I have had a deluge of emails from enraged B-BBC readers in recent days over the way in which the State Broadcaster has chosen to cover the “Climategate” issue. When you see how the BBC is gushing over the way in which Brown has cynically hijacked the Commonwealth summit to evangelise further on AGW, I share their pain. It seems to me that the AGW industry is coming under some sustained scrutiny and being shown up for the grotesque hoax that some of us have argued all along – but the BBC will have none of this. In Beebworld “the science is settled” and when climate experts such as Marcus Brigstocke and Diane Abbot confirm this, who are we to argue back?
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<i>About half of the Commonwealth’s members are island states, many of them threatened by rising sea levels.</i>
In addition most of them are strapped for cash, and need it real desperate. Even other Coomonwealth countries that are not islands, are desperate for cash, and will go along with the AGW scam to defraud Western taxpayers of their hard earned money.
So I will be astonished that they are not confirmed AGW supporters.
“cash handouts for greedy mendicants”
That is how Thatcher described the CHOGM(commonwealth heads of government meeting).
Of course not all the commonwealth are chisseling beggars who would hand their grannys over to the law for a few quid but DP111 is as usual spot on the money(so to speak) the very ‘poor’ nations being bribed to support AGW based laws are the ones that wil coin it in, well not the actual proles of course you understand, the elites of the poor nations will get the cash and lots of it. The poor proles will have the pleassure of seeing their elites become fabulously wealthy with flash cars and Rolex watches and all the trappings of an Essex drug dealer(all done in the best possible taste).
The scam is so blatant and in your face I am surprised they feel the need to hide behind their fake science at all, why not just employ a gaggle of desperate fading pop stars to front a live aid concert?
“BBC’s paleo-news site finally runs a real scoop story on Climategate’s Michael Mann”
“Foreign Office and government leaning heavily on UEA to keep a lid on everything lest it destabilises Copenhagen.”
Anyway the BBC will do everything they can to get things back to normal so that the people don’t question too much above thier station.
Cassandra king wrote: well not the actual proles of course you understand, the elites of the poor nations will get the cash and lots of it.
The cash goes through the UN (Ban ki Moon is also at the Commonwealth summit). The UN does an admirable job in disbursing the money it gets – minus of course handling fees.
The remainder is not given as cash, but as development aid, to avoid corruption, minus fees to officials. The remainder is then given in the form of “development of infrastructure” etc.
Many senior UN employees have very reputable connections to honourable agencies that deal with such infrastructure contracts. These agencies, with their knowledge of local businesses, then given out the contracts – minus of course the handling fees.
The whole system is geared to transparency and probity, right through the line.
I – as an AGW sceptic – am delighted that Gordon ‘Everything I touch turns to ashes’ Brown is taking upon his deluded self to advocate for it. After the blow its recently taken in the form of the CRU shenanigans, I can’t think of a faster way of killing it off than having that moron go to bat for it.
AGW: ‘Help…help…I need…water…please…I’m seriously ill…’
Gordon Brown: ‘Dahh, my name’s Gordon, dahhh. I saved the world, dahh. I help you.’
AGW: ‘No…wait…’
Gordon Brown: *Trips up and drives railway spike through AGW’s heart*
AGW: ‘Aaargh…’
Gordon Brown: ‘Dahh, whoopsie, dahh. Are you okay? Dahhh.’
AGW: ‘…’
Gordon Brown: ‘Dahh, I saved the world, dahh. I builded some schools and hosp…hospic…hostip…dahh, I saved the world, dahh.’
A good post by MarkE
“The BBC is institutionally statist; it believes that more government is the cure for every ill, and AGW is the current strategy being used by the statists to advance their agenda of more government in every aspect of life. Of course they want to promote it, and will continue to do so long after it is fully exposed as the scam it so clearly is. This is not a conspiracy in that the various self interested groups do not sit around a table planning how to exploit AGW together; rather the various groups each jump on the same band wagon for their own reasons (the greens to drive humanity back to a mythical pre lapsarian idyll, the statists to justify greater political control and higher taxes, the puritans to revel in preaching hellfire & damnation etc)
The BBC, along with many others, does not really understand the power of the internet. It is not only those who are looking for evidence against AGW who are finding it. Disinterested observers are falling over the same evidence on blogs like this and it is being discussed in workplaces. Just because the BBC and the rest of the MSM are refusing to report it fully does not mean it has been hidden. That the MSM have failed to report such a big story has exposed their weakness and driven yet another nail into their coffin.”
From Bishop Hill
Lord Rees (Royal Society) to be asked by UEA to investigate CRU leak.
Not Lord Rees. If he was to investigate the probity of the research, I can understand, as he is a physicist. But to appoint him to investigate the leak, is ridiculous.
The authorities have simply lost their minds. This is good. It indicates sheer panic.
I dont blame them though. The outline of all budgets for the next five years at the least, are predicated on a bonanza from the AGWCC racket. On this also rests the budgets of the EU, the UN and most poor countries, mostly in Africa or the island states.
Now because of careless security of files, everything planned for a decade or more, is in jeopardy. The BBC is like those island states- if the money starts to run out, they too will sink under the rising waters of bankrupcy.
I dont think Phil Jones will be on the Honours list anytime soon.
Oh yes – Lord Rees – what a surprise that another eminent supporter of the climate change swindlers (per the statement referenced below issued after the Channel 4 broadcast) is chosen as a “disinterested” investigator.
Money quote: “Those who promote fringe scientific views but ignore the weight of evidence are playing a dangerous game.”
Umbongo wrote: Money quote from Rees: “Those who promote fringe scientific views but ignore the weight of evidence are playing a dangerous game.”
Almost all of the greatest scientific advances were fringe scientific views at one time. Concensus is for sheep, not for true scientists.