So what do you make of the news that Mark Thompson, the director general of the BBC, has vetoed a review of executive pay because the corporation’s private polling shows that viewers care more about repeats? The Telegraph has the details here. I cannot see how the BBC can adopt such an arrogant approach although listening to David Cameron on Marr this morning did not inspire me into thinking that the day of reckoning is coming anytime soon. DC seemed very pally when he talking to some actress luvvies on the Marr couch.
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I am afraid that anyone who still labours under the illusion that Mr Cameron will in fact do anything revolutionary IF he becomes PM is in for a shock.
The Conservatives under Cameron will leave the BBC alone and protect its enforced revenue stream. We can look forward to high taxes, years of mass immigration, rule from Brussels, more taxes and less freedom, more quango parasites, less democracy, even more taxes.
In effect we will have newlabour minus the ugly faces of the newlabour elite, blulabour is the name of the beast and people are in for a very rude awakening.
My thoughts exactly. It also did not go unnoticed that Marr was almost civil, preferring to drop his usual interrupting, heckling and undermining of anyone remotely conservative. He is probably satisfied that cast-iron Dave will do nothing to change the licence fee system, same as his do-nothing stance on the Lisbon Treaty.
This all coincides with the polls which are writing down Cast-Iron Dave like Sunday night in a bazaar. He is apparently being dropped by the voters like a hot turd.
My feeling is that he may well go down like that other imbecile Kinnock, as the leader who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
If the Conservatives really want a victory they need to dump this this loser before it’s too late.
gordon brown and david cameron = same shit, different arsehole.
cameron will obey his rothschild paymasters, just like brown does. no end to the state sponsored propaganda of the bbc, no end to the illegal tax. the cycle continues. the ship changes captain but doesn’t change direction.
do these rothschild paymasters take anybody on? i would be willing to offer my services for a small fee.
not much, really
I think people miss the point, Cameron is a bit wet with the BBC but within the Tory party there are plenty (thankfully) who are looking to slit the throat of this bloated drug infested left wing cesspit of turd sniffers.
Once the Tories get power, those people will come to the fore, the BBC are crapping themselves as they know plenty of Tories have a big score to settle.
“bloated drug infested left wing cesspit of turd sniffers”
LOL! Couldn’t have put it better if I tried.
Rothschild paymasters ???
The salary structure and expenses of the BBC executives is indefensible. So naturally there will be no review. Thompson knows this. They all ,noses deep in the public trough, know this.
They and the quangocrats , the so called public servants of Railtrack etc, the bloated bankers and senior business executives have to show a united front otherwise the whole unreal pack of cards will crash down around them.
Sometimes I am not surprised otherwise sensible people become rabid socialists.
We, the disregarded majority, are being looted on a scale quite unprecedented. It will end of course but how I do not know.
But I do hope the looters are the ones to suffer.
The BBC director general is justifying doing nothing about the obscene paychecks handed out to executives there, by claiming that private polls within the BBC indicate that the public is more concerned by repeats, quality of content, impartiality, swearing and bad language.
If he truly had an ethical conscience he would question why then does the BBC need to pay these executives so much if they are unable to provide original quality programmes that didn’t have to resort to bad taste, and were fulfilling their remit by being unbiased. Since he’s an immoral creep however he’s deciding to carry on milking the licence fee for everything he can along with his cronies.
Notice they even repeat one of the criticisms with ‘swearing and bad language’. Unless they mean bad grammar in the latter.
Can you imagine the polls they refer to? It probably just asks what are your main concerns – repeats, quality of content, impartiality, or swearing and bad language? Maybe they should try one that includes how much they pay themselves and their ‘stars’.
Everything BBC hinges on the public paying the licence fee. Mark Thompson and assorted troughers can go **** themselves. Not with my money you don’t….
I truly feel sorry for the rank and file real Tories and those people who still want so desperately to believe that there is still a Tory party to vote for.
The art of subverting from within is an age old tactic and the conservative party has been subverted and taken over by the same kind of people that hijacked labour.
There is no conservative party anymore, there will be no surprising leap to the right when the precious ring of power is passed to the Tories, the new social democrats formerly known as the Tory party will simply be an extension of newlabour rule.
People are still so desperate to believe that they can elect the Tories and things will change, they will not and indeed thay cannot change.
Big government run from Brussels, high taxes,overbearing and suffocating state control,state employment of legions of useless parasites will continue.
Cameron will toe the line, he will obey orders and the path of UK destruction will continue, Mr Cameron will work with Ashton and Kinnock and all the other federalists, the illegal treaty stealing our national sovereignty will be allowed to stand, he could crush the treaty within a month if he so chose, the fact that he is quite happy with our new status as a powerless colony of Brussels and his blind obedience to the myth of global warming should tell us something that something is terribly wrong.
I see yet another Labour MP is in trouble with his expenses (Andrew Dismore). How did I know he was a Labour MP? Listening to Radio 5 who on their news at 9am simply referred to him as “an MP” and then Jo Coburn did a report that spent 30 seconds totally supporting him and giving us the “he’s done nothing wrong” line, she also never mentioned he was Labour.
What’s with all the scatological references today? (If you don’t know what it means look it up)
They are inappropriate and lower the integrity of the site.
I will not respond to any flames coming to me because of this comment.
on the contrary they, as comments, sum the BBC mindset up perfectly.