I wonder if you noticed the BBC coverage here of the welcome news that an English Court has found a Christian couple who had been accused of “insulting” a Muslim to be innocent? Quite obviously this was another pointless prosecution by the CPS but I notice that twice in the BBC item they repeat the CPS claim that there was sufficient evidence to bring the prosecution. If only the Judge had agreed, eh? I am sure the BBC must be gutted.
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Al-Beeb were on full biased form today with this – I’m sure they deliberately tucked it away in the Merseyside section this morning, only grudgingly promoting it when they had to. They would have been all over it if the Muslim woman had won.
I covered this originally back in September and for some reason today was visited in the comments section by a Muslim, claiming at first to be an ‘IT Consultant, but who then morphed into a frothing Choudary-ite nutjob as he wrote each comment.
I binned the last five of his posts but they were all hell-fire Qur’an passages.
Gave me some amusement on a miserable Wednseday afternoon, anyway 😉
And, internationally, the 56 Muslim countries (the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the OIC) campaigns to ban criticism of Islam, and campaigns to end free speech -which the Islam-shielding BBC is loath to report, which the BBC, deep down, is not interested in free speech, but only interested in imposing ‘multiculturalism’ on us, using our money to do it.
‘Fox News’-
“Muslim nations seeking international blasphemy ban”
so you couldn’t find anything better than that?
It’s a fair question to ask why the CPS thought they could get a prosecution, as it’s their job to decide in which cases they can secure a prosecution
It was a nonsensical prosecution, it was simply one persons word against another’s without any other evidence.
We see Muzzie’s spitting hate all the time in London or at soldiers parades and the Police do NOTHING, so why act in this case?
I wouldn’t be too hard on the CPS in this case. It looks like the woman in question went out to provoke a test case.
I have no issue with it, I’d just like to know what the BBC did wrong
Press reports suggested that the Muslim woman was a bit of a nutter, grossly over-reacting, playing the victim.
But somehow that floavour did not appear in BBC reports.
So their Muslim supporters in-house, and listeners, can feel that justice has been denied.
“Press reports suggested that the Muslim woman was a bit of a nutter, grossly over-reacting, playing the victim.”
Really? During the course of a criminal trial? That sounds a bit odd.. If parts of the press did do that then it was highly irresponsible.
“But somehow that floavour did not appear in BBC reports. “
So you complain that the BBC didn’t add ‘flavour’ to their reporting of a criminal trial and stuck to facts. Shocking display of bias!
“I notice that twice in the BBC item they repeat the CPS claim that there was sufficient evidence to bring the prosecution. “
You write this implying that the BBC is tacitly supporting the CPS. But if you read the report, there are far more quotes from the judge and from the defence criticising the prosecution than quotes from the CPS so that’s cobblers.
No bias here, move along please….
The CPS adheres to idiotic laws brought in by the government.
Give anyone greater powers to restrict anything we do and the zealots will use them with relish. Common sense does not apply in the world of officialdom.
“”Never has criminal law been wider in its scope or more useless in its central purpose of maintaining order. Under Labour more than 3,600 new offences have been created since 1997 at a rate of 320 a year, including such major crimes as holding an unlicensed concert in a church hall.””
Of course you would. You always do.
well stop talking rubbish and maybe I won’t have to
do you really, honestly, truthfully think you are exposing anything here?
A non-BBC report has (but BBC doesn’t):
“However, the Judge went some way towards questioning Mrs Tazi’s religious integrity, citing evidence that she had said: ‘Would you prefer me to get my tits out and wear a short skirt so you can see my backside while I get rat-arsed?'”
A non-BBC report has (but BBC doesn’t):
“‘Freedom of speech’ victory as Christian hoteliers are CLEARED of insulting Muslim woman as judge slams her evidence”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1234509/Hoteliers-cleared-insulting-Muslim-guest-wearing-hijab-breakfast.html#ixzz0ZEao3qPm
“However, the Judge went some way towards questioning Mrs Tazi’s religious integrity, citing evidence that she had said: ‘Would you prefer me to get my tits out and wear a short skirt so you can see my backside while I get rat-arsed?'”
The lingo. Don’t you just love it? Hilarious! What a sensitive refined soul she turns out to be. Doesn’t suit the BBC’s slant on it though, to quote that little gem. Wouldn’t do to keep us informed, would it, BBC?
Watch out for Tazi at an Anjem/Islam4UK event near you soon. Fully gender-segregated, of course.
Attorney Jay Sekulow from the American Center for Law and Justice reports on the UN Resolution that would outlaw Christian expression worldwide according to International Law. Islam is on the march. Here’s the video.
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Islam seems to have a strange attraction for a certain kind of white menopausal woman possibly as a way of seeking attention. My town has at least two recent converts of this kind one of whom walks around in the full garb but in shocking pink and the other usually in bright white so you can’t but fail to see them. The other day I was in the bank and heard a shrieking noise followed by “IS IT BECAUSE I AM A MUSLIM” looked over and saw what looked like a pink tent that had failed to get its own way when dealing with a cashier.
There are no doubt several of these loons in each town and the couple running this hotel had the misfortune of running into one of them.
1327 9:29
I have seen them over the years in several muslim countries and the local muslims laugh at them just as much as we do. They realise the womens’ motives have nothing to do with religion !
I had to laugh at this from the loony 60-year-old-going-on-2 years- old who ran to the police complaining about those awful nasty Christians:
QUOTE: She now thinks she has been a victim of a wider plot to discredit Islam. ‘Someone wanted this case to go to trial,’ she said. ‘Muslims cannot speak out now and I believe that was the object all along. I was just a pawn in a political game.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1235337/Our-faith-targeted—weve-thrown-lions-Christian-hoteliers-accused-insulting-Muslim-guest-reveal.html#ixzz0ZWQh9dYV
I have failed to find any sense or logic in anything she has said. It is interesting, though, reading some of the background to the case, including about the policewoman involved being a member of the Gay network or whatever it is called. I wonder if the BBC will inform us of all this.
As for mature women joining Islam, well, I see it a manifestation of a sort of terrible gullibility in women which is by no means confined to those joining Islam. (I don’t know what the motive is, that someone hinted at above.)