James Delingpole of the Daily Telegraph, and Richard North Of EU Referendum, are this morning hot on the trail of Dr Rajandra Pachauri, the head of the UN IPCC, and also of a so-called research organisation linked to the Tata steel company, which stands to benefit massively from CO2 trading. It’s a long, complex tale, but well worth persevering with because it shows the corruptness at the heart of the UN and thereby in the whole ‘climate change’ freak show.
They point out that the man who is the world cheerleader for climate change panic stands to benefit – to put it mildly – from the lunatic measures he is so assiduously pursuing. I have searched very carefully to see if the 35 BBC staff at Copenhagen are interested in this, but – surprise, surprise – it seems they aren’t. Instead they are keen to give Dr Pachauri a platform to lecture us that, despite all the hullaballoo and revelations over Climategate, the science is sound. No doubt the boys and girls at the BBC are hoping that he will continue to feed them such earth-stopping exclusives.
Update: The Times shows graphically this morning the nonsense that ‘climate change’ fanatics such as Al Gore spout. Again, at the time of writing, the story is conspicuous by its absence on the BBC website.
Meanwhile, even given as much (embarrassed) assistance as possible by the interviewer (Montague?) on Today, Sir David King – the government’s chief scientific adviser – made a total idiot of himself by putting forward an incoherent and ill-considered proposal that “a climate scientist should be given a seat on the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee”.
Immediately before this tosh, Professor of human geography at the University of Sheffield, Daniel Dorling (who, I assume, would be a suitable candidate for a position at the Bank of England according to King) informed us – unchallenged by the interviewer (Webb?) – that the government’s unemployment policies were absolutely correct, that, consequently, the government should keep on spending and that the rich should be soaked: after all, there’s no shortage of private wealth out there that the government can get its hands on – and spend.
I heard that interview and it sounded exactly like a newlabour political broadcast, some leftwing wing nut ‘academic’ hailing newlabour policies with no difficult questions and nobody to contradict some of the most ridiculous assertions I have heard yet.
is the link to Delingpole. Delingpole is only intermittently in the paper Telegraph: we wouldn’t want to upset Geoffrey Lean would we? Frankly, the Telegraph and the Times are as biased as the BBC on MMGW although, as contributors to this site have written a thousand times before, at least we’re not forced under penalty of law to buy the Telegraph or the Times.
Funny how the BBCs intrepid investigative reporters seem to lose interest when a story might just contradict the BBC political narrative/group think comfort zones.
Every day that goes by sees the BBC seemingly blind to whole rafts of stories of public interest, such huge gaps in the BBC reporting of events are now so visable to ordinary people that the BBC can no longer hide their bias.
I wonder if they sit around and decide which sories they will cover and which they will ignore?
Pachauri’s connections and money-making activities are interesting and, more to the point, newsworthy. This isn’t a sceptic “trick”. Knowledge that Mittal (and Pachauri) are benefiting – and the mechanics of how they benefit – to the tune of, what, $1 billion+ through the use of carbon credits is valuable to taxpayers in the UK and, particularly, to workers on Teesside who are losing their jobs. It is a scandal that the BBC ignores this.
In a search of the BBC website (search parameters “mittal carbon credits”) all I got was
which tells me that part of Great Ormond Street Hospital financed by Mr Mittal is “going green”
plus some crapola about Mittal’s good green work in Mexico.
That’s what we get for the £700/800 million spent on BBC news services.
I liked the FRONT PAGE of the Daily Express though. I didnt get to hear the newspaper reviews on the BBC whilst in the gym at 0630 this morning. However, I did see GMTV (only every see this nonsense on the gym TVs) and unless I missed it they mentioned every national daily front page apart from the Express.
Isn’t it strange that the BBC can go on and on ad nauseum about “greedy bankers” and “fatcats”, but they cannot see that Pachauri or Gore are making a very nice living indeed from “climate change”
More “fantastic” analsis by Richard Black.
“Why are virtually all climate “sceptics” men?”
This bloke really is an idiot. I have never read so much rubbish in my life. It goes without saying that there is no science in this piece but blatent political propaganda. Its known as “name calling”.
“The name-calling technique links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol. The propagandist who uses this technique hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence.”
Sorry never saw the post above.