“Tata which next month is to close down its Corus steel works at Redcar, to make a potential £600 million in “credits” from the carbon emissions this will save, while in India it will earn a similar amount in UN CDM “credits” by building a plant of similar capacity in Orissa. It will thus make a potential gain of £1.2 billion, at the expense of 1,700 jobs on Teesside, for no overall reduction in the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere.”
The pioneering efforts of North via his EUREFERENDUM is lifting the lid on a veritable sewer of graft,industrial scale corruption,back handers,money laundering thru fake charities and NGOs/quangos.
The wholesale looting of the public purse, the enriching of the parasite elite and the financing of of the scammers who then lobby the same bent regimes for more loopholes and backstairs funding channels is a gigantic scandal.
There must be billions of pounds being syphoned off the public purse thru fake charities alone, oiling the wheels and greasing the palms of those who wish to rule us.
EUREFERENDUM gives us a peek beneath the stone, a grubby world of freaks,gangsters,snake oil scammers,carpet bagging fraudsters,shiny eyed fanatics and bent politicians!
This brave new world of corruption funded by extortion and theft is a dark nightmarish place, they are building this dark future using the cover of altruism and good intentions, they are desperate to appear as saviours of mankind yet they feed off and thrive on corruption and dishonesty, they believe the ends justify the means, they believe that they can build the new world using evil means!
The BBC is the recipient of and the disperser of backdoor funding, they are one head of the hydra, we are their enemy, we stand in the way of their new world, all honest people have to stand up and stop these criminals, if we dont they will give birth to an evil empire not seen before.
Our mates at the Torygraph are still holding the torch for climate reality.
Today they reveal we are having the coldest winter for 13 years and if it continues it will be the coldest for 25 and yet over at the state ministry for propoganda they feel its more important to mention that the Swedes are going to off a few wolves.
Probably 20 or so people will die as a consequence to this cold period most people will have had their lives disrupted and yet because it doesnt match the Liebour/CONservative scare’em and tax’em plan they prefer to ignore it or spin it as ‘climate change’.
This is really boiling my p#ss.
Why doesnt one of the main parties put its head above the parapet and tell the truth?
More and more people are seeing the king as he is NAKED and yet the Tories the reds and the pinkos still insist his new suit is ‘fabulous’
“One might expect little respite this winter – the previous one was the coldest since 1996/97 – but the Met Office has said the three months from December to February could well be warmer than average. Last winter saw a mean temperature of 3.2C across the UK, compared to an average of 3.7C for the season, but John Hammond, a forecaster at the Met Office, said that should be bettered this time round.”
The Met office must just cast Rune stones or predict what HMG want. Either way it stinks.
Our taxes are based on this guff.
Our future is being altered because of this guff.
And worst of all Al Gore is making a mint because of this guff.
The inconvenient truth is we are being lied to for the gain of a few neo com politicians.
Do they though?! I think the majority of people don’t really care and then more people believe it than don’t. Its not just from the left and the BBC either
And why is this – could it be that they are getting their information from the “unbiased” environmental reporters from the BBC?
Tell me in your own enlightened way – would this be the case if all the facts were explained?
It is a big suprise for me that some people do not “believe” it, as the BBC and the MSM has consistently bombarded us with one side. It is just their bad luck that the interent exists otherwise their world view would dominate. A view where anyone who disagrees is demonised or ridiculed. Where peoples careers have been ruined all on the say of some corrupt political activist. And this attack is almost always from the left, where the BBC happily sits.
This episode shows us how intolerant and anti-democratic this country has become.
Since when has science been based on belief? Belief is based on blind faith not scientific theories.
I notice you ignored the point in the article at which it was pointed out that she already had projects in development at the BBC. Although I daresay that would be a little inconvenient for you to point out.
“Does the fact that she has those projects prove your point? Somehow I dont think it does.”
Well, it does demonstrate that things aren’t as cut-and-dried as the Mail headline suggests, or as Martin would like to have us believe.
But thanks for at least acknowledging that it’s a fact. Unlike, say, the rest of your rant, which says more about you than it does about the BBC to my mind.
Anyway – the point Martin made was “Another luvvie turns on the BBC. ” – Is she or is she not attacking the BBC? Even if she has wall to wall dramas on the BBC it does not alter the fact that she has attacked the BBC.
The rest of my ‘rant’ points out some places where fairness is absent where balance is missing and where justice is not served.
I am not some snarling BNP racist or some anti muslim biggot i just want some balance. Some acknowledgement of the majority position. I am not suggesting gagging muslims, women, atheists, ethnic minorities or even lefties like yourself. I actually welcome your point of view. I am not afraid of free speech I actually believe in it.
What I object to is the hijacking of our state broadcaster by a bunch of angst ridden Islington canape revolutionaries.
I am ethnically Irish yet I want the British to be proud to be British. They shouldnt be forced to have guilt trip after guilt trip. I dont want Blair apologising for the Potato famine. I dont want every show to be pro republican. The loyalits/unionists are important too. Paisley is not Hitler and Adams is not Ghandi.
Why is every history show anti Brit? Why cant Christian TV shows be produced edited and run by Christians. It seems obvious to me but maybe I’m missing something.
We’ve spent too long teaching people to hate themselves. Teaching them that fathers are not needed. All men are rapists abusers extremists. Teaching them white pople are exploiters and bad. Marriage is a Terry and June style Joke. Teaching them that anything goes. I’m all for diversity but there has also to be support for the mainstream, the backbone of our society.
It comes to something when Iran has more sympathy in the higher echelons of our state broadcaster than our most important Ally.
My views arent exactly extreme Scott. I may not have what might be called an ‘alternative’ lifestyle but my world view has as much right to be heard as yours and at the Beeb it doesnt stand a chance because I am not a minority. Why doesnt auntie change its name to the minority broadcastiing company at least then it wouldnt be lieing when it talks about its fairness and balance.
If they were, they would have included references to drugtaking, turds, beardy towelheads and the usual rubbish that makes you sound like a very bad parody of the sort of man who hasn’t left the house in twenty years because he’s too busy tapping away telling the world why it’s everybody else’s fault that his life is rubbish.
In Daily Mail world obviously they lap up nonsense like this as it instantly ties in with the Mailites biased/brainwashed opinions, but why should she have a shoe in at the BBC? How do we know that any of her ideas are any good – are they bound to be just because she may have had previous good ideas? Or is it because she’s jumped on a bandwagon that agrees with the agenda of some people here?
I get the impression around here that there aren’t two sides to any argument involving the BBC – who ever complains against the BBC is instantly correct and those comments prove that the BBC is inheritently wrong. Thats exactly what is damaging our arguments against the BBC. Its more biased and unreasoned than the BBC itself.
You obviousley have not read the post by Martin – tell me where he is wrong.
I see you like to pigeonhole people as “Mailists” – not far from that to deniers is it? I suspect you are happy to pigeonhole people as you cannot cope with anyone who does not fit in well with your view of the world. So if you are not happy to fit into the “pigeonhole” here – why don’t you just leave and join a blog who are clones of yourself. I’m sure you will be happier where no thought processes have to be used.
Or alternatley tell me where Martin is wrong. What you and Scot M are doing is inferring things that were not said. If you must attack someone – get the facts right.
All your judgements on this womans dramas are not even relevant. I have come to the conclusion that you are, just like Scot M a statist troll.
“Visually we showed a picture of a reader looking at one of the newspaper pages and linked to TV news reports in video which incorporated brief shots of the pages and the images on them. In doing all this, I believe we provided sufficient context for our users to be able to understand the story clearly.” http://news.bbc.co.uk/newswatch/ukfs/hi/newsid_4670000/newsid_4678100/4678186.stm
Unless you think that qualifies.
They didn’t seem to have the same quarms over Jerry Springer though
Yawn – the time the page was updated is stamped at 15:20, no idea if that was when it went up originally or if it was just updated then.
Even if they did put it up later than one or two other sources by a matter of a couple of hours, the post above said “the BBC wont be reporting this”. It has, the point is nulled.
Perhaps people should focus on the genuine bias that the BBC shows rather than washing out the point with Daily Mail-esque nit picking and tabloid trash approach to stories
Genuine withholding of information or selective use of evidence etc such as with climate change. However i don’t believe that every mention of climate change or the environment on the BBC is bias as many here would suggest. Its like this place is full of the same people that read the Daily Mail. So used to the ridiculously heavy bias (and i don’t mean party political bias) of their source of newspaper that everything becomes purely black and white, and in the case of the BBC everything becomes a certainty – certainty that everything the BBC does is, or can be spun into, being a bias.
Should we counter the BBC bias with worse bias, or with constructive/destructive criticism?
I agree with that. But also, sometimes the trivial things that only turn into demonstrable bias with their cumulative effect have to be pointed out as well.
For example I just heard a report describing the Danish cartoons as insulting to: ”the Prophet Mohammed.”
Now I would understand if you think that is perfectly okay. But I would rather that they referred to him the Muslim or Islamic Prophet Mohammed, because that is what he is, and it seems the more appropriate description.
The cumulative effect of this embracing, inclusive, bending over backwards attempt to normalise the Islamic religion is part of the larger bias picture that I find disturbing.
Another thing I would like to say is that if you really do have a contribution to make to B-BBC because you see bias, it would be more effective if you accompanied your criticisms with some positive suggestions.
There’s something about these forums that makes people come across as more confrontational than they might intend to be. Does that apply to you?
Ok you have a preference but why is it actually a problem/issue? People here have these personal preferences because they’re looking for bias where they you can rather than looking for things that actually matter. Things get spun (that supposed great Left/Labour/BBC trait) and so people wind themselves up based on nonsense. Maybe it is a better description to call him Islamic/Muslim. Maybe its a better description to give his height and skin colour. Is it a better description to describe Jesus and God as “possibly make believe” to allow for British atheists? The Pope isn’t usually called the Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XVI, is that annoying to you also? Most people understand who the Pope is and most people understand who the Prophet Mohammed is.
This whole website is confrontational because there seems to be so much irrational nonsense. There are lots of people patting each other on the back getting annoyed about inverted commas and such like, and from my brief view here, the people disagreeing are few and far between. Maybe thats why some of the comments end up sounding like the voice of irrational mailites. If i see something i agree with that makes me think more than something that i don’t and that i can add to then i’ll leave comments. At the moment, there are more things that i disagree with
You are giving the impression that you hadn’t read my reply properly.
Inverted commas and such are indeed trivial, but these things pan out to reveal a bigger picture. If you dismiss every tree one by one, you’ll never see the wood.
If you are new to the site maybe you should give it more time. Scattergunning several comments with irritable sounding one-liners is pointless.
If, as you say, you see bias in some of the BBC’s output, why not try setting out an argument and making your case?
It is what it says on the Tin. Biased-BBC. Its not called ‘review of auntie’ or the BBc discussion group its Biased-BBC.
Its a site where likeminded individuals can let off steam and share their frustrations with the State Propoganda arm.
If you think we are a bit to anti you are missing the point.
There are many things I like about the Beeb but I still want it changed. There’s no point in me writing in saying wasnt Jools Holland great or I really enjoyed the 3 men in a boat thing on BBC2 coz thats not what this place is for.
I find it funny that whenever you lot criticise us lot you use the Daily mail. We critcises you for being Guardianistas. I am actually a Times man but i am partial to the Daily Star for the Breasts and the sports coverage.
The Beeb IS:
Pro AGW theory
Pro Multicultural ( as opposed to pro-integration)
Pro Feminist
Pro Gay
Pro Choice
Pro Muslim
Pro Labour (Remember I am no Tory. Paid up namby pamby Pinko)
Anti Christian (except where statutorially obliged)
Anti Monarchy (See above bracketed exception)
Anti British.
There are thousands of examples of the above listed herein if you care to read earlier threads.
What is important to undertand is it isnt just the Far extreme of the Tory party as personified in the Daily Mail reader that believes the BBC is generally left wing ‘progressive’. It is the what can only be described as the pre Clegg Liberals who can see the bias.
Funny thing it is my party that is the benficiary of the BBCs biased largesse but it has only encouraged them to lurch further to the left.
My party used to hold the centre but now with call me Dave and the One eyed incompetant fighting over the middle Cleggy has dragged us Left. I’m amazed that Claire Short hasnt applied to join.
Anyway I digresse, DG you are i the wrong place if you expect balance here. We are not here for balance we are here to share our annoyance and in some way come to terms with the unfairness and corruption all around us.
So this site is just about unreasonable attacks on the BBC, a la Daily Mail, rather than picking out the genuine bias against the BBC? Pad the genuine arguments out with trash
I’ve not suggested we should debate about Jools Holland etc, thats ridiculous and just trying to cloud my point.
The BBC IS: Pro AGW theory
Pro Multicultural
Pro feminisim and homosexuality but not to the detriment of heterosexuality
Pro Choice
Probably too pro Labour
Neither for or against Monarchy Neither for or against Islam & Christianity
Pro British.
Being forced to be Politically Correct all too often by the faux-right
The fact you think otherwise is because you’re lost amongst nonsense, believing the anti-BBC spin and missing the genuine facts and problems. There are thousands of articles that prove the above away from this and the Daily Mail websites
On the contrary I’m not lost and it isnt nonsense.
I too once believed in Santa and rather like your belief in a benign BBC once your belief is gone its hard to restore it.
I admire your blind faith but unfortunately I have become aware of reality.
The beeb is shot through with bias.
The majority of its recruitment budget is spent on the left wing press and therefore it is understandable that the majority of its recruits have similar political leanings.
They try hard to subjugate their own views but cant help them spilling out effecting their choices and the slant of their news reports.
You may feel they are very centrist however this perception may be more influenced by your own politics than the reality ‘on the ground’.
Numerous articles have been written here and elsewhere documenting the political slant of the BBC staff. Including one from a news editor who when he attended an editors conference in Brighton was shocked to see that the whole floor of his hotel at the conference had asked for the guardian whereas he was the only one who had a copy of the times. This may seem small and insgnificant however the Grauniad is the second smallest national newspaper and therefore the likelyhood of this being a coincidence is NIL. The Grauniad admits its far left views and I have nothing against them per se. At least they are honest . The beeb however is meant to represent the whole nation not just one small left wing clique. This it all to often fails to do.
As for your remark about anti bbc spin. The contributors here are not paid, most have no journalistic training, most have real jobs. If there is any spin going on it is by the BBC who employ armies of PRs to try to persuade us they are fair and balanced.
The contributors of this site tell things as they see them.
You may disagree with them but the actual fact you are bothering to read items here and answer them. That tells me that we have something here. The truth is drawing you towards us 🙂 . The truth will set you free
Who doesn’t think that this march is a shocking provocation, designed to disturb and distress?
Step forward Alex Thompson of Channel Four News who this evening writes in sympathy with Islam4UK:
Staying on the subject, as it were, an Islamic group has said it will hold a parade in the main street of Wootton Bassett, famous for turning out to pay tribute to British soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
Presumably some – like this group Islam4UK (al-Muhajiroun under a new name) – would see the small Wiltshire market town as infamous, rather than famous.
The people of WB are forever saying their actions are not political. Well, possibly not party political.
But from the standpoint of some Muslims, perhaps it looks a bit different, in this controversial war.
Most Afghans that I have asked see such actions as very, very political indeed.”
Those poor lads of Islam4UK, eh?
How dare we annoy them by paying tribute to the soldiers who are dying to protect us.
Alex Thompson is ,like a true liberal elitest, living in an unreal world of his own devising. The reality is that were Choudary and his chums to march in WB it would end any hope of peaceful co existence between the Muslim and indigenous communities. I suspect this is his intention. This is an English market town not London . To march would be a defining moment and Choudary probably knows this.
A realist would ban the march without hesitation. Our liberal elite will probably, with much handwringing, allow it to happen. I fear for the consequences.
This elite that is doing so much damage has no idea of the kind of people we really are and with what forces they are playing games with.
They are insane.
The BBC News website is up to its old tricks with quotation marks. The story about the Danish cartoonist being attacked by an axe-wielding Somali Islamist is their main story, but the headline reads Charges for cartoonist ‘attacker’
Why the inverted commas?
Because the accused has denied the charges, but reportedly did admit to being at the scene. So though all the reports indicate that he did do it, until its proven it would be in inverted commas
The Somali man will not be tried in a British court of law. There is no legal reason for the BBC to use inverted commas to report official statements from the authorities of the country in which he will be tried.
This is a rather old story for a New Year but I only happened across it yesterday and found it a bit of a hoot.
For a brief moment there was a hilarious outbreak of “Carry on Beeb”(0oh er, Missus! Don’t ask! I couldn’t possibly say! =-X ) before Beeboids reverted to Earnest Beeb po-faced pronouncements so illogical and ridiculous that they are almost as funny as the original bit of ooh-er! itself.
An old report of people (“PC brigade” if you’re that way inclined to term them) picking up on the BBC for not being politically correct is the best laugh you had? Bless
DG: An old report of people (“PC brigade” if you’re that way inclined to term them) picking up on the BBC for not being politically correct
Er…no. Only someone with no sense of humour would think that was the funny part. I do sympathise. :'(
Can you find the reporting of this in the Mail or Telegraph? If they don’t publish such stories either (and they would usually be straight in with a report) then maybe it isn’t generally seen as news worthy in this country??
Youth trouble, to use an euphemism, is consistently downplayed by the MSM here. All in the interests of community cohesion perhaps?
They may have a point. We do not wish to give our youths ideas.
BBC uncritically propagates the politically false line of Labour PM Brown on ‘security’ and Islam.
“Mr Brown said the UK had one of the ‘toughest borders in the world’ and although Mr Abdulmutallab was on a watch-list and had not been allowed into Britain, it did not ‘lead us to any complacency’.
“‘It is because we cannot win through a fortress Britain strategy that we have to take on extremists wherever they are based: in Afghanistan, Pakistan and all around the world, including here in Britain,’ he added. ”
Brown avoids adding the obvious: ‘so therefore Labour will continue with its unstated policy of mass immgration from Islamic countries into the future to ensure that British people remain safe. Vote Labour’.
Good article – Brown is actualy incompetent. He thinks that calling a summit on Yeman is going to solve the problem. The US is already involved in the Yeman, training their security services.
But Brown will do anything except focus closer to home where the problem lies.
“Al-Qaeda target British soldiers returning from Afghanistan”
“It can also be disclosed that a second sniper who recently returned home to the Glasgow area received death threats from suspected British-based al-Qaeda sympathisers after his personal details became known.
“The threats were deemed so serious that an armed response unit was sent to his home in case terrorists tried to kidnap or kill him or members of his family.
“Defence chiefs now see the situation as so serious that they have asked newspapers and broadcasters not to publicise the names or personal details of snipers serving in Helmand or of those who have recently returned. ”
(-including herself? -who’s always on the BBC, and is on the look-out for a top BBC job for herself after the election?)
If /when Harperson is in full control of the Labour-compliant BBC, one of the first people she woulde get rid of would presumably be the BBC’s Jeremy Paxman for making this politically incorrect statement:
“Writer Lynda La Plante attacks BBC over racial bias”
(Rosamond Hutt)
“PRIME SUSPECT writer Lynda La Plante has claimed that the BBC would rather use a script by a ‘little Muslim boy’ than one of hers.
La Plante said she found the BBC drama commissioning process ‘very depressing’.
And she said: ‘If my name were Usafi Iqbadal and I was 19, they’d probably bring me in and talk. It’s their lack of respect that really grates on me.'”
Does she not think “who actually cares what i think anymore?” Still trying to get her voice heard. She needs a reality check. Ageism is everywhere the BBC is no better or worse.
I don’t think Cranmer is impressed with Harriet Harman:
“Harriet Harman is harsh, sour, cold and brash. She exudes self-righteousness, she seeps self-absorbed bitterness, she whispers supercilious platitudes and patronises with a glance. She is the embodiment of everything which people have come to hate about politicians, and the incarnation of everything they despise about politics.
“Harriett Harman is the least likely person to influence anyone to vote Labour because she is the embodiment of all that they stand for. She is a man-hating, family-loathing, marriage-destroying, foetus-murdering, wealth-consuming, union-manipulated, minority-obsessed, harridan feminist and a wailing banshee.”
It appears the Polish press is looking into Mr Shaikh’s background and has some interesting findings regarding Mosques and threats to Polish officials. No wonder the Beeb didn’t want to look to closely into this !
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Happy new year all!
The scandal of this climate change bullshit rolls on… you have to read this article from the Telegraph… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/6890839/The-questions-Dr-Pachauri-still-has-to-answer.html
Here’s an extract —
“Tata which next month is to close down its Corus steel works at Redcar, to make a potential £600 million in “credits” from the carbon emissions this will save, while in India it will earn a similar amount in UN CDM “credits” by building a plant of similar capacity in Orissa. It will thus make a potential gain of £1.2 billion, at the expense of 1,700 jobs on Teesside, for no overall reduction in the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere.”
Pachauri was on last night’s The World Tonight on Radio 4, being treated as a great sage.
He featured in a long report made for the programme by Andrew Simms of the New Economics Foundation.
Simms introduced him like this: “I’m just about to meet possibly the greatest authority on the fate of the planet. It’s Dr Rajendra Pachauri.”
Pachauri accused Westerners of ‘vulgarity’ and said that ‘we need to stop’ our current levels of consumption. He made a great show of his frugality.
Been following this on EU Ref for quite some time, it’s a scandal that the MSM aren’t picking up on it.
Are you following Richard North’s investigations into Pachauri and Teri-Europe? http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/
He’s really got his teeth into that one.
Someone’s put the lawyers onto him – http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/2009/12/rather-preoccupied.html
I’ve made a donation. He’s going to need all the support he can get.
The pioneering efforts of North via his EUREFERENDUM is lifting the lid on a veritable sewer of graft,industrial scale corruption,back handers,money laundering thru fake charities and NGOs/quangos.
The wholesale looting of the public purse, the enriching of the parasite elite and the financing of of the scammers who then lobby the same bent regimes for more loopholes and backstairs funding channels is a gigantic scandal.
There must be billions of pounds being syphoned off the public purse thru fake charities alone, oiling the wheels and greasing the palms of those who wish to rule us.
EUREFERENDUM gives us a peek beneath the stone, a grubby world of freaks,gangsters,snake oil scammers,carpet bagging fraudsters,shiny eyed fanatics and bent politicians!
This brave new world of corruption funded by extortion and theft is a dark nightmarish place, they are building this dark future using the cover of altruism and good intentions, they are desperate to appear as saviours of mankind yet they feed off and thrive on corruption and dishonesty, they believe the ends justify the means, they believe that they can build the new world using evil means!
The BBC is the recipient of and the disperser of backdoor funding, they are one head of the hydra, we are their enemy, we stand in the way of their new world, all honest people have to stand up and stop these criminals, if we dont they will give birth to an evil empire not seen before.
Happy New Year to Lockerbie Bomber al-Megrahi and to train robber Ronnie Biggs. Not dead yet. Silence from BBC. Nothing new here.
“Britain facing one of the coldest winters in 100 years, experts predict”
“The cold weather comes despite the Met Office’s long range forecast, published, in October, of a mild winter. That followed it’s earlier inaccurate prediction of a “barbecue summer”, which then saw heavy rainfall and the wettest July for almost 100 years. ”
The Met Office is a joke, they seem to be able to forcast the weather after it happens, hardly difficult to do.
Our mates at the Torygraph are still holding the torch for climate reality.
Today they reveal we are having the coldest winter for 13 years and if it continues it will be the coldest for 25 and yet over at the state ministry for propoganda they feel its more important to mention that the Swedes are going to off a few wolves.
Probably 20 or so people will die as a consequence to this cold period most people will have had their lives disrupted and yet because it doesnt match the Liebour/CONservative scare’em and tax’em plan they prefer to ignore it or spin it as ‘climate change’.
This is really boiling my p#ss.
Why doesnt one of the main parties put its head above the parapet and tell the truth?
More and more people are seeing the king as he is NAKED and yet the Tories the reds and the pinkos still insist his new suit is ‘fabulous’
Interesting article in november in the Grauniad
“One might expect little respite this winter – the previous one was the coldest since 1996/97 – but the Met Office has said the three months from December to February could well be warmer than average. Last winter saw a mean temperature of 3.2C across the UK, compared to an average of 3.7C for the season, but John Hammond, a forecaster at the Met Office, said that should be bettered this time round.”
The Met office must just cast Rune stones or predict what HMG want. Either way it stinks.
Our taxes are based on this guff.
Our future is being altered because of this guff.
And worst of all Al Gore is making a mint because of this guff.
The inconvenient truth is we are being lied to for the gain of a few neo com politicians.
Luckily the general public sees thorugh this bullshit from the left and the BBC about climate change.
Do they though?! I think the majority of people don’t really care and then more people believe it than don’t. Its not just from the left and the BBC either
“..more people believe it than don’t.”
And why is this – could it be that they are getting their information from the “unbiased” environmental reporters from the BBC?
Tell me in your own enlightened way – would this be the case if all the facts were explained?
It is a big suprise for me that some people do not “believe” it, as the BBC and the MSM has consistently bombarded us with one side. It is just their bad luck that the interent exists otherwise their world view would dominate. A view where anyone who disagrees is demonised or ridiculed. Where peoples careers have been ruined all on the say of some corrupt political activist. And this attack is almost always from the left, where the BBC happily sits.
This episode shows us how intolerant and anti-democratic this country has become.
Since when has science been based on belief? Belief is based on blind faith not scientific theories.
Another luvvie turns on the BBC.
“…She told the newspaper: ‘If my name were Usafi Iqbadal and I was 19, then they’d probably bring me in and talk…”
I notice you ignored the point in the article at which it was pointed out that she already had projects in development at the BBC. Although I daresay that would be a little inconvenient for you to point out.
Does the fact that she has those projects prove your point?
Somehow I dont think it does.
Just because she has managed to sneak a couple of projects through the multi culti stasi doesnt disprove her position.
Where are the projects that challenge the establishment?
And like it or like it not the soft left is the establishment now.
Where are the dramas with non white villains? Where are the thrillers with muslim terrorists?
Where the stories of caring priests?Where are the stories with conscientioius fathers and abusive mothers?
If we have a muslim boss of songs of praise why not a male presenter of womans hour?
Why not a quota of newspaper pundits which reflects newspaper sales?
Why no mainstream exposure for the senior academics who oppose the views of MMGW?
Thought control, message control, social engineering Stalin would be proud of them.
“Does the fact that she has those projects prove your point? Somehow I dont think it does.”
Well, it does demonstrate that things aren’t as cut-and-dried as the Mail headline suggests, or as Martin would like to have us believe.
But thanks for at least acknowledging that it’s a fact. Unlike, say, the rest of your rant, which says more about you than it does about the BBC to my mind.
Calling it a “rant” without addressing the points tells me more about you.
Anyway – the point Martin made was “Another luvvie turns on the BBC. ” – Is she or is she not attacking the BBC? Even if she has wall to wall dramas on the BBC it does not alter the fact that she has attacked the BBC.
The rest of my ‘rant’ points out some places where fairness is absent where balance is missing and where justice is not served.
I am not some snarling BNP racist or some anti muslim biggot i just want some balance. Some acknowledgement of the majority position. I am not suggesting gagging muslims, women, atheists, ethnic minorities or even lefties like yourself. I actually welcome your point of view. I am not afraid of free speech I actually believe in it.
What I object to is the hijacking of our state broadcaster by a bunch of angst ridden Islington canape revolutionaries.
I am ethnically Irish yet I want the British to be proud to be British. They shouldnt be forced to have guilt trip after guilt trip. I dont want Blair apologising for the Potato famine. I dont want every show to be pro republican. The loyalits/unionists are important too. Paisley is not Hitler and Adams is not Ghandi.
Why is every history show anti Brit? Why cant Christian TV shows be produced edited and run by Christians. It seems obvious to me but maybe I’m missing something.
We’ve spent too long teaching people to hate themselves. Teaching them that fathers are not needed. All men are rapists abusers extremists. Teaching them white pople are exploiters and bad. Marriage is a Terry and June style Joke. Teaching them that anything goes. I’m all for diversity but there has also to be support for the mainstream, the backbone of our society.
It comes to something when Iran has more sympathy in the higher echelons of our state broadcaster than our most important Ally.
My views arent exactly extreme Scott. I may not have what might be called an ‘alternative’ lifestyle but my world view has as much right to be heard as yours and at the Beeb it doesnt stand a chance because I am not a minority. Why doesnt auntie change its name to the minority broadcastiing company at least then it wouldnt be lieing when it talks about its fairness and balance.
Scott her words not mine.
No, Martin, you’re right, they’re not your words.
If they were, they would have included references to drugtaking, turds, beardy towelheads and the usual rubbish that makes you sound like a very bad parody of the sort of man who hasn’t left the house in twenty years because he’s too busy tapping away telling the world why it’s everybody else’s fault that his life is rubbish.
Wow. Hope Martin didn’t have a typo in there as well. Otherwise you’d really have him.
In Daily Mail world obviously they lap up nonsense like this as it instantly ties in with the Mailites biased/brainwashed opinions, but why should she have a shoe in at the BBC? How do we know that any of her ideas are any good – are they bound to be just because she may have had previous good ideas? Or is it because she’s jumped on a bandwagon that agrees with the agenda of some people here?
I get the impression around here that there aren’t two sides to any argument involving the BBC – who ever complains against the BBC is instantly correct and those comments prove that the BBC is inheritently wrong. Thats exactly what is damaging our arguments against the BBC. Its more biased and unreasoned than the BBC itself.
You obviousley have not read the post by Martin – tell me where he is wrong.
I see you like to pigeonhole people as “Mailists” – not far from that to deniers is it? I suspect you are happy to pigeonhole people as you cannot cope with anyone who does not fit in well with your view of the world. So if you are not happy to fit into the “pigeonhole” here – why don’t you just leave and join a blog who are clones of yourself. I’m sure you will be happier where no thought processes have to be used.
Or alternatley tell me where Martin is wrong. What you and Scot M are doing is inferring things that were not said. If you must attack someone – get the facts right.
All your judgements on this womans dramas are not even relevant. I have come to the conclusion that you are, just like Scot M a statist troll.
BBC avoids repoducing Danish cartoons out of fear of Islamic jihad:
“What the Muhammad cartoons portray”
A non-BBC interview:
“Free Speech, Use It! An intervierw with Kurt Westergaard”
Very quick search brings up this on the Mail of all places:
But they didn’t show them did they?
“Visually we showed a picture of a reader looking at one of the newspaper pages and linked to TV news reports in video which incorporated brief shots of the pages and the images on them. In doing all this, I believe we provided sufficient context for our users to be able to understand the story clearly.”
Unless you think that qualifies.
They didn’t seem to have the same quarms over Jerry Springer though
Yet more proof that the towel heads are out of control. Bu the BBC won’t be reporting this.
What, like this you mean?
Time stamped at 15.20.
Yawn – the time the page was updated is stamped at 15:20, no idea if that was when it went up originally or if it was just updated then.
Even if they did put it up later than one or two other sources by a matter of a couple of hours, the post above said “the BBC wont be reporting this”. It has, the point is nulled.
Perhaps people should focus on the genuine bias that the BBC shows rather than washing out the point with Daily Mail-esque nit picking and tabloid trash approach to stories
Can you give an example of what you consider to be the BBC’s genuine bias?
Genuine withholding of information or selective use of evidence etc such as with climate change. However i don’t believe that every mention of climate change or the environment on the BBC is bias as many here would suggest. Its like this place is full of the same people that read the Daily Mail. So used to the ridiculously heavy bias (and i don’t mean party political bias) of their source of newspaper that everything becomes purely black and white, and in the case of the BBC everything becomes a certainty – certainty that everything the BBC does is, or can be spun into, being a bias.
Should we counter the BBC bias with worse bias, or with constructive/destructive criticism?
I agree with that. But also, sometimes the trivial things that only turn into demonstrable bias with their cumulative effect have to be pointed out as well.
For example I just heard a report describing the Danish cartoons as insulting to: ”the Prophet Mohammed.”
Now I would understand if you think that is perfectly okay. But I would rather that they referred to him the Muslim or Islamic Prophet Mohammed, because that is what he is, and it seems the more appropriate description.
The cumulative effect of this embracing, inclusive, bending over backwards attempt to normalise the Islamic religion is part of the larger bias picture that I find disturbing.
Another thing I would like to say is that if you really do have a contribution to make to B-BBC because you see bias, it would be more effective if you accompanied your criticisms with some positive suggestions.
There’s something about these forums that makes people come across as more confrontational than they might intend to be. Does that apply to you?
Ok you have a preference but why is it actually a problem/issue? People here have these personal preferences because they’re looking for bias where they you can rather than looking for things that actually matter. Things get spun (that supposed great Left/Labour/BBC trait) and so people wind themselves up based on nonsense. Maybe it is a better description to call him Islamic/Muslim. Maybe its a better description to give his height and skin colour. Is it a better description to describe Jesus and God as “possibly make believe” to allow for British atheists? The Pope isn’t usually called the Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XVI, is that annoying to you also? Most people understand who the Pope is and most people understand who the Prophet Mohammed is.
This whole website is confrontational because there seems to be so much irrational nonsense. There are lots of people patting each other on the back getting annoyed about inverted commas and such like, and from my brief view here, the people disagreeing are few and far between. Maybe thats why some of the comments end up sounding like the voice of irrational mailites. If i see something i agree with that makes me think more than something that i don’t and that i can add to then i’ll leave comments. At the moment, there are more things that i disagree with
You are giving the impression that you hadn’t read my reply properly.
Inverted commas and such are indeed trivial, but these things pan out to reveal a bigger picture. If you dismiss every tree one by one, you’ll never see the wood.
If you are new to the site maybe you should give it more time. Scattergunning several comments with irritable sounding one-liners is pointless.
If, as you say, you see bias in some of the BBC’s output, why not try setting out an argument and making your case?
It is what it says on the Tin. Biased-BBC. Its not called ‘review of auntie’ or the BBc discussion group its Biased-BBC.
Its a site where likeminded individuals can let off steam and share their frustrations with the State Propoganda arm.
If you think we are a bit to anti you are missing the point.
There are many things I like about the Beeb but I still want it changed. There’s no point in me writing in saying wasnt Jools Holland great or I really enjoyed the 3 men in a boat thing on BBC2 coz thats not what this place is for.
I find it funny that whenever you lot criticise us lot you use the Daily mail. We critcises you for being Guardianistas. I am actually a Times man but i am partial to the Daily Star for the Breasts and the sports coverage.
The Beeb IS:
Pro AGW theory
Pro Multicultural ( as opposed to pro-integration)
Pro Feminist
Pro Gay
Pro Choice
Pro Muslim
Pro Labour (Remember I am no Tory. Paid up namby pamby Pinko)
Anti Christian (except where statutorially obliged)
Anti Monarchy (See above bracketed exception)
Anti British.
There are thousands of examples of the above listed herein if you care to read earlier threads.
What is important to undertand is it isnt just the Far extreme of the Tory party as personified in the Daily Mail reader that believes the BBC is generally left wing ‘progressive’. It is the what can only be described as the pre Clegg Liberals who can see the bias.
Funny thing it is my party that is the benficiary of the BBCs biased largesse but it has only encouraged them to lurch further to the left.
My party used to hold the centre but now with call me Dave and the One eyed incompetant fighting over the middle Cleggy has dragged us Left. I’m amazed that Claire Short hasnt applied to join.
Anyway I digresse, DG you are i the wrong place if you expect balance here. We are not here for balance we are here to share our annoyance and in some way come to terms with the unfairness and corruption all around us.
So this site is just about unreasonable attacks on the BBC, a la Daily Mail, rather than picking out the genuine bias against the BBC? Pad the genuine arguments out with trash
I’ve not suggested we should debate about Jools Holland etc, thats ridiculous and just trying to cloud my point.
Pro AGW theory
Pro Multicultural
Pro feminisim and homosexuality but not to the detriment of heterosexuality
Pro Choice
Probably too pro Labour
Neither for or against Monarchy
Neither for or against Islam & Christianity
Pro British.
Being forced to be Politically Correct all too often by the faux-right
The fact you think otherwise is because you’re lost amongst nonsense, believing the anti-BBC spin and missing the genuine facts and problems. There are thousands of articles that prove the above away from this and the Daily Mail websites
‘Lost amongst the nonsense’
On the contrary I’m not lost and it isnt nonsense.
I too once believed in Santa and rather like your belief in a benign BBC once your belief is gone its hard to restore it.
I admire your blind faith but unfortunately I have become aware of reality.
The beeb is shot through with bias.
The majority of its recruitment budget is spent on the left wing press and therefore it is understandable that the majority of its recruits have similar political leanings.
They try hard to subjugate their own views but cant help them spilling out effecting their choices and the slant of their news reports.
You may feel they are very centrist however this perception may be more influenced by your own politics than the reality ‘on the ground’.
Numerous articles have been written here and elsewhere documenting the political slant of the BBC staff. Including one from a news editor who when he attended an editors conference in Brighton was shocked to see that the whole floor of his hotel at the conference had asked for the guardian whereas he was the only one who had a copy of the times. This may seem small and insgnificant however the Grauniad is the second smallest national newspaper and therefore the likelyhood of this being a coincidence is NIL. The Grauniad admits its far left views and I have nothing against them per se. At least they are honest . The beeb however is meant to represent the whole nation not just one small left wing clique. This it all to often fails to do.
As for your remark about anti bbc spin. The contributors here are not paid, most have no journalistic training, most have real jobs. If there is any spin going on it is by the BBC who employ armies of PRs to try to persuade us they are fair and balanced.
The contributors of this site tell things as they see them.
You may disagree with them but the actual fact you are bothering to read items here and answer them. That tells me that we have something here. The truth is drawing you towards us 🙂 . The truth will set you free
Who doesn’t think that this march is a shocking provocation, designed to disturb and distress?
Step forward Alex Thompson of Channel Four News who this evening writes in sympathy with Islam4UK:
Staying on the subject, as it were, an Islamic group has said it will hold a parade in the main street of Wootton Bassett, famous for turning out to pay tribute to British soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
Presumably some – like this group Islam4UK (al-Muhajiroun under a new name) – would see the small Wiltshire market town as infamous, rather than famous.
The people of WB are forever saying their actions are not political. Well, possibly not party political.
But from the standpoint of some Muslims, perhaps it looks a bit different, in this controversial war.
Most Afghans that I have asked see such actions as very, very political indeed.”
Those poor lads of Islam4UK, eh?
How dare we annoy them by paying tribute to the soldiers who are dying to protect us.
Alex Thompson is ,like a true liberal elitest, living in an unreal world of his own devising. The reality is that were Choudary and his chums to march in WB it would end any hope of peaceful co existence between the Muslim and indigenous communities. I suspect this is his intention. This is an English market town not London . To march would be a defining moment and Choudary probably knows this.
A realist would ban the march without hesitation. Our liberal elite will probably, with much handwringing, allow it to happen. I fear for the consequences.
This elite that is doing so much damage has no idea of the kind of people we really are and with what forces they are playing games with.
They are insane.
The BBC News website is up to its old tricks with quotation marks. The story about the Danish cartoonist being attacked by an axe-wielding Somali Islamist is their main story, but the headline reads
Charges for cartoonist ‘attacker’
Why the inverted commas?
Because the accused has denied the charges, but reportedly did admit to being at the scene. So though all the reports indicate that he did do it, until its proven it would be in inverted commas
The Somali man will not be tried in a British court of law. There is no legal reason for the BBC to use inverted commas to report official statements from the authorities of the country in which he will be tried.
Though in terms of the law you are correct, it would be generally be expected to be written that way regardless of where he will be tried.
This is a rather old story for a New Year but I only happened across it yesterday and found it a bit of a hoot.
For a brief moment there was a hilarious outbreak of “Carry on Beeb”(0oh er, Missus! Don’t ask! I couldn’t possibly say! =-X ) before Beeboids reverted to Earnest Beeb po-faced pronouncements so illogical and ridiculous that they are almost as funny as the original bit of ooh-er! itself.
Thanks to the Beeb in all its utter Beeboidiness for the best laugh of New Year’s Day 2010. 😀
An old report of people (“PC brigade” if you’re that way inclined to term them) picking up on the BBC for not being politically correct is the best laugh you had? Bless
DG: An old report of people (“PC brigade” if you’re that way inclined to term them) picking up on the BBC for not being politically correct
Er…no. Only someone with no sense of humour would think that was the funny part. I do sympathise. :'(
The whole article is not funny. Maybe to hear it would be, but the article – no
BBC news editor 1:
‘There’s a story here about some burning cars in France over New
Year, shall we post it?’
BBC news editor 2:
‘Neah, we did it last New Year: it’s only about a few poor French
youths, isn’t it?’
“‘Youths’ torch over 1,000 cars across France overnight”
Can you find the reporting of this in the Mail or Telegraph? If they don’t publish such stories either (and they would usually be straight in with a report) then maybe it isn’t generally seen as news worthy in this country??
Youth trouble, to use an euphemism, is consistently downplayed by the MSM here. All in the interests of community cohesion perhaps?
They may have a point. We do not wish to give our youths ideas.
BBC uncritically propagates the politically false line of Labour PM Brown on ‘security’ and Islam.
“Mr Brown said the UK had one of the ‘toughest borders in the world’ and although Mr Abdulmutallab was on a watch-list and had not been allowed into Britain, it did not ‘lead us to any complacency’.
“‘It is because we cannot win through a fortress Britain strategy that we have to take on extremists wherever they are based: in Afghanistan, Pakistan and all around the world, including here in Britain,’ he added. ”
Brown avoids adding the obvious: ‘so therefore Labour will continue with its unstated policy of mass immgration from Islamic countries into the future to ensure that British people remain safe. Vote Labour’.
‘Sunday Times’
“MI5 knew of Abdulmutallab’s UK extremist links”
Reality check for Labour and BBC:
“Obsession with public opinion is the terrorist’s greatest ally”
(Matthew d’Ancona)
Good article – Brown is actualy incompetent. He thinks that calling a summit on Yeman is going to solve the problem. The US is already involved in the Yeman, training their security services.
But Brown will do anything except focus closer to home where the problem lies.
Yes, like here:
“Al-Qaeda target British soldiers returning from Afghanistan”
“It can also be disclosed that a second sniper who recently returned home to the Glasgow area received death threats from suspected British-based al-Qaeda sympathisers after his personal details became known.
“The threats were deemed so serious that an armed response unit was sent to his home in case terrorists tried to kidnap or kill him or members of his family.
“Defence chiefs now see the situation as so serious that they have asked newspapers and broadcasters not to publicise the names or personal details of snipers serving in Helmand or of those who have recently returned. ”
“BBC blows millions on Alan Yentob follies”
Amazing – The BBC just don’t seem to live in the same world as the rest of us.
Biggest stories of 2010 HYS thread
An anonymous poster says that one of them will be the HYS mods censoring posts that do not break house rules
And of course the mods prove him/her right by deleting the post after it became 3rd highest recommended.
You could not make it up.
BBC report:
“Harman says BBC ‘doesn’t value’ older women”
(-including herself? -who’s always on the BBC, and is on the look-out for a top BBC job for herself after the election?)
If /when Harperson is in full control of the Labour-compliant BBC, one of the first people she woulde get rid of would presumably be the BBC’s Jeremy Paxman for making this politically incorrect statement:
“Paxman: TV is biased against men”
Next on Harperson’s political purge: ‘Top Gear’ becomes ‘Woman’s Hour Top Gear’, etc,etc.
“Writer Lynda La Plante attacks BBC over racial bias”
(Rosamond Hutt)
“PRIME SUSPECT writer Lynda La Plante has claimed that the BBC would rather use a script by a ‘little Muslim boy’ than one of hers.
La Plante said she found the BBC drama commissioning process ‘very depressing’.
And she said: ‘If my name were Usafi Iqbadal and I was 19, they’d probably bring me in and talk. It’s their lack of respect that really grates on me.'”
Does she not think “who actually cares what i think anymore?” Still trying to get her voice heard. She needs a reality check. Ageism is everywhere the BBC is no better or worse.
I don’t think Cranmer is impressed with Harriet Harman:
“Harriet Harman is harsh, sour, cold and brash. She exudes self-righteousness, she seeps self-absorbed bitterness, she whispers supercilious platitudes and patronises with a glance. She is the embodiment of everything which people have come to hate about politicians, and the incarnation of everything they despise about politics.
“Harriett Harman is the least likely person to influence anyone to vote Labour because she is the embodiment of all that they stand for. She is a man-hating, family-loathing, marriage-destroying, foetus-murdering, wealth-consuming, union-manipulated, minority-obsessed, harridan feminist and a wailing banshee.”
Interesting blog post by the ex Ambassador to Poland here all about Akmal Shaikh ..
It appears the Polish press is looking into Mr Shaikh’s background and has some interesting findings regarding Mosques and threats to Polish officials. No wonder the Beeb didn’t want to look to closely into this !