The BBC also remains eerily silent (as in the previous posting) on the subject of Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the IPCC, whose multiple business interests linked messily to ‘climate change’ have been the subject of intense scrutiny in the dead tree press and here, here and here. It seems that the good doctor thinks nothing is wrong in being at the head of numerous banking and industrial groups that benefit from his committee’s alarmist pronouncements.
If this had been one of the BBC’s hate figures – let us say Tory funder Michael Ashcroft – they would have been on to the story like a rat up a drain pipe. Instead, the might of the BBC’s journalistic elite is still focused on bemoaning the lack of agreement in Copenhagen, and cheeerleading for Gordon Brown’s lunatic call for a “reformed UN process” – in other words, for more corruption, more bureaucracy and more wasting of billions of pounds of our money.
The BBC clearly doesn’t do irony, either. No a word about Global Warning. Not even a link to UK Met Office and World Meteorological Organization analyses also show that 2009 will almost certainly be the fifth warmest in the 160-year record. I wonder if the cold snap may lead to a revision of the prediction.
Europe cold snap kills dozens across continent Temperatures dropped as low as -33C in parts of northern Europe.
Europe cold snap kills dozens across continent
Dozens of people have died across Europe as days of snow storms and sub-zero temperatures swept the continent, causing traffic chaos for millions.
The BBC has erected what can only be described as a Jerry built lash up cover for the badly damaged narrative, the holes in its news coverage becoming so large as to be in effect a joke.
The narrative has stumbled badly leaving the BBC seemingly in a state of shell shock, who to blame? The Chinese? The USA? Obama?
The opening chapters in earths cooling phase simply cannot be hidden forever,we are just at the start of what may be the harshest winter since the war, if it is then a lot of people are going to start asking what the tens of billions of pounds and miles of draconian laws have done to help us. These are difficult times for the beeboid collective, their watermellon allies are laying blame but that conflicts with the other BBC allies so you end up with a kind of mental breakdown effect coming into play, with so many conflicting sacred cows how can the BBC play it?
Clearly newlabours role is touted as a triumph by the BBC, they can do nothing else other than pimp for their primary political allies, the utter cretinous stupidty of the newlabour regime, its bought off stooge liars like Stern and King are given a prime platform to peddle their ‘it woz everyone elses fault’ mantra.
This is showing us all the true face of the BBC in all its dirty glory, but its very satisfying to see the beeboid thrashing around in disaray!
The BBC serial liars like smirking Harrabin are trying to ignore the elephants in the room as if their lives depended on it, perhaps it does?
…. and, quelle surprise, no mention of the Wikipedia scandal either.
This institution is truly rotten to the core.
They’ll be okay; they’ll blame a new Ice Age on Global Warming. Something along the lines of ‘z0mg teh globul warmingz upsets teh ocean currunts making it cold!1!!LOL’
Yet again the EUREFERENDUM site asks the difficult questions that the BBC dare not ask.
Why did the met office provide the local and national govenment such piss poor forecasting? Why did the met office knowingly issue falsehoods and fabricated forecasts instead of telling the truth and why did the govenment accept these lies?
The met office computer models were built with the sole purpose of supporting the man made global warming narrative, the government placed stooges within the met office to make sure this happened, in effect the government corrupted a national institution to lie to itself and provide a false illusion of global warming.
Here is the killer point, if the met office had told us the actual truth of the coming cooling cycle it would have directly contradicted the AGW fraud so instead of telling the truth they chose to lie and its this choice to lie that has cost and will cost many lives, they are guilty of corporate manslaughter, they have blood on their hands!
The crooked Westminster regime knowingly and with stunning cynisism chose to lie to the public and give out out false information soley to protect its man made global warming narrative.
Tens of billions of pounds has been wasted in the fight against a harmless trace gas CO2, billions of pounds has been syphoned off by snake oil scammers, this money has been stolen from us all.
That simple choice has cost lives, they chose to lie to protect their obsession with AGW, a false theory built on lies and fraud and peddled by a lying cheating political class using the false theory as a vehicle for its political ambitions. The big three political parties are so completely obsessed with the fake AGW theory they would lie and cheat and conspire to protect it in the face of reality.
The scale of the betrayal by the political classes is breathtaking, the cynical exploitation and fraud by the Westminster parasites is a tragedy.
The big three knew they were lying to us and they knew why they were lying to us, they continue to lie to us still, they chose to lie to us forgetting their first duty of care to the people who elected them, they are in effect traitors.