The BBC, as we well know, will bust a gut to report anything that supports AGW. It is now also resorting to staging ludicrously simplistic rigged scientific experiments on Newsnight to persuade viewers that its ‘climate change’ crusade is legitimate. A What’s Up With That correspondent explains:
Here’s something I found shocking and that you don’t see every day: the British government’s former chief scientific adviser Professor Sir David King flagrantly lying on national television to boost the dubious idea that some foreign agency (the Russian secret service?) was behind Climategate.
This was in the context of BBC 2’s Newsnight staging a peculiar experiment, with a politically-correct black female “space scientist” heating two bottles – one containing “air” (last time I looked, that included carbon dioxide anyway) and one containing “atmospheric air with a greater concentration of carbon dioxide” (they didn’t say how much they were adding, of course, but I’d bet it was substantially more than 0.000388%!). Surprise, surprise — the latter bottle grew hotter… Of course it did. A greater amount of carbon dioxide will be warmer when heat is applied. This is not a surprise! The proportions are key, of course, as you know.
Newsnight itself characterised the effort right at the start as a “very unscientific experiment” — so why do it at all?! In fact the “science” as presented was misleading and selective to the point of deception.
The WUWT entry goes on to explain in detail why the experiment is an indicator only of the complexity and pitfalls of setting up such scientific experiements. Deception? The BBC misrepresentation of ‘climate change’ goes well beyond that. It’s systematic fraud.
You heard it here first.
Monday, December 07, 2009, 17:41:59
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There’s a cracking piece of propoganda on the BBC this morning.
A scientist has two plastic bottles each containing a thermometer probe.
She then fills one bottle with copious amounts of CO2 and turns on a couple of lights to heat the bottles. What a surprise. The CO2 filled bottle warms mush faster than the non CO2 filled bottle.
Care to repeat the experiment with just a TRACE of CO2, or perhaps water vapour?
Hm, I though not.
Shameful BBC!
A simple experiment for simple people, the infantilisation of the MSM has been a BBC key goal for quite some time now, Jackanory for grown ups.
On a brighter note, thank you to all my friends and tutors over the year, your kinds words of encouragment and corrections, I have learned much from the wonderful and gifted posters on here.
Merry Xmas to you all, I wish you all the best for the coming year and hope we can keep up the monitoring of the BBC output, its a fact that we do not struggle in vain against the arrogant bloated beast, they are taking note, much as they hate us they are starting to fear us.
Cassie K + cats.
Its fascinating to see the BBC line on AGW is changing though. Just a month ago they were confident enough just to tell us Proles that it is existed and we just had to accept it. Now since Climategate and Copenhagen even a Beeboid can tell things have changed hence the need to prove AGW with these rigged experiments. Expect more of the same in the new year except it will be hard going for the Beeb who have got rid of all their real science journalists over the last few years.
I find it interesting that while the Beeb continue to dumb down their science coverage (just look at any episode of Horizon) there seems to be a big demand for popular science books. I was in Waterstones bookshop yesterday and saw a huge display of books on various science related subjects. Surely the BBC should be producing science shows aimed at that level ?
I posted about this last week. This was a deliberate attempt by the BBC to humiliate those ‘deniers’ called “Top Gear man” by the scum at the BBC.
Of course the experiment was nonsense, but this is how science is portrayed on the BBC, Roger Harrabin tells us that flowers blooming early at Kew gardens is a sign of “climate change”
It makes you wonder just how stupid the BBC thinks we are? The experiment only tells us what we already know that CO2 is a green house gas, if climate change were that easy why do we piss billions away on super computers for climate change scientists when a couple of Tesco pop bottles would do the trick?
The BBC loves to spin lies. The BBC still lies that HIV is growing the most in the hetrosexual community. Really?
Sir Michael Lyons, Chair of the BBC Trust, on Climatechange and bias (from Newswatch) .. appalling
Good on Snoddy for putting the question upfront.
Be careful here. This is not an outright falsehood; rather a case of misdirection.
On its own a doubling of CO2 will lead to just over 1-degree C of temperature rise. However, the IPCC gets from there to an up-to-6-degree rise by factoring the effect of feedbacks.
It’s important to separate the first assertion (which has been accepted for over 100 years) from the second (which even the IPCC admits is little understood). [Indeed the feedbacks may be net negative]
By asking the audience to concentrate on the factor that accounts for 1-degree and ignoring the factor that accounts for 5-degree they can make the science appear more certain. Misdirection.
It has already been shown that Co2 FOLLOWS temperature rises, not the other way round.
That was from real scientists, not those hired by al beeb.
I don’t think you read my comment properly!
I’m certainly not defending AGW
The recent HYS expressing the Beeboids’ distress that they aren’t reaching the public enough about this world-savingly important issue is a clue. They will maintain their belief in Warmism until their last breath, just like any devout religious people would.
They don’t see their own faith being shaken, but they see it in others, and will stop at nothing to preach the Gospel of Warmism.
“The BBC still lies that HIV is growing the most in the hetrosexual community.”
Err, I read elsewhere that it may well be so. Of course, the BBC won’t report that it is being driven by immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa i.e. blacks, another ‘victim’ group.
Allan, I meant within the UK, I really don’t care about Africa, although your point about immigrants is a good one, TB is another that we thought was eradicated in the UK, but thanks to Nu Liebour’s open door immigration policy it’s back.
Also 99% of the population isn’t gay so the spread of HIV in the 1% or less
What that silly waste of money conference was really about, and the bbc didn’t have a clue, was a bunch of oppressive dictatorships trying to squeeze cash out of naive, left-wing countries who swallowed the man-made climate change junk science theory. Did the bbc ask the right questions? Did they wonder about what kinds of controls would be put on the dictators and into which coffers of corruption the fruit of the money tree would fall? Such questions would disturb the propaganda flow of our favourite state broadcaster.
Interesting little year-end weather summary early this am, with a selection of stats that I have to presume were accurate, mixing various extremes absolutes (coldest, wettest…) with some oddly selective periods (ever, since…).
I kinda got the message that the climate is possibly in flux, and not in a good way.
Now I could just about cope with the giggly Scots lady (has she any qualifications save being happy to travel the country to be plonked in front of a teleprompter in ever further-flung locations for no good reason?), but her rather sweet male offsider lost me with his sign off: ‘Heaven knows what 2010 will bring’.
Well, that is true. And on past evidence the Met Office, etc will have no better clue either, so what, precisely, was the point of that final comment?
Almost like he as wishing things would get catastrophically worse. Maybe it will, and maybe it won’t, but not sure it’s the job of a BBC employee to be getting my kids disconcerted, on today of all days.
Especially when, really, he has no flipping idea.
Merry agenda-dripping Xmas, Aunty.
On Christmas morn – Merry Christmas to you too, and the moggies.
And thanks for all your posts over the year !
Why expect the BBC to resile from the crock that is warmism? The failure of the marxist experiment – tested to destruction in the Soviet Empire – has had absolutely nil affect on the faith of the Islington intelligentsia except that the (discredited) red has become green. Even so, the BBC thanks God (not the Christian one naturally) for the near destruction of the global banking system. Although the main cause of the collapse was regulatory failure (in the UK designed personally by Brown). It’s the incompetence and greed of the bankers (somehow not noticed by that same genius when at at the Exchequer busily flogging our gold) -certainly a major contributory factor in the whole story – which has proved a godsend to the marxists and statists at the BBC. The mantra is that the ruin of the public finances is due to the taxpayer rescue of the banks. If the “rescuers” had concentrated on rescuing the “system” rather than the crap institutions in the system (eg RBS, HBOS and Northern Rock – not coincidentally headquartered in Labour heartlands) ) the long tail of wealth destruction would have stopped there where it belonged.
Anyway, enough of this! It’s Christmas and a Happy Christmas to you all and the very best of luck for 2010 – we’ll need it!
I think that you need to give the pharisees plenty of space to show that their belief in Baal is pure smoke and mirrors. I think that the new-found scientist of the BBC could not have accepted a worse assignment. It is clear to see that the woman is being used. If I were the unfortunate one in a similar position I would laugh all the way to the bank. Poor bank!