Hurrah! Most Russians don’t give a monkeys about climate change. And who can blame them? If I lived in Siberia, I’d be pretty keen to see a bit more sun, especially at this time of year. But for the BBC correspondent Katia Moskvich, evidently as right-on in her political views as her London comrades, it’s a bit of a problem. She’s thought very hard about it and come to the startling conclusion:
But there may also be other factors involved, such as the lack of political discussion – because of the absence of any real political opposition – and the non-existence of a powerful middle class that would not only worry about its children’s health but also be ready to stand up and do something about it.
So that’s it, then, case solved. The Russians are waiting for the rise of the middle classes before they see sense and go potty about climate change, just like the BBC. It can’t be because they are sensible and have seen through the whole freak show scam, it’s because they are idiots.
Aaah the middle classes eh? That happy breed of guardian reading BBC watching socialist voting eco aware middle classes ready and waiting to vote in newlabour yet again?
Would these so called middle classes actually be the highly paid non job parasites of the third sector quango empire?
The real UK middle classes are a different breed entirely, they are squeezed by high taxes,unjust laws,totalitarian bullying government and a disintigrating economy and invisible and hated by the NWO.
It highlights perfectly the beeboid mindset, they believe they are the middle ground, they believe the middle class are like her, think like her and hold her political beliefs, she sees only what she wants to see and that is coloured by her red goggles of socilaist ideals.
The real middle class are invisible to her as if they no longer exist, her mind tells her a completely different reality and she accepts this without question.
Its as though a mental illness has taken away their sense of critical understanding and sense of reality and replaced it with kind of mass group psychosis, a kind of brainwashing seen in cult members that leaves them unable to distinguish the real world from the imagined world.
What Russia needs is for the media to be dominated by leftie homosexuals that shovel Cocaine up their noses faster than Prescott shovels pies.
Then they need a huge bloated public sector with millions of 5 a day nappy co-ordinators and waste bin inspection engineers. Better still get the BBC to run Russian TV and radio and have the Guardian as The paper of the nation.
Problem solved.
Nothing about this
which examines allegations of the unthinkable (certainly unreportable) to the effect that “Russian surface station data was sorted by CRU to use the highest warming stations only”. Katia might be correct after all in that it takes middle-class scientists to aspire to that kind of fakery.
Thanks for the link
You can also read about it here
But not here
Didn’t think it would be on the BBC.
More **** hitting the fan re CRU tampering with data. 🙂
Over at Climate Audit right now
The Russians must have got rid of their overpowering bureaucracy, because if you want to inerfere in everyones lives that is what you need. Maybe they could come to Britain and witness the countless unelected Quangos paid for by us to tell us how to think, act and live.
Having watched a whole load of “sceptics” on Russia Today, they seem to have forgotten how to spread the soviet propaganda – but I’m sure the BBC could show them how to get back to the “good times”.
“..because of the absence of any real political opposition”?? Has this woamen ever heard of the EU – we have no political oppostion here.
Just a reminder boys and girls that the BBC’s “Ethical man (another wet lefite that minces around the world talking about climate change) is going ot be LECTURING you thicko’s out there (Top Gear man) about the science of climate change.
Oh there will be a scientist on hand as well to convince you, one of the pro global warming scam lot no doubt.
I wonder if we will get the Al Bore guide to science? I hope someone asks about the hockey stick graph, or why it was snowing down here in the SE today!!!
I was just about to post the astounding news of Russian data-fiddling by CRU when I saw others had already seen it.
This is surely a big story ?
And if the figures are badly fiddled, no wonder the ordinary Russian folk think warmism is a crock.
Any chance the BBC will run this story ?
I don’t watch the BBC’s Spooks (it’s just left wing shite) but I just noticed that tonight’s episode is about those evil British Hindus attacking those poor Muslims. Poor Muzzle’s, when it’s not evil Christians beheading them it’s those Hindus killing them.
You know you can’t move on the streets of the UK for militant Hindus murdering people.
There’s an editorial position right in the first sentence. The Medvedev is going to join talks “to save the planet”. So whatever the goal is of these Warmists, demagogues, and kleptocrats, it will save the planet. That’s bias from the start.
As for the rest of it, we get a portrait of an uninformed, apathetic, average Russian citizen (no word if any of them wear tweed jackets). Once again the BBC presents it as a case where someone who doesn’t agree must be uninformed, not allowing for the possibility for someone to draw a different conclusion from the same information. Only then do we get to the biased editorialization that a middle class would by default be in favor of Warmism. That’s projecting an opinion, and reveals the personal bias of the Beeboid.
Ye shall not have believed in vain.
Yeah I noticed that “to save the planet” crap. It’s a good way of making totalitrianism friendly to the planet and good for the people, for this is where I believe we are being led.
So the argument that there isn’t really free press in Russia (other than Novaya Gazeta) is ignored in favour of “lol Siberia is cold”. Come on you can do better than this.
This is BRILLIANT – watch
The 12 Days Of Global Warming
On the twelth day of warming, my true love said to me
Burn baby burn, and a partridge in a bare tree.
Amazing socialist propaganda from the BBC plugging the awful “Age of Stupid” film. This preposterous creation is set in 2055 with the world underwater and humanity on the verge of extinction. Anti-car, anti-plane, anti-capitalist, and anti-american, it even gets in some tired old digs at the liberation of Iraq and the british empire.
Frighteningly, this garbage is being promoted by our political masters (both Tory and Labour) as educational material for our schools, and has already been foisted on the Welsh curriculum.
“”Frighteningly, this garbage is being promoted by our political masters (both Tory and Labour) as educational material for our schools, and has already been foisted on the Welsh curriculum.”
Well they picked the right country.
The Age of Stupid does begin in Wales. Visit Wrexham and Rhyl, and you’ll soon get an idea of what I mean.
Had facists paraded at the Tea Party protests… But it’s always ok for communists to attend Climate Change protests. The MSM looks the other way (three mins into this video).
What’s with all the bouncing?
Bouncing is a good way of keeping warm in those frigid conditions. Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming is such a clever nemesis. It makes things freezing cold when you’re expecting it to be warm, just to f*ck with your mind. We must act now before it creeps up on us in our sleep and cuts our and our pet rabbit’s throats!
Stupid Ecofags.
The met office is now being implicated in the climategate scandal, it appears that their models showing warming in Russia was arrived by fiddling the data using the fraudulant methods of the CRU.
Remember the ‘warming maps’ showing Russia covered in the deep red so beloved of the met office/CRU/GISS models? Well it seems that the selective use and manipulation of the data handed over by the Russians is to blame for the warming trend alone.
The met offices Hadley centre has been caught red handed so to speak, fabrication and manipulation of other peoples data and the Russians are not happy bunnies to say the least.
The rotten corruption is spreading as we all knew it would and now includes the met office/the Hadley centre for climate change, the warming is man made alright!
The HADCRUT ground station temperature series is now worthless and useless, a pathetic fabrication cobbled together by fraudsters more interested in money and power than science.
The met office took the regimes shilling led by a green fanatic and using the nasty bullying methods of a soviet ministry set about creating a web of lies and fraud that will go down in history as the biggest since scientific socialism killed tens of millions.
As usual the new media is first and the MSM will follow on later, when the MSM actually get to grips with the scale of the fraud at the top of the UK sicentific community an awful lot of people are going to look very guilty indeed, careers ruined and reputations dragged through the mud and whole institutions shamed.
The eco fanatic at the helm of the met office aided by his cheating cronies has destroyed an institutions reputation within a few years, that reputation was built up by men and women of integrity and honesty over many decades.
Is the BBC going to investigate? Well, Black/Shukman/Harrabin will protect the fraudsters for as long as possible of that we can be sure.
Harrabin and the rest of his turd sniffing friends need to be taken to court. Why is it that Andrew Gilligan got sacked for telling the truth but Harrabin and his camp friends is telling lies every day but gets away with it at OUR expense?