One day, the story of how climate change hysteria took over the BBC will be told. Just like CRU, they have disgracefully refused FoI requests to reveal how they shadily arrived at the outrageous political decision to back the scam with every sinew and every resource at their disposal.
Meanwhile, their journalists continue to act like bigoted charlatans when they discuss anything to do with the topic. This morning, Today presenter Sarah Montague and political reporter James Landale discussed as if it were a serious topic a lunatic idea from the Department of Health that we should kill one in three cows in Britain to reduce methane emissions and thereby also improve the nation’s health by reducing meat intake. Landale betrayed his climate change fanatacism by saying admiringly that the idea was “courageous”. Montague tought the whole thing was a bit of a giggle because someone had pointed out that dairy and cattle farmers might be offended.
If the BBC were a true journalistic organisation, the story here would have been an investigation of what the hell the DoH is doing wasting our money by coming up with inane reports that are an insult to the intelligence of a three-year-old.
Wouldn’t it be better to cull 1 in 3 Beeboids ?
Hang on guys…lets not jump off the deep end here.
So once we have killed 1 in 3 cows, thats gonna be one hell of a feed! 😀
Exactly. I love me some beef. And it’s a good opportunity to troll vegetarians.
If the government really believed its own global warming hype, the first thing it would do is carry out a major cull of the 6 million dogs and 6 million cats that together have an unquantifiable carbon footprint. Far more sensible than killing cattle.
I hope someone here is picking upon this story about the BBC having these emails a month ago.
Just like the Lee Jasper story the BBC sat on a hot story and refused to run it for fear of upsetting their friends on the left.
The BBC has to go.
From your link, the letter from the Information Commissioner states:
“Rather, the problem lies with delays on the part of the BBC in providing substantive responses to our correspondence and telephone calls which will enable us to have the necessary representations in order to resolve this matter.”
The delays in question being over 18 months! Imagine the righteous indignation from the BBC on Watchdog or Panorama if an organisation under investigation had been described in such terms.
There’s some sacred cows at the BBC that need killing.
At least it means that Buffalo Bill is now resurrected as a green icon.
By bumping off all those farting bison that were roaming the North Americal plains he may well have saved the planet …
Nice one.
Now it’s time to eat the pets
The BBC look desperate, they appear to have lots to hide. The BBC are heavily involved in the fabricated consensus, using its massive pulic subsidy to indoctrinate the viewer in a flawed ideology based on flawed evidence.
The silence is deafening, they are hoping that the scandal will somehow go away and if they keep quiet and report the absolute minimum of reports they can both cover themselves and escape the dire consequences of a larger investigation, in other words the beeboids are in it upto their corporate necks.
A furious round of email deletions will now follow quickly, an industrial scale cull of any incriminating documents between the main players of the scam.
Harrabin & Black & Shukman could well be directly implicated in the fraud or maybe they simply reported what their editorial staff told them to report, if the link is between the BBC editorial staff and the fraudsters then the scandal engulfs the entire BBC rather than individual reporters.
I would love to be a fly on the wall at editorial meetings within the BBC, perhaps Clarkson could sneek in and plant a camera? 🙂 may help to brighten your day.
If the price of meat goes up any further I’m seriously thinking of taking some sharp knives to carve myself some illiberal “idiotarian” steak. I’ve been told it tastes like pig. The Morlock in me would love to cull some Beeb employees so I’m helping save the world from thier bullshit.
BTW all Beeb employees should be part of a trial – forced sterilisation… For the good of the planet.
“What I am talking about is our pets’ environmental “pawprint”.”
It would be much better to kill all the Seals which in turn will kill off all the Polar Bears… For the good of the planet.
I wonder how long it will be before ‘Ethical Man’ gets to the final solution? For the good of the planet.
There was a boy at my school who could light his farts with a Swan Vesta. He ate a lot of baked beans. Perhaps La Montague would have me on Today to propose a 1 in 3 cull of baked bean eaters?
@Marky, they’re already there, mate. I read the other day about some ecowhack professor at the University of Texas who got a standing ovation when he floated the idea of releasing the Ebola virus with a view to wiping out 2 billion individual carbon footprints. Once the boys at the Hadley CRU have given it the thumbs up it won’t be long before it becomes official BBC environment policy.
“We live in dangerous times. The national security of many countries is at risk. Science has become tainted by highly publicized cases of misconduct and fraud”
So true.
Very chilling lawj.
so if these eco warriors had their way we wouldnt drive cars, wouldnt use coal or nuclear or electric power, we wouldnt drive cars, we wouldnt eat meat, wouldnt fly. what the hell would we do? walk everywhere, whilst eating lettuce. woldnt get warm in winter because we cant have power. might as well all freeze to death. some of these eco radicals want us to live in the dark ages. lets all live in a field, in a tent, eating lettuce and apples, without power. great.