Just me signing off for the next few days – back on the 27th! May I take this opportunity to wish everyone on Biased-BBC a Very Happy Christmas. Thanks for all your encouragement and support during 2009, you’ve been a tremendous help and I shall return to the fray in few days time.
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Allah Ackbar everyone!
😀 Merry 😀 Christmas David and all on B BBC.
Merry Christmas everyone. The distinct lack of ‘Teh BBc iz n0t biU$Ed!!1!LOL’ crowd on this site lately indicates that you’re doing good work.
Man, look at the Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming. It’s really coming down.
Oh, and a belated Happy Chanukah to DP, Piggy Kosher and the other B-BBC Red Sea Pedestrians. Mazel tov.
David et al, congratulations on a solid years’ work , highlighting the pernicious left wing bias of an organisation which has over the last three or four decades done tremendous damage to the country.
I might have the occasional niggle but, all in all, B-BBC does a superb job. Keep up the good work in the new year – it’ll be needed. Meanwhile to all the posters and (most of ) the commenters – have a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2010.
Happy Hollydaze to all! 😎
Merry Christmas to all. Stay warm.
Merry Christmas to you all! 🙂
Happy Saturnalia to all.
Merry Christmas everyone
Happy Christmas to all B-BBC peeps and I hope you have a terrific New Year.
“They don’t like it up ’em” they really don’t…
Happy Christmas to you all. I will be having a BBC free Christmas this year.
A jolly kuffir festival to everyone 😎
A very Happy Christmas to you as well.
Thanks for all the good work and good arguing.
I know I’m a day late but in my part of the world Christmas falls on January 7th. So I am really 13 days early.
Merry Christmas all! And enjoy Three Kings too, just in case I decide to party straight through…
Back on the 27th May?! Oh, I see. Happy Christmas!
Let’s not worry about dates.
Over in Mecca, it’s apparently: 8 Muharram 1431.
DV wrote: “back on the 27th! May […]”
That’s something that could be misread!
Hope you had a happy Christmas
Uuf! hippiepooter above