheman Henry clearly handballed it.
They were robbed. But Football is not a sport anymore so time to move on. That said, I was thinking of starting the “Henri is innocent” campaign…
But the Irish whining is pathetic, let’s take a look back and see how many dodgy penalties they’ve had over the years.
What annoys me is the BBC are LEADING with this story. Why not Government debt?
Correct me if I’m wrong but no one seems to be attacking either the French players or the French management for bad sportsmanship but I bet had Henry owned up and requested the goal be disallowed he would have been crucified. As it is the message seems to be how clever and ‘professional’ he was for cheating and getting away with it.
BTW Had the French requested the replay they would have instantly improved both their relations with Irealand, improved their reputation with the rest of the world AND made a fortune from the rematch.
Sorry typo. Ireland
I see the BBC is ‘spinning’ for Fattie Hatemenperson already over her charge.
Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman is to be prosecuted over a minor car accident in her south London constituency in July.
So minor in fact it makes you wonder why the police are bothering.
Here the BBC tells us about the dangers of using a mobile whilst driving and by the way which Government made using a phone whilst driving illegal? The Tories or Liebour? Another Liebour politician who can’t live by the laws they make, she of course is NOT the first Liebour politician to be caught out is she?
Hmm. ITV news stated that driving without due care and attention is a serious offence, but obviously not in the world of the BBC.
I have to agree with Cassandra, whenever Dave is interrogated about the treaty he goes to pieces. You can almost hear the cogs grinding as he desperately tries to find reverse gear. I’m afraid Cameron would say just about anything to snatch a couple more votes…but he ain’t getting mine.
Nor mine – if this chap cannot regain powers from the EU then voting for him will make no difference at all. No matter who wins we will be ruled by Brussels. The general election will be like a local election to a borough council.
Although I agree that the Toriies always get a rough ride from the BBC. I do not now have much sympathy for them. They seem quite happy to let this country be ruled by a socialist federal state,They know that no matter what policies they try to implement they will have to be approved by the ruling socialists in the EU. If they cannot be honest with the public then they are no better than the Labour Party.
Sorry but David Cameron is nothing more than an oppotunist who seems happy to follow Labours grand plan on the destruction of Britain.
It is to be noted that Cameron will have to deal with a whole raft of unelected newlabour placemen in the EU, Cameron has few of his own troops in positions of influence and power within the commision/european council, when he goes to the EU he will face a hostile wall of beaurocrats and functionaries, in effect he will have no friends in europe in positions of power, he is in effect boxed in and isolated before he gets into office and he is merely a tiny isolated weak voice within a monolith that now requires no more regional appointees.
If Cameron steps out of line(not that he ever will)he will be effectively stonewalled and sent to Coventry(a sub sub region of La Manche), Cameron is a lightweight Noddy no friends with no influence and no friends and no appointees and reliant on newlabour placemen toadies within the EU for any information and intel about EU intentions.
In effect the whole system is rigged against Cameron now even if he suddenly had a mental fit/road to Damascus conversion and grew some balls, he is a non entity before he even steps into the new powerless role of regional PM of an unimportant region of the EUSSR.
That is also my view but on this blog we need to still expose the bias since the BBC has a duty to treat all sides similarly.
Yes David I do agree with you – the bias is important and any politician no matter what their politics , deserve the same kind of treatment from the BBC. Thanks for pointing it out.
There is a good reason that in democratic countries we ELECT our polititians to represent our wishes, to protect our interests and to be the caretaker for a limited term of our democratic process.
The EU is not democratic, it is an unacountable and distant monolith created to be anti democratic and secretive, it is engineered to be self serving and self referencing serving its own interests first.
Backroom secret deals, dark corners where whispers and stitch ups thrive, payoffs and bribes and back scratching all as far removed from the ‘threat’ of democratic accountability as possible.
Take a look at how the new EUSSR is now being built, its like a castle with high walls, in fact a series of metephorical high walls that keeps the ‘high political priesthood’ as far as possible from the ordinary masses and from behind these constructed walls a secret government can opperate in secret!
The faked up facade of democratic accountability fools few people, it wasnt even that well designed, like a badly painted mural to cover up the grubby and dark machinations behind the high walls.
The people who strut and preen in front of the cameras think they have won, the forces of darkness and dictatorship believe their EUSSR is now unstoppable and inevitable, these people hate real democracy, they fear real representative democracy because it is the one force that could derail their plans, the cancer from within are those who despise the electorate, they have no interest in democracy.
We have the system of universal sufferage for a good reason, it reminds the polititians who they serve and this key protection has become the polititians greatest threat, they actually see us a threat to their power and they are removing that threat as fast as they can!
Did anyone catch the interview on Today this morning between Justin Webb and Neil Kinnock? I turned off after 30 seconds once I caught Justin’s chummy laugh at Lord Windbag’s answer to his question, which they obviously thought was terribly clever. I feared this was going to set the tone and that my car radio might go through the dashboard.
Did I make a mistake in turning off and miss a good skewering of the shameless Welsh windbag?
Oooh yes Roland, I heard the chummy and friendly chat, cosy ego massaging with both of them so close you really couldnt tell where one of them ended and the other began!
The tragic part is that Cameron will have to go through Kinnock in his dealings with the EU, do you think that Kinnock will move heaven and earth to sabotage his mortal political enemy at every turn, backbriefing and leaking will be the order of the day every day.
Cameron is f****d from the start isnt he? Everything he does, every moce he makes in the EU cesspit will be overheard by his enemies, in this hostile enviroment with his every action well known by his enemies in advance then WTF can he ever hope to achieve?