So, I’m driving home from a late meeting and I turn on BBC Radio 4- “The World Tonight”. Not a great idea for my blood pressure. They ran an item concerning Obama’s decision to send an extra 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan and sought the views of …..yes, a Taliban commander. In WW2, I suppose we were lucky the BBC did not seek the views on Concentration Camp guards to present a balanced view of the issue. The Jihadist did the usual, blame the infidels and boast of all the lives his killers would take. The BBC view was that one absolute certainty is that more US Soldiers in Afghanistan will mean more dead innocent civilians.
Then, when my stomach settled, up pops Michael Mann – Philip Jones favourite email recipient – to declare the “climate change deniers” were making things up and that there was not a shred of any evidence suggesting that the East Anglia’s CRU was anything less than 100% ethical! At that point, Talksport beckoned….
I experienced something remarkably similar listening to their 6 o’clock bulletin on my own way home from toil.
i thought the same when i saw Al beebs news front page when it said
“taliban defiant over obama surge.”
what the fuck do beeboids expect the terrorists to say ” we’re shitting ourselves cos an extra 30,000 troops are getting sent here”
and then u click on the front page link and u get ” Taliban vow to fight US troop surge in Afghanistan”
excuse my french, but what the feckin hell did these leftist beeboid scum bags expect the terrorists to say ” taliban to disarm and surrender because of troops surge”
It is all part of the BBC’s determination to undermine our country.
Luckily, the Miachael Mann interview left him sounding like crook.
I went off to the pub, live blues.
And yet, and yet. Radio 4 has been running a good version of Dickens’ “Our Mutual Friend”, daily 15 minute slots. And the Sunday play for 3 weeks is le Carre’s “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”. Now THAT is what we should get from our main “talk” channel, not the usual crap of biased news, unfunny comedy and ebdless PC plays in the afternoon.
Here is another gem by CRUs media representative Richard Black.
“”In the years leading up to the report there had been indications that glaciers in Greenland and parts of Antarctica were speeding up, dropping ice into the oceans at a faster pace, which might translate into faster sea level rise.
However, the IPCC was forced to acknowledge that it could not produce a meaningful estimate of how much this might raise the waters, because understanding of the physical processes involved was little more than embryonic.
So whereas the IPCC put the likely upper limit of sea level rise at 43cm by 2100, it also said this was an underestimate.”
They “could not produce a meaningful estimate of how much this might raise the waters” yet they do and to top it all say this is an “underestimate”. This bloke is a joke. There is not a single fact in the whole piece
And to top it all they roll out Lockwood to rubbish any idea that the sun plays any role in determining the climate.
The BBC have always irrated me. But on the subject of “Global Warming” they have become the most corrupted organisation second only to CRU. Their blatent propoganda is stunning. It really is sickening that they use our money to peddle such nausiating tripe.
It never fails to amaze me how the bBC always promote the taliban as the heroes fighting the evil western imperialists. minutes after Obama spoke to the nation (And the world) about sending more troops the bbC within minutes had replaced that world story with one where the taliban mocked the US and thus the UNs mission in which to bring peace to Afghanistan.
That pro-terrorist bent. (I’m sure the bBC have no problem bending over and talking it like a muallah..that’s not the call to prayer from the bbC mosque, its the wannbe muslims and the like getting a good shafting )
Anyway as for the global warming angle here is what the bbC pushes out as a counter argument for the latest way to combat CO2
Website appeal to fund family planning ‘to cut CO2’
Meeting the demand for family planning in poor nations is a cheap and effective way to cut CO2 emissions, a new website initiative claims. ..
Critics would argue the analysis is too simplistic, a BBC correspondent says.
Hell the bBC is now inventing what people may say in which to stop the third world from breeding like rats. I’m just surprised they havent asked the taliban.
I saw that on the 1 o’clock news today, the only reason I watched that bulletin was because I’d already heard Channel 4’s top story – the so-called ‘grandfather’ of global warming, one of the world’s most eminent climate scientisis said he hoped that the Copenhagen summit would fail, and that it was founded on totally wrong principles. Of course, not a breath of this story from the BBC….
Imagine if after each of Churchill’s speeches that the Nazis had a follow-up PR opportunity – BBC people of the time would have been taken away for undermining the war effort -I get ballistic like you lot and I have seen top BBC people cosy up to major Labour Party opinion formers but really, the rank and file BBC creative people are surprisingly incredibly dim to hold down well paid jobs let alone influence the population.
It must be an excruciating choice for the Beeboids to decide whether to side with Obama or the Taliban.
The interview with the Taliban leader was shown on news 24 yesterday. It was even more farcical on telly, I can tell you. The poor chap looked like the invisible man – his face wrapped up in sheeting with a pair of granny’s sunglasses and a hat plonked on top.
The interviewer attempted to prick his conscience, like in rogue trader programmes when they confront some outrageous crook who’s swindled old ladies out of their life savings. The investigative reporter breathlessly and quite pointlessly waves the microphone in the villain’s face as he gets into his white van and speeds away.
“How does it make you feel Mr. Taliban, killing all those American soldiers”?
“Their mothers should make them stay at home,” replied the invisible man. “How does it make you feel, then, to kill all those Afghani civilians?” he continued. “It’s not us, it’s the Americans.” came the answer from behind the sheet. ”Oh no it’s not, it’s you.” the interviewer responded, sagely.
It seems to me that all T.V. and radio is incestuous. Everything is influenced by everything else. The Tracey Emin item you posted about on a thread above was another completely bonkers scenario. Does Tracey Emin really think her views on the AGW science are worth broadcasting? Why didn’t she just say, “What do I know?” when the interviewer questioned her.
Soon we’ll have Gordon Brown calling on popular figures in a panic-driven cabinet reshuffle. Alexei Sayle, Annie Lennox, Bonio and Stink would make excellent ministers for foreign affairs, community cohesion, home secretary, Tracey on green issues and Damian Hurst for chancellor of the exchequer.
What a missed opportunity for the BBC to ascertain just where the Taliban “commander” was born and to ask him the national breakdown of his “forces”. Any one willing to bet against, in the unlikely event of him telling the truth, that Afghanis didn’t feature heavily!
Whilst not defending the BBC interview with the Taliban it does seem that this sort of thing is inevitable in a media dominated age.
More problematical is the fact that the media is dominated by a liberal left consensus, particularly so in the case of the BBC.
I regard the ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as misconceived. A liberal /neocon illusion that is causing ,and has caused, so many deaths. The liberal media dominates and will make victory , as in defeat of an enemy, impossible.
To win it would be necessary to fight with ruthlessness and savage determination. A will to victory if you like. Western forces cannot do this. The media will never allow real ruthlessness because that will mean a warfare that will horrify and outrage the liberal/neocon unreal view of the world. Innocent people will die. Land will be laid waste for war is a terrible thing.
The Taliban must know that all they have to do is to endure. And if they have the will to do that then we will eventually just leave.
Our soldiers are brave but there is no political or national will to victory behind them. The liberal world view does not understand what it will take to win.
That some of our finest young men are dying and fighting for a liberal illusion is to me unforgivable. Those who send them into battle are beneath contempt.