The BBC positively ejaculates at the thought of “climate change” demonstrations. You can tell by the reverential tone in which it reports the sorry sight of government ministers, the primate of England and sundry law-breaking thugs telling us that we must spend billions on doing a King Canute.
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Politics correspondint Gary O’Donoghue on BBC News 24 joins in the “it’s all coming together for Copenhagen”, “only a few flat-earthers against the consensus”, “Gordon’s on his way to success” under-carpet sweeping at the BBC. He remarked that it’s amazing how a few leaked emails resonated so widely but, hey, who cares when – switch to film of the demo in London – this is the reality. And just to top the whole bag of tricks, the head of climate change “research” at the Met office is given 30 seconds to confirm that all the data are fine and MM global warming is proved.
It appears that the BBC response to the leaked emails has now crystallised into: yes, Climategate was unfortunate but there were only a few emails which were, anyway, ambiguous. There is no doubt that there is a scientific and political consensus backing MMGW and anyone opposed is a flat-earther anti-science fanatic: if you don’t believe us, ask Gordon Brown – the well-known scientist. Now go away and save your pennies since you’ll have to cough up part of the $10 billion to be sent to third world kleptocracies – so, at least, Switzerland will benefit.
“sundry law-breaking thugs”
Labeling people who are exercising their democratic right to peaceful demonstration as “law-breaking thugs” reflects much worse on you than it does them.
Sorry Paulo but in my book someone who is campaigning to take my rights away from me and money from my pocket is a thug.
Funny how they seek to take away our democratic right to expess dissent!
“campaigning to take my rights away”
Err, what rights precisely are being taken away?
“…is a thug”
Labeling people who walk peacefully down the street waving flags as “law-breaking thugs” is very thuggish behaviour. But that’s just in my book. 😛
“take away our democratic right to expess dissent!”
Who exactly is seeking to take that away? If you feel so strongly about your anti-global warming feelings, you’re free to go out and protest.
“Ashok Sinha, from the Stop Climate Chaos coalition, said: “We will call on Gordon Brown to make Copenhagen count by committing rich countries to reduce their emissions by at least 40% in the next 10 years”
The same Ashok Sinha who:
“…studied climate change science at Bristol University and completed his phd in renewable energy at Cambridge.”
So no conflict of interest there. Wonder what the BBC would have said if a coal miner was marching for fossil fuel.
Wonder what the BBC would have said if a coal miner was marching for fossil fuel. That noble savage would have created an agonising dilemma for them.
The quote I heard on BBC News from the Met Office mandarin was that he confirmed that climate change was taking place, he made no reference to man’s contribution. So only some flat earthers spiked.
40,000? 40,000? That’s it? So much for ‘the overwhelming majority of people think our fruity religion is true.’ The invasion of Iraq got an order of magnitude more assholes than this, and this is supposed to kill us all. Damn.
Sorry, I missed it though. Really. I spent my Saturday bombing around on a motorcycle, having fun. Not stood around in the cold with a bunch of stinking hippie-fags.
Number of people protesting against Global Warming: 40,000
Number of people protesting against new carbon taxes: 0
And why is that? Most people don’t want to be a part of the EU superstate – how many of them demonstrate on the streets? Do you want to guess why?
Have you guessed? These people are not composed of the “ordinary men in the street”. They are political rallies orchestarted by 100s of left wing political groups. Here is one:
“The Campaign Against Climate Change will be holding a rally in Hyde Park before the main demonstration. We want a huge delegation of trade unionists from across the country to back the call for a million green jobs. We will then join “The Wave” and surround Parliament.
“The Wave” has been called by the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition, with the backing of over 100 groups.”
So you’re main complaint is that… they’re better organized than you. And somehow this makes them not the ‘ordinary men in the street’. What kind of men are they then?
Here’s a thought. Why don’t you start your own protest group then, there’s nothing stopping you….
I am not organised because I am an individual not part of a mass of political activists.
Indeed I’m proud to be an individual I don’t want to be a mob member or even form my own mob to rob someone I don’t like. I just want to live my own life without bothering anyone else and without anybody bothering me.
I caught a couple of minutes about this demo on Sky news and it just looked like the same identikit demo we see for the other lefty causes. Everyone has the same faces and the same organisers all that changes are the names of the organising committes and the wording of the banners. Mostly tedious but I’m always slightly frightened at the number of sheeple who want to be a part of a mob.
Saturday 9.30PM News24, 30 minute propaganda programme, Climate Countdown. No desenting voices BBC “factual” programming at its best, make that bias best.
No doubt historians of the 22nd century will be writing books on the collective lunacy that gripped the West in the early 21st century and allowed the far east to become the world’s dominant industrial/scientific powerhouse and to continue the work begun by the Europeans in expanding the knowledge of the human race until they- the Europeans- all went collectively mad.
This is because we’ve allowed thick arts people to run everything, the media, the Government and now science. It’s unbelievable that people who have no understanding of science are allowed to run it.
I just watched the fat one-eyed idiot sat across a table from a grubby collection of the usual soap dodgers, opining on the certainty of the scientific argument supporting this crock of dung.
I am not quite sure what nonsense this dead man walking is about to sign us up to in the name of the new cult of the apocalypse, but he should be made answerable for the consequences at some point in the not too distant future.
I am thinking of a Tower Hill, a scaffold, a big axe, etc.
The one eyed Scottish idiot should get the same treatment the last time an idiot from Scotland tried to destory England.
FAO Dick Black
climategate is real, its here, its happenng now, and we need to act now, if we want to prevent a totally natural evet being taken over by anti-capitalist commie lovin eco – moonbats and politicial scumbags who just wanna tax me more
my message to the eco-moonbats – get a hair cut hippy
We are prey to the tryanny of the vocal minority mob, they can always rely on their rent a mob suckers and they can rely on their media friends to report on their mobs to give them a popularity they do not deserve.
The tryanny of the vocal minority has brought us to this sorry state, the silent majority sleeps unable to or unwilling to stand up and stop the tyranny and untill the silent majority gets up and makes its voice heard then the tiny minority will continue to wreak their damage.
Speaking of King Canute. Where he failed, this from twitter yesterday:
@EdMilibandMP peter mandelson joins climate change march defying the rain – Wow. And to think King Canute could not defy the tides.
Oh, and if we’re into debating the relative merits of democratic representation:
This in the face of a concerted campaign by certain unique, ‘objective’ news media.
If Gordon Brown turning into Senator ‘saboteurs under the bed’ McCarthy in a desperate attempt to divide the country in support of his doomed career doesn’t ring alarm bells with certain ‘professional’ journalists, I don’t know what will.
The difference being that history won’t prove Gordon Brown right like it did with Joe McCarthy.
So true. The sight of all those whistle blowing drum beating left wing swampy’s being hailed by the BBC as the voice of “the people” nauseated me.
“The BBC positively ejaculates at the thought of “climate change” demonstrations.”
Really? Are you confusing ‘reporting on a story’ with ‘positively ejaculating’ about a story? I think most people saw a story being reported, minus the ejaculation.
I heard the coverage on Radio 4 News “2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – CO2 is what we hate!”
Do these people ever listen to themselves?
To hate CO2 is to hate life. Plants need CO2 in order to grow …