I have been away most of the day and not been able to follow much BBC coverage of Mr Darling’s last stand aka his Pre Budget Report. I did catch George Osborne’s response to it and thought he was pretty good but wanted to open the topic up to you….
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6pm news. Concentrate on the “cuts”. i.e public service cuts. Stress how much worse they would be under the Tories. Portray state spending as “investment”. Ignore as far as possible the huge debt that will bring us to our knees or have the IMF at our throats. Highlight the so called savings our wise government is going to make.
This I predicted and so it came to pass.
Those that live off the state can do no other than support whatever rubbish the state tries to ram down our throats.
This country is broke. The coming commercial property crash will precipitate the visit to the IMF as there is not enough money left to cover the loans. We will lose our triple AAA and the pound goes down the pan.
How many times do we have to repeat – the state has no money. All it’s money comes from us and we will reach our limits sooner or later.
But the statists never understand this.
The disconnect from reality is too strong.
None of them have ever ploughed a field or made a piece of furniture or ever created anything but meetings and reports and opinions.
They have no idea how to create wealth only how to spend the fruits of another’s labour.
The peasant in the third world has a better grasp of reality than these fools
10:00 news Nick (red) Robbo at the end of his bit about the budget reort says. Says words like ‘could be a whole lot worse’. What was this trying to imply? If the Tories get in you will like it less? He had no reason or evidence to say anthing else, he should have stopped at the unbiassed end, but no has to add a short barbed comment. Little by little the likes of Nick add to the reason why the BBC has to be dismantled.
Save your spleen people!
In March Alistair Darling produced the first fantasy budget in our lifetime. One which clearly had no basing in reality-and then came MPs expenses.
In short these people somehow get houseroom at the BBC and we the plebs are to rage at our radios and tellies. Are we stupid?
Listen-my kids will NOT be paying for Prescott or Mandelson before too long-they will NOT be bound by a Lisbon or a Maastricht!They will NOT commit to a Copenhagen-and nor should we because in all three cases we were not asked. In all three cases we have simply let them get away with all this…and Evan Davis is our Grand Inquisitor?
Not at all-as long as we moan at darling ,Byrne and the like we are just feeding the myth that these glove puppets and charlatans somehow have some credibility. If the BBC need that fantasy to pay their pensions-well we do not need it. Stop feeding this fantasy of theirs. Who cares what they say?-stop asking them and look past them to the future.