I tuned in very briefly this morning to Today and was taken aback by the gushing admiration that one of the BBC’s legion of eco-warrior reporters bestowed upon the speech at the Climatecon in Copenhagen by Hugo Chavez. It verged on hero-worship and shocked me because anyone who knows anything about this Venezuelan tyrant will know that he is an evil man, a thug, a clown. And yet, to at least one of our State Broadcaster reporters, he is man worth listening to. The BBC – still able to shock me.
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The BBC has a strange collective love affair with leftist dictators the world over, they seem to forgive any sin and any wrongdoing and overlook any crimes however brutal if the object of their corporate affection is Marxist/leftist/dictatorial socialist/left wing revolutionary.
This groupthink soft spot leads them to support the grubby Cuban dictatorship of Castro and his nasty brother, BTW they would be ejected in a free election straight away which is obviously why Cuba does not have free elections.
Torture,murder,brutality,corruption,poverty and thug rule seem to be fine and dandy to the BBC. I have often wondered why the BBC is drawn to such despots who squash freedom like stepping on a bug, is it the ultimate power these despots wield? Is it the love of the dictatorship where one message and one way is the the rule enforced by brutality and cruelty?
The BBC seem to have a perverted wish to be the Marxist revolutionary struggles mouthpiece, one will, one desire, one goal, the singular will bound by the socialist ideal?
To normal freedom loving democrats the thought of living in a nightmare totalitarian thugocracy is a vision of hell but to the BBC collective it must be their warped idea of heaven.
Imagine the BBC as the sole mouthpiece of a dictatorship the power and authority to lord it over the common scum, the prestige and wealth and connections it would give them.
It makes my skin crawl to think of the BBC reaching out for their goal of a new EUSSR dictatorship.
Chavez could be as great a genocidal tyrant as Stalin or Mao and the BBC would still uncritically quote him. Why? Because he repeats back, parrot fashion, the pseudo-liberal mantras which the BBC and other elites find oh-so-fashionable. These are, in no particular order, that the USA is the great Satan, that Western democracies must pay vast sums to third-world dictators in order to atone for the supposed ‘sins’ of their forefathers, and that the current capitalist system needs to be overthrown.
All, very conveniently for Chavez, designed to take the media attention away from his own corrupt rule and a smokescreen for his own multi-million dollar oil industry.
Chavez hates Capitalism as does every beeboid alive. We only have to see the list of creepy Communists who work at the BBC and their love affair with leftism.
Chavez, Dinnerjacket and Gadaffi are the three favourites of the BBC. Oh any of course Obama is also thought to have flirted with being a Marxist at College.
We have seen this before in this country with all those romantically inclined, educated, progressive, would-be revolutionary types falling in love with Stalin. Nothing new under the sun, eh?
The Western intelligentsia’s fascination with, and sympathy for Marxism and other radical and violent anti-Western movements such as black nationalism in Africa and lately Islamism is nothing new.
Oxford and Cambridge were seething with support for communism in the 1930s just as Stalin was getting into his most murderous stage. Later the pattern was repeated with Chairman Mao, the Vietnamese communists etc.
The South African writer Dan Roodt wrote the following about Southern Africa, but it could equally be applied to Palestine or Chavez or any of the other causes the leftist intelligentsia is fond of.
“The Western fascination with the most violent, radical, terrorist, often communist or Marxist-Leninist movements in Southern Africa has deep psychological roots in colonial and white guilt. Western politicians, representing ageing and pacifist populations abhorring violence on their own soil, seem to admire anyone abroad who believes in Mao’s dictum that “power grows from the barrel of a gun” and see a commitment to violence or “armed struggle” as it is euphemistically called, as a manifestation of youthful virility, idealism and a natural quest for power.”
I can’t find any mention of Chavez on the Today website, but I admit I didn’t listen to every clip completely through to the end. I heard an unfortunately earnest defense of the Sudanese spokesman comparing the failure of the richer countries to give money to corrupt African dictators to the Holocaust. Nice that the BBC makes the effort to understand the feelings of someone saying things like that.
But if they did mention Chavez’s tirade, did anyone also point out the irony of the undemocratically elected dictator who owes his very existence to world-wide Capitalist consumption of nasty, carbon-emitting oil lecturing everyone on the evils of Capitalism and fossil fuels causing Climate Change? Or is that too blasphemous to mention in BBC editorial meetings?
If they still haven’t mentioned the mad ramblings of their beloved Hugo Chavez, why are they hiding it from you?
One theme which the BBC avoids in all its climate propaganda is: what will it cost the British taxpayers?
Just as the BBC regards it as a matter of course that it should be the recipient of £3.5billion annually from the British taxpayers, so that it can, among other things, pursue its climate propaganda, – so too the BBC has no inclination to worry over Labour’s extra climate taxes:
“Climate Nut Brown will ruin Britain”
Perhaps this is what the BBC most admires about Venezuela:
Chavez is sending uranium to Iran –
If poster boy Che was still alive I’m sure many at the BBC would be fawning over his every word. Che said this… Che said that at the conference… never mind the blood dripping from his fingertips, he’s a great and bold leader with vision… It wouldn’t matter how many he had murdered, tortured and repressed peoples freedoms as long as it was for a good cause (in this case saving the planet as a means to an authoritarian end).
David P,
I heard it sometime around 8.15-8.30am.
Thanks for that, DV. It’s right at the beginning of the clip at 8:33, and the mention of Chavez was so brief I guess it didn’t register in my brain.
This is just proof positive that Roger Harriban and the Today Programme producers – including Humphrys – are hypocrits. There is no excuse to mention Chavez as some sort of moral reference without acknowledging his personal stake in the very fossil fuel industry under fire at the Copenhagen Synod. What a totally useless bunch of Beeboids. Shame.
Sure, Humphrys starts pressing Harriban about the likelihood of The Obamessiah getting funding for some of the spending promises bandied about (once again it’s criticism on the same issue we talk about, albeit from the Left), but that hardly counts as proper skepticism on the point I’m making about Chavez’s speech and massive BBC hypocrisy.