I never thought I would write this, but three cheers for a Labour peer. Their lordships debated ‘climate change’on Thursday. Predictably, in the most part, it was an alarmfest about the need for more taxes, laced with endless religious warnings that the end of the world is nigh; the idiotic peddling of moonshine. But there was one ray of sunshine. Step forward Bernard Donoghue, the former policy adviser to Harold Wilson (a job from hell, if ever there was one!), who is now Baron Donoghue of Ashton in the county of Northamptonshire. He said (his contribution is about three quarters of the way through the debate, and sadly, I couldn’t find a way of linking precisely to it):
In relation to the media coverage of this important issue, the BBC should follow its charter and cover global warming impartially, not as a cheerleader for the alarmist side. It is counterproductive and provokes, like manipulation of statistics, the kind of public scepticism which the noble Lord, Lord Giddens, fears. As for the Met Office, it should go back to objective science and try to get its forecasts right and cease blatant campaigning for one side. I note that it has just inevitably forecast that 2010 will be a very hot year-noble Lords should stock up on their long-johns and fur boots.
Here, here, hurrah, and all that. It shows that at least one of the lunatics who supposedly represent us has got the picture and has also sussed the BBC and its pernicious propaganda. His lordship also pinpointed something that is deeply alarming: the BBC and politicians – Labour, Conservative, the whole damn lot of them – are totally out of touch with the real world and don’t give a straw about what people actually think. Roll on the revolution!
Confirms what I expect we all know ourselves. The establishment know the real situation, but for the most time they stay tight lipped. Why they keep smothhering the truth is beyond me, it has done this country no favours. A ‘don’t rock the boat’ establishment, then every now and again, the veil is dropped.
I’ve just spent an hour watching “Global Warming – The Other Side”. I expect it’s been mentioned on here before but still worth repeating – http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/01/14/john-colemans-hourlong-news-special-global-warming-the-other-side-now-online-all-five-parts-here/
While looking for that link on Watts Up With That I see that the first climategate book has been published – http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/01/16/history-in-a-hurry-the-first-book-about-climategate-is-published/
“Climategate – The Crutape Letters” – like the title. It’s available for download – I suppose for e-readers. Anyone got one? I’m waiting to see what the iPad will be like.
God bless old politics.Where people said what they believed without the control of some bloody spin doctor. Bravo to the old bastard
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Hansard can’t do justice to the side splitting laughter that greeted this question at PMQs on 7Jan
Ann Winterton (Congleton) (Con):<!–Ann Winterton–> Bearing in mind the failure of Copenhagen and the current weather cycle, which clearly indicates a cooling trend- [ Laughter. ]
<!–meta name=”Colno” CONTENT=”168″–>Mr. Speaker:<!–Mr. Speaker–> Order. The more noise, the less progress we make. I want to reach other Back Benchers.
<!–meta name=”Colno” CONTENT=”168″–>Ann Winterton:<!–Ann Winterton–> Will the Prime Minister reconsider the proposed wasteful expenditure of £100 billion on offshore wind farms, which will be incapable of delivering sufficient energy but will result in excessively exorbitant charges for electricity users?
<!–meta name=”Colno” CONTENT=”168″–>The Prime Minister:<!–The Prime Minister–> The idea that the Conservative party could take a lead on climate change when they cannot even convince their own Back Benchers of what is necessary- [ Laughter. ]
The Green God being no different to any other deity – Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius (Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad) would seem to apply here. GB is most of the way there now.