So far, the BBC is totally silent on the Copenhagen Climate Challenge, an open letter to the UN signed by 141 leading international scientists who work in relevant fields. It challenges them to provide hard evidence on 10 questions relating to alleged AGW, including whether CO2 rises are causing harm, whether surface station measurements are accurate, and whether there has been a threatening rise in sea levels due to ‘climate change’ or an increase in hurricanes. I would like to be pleasantly surprised by seeing this splendid initiative reported soon by the BBC – it would make a lively item on Today, for example. But I’m not holding my breath.
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As part of its focus on green issues in advance of the Copenhagen Summit, 5 Live Drive reported on a “Sustainable Dance Floor” in Rotterdam on Tuesday evening. It’s good to see that they are sticking with the important issues and not getting distracted by environmental fripperies!
Have the BBC reported on the sustainable drugs economy yet? I’m sure that’s on their list
Don’t see how they can stay silent on the subject having sent 39 people to Copenhagen. Or is this a Christmas Jolly in liew of bonuses.
OFF SUJECT: Bias needs to look at the quote from Peston this morning on R4. He is getting privaledged info from the gov; again.
You know I just get so angry regarding the lies over MMCC and the fact that NO news organisation ever brings up the issue that MMCC is nothing but a lie. What are we who deny MMCC going to have to do to get the full facts out to the public without the bias that seems to be endemic throughout the world?
The MMCC alarmists are like facless automatrons spouting out bilge and getting angry with anyone who questions their lies.
if Al Beeb report the Copenhagen Challenge then i’ll shave all my hair off and use it to make a wig for Dick Black the eco-twat
I see the case against the two Hoteliers and the Muzzi bint has been dismissed. Coapre and contract the report of the original story and the one today.
The BBC don’t seem happy with the result.
Just what I was thinking Martin, this has gone the wrong way for the BBC muslin apologists.
I’m a muslin apologist. I like to make jam. There – I said it.
The first report sure does hype it as a religious war prosecuted by nasty Christians. Scenes from church are highly inappropriate here, and are included only to play up the nasty Christian angle. That shows where the BBC’s sympathies lie pretty clearly. The follow up nearly sweeps the reasons for dismissal under the rug, and the title on the video clip is still the accusatory one from before. No surprise there.
I had to laugh at this quote:
“I’m a normal Warrington girl who liked the Beatles.”
This from a woman of mature years – she is only 60! – who apparently recently converted to Islam and took to wearing that garb and all. Then went running to the police alleging that someone said that bloke was a warlord and murderer etc. Silly or what? There is no end to silliness in some people. But then look at the law! If you can be prosecuted for saying something like that, well truth must be the first casualty of that particular example of the law being an ass. Then freedom of course.
With the law being the ass that it is, why isn’t it taking people to court for saying that Jesus isn’t God but merely a minor prophet, that Christian Crusaders killed people and blah blah blah ad infinitum, listing the crimes and misdemeanors of Christians and Christianity down the ages? And what things are said about Jews?
If you are going to be an ass, the least you could do would be to make a proper fist of it, be a thoroughgoing unashamed ass and not some mealy mouthed pale imitation. Yeah, go on, show us the full glory and power of Assdom!
Notice how the BBC got CHRISTIANS into the title, yet the other day when Baroness Warsi was attached by MUSLIM males you couldn’t find that fact out until something like the 3rd or 4th paragraph.
Fair point. And when was the last time they showed video of Mohammedans praying inside a mosque when one of them was on trial for something connected to their religious beliefs? Never.
I just caught this in the TV listings for a Horizon programme on at 9 tonight:
“Naturalist Sir David Attenborough investigates whether the world faces a population crisis. He reflects on the impact of a doubling in world population during his career. While much of the projected population growth is in the developing world, it is the lifestyle enjoyed by many in the West that has the most impact on the planet.”
Ha! It’s all the fault of those evil Westerners. Thanks for the tip, BBC. No need for us to watch it, then.
But in the words of our Great leader, these people are “flat earthers”, their qualifications mean nothing. Now if it was some idiot from Greenpeace then Gordon would respect it.
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
Now if it was some idiot from Greenpeace then Gordon would respect it.…ay-danish-text
“The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN’s role in all future climate change negotiations.
“The document also sets unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.”
This isn’t quite correct, as we know. This is all about handing more power to the rich bloodlines that run ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ countries alike. The poor countries have been suckered into this process, thinking that they’ll get money out of it.
It’ll be nice if this squabble is real and that the Copenhagen deal gets scuppered. But it’s probably a stage-managed squabble so that Obama can come and save the day at the very end.
Here’s another lovely facet of this whole Warmism nonsense that the BBC doesn’t want you to know about:
Carbon Credit fraud causes more than 5 billion euros damage for European taxpayer
According to Europol:
The European Union (EU) Emission Trading System (ETS) has been the victim of fraudulent traders in the past 18 months. This resulted in losses of approximately 5 billion euros for several national tax revenues. It is estimated that in some countries, up to 90% of the whole market volume was caused by fraudulent activities.
What a shock. Think there’ll be a special Newsnight segment on this? A mention on Today? Will Robert Peston or Gavin Hewitt blog about it? Don’t hold your breath.