In what promises to be a spectacularly lefty panel this week, Question Time features the Immigration Minister Phil Woolas, the Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling, expenses trougher and LibDem Sir Menzies Campbell, and Clare Short who is now sitting as an Independent. Broadcaster Nick Ferrari will add weight (literally) to the proceedings in the plus an extra panelist seat.
On the BBC website Short is described as being one of “Blair’s Babes” which if nothing else shows that someone at the BBC does sarcasm. David Vance will be leading the charge in the Biased-BBC livechat as usual, and TheEye will be humbly assisting with the moderation. See you here later this evening!
why is only Campbell referred to as a trougher? He’s not been regarded as a particularly bad one, he claimed less than Woolas
I was going to put in something about all of them; Woolas and Gurkhas, something about Grayling etc etc but got bored and didn’t.
Who on earth is Nick Ferrari ? Sounds like a car thief to me.
Clare Short an Independent? That would be an Independent Marxist I guess.
Ferrari is normally an outspoken, right of centre radio jock on LBC but since Global Radio have taken over, the number of government propaganda adverts (such as don’t take foreign sausages back home with you in your suitcase) and other dumbed down crap, he appears to have been somewhat toeing the government line in places.
Bit of a shock as a few years ago I used to listen to his program alot. Still James O’Brien is a bit of a leftie, with deeply partisan views and doesn’t hesitate to push the pro-miner/anti-Thatch/Tory toffs whenever he can, but at least has no particular favouritsm to Broon and his destructive insanity, especially after having kids and growing up a bit.