What are things coming to? ‘CoJo’ aka BBC College of Journalism. Where? Who has to attend?
Not ‘JoGo’ and ‘PaRo’, the hosts of BBC radio London, obviously.
We’re all used to the Guardian’s overwhelming disdain for Israel. Michael White, their political editor knows a thing or two, and he doesn’t care who hears him say it.
If you trained as an actress and played Carol Sands in Crossroads as well as Rodney’s date in the second episode of only Fools and Horses, you’d be eminently qualified to go ‘mmmmmmm’ in agreement while Mr. White is saying something ““extremely serious and baseless.”
Are you sure? Never mind, if that little something is about Israel, who cares?
Password and username required to see those pages at the BBC College of “Journalism”.
Error 401 – Unauthorised
Must be because you’re not in the UK?
I suppose so. :'(
Thanks for the email link to that scabby rag Sue.
Any chance of the Israelis arresting Blair next time the REAL war criminal sets foot in the Jerusalem Hilton? Can`t make up my mind if Zippi is more Dido or Streisand…any thoughts?
All very cryptic. Things this post is hinting at. How to decipher all these gojos and whatnot? A precis would be useful for all of us who do not know the ins and outs of parjos and…well, you know… 😉
in the finest tradition of SuBo, SyCo etc etc.
(You don’t watch enough T.V.)
sue, ‘Tis true. Funny you should say that as the only working TV in this house broke down last week. No picture but can still produce sound if anybody is desperate enough to want to listen to beeboid gabble. Heh.
Here we go again. Two giants of journalism from the Guardian and the BBC forgettting that they are not having a private chat in a cosy left wing club, that only admits anti-Israel members, but are in fact broadcasting to the nation and beyond.
Re: Michael White knows a thing or two
Sue I think you missed the wood for the trees here. The Israeli slander was a couple of seconds of impromtu stream of consciousness. He made some equally or more offensive remarks and wasn’t canned for it. Just imagine if he had insulted golliwogs?
The important thing in this interview is that he trashed the leader of a democratic Western country on BBC. He called Berlusconi a clown. Would he have been allowed to say similar things about Chavez, Ahmadinijad or Gaddafi? I doubt it.
The entire piece could be condensed to Berlusconi had it coming to him. We don’t want attacks on public figures but it’s quite understandable. This was even before we had any report on the attacker’s motives or if he was simply mentally unstable or an attention seeker – as is likely.
He also said some things the BBC should be offended by. A quote, that if he was British would control the BBC because he was Prime Minister. Gordon Brown controls the ‘independent’ BBC? That explains quite a few things.
In the grab bag of factoids. The IRA and the UDF leaders didn’t try to kill their opposite numbers. David Vance is far more expert than me here but I do remember an attempt to blow up Maggie Thatcher the entire British Cabinet in Bristol.
With so many offensive and factual errors errors and instinctive biases on display here how is White competent to be Political Editor of even a supermarket handout and why hasn’t he been barred from appearing from the BBC?
It was Brighton, not Bristol. The Grand Hotel.
Thanks I knew that Bristol didn’t sound quite right.
Robin Shepherd:
“No interruption from the BBC moderator of course — apart from an approving “hmm”. No one to stop such appalling, defamatory lies in their tracks. There it is. On the record. A vicious calumny about Israel, pumping yet more sewage into the public mind as the Jewish state is portrayed as nothing better than a violent, totalitarian dictatorship which silences political dissent through the barrel of a gun.” Read the rest
Perhaps off-topic, but… The Guardian shows its bias again in ts reporting of this:
Jewish school racially discriminated against boy, court rules
Actualy it does no such thing, quite the opposite and for once the BBC is closer to the truth of the matter:
‘Not racist’
Giving the court’s verdict, Supreme Court President Lord Philips said: “The majority of the court has concluded that the JFS admission policy does discriminate on the grounds of ethnic origin and is, in consequence, unlawful.”
“A minority disagrees, considering that the admission requirement is exclusively a religious requirement and does not depend on ethnic origin.”
But he stressed that while the school had acted unlawfully over its admissions, it should not be regarded as racist.
The Guardian: Worse than the BBC, if that’s possible!
Yes, I saw HP and MP too.
I hate this sort of thing. I do have some views about schools, but perhaps if everybody had access to a decent school that suited their aspirations talents and abilities, such things might not need to happen. Not being religious personally I am not qualified to say much about it. My instinct is that all religious study should be outside the school; and optional.
This unpleasant fiasco plays into the hands of the baying mob, and it seems unnecessary and unfortunate. But then the same applies to many other things I suppose.
I’m not even sure that I know what I’m talking about.
And it is possible that the Guardian is worse than the BBC. On the surface. But underneath, peas in a pod.
I notice that at the end of this week’s ‘I haven’t a clue’, Jack Dee ended the programme with the usual absurdly portentious image – e.g with Littleton it used to be something like: As the plunger of time unblocks the sink of destiny. Dee’s offering was:
“As the gentle donkey of time is led into the tranquil Bethlehem of hope before having his ears blown off by the Israeli army of eternity.”
How long will it be before the likes of Dee, Hardy and Brand make this programme as unlistenable to as so many other radio 4 ‘comedy’ shows?