Familiar BBC meme – the Police are racist. This morning the BBC has covered concerns raised over routine DNA tests which seem to suggest that some groups featured disproportionately on the database – with young black men “very highly over-represented.” I guess that means one of two things – either our Police are indeed racist or young black men commit more crime than the population average. I notice that the BBC don’t pursue the latter possibility. Why?
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Any yet 83% of our prison population is white:
How does that fit with your “black people commit more crime” nonsense?
Er I don’t think ethnic minorities make up 17% of the population do they?
Remember most crime is committed by males so if 6% of the UK population is black then only about 3% is male.
Not only that but black people are most likely to be living in urban areas, so whole areas of the UK are very unblack.
Take the flooding up in Cumbria, have you seen a black person on the TV yet?
The truth is black people often so commit more crime in certain areas since there are more of them in that area, but you are also correct that the majority of crime is committed by white scum.
I don’t like scum whatever their colour.
Barely 2% of the UK population is labeled as “black”, yet 12% of the prison population is black. 92% are counted as white, yet they represent only 83% of the prison population. So while whites are represented at .9:1, blacks are represented at 6:1.
Either blacks are more likely to commit crime, or the vast majority of those in prison are innocent. Take your pick.
Paulo: ever heard of per-capita statistic? Obviously not.
Nice BBC bias through ambiguity there about young black men being “disproportionately” on the DNA database, but disproportionate to what? To their percentage of the population or to the percentage of criminals? The former yes, the latter probably not.
Palo while not exactly black you do know that over 11% of the prison population is Islamic. Yet they only construe 2% of the population.
It does not state the comparison between % on the DNA database and those in prison. it says “very highly over-represented.”; but does not add that this group is also: “very highly over-represented.” in our prison system.
A story for BBC to pursue:
“German-born criminal to be deported to Turkey”
-Why not a similar policy for UK to adopt?
No chance or they would have to mention the killer of the west london Headmaster. Can’t remember his name, but our courts kept him here because of a right to family life, etc, etc.
I guess that means one of two things – either our Police are indeed racist or young black men commit more crime than the population average. I notice that the BBC don’t pursue the latter possibility. Why?
David, maybe there is a level of racism within the police AND young black men commit more crime than average. Both seem likely, both are surely difficult to prove.
Is your ‘bias’ angle here really that you don’t like any minority story making the news? It’s funny, because every time there’s a BBC story about racism or a related topic, you and your cohorts seem to have a problem with it. Why is that?
It surely can’t be that difficult to prove that young black men commit more crime than average. The racism angle is nearly impossible to prove above a certain level, as far as causality goes. Blacks are imprisoned at a rate 6 times their percentage of the population, whereas whites are imprisoned at less than a 1:1 ratio.
The only way that blacks do not commit more crimes than average is if more than 80% of those in prison are innocent, or were otherwise wrongly imprisoned. Do you contend that’s entirely possible?
More heat than light on this one I fear. The black population is overwhelmingly inner city based. I suspect that inner city whites display the same crime levels as blacks. Crime, particularly gang related is far lower in rural and suburban areas.
I would think police “racism” is a complete red herring. Inner cities have always been lawless places. Nothing new here.
The white middle class is fleeing these places. I suspect so to is the black middle class. Colour is not a relevant issue in my opinion.
Fat Face, it is nice of you to appoint yourself the anti-biased-BBC spokesman but you really are in denial if you think the Beeb is not biased. The BBC apparatchiks are so smug and self satisfied that they really think we don’t know the ethnicity of criminals who make the news. You can tell not only from the crime scene and circumstances but also from the type of crime. I picked up on the same point that this post has raised when I heard this item this morning. Are you honestly saying that you didn’t or do you really believe what you are writing? BBC scripts have become so predictable that if a non-white appears to be the criminal at the start of a TV drama, you know that by the end of it he won’t be the villain so there is no point in watching the res t of the show unless you want to see how some white person has framed him or forced him into crime. The BBC believes its own ‘only whites are real criminals’ stereotype so firmly that it reports the real news that way.
As for Paulo, what I would be interested in is not the percentage of whites to black in prison but the percentage of black to white in prison for serious crime including murder, violence, prostitution and pimping, drug dealing etc. I am certain that the figures would be even more shocking.
I was almost going to agree with you, until I actually went and read the article
One sentence, which is a quote – it’s reporting on the HGC report, had they made a whole piece about saying the police were racist then I would agree – but all they said was the report pointed out that young black men were over-represented, which they are (as we all know) – no one even mentioned racism
You know, it’s interesting that the Beeboid junior sub-editor found the need to even mention that. As it stands, it’s totally irrelevant to the rest of the article. I wonder what caused the unbiased folks at BBC News Online to throw in such a non sequitur like that?