The BBC is eerily silent on the subject that The Times and Telegraph both think worth reporting. That is the admission, boast even, by Hamas operative Diya al-Din Madhoun – nice name – that Hamas was responsible for persuading the British courts to issue an arrest warrant for Tzipi Livni for war crimes, should she be bold enough to venture upon British soil.
The BBC are, on the whole, admirers of Hamas, so one might expect them to publicise this, even if only because they might see it as small success and victory for audacity, which they are equally fond of.
Ron Proser has an article in the Telegraph in which he decries the lamentable hypocrisy of the British, and the double standards that are generally applied to matters concerning the Middle East, democracy and terrorism.
Some of the comments below the Times article illustrate what Mr Peres calls “ a hostile majority public opinion,” the effect of 40 years of brainwashing dished up to the public by the BBC.
The unfortunate truth is Milliband will do f8ck all about stopping the abuse of our courts simply because he and the rest of the fools in Labour also support hamas et al.
The BBC are, on the whole, admirers of Hamas
and there we have it, today’s latest piece of unsubstantiated nonsense from B-BBC. Admire Hamas do they? All those stories about rockets, and bombings. Yes, it’s a real glowing tribute to them.
Well FFPS it pretty obvious really. All BBC online have to do to show admiration for Hamas is to not publish negative stories about them. Meanwhile every single allegation against Israel goes unchallenged and gets full coverage. That way they are able to portray Hamas as a legitimate tool of resistance rather than violent, deceitful Islamist scum. One such example is quoted here with the story that Hamas were indirectly responsible for the warrant against Livni. The BBC has chosen out of anti-Israeli bias not to run with it. Also when during Operation Cast Lead, Hamas MP Fathi Hamad actually bragged about the way they used their own people as human shields, the BBC did not report it. Bias by omission and as Hamad’s statement makes plain Hamas were responsible for the Gazan civilian casualties. But the BBC to their shame never told anyone that.
Even if you understand the “left”, it’s stunning how these bastards have fucked up our country so much. They turn all our organs of state against us, we pay them to harm us.
The BBC continues to carry water for Hamas in this news brief. It’s only one line, but is a glaring error in a piece which is otherwise as impartial as they’ve ever been on the topic of Gaza.
For a very long time, the BBC faild to report the existence of Egypt’s border with Gaza, and then when reality forced them to admit it, they played it as Egypt doing Israel’s bidding
For the last year or so the BBC has been freely reporting that not only does Egypt in fact share a border with Gaza but is in fact in control of it. They’ve been more honest in their reporting about it ever since the Palestinians forced their way through the Egyptian barricade, and the BBC was forced to report the existence of the border and who controlled it at last. Before that incident, the BBC never held Egypt responsible for their part in the “siege” of Gaza, and usually hid that border from their reports on the region. Even now they refer to it only as “last year’s conflict”, without being honest about what it was.
So this news brief is actually honest about all that, even going so far as to report that Egypt is trying to ban a celebration of that breakout incident. They even mention that the Goldstone report held that both sides committed human rights violations, without the usual anti-Israel qualifiers. Credit where due to the BBC.
Unfortunately, this is ruined because the very young, underpaid and under-trained BBC News Online sub-editor had to wheel out that ghoulish and intellectually corrupt body count trope:
Palestinians and human rights groups say more than 1,400 Gazans were killed in the violence between 27 December and 16 January, though Israel puts the figure at 1,166. Three Israeli civilians and 10 Israeli soldiers were also killed.
As usual, the BBC is dishonest in reporting on the issue of causalties. The Israli casualties are split between civilians and soldiers, while there is no discernment between soldiers (Hamas fighters and other Gazans engaged in armed conflict) and civilians for the Palestinian casualties. This is willfully dishonest, leaving the impression that all victims were innocent, and is standard procedure for all BBC reporting on Gaza.
Oh yes, this news brief refers to “last year’s conflict”, but doesn’t say what it was about. Contrary to the above comment by Fat Face Penguin Seal, there is no mention here of what caused last year’s “conflict”: rockets from Gaza.
Most of the Times on line comments are being churned out by pro hamas spammers anyway.
So it’s dead easy for anyone to petition the high court to bring war crimes charges against individuals.
Mmmm, I do hope an enterprising Zionist organization is, at this very moment, shopping around for a potentially sympathetic judge in order to charge the many Hama representatives in blighty.
It shouldn’t be too hard to prove even for the British plod, as the murder of all Jews and destruction of Israel is in the Hamashit “charter”.
HAMASHITS boast of their future war crimes, as well as their foul deeds.
Madhoun eh? Are you sure it isn’t Mad Hoon? 🙂
I don’t think there is really a “hostile majority public opinion” towards Israel in the UK. I think, amongst people who have any opinion on the matter, there is more support for Israel than Hamas and co.
What there is is a militant anti-Israel minority ensconced in the BBC, in academia and in that lefist paper no-one actually reads, the Grauniad. The anti-Israeli campaign is a product of the leftist intelligentsia, it is not a popular movement.
I’ve often been puzzled over which Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas or Fateh is most favoured by the BBC.