With the Global Cooling Sceptics Deniers in full retreat now that the CRU scandal seems to have spread to New Zealand, the BBC are wheeling out any excuse for a we’re all doomed story…even if it flatly contradicts a previous example of how we are, errr, all doomed.
On the BBC, today:
Nigeria’s most celebrated environmental campaigner is about to launch a reality TV show to highlight the dangers of global warming for Africans.
At almost 72 years of age it is a wonder he still has the energy, but with three crossings of the barren wastes of the Sahara desert already behind him, Newton Jibunoh is preparing for the most ambitious desert adventure of his life.
After more than 40 years spent travelling the world explaining the dangers posed by global warming, and in particular the worsening problem of desertification in the Sahara region, Mr Jibunoh says his greatest concern remains the lack of awareness among Africans of the gravity of the situation.
The show is his way of spreading the word to a new generation of African environmentalists.
But as recently as July the BBC told us:
The evidence is limited and definitive conclusions are impossible to reach but recent satellite pictures of North Africa seem to show areas of the Sahara in retreat.
It could be that an increase in rainfall has caused this effect.
Farouk el-Baz, director of the Centre for Remote Sensing at Boston University, believes the Sahara is experiencing a shift from dryer to wetter conditions.
“It’s not greening yet. But the desert expands and shrinks in relation to the amount of energy that is received by the Earth from the Sun, and this over many thousands of years,” Mr el-Baz told the BBC World Service. “The heating of the Earth would result in more evaporation of the oceans, in turn resulting in more rainfall.”
Last year the local research centre, called Gobabeb, measured 80mm of rain. In the last decade they have seen the local river, a dry bed for most of the year, experience record-high floods. All this has coincided with record-high temperatures.
Make your mind up, guys. Wet or dry? That, of course, isn’t really the question for us here – inconsistency isn’t the same as bias. But the continued BBC attempts to spin and manipulate the Great Global Warming Hoax is clear bias for all to see, and that’s indisputable.
In general a warming of the climate increases rainfall and a cooling decreases it: during the last glacial maximum deserts generally expanded and rainforests shrank and were replaced by savanna as the climate cooled and dried.
They’re “Global Cooling Deniers”, no?
Changed David, thanks!
It’s very simple: too much rain = Climate Change, too little rain = Climate Change, too hot = Climate Change, too cold = Climate Change, too much snow = Climate Change, too little snow = Climate Change. That’s the magic of Climate Change it explains everything.
The BBC – so far – considers news of the “carbon trading” resignations in Australia as something to be ignored.
Apparently this crap
re China’s 2020 emission targets (as if!) is far more important.
Malcolm Turnbull is not, and never should be, international news
The entire BBC alarmist output is trash science mumbo jumbo claptrap designed to flood ‘the market’ elbowing out real sceptical and properly made scientific programmes, in effect they are using their massive resources to indoctrinate the viewing public.
‘on message’ groups are given funding and valuable airtime regardless of the actual quality of their output, all that matters is quantity to the BBC, they figure that a tsunami of alarmist propaganda will batter the masses into accepting obedience. What this shows is how much influence the newlabour government has over the BBC and media in general!
An impartial braodcaster would review reports for quality and balance, the BBC only considers whether the reports are ‘on message’, they have created a cosy insular closed society of programme makers and reporters and they are given all the resources they require as long as they are ‘on message’. The hundreds of toilet paper reports churned out by often incredibly ignorant and ill informed film makers are not checked for quality, they are designed as ‘message vehicles’ to be used and then thrown away, they will never be reviewed, they will never be subject to re investigation or correction, the BBC will never appologise for any lies and manipulation.
A manufactured consensus, a forged and faked consensus using faked and forged evidence, only the BBC with its massive nearly unlimited funding and influence within the media world could do this, without the BBC ‘on message’ and on board the task would have very difficult.
Although it must be added that the CRU scandal has exposed the cancer at the heart of the MSM we can clearly see which parts of the MSM have been infected with and has taken part in the BBC led conspiracy to defraud the public.
The BBC continues and will continue to churn out biased one sided partial trash reports by the hundred, they will try to kill the story because they are in it upto their necks.
The met office
The carbon trust
The Hadley centre
Plus many more!
They are all part of a planned conspiracy to defraud,manipulate and lie to the viewing public and they have been very successful so far. The BBC are lying cheating fraudsters, they are cynical manipulators of the pubic that trusts them, they are defrauding the public that pays them.
The hundreds of millions of pounds spent lying to and cheating a trusting public, the cynical perversion of the truth to pursue a political end is a crime against humanity, the BBC are truly evil, they have gone down the road to hell a road paved with good intentions, a road that starts with the phrase ‘the ends justify the means’.
Good rant Cassandra – spot on.
The BBC are implicated in the CRU emails – Richard Black appears to be in their pocket.
And don’t forget that the BBC decided in January 2006 not to be impartial on the subject. Interestingly, like the CRU, the BBC has been doing a lot of FOI-dodging themselves.
One of the leaked documents is called Rules of the Game. Makes interesting reading – it shows that there is a concerted effort across all government departmets to push this nonsense, and I bet all the organisations Cassandra listed have a copy.
The leading role of the NMM(new mainstream media) in uncovering the giant fraud is in fact the birth of the new media age, a truly democratic new peoples media unchecked by bent regimes who had previously been abe to subdue the old media and control their output.
We the people demand the truth and the new media is supplying that truth, if the NMM can win this war with the old discredited media then perhaps our civilisation has a chance.
“….After more than 40 years spent travelling the world explaining the dangers posed by global warming, and in particular the worsening problem of desertification in the Sahara region”
When Mark Twain travelled ‘The Holy Lands’ about a 100 years ago, he reflected on the way the Bedouins lived there and came to the conclusion that it was not the fact that Bedouins lived in deserts, but wherever they’d live would become a desert.
…The show is his way of spreading the word to a new generation of African environmentalists.
I’ll bet it will involve getting money from the nations eager to show how caring and concerned they are for the climate regardless of what it might really achieve.
No doubt Farouk el-Baz’s findings will not be debated.
Thanks for the kind words Ben.
When the facts come to light it will be truly shocking to the public, it will be far bigger than anyone could have thought possible.
I apologise that this is not on topic but …
Did anyone hear Carolyn Quinn’s article on PM last night (Wednesday 25th) on the Falklands war? (about 5:40 to 5:45 pm)
She opened her piece by stating “… Britain and Argentina went to war over the Falkland Islands or Malvinas …”. Can anyone explain why we need “or Malvinas“?
“Washington, August 2 (ANI): Scientists are now seeing signals that the Sahara desert and surrounding regions are greening due to increasing rainfall, all thanks to the rising temperatures due to climate change.”
Read more: http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/health/sahara-desert-becoming-green-due-to-climate-change_100226415.html#ixzz0XznYSPQX
These climate change people can come up with two stories that contradict each other at the same time. How is this possible. Well probably because they haven’t got a bloody clue.
The BBC is full of shit, check out these two links about snow in the Alps. Some might remember the drug addled beeboids spouting on about climate change a few years back.
The 2007/2008 season was superb snow wise with incredible late snow from early November right until the end of April. This late snow trend can actually be seen very clearly in the stats for the past 5 years or so. Not every year is the same and the previous season was one of the worst on record for the past 50 years in the Alps so it is essential to look at historical snow records over the past few years to get a true picture on snow reliability. What seems clear over the past 5 years or so is that early December (before 15/12) is not as good as it used to be but at the same time April has been getting better and better.
The BBCs silence on this has been deafening. They don’t want to touch this with a bargepole do they?
These people are basically criminals. This is what these “scientists” have achieved:
they have actually helped set up an unelected global government this December in Copenhagen, with unprecedented powers to control free markets, tax (i.e. confiscate) wealthy nations, regulate the economic and environmental affairs of all nations, and to extinguish all patent and intellectual property rights.
The tiny clique of climate scientists have at last been shown up to be what we knew all along: fraudsters.
From these emails we now know that data were deliberately altered so as to prevent a the known decline in temperature from being shown.
As a commercial software engineer I am painfully aware that much code used in academia is shitty and unmaintainable. The general wisdom is that scientists are clever people and need only get things to work or get proof of concepts: formal processes and adequate testing/QA usually get sidelined. In fact, as a 15,000-line document from the CRU shows, the programs / data structures are hopeless. In effect, the global temperature trends have simply been made to confess using this dodgy code.
Worst of all in my opinion, is that these snake oil salesmen have written to each other encouraging the destruction of data that had been lawfully requested under the Freedom of Information Act.
As I stated at the beginning, these people are not just bad scientists — they are ten a penny – they are crooks who have perpetuated all this at our expense, and with the BBCs blessing. I am extremely angry and so should you be. All the BBC have managed to muster, no doubt through gritted teeth, is that this is all a storm in a teacup.
I am going to report them to the UKs Information Commissioner with a request that he investigate their offences and prosecute.
Given the police state we have become, I won’t be holding my breath.
no bbc response yet to the daily mail story about the beeb sitting on the CRU story?
didnt think so.
Spot on Andy.
One wonders how mant complaints the BBC has received about the totally inadequate, indeed in most cases non-existant level of coverage given to this story. It may be worth watching the News Watch segment on the BBC news channel to see if any mention is given to the whislteblowing there, and if it isn’t, well that is truly shameful.
The entire publication output of CRU at UEA, and its cooperating counterparts in the UK and US, is now under a cloud (apologies). Even if there is no fraud, deception, systematic bias, failure to understand or even realise the fundamental concepts of the underlying Physics of the matter, their whole output is now under suspicion. Whether that suspicion is warranted or undeserved (which would be unfortunate), is now of no significance.
There are ways such matters are normally addressed, and in this case
A group of unbiased and unconnected reviewers, hopefully physicists, and not climatologists or environmentalists, are assigned to vet and review all the papers emanating from a suspicious source/sources.
If it is found that several publications do not fulfil the criteria, then the entire publication output to be marked as untrustworthy.
As in all matters, money is at the root of it all. European governments and the EU as a whole, including the main opposition, must have outlines of their budgets for at least the next five years. All these budgets are predicated on the assumption that there is a bonanza to be had from Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change. After all they have spent an enormous amount of capital, both political and monetary, for this outcome. They cannot now afford to accept that AGW/CC is a scam. For one, there is suspicion that they were privy to the scam. For another, each and every government in Europe, plus the EU, would go bust without this AGW/CC money. If the EU can be bankrupted and destroyed, this would be the best thing that could come out of this sorry episode.
yesterday, harrabin was saying this year is going to be the 5th warmist on record, so long as it dosnt get any colder for the rest of the year, hes doing his fair bit to keep this global warming bollox in the news running up to the copenhagen moonbat festival
and Al Beeb are sending 35 of their moonbats to cover this festival. My thoughts on the matter? Beebinate the lot of them
Yet another story on climate change appears this morning.
“About half of the Commonwealth’s members are island states, many of them threatened by rising sea levels.”
There has been a definite ramping up in the number of climate change stories since the CRU scandal broke. Some was no doubt already planned to soften us up for Copenhagen but there is also the impression that the BBC is trying to swamp the CRU story.
Still, at least Richard Black is getting pelters on his blog. Please feel free to join in.
So, according to the BBC, an African was predicting Global Warming 40 years ago.
Judging by his name , he is a Christian African but, hey, you can’t have everything. Surely the BBC can find a Muslim who has done the same thing ?
As for rising sea levels, I recommend the following simple experiment. Fill a glass with some water, drop into it an ice cube or two and note where the current level is. Now wait for the ice cube(s) to fully melt and observe where the new level is. Eureka! No rising sea level!
That works for ice that’s already floating on the sea. Ice on land melting into the sea would be a different matter.
Muslims are heating the planet in quite an explosive way – they do not have to write essays about it.