The Sunday Times reports today that the IPCC 2007 report perpetuated a massive untruth about global warming, that the Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035. It’s a truly astonishing story of how a supposedly scientific body that preaches unassailable ‘facts’ will take any alarmist titbit and magnify it to the nth degree. Guess who was foremost in reporting this nonsense? The BBC of course. To be fair, it has reported some doubt about the 2035 figure, but overwhelmingly, it has supported the ‘we are all doomed’ line. This, for example, is from June:
Glacier melting in the Himalayas is virtually certain to disrupt water supplies within the next 20 to 30 years. Floods and rock avalanches are virtually certain to increase. Heavily-populated coastal regions, including the deltas of rivers such as the Ganges and Mekong, are likely to be at risk of increased flooding.
Dear Aunty, I don’t live in the Himilayas. Or the Ganges or Mekong deltas. I live in Britain. Remember Britain, Aunty? So even if you envirofaggotry doomsday predictions do come true, I still can’t bring myself to give a shit.
I thought al beeb had accepted that they fucked up the quote as it should have said 2350?
When you’ve taken several lines of coke in an evening 2035 and 2350 looks the same.
Ah, this is what I was after;
And of course for a better understanding of the whole debacle (dont look to al beeb for that!);
Ignoring the fact that human interference in the Mekong and Ganges deltas changed their course years ago and therefore affected the eco systems there.
This is a must read on the AGW East Anglia emails chaps .. .. impressive work therein.
Muslim peer: rising immigration is ‘damaging race relations’
Lord Ahmed, who was Britain’s first Muslim member of the House of Lords, accused ministers of aiding the rise of Far Right extremists by neglecting the white working class.
He said that many people believed immigration was damaging their chances of getting a job or accessing public services.
Lord Ahmed. Geert Wilders. 10,000 Muslims marching on Westminster. Foxes. Chickens.
My kid is taking triple science at High School…he says they wer taught this (that the glacier is melting) as part of a lesson.
Worrying stuff.
When my sister took GCSE Geography it was basically AGW indoctrination, nothing more nothing less.
Even ‘Express’ has: The New Climate Change Scandal”
That story was the front-page splash for the Express. Oddly however, it was not mentioned in Today’s reviews of the morning’s papers.
I liked the direct attack on the IPCC Chairman.
“Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said Monday there was no “conclusive scientific evidence” linking global warming to the melting of the glaciers and questioned work by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”
“Raina, who authored the research, echoed Ramesh, saying “nothing abnormal is happening to Indian glaciers.”
“There’s no evidence of climate change,” said Raina, according to the Hindustan Times newspaper.
Pachauri likened the explanations to “climate change deniers and schoolboy science”.”
So much for the scientific process. Seems like the IPCC were even warned in 2006 about their claim.
“A top scientist said Monday he had warned in 2006 that a prediction of catastrophic loss of Himalayan glaciers, published months later by the UN’s Nobel-winning climate panel, was badly wrong.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report said in 2007 it was “very likely” that the glaciers, which supply water to more than a billion people across Asia, would vanish by 2035 if global warming trends continued.”
“Given Rajendra Pachauri’s vigorous defense of the claims made by the IPCC about Himalayan glacier melt, Dr. Kaser’s comment that — “All the responsible people are aware of this weakness in the Fourth Assessment. All are aware of the mistakes made” — raises an eyebrow. It must be the case that Dr. Pachauri either knew of the error or he did not. Neither state of affairs is good for the IPCC.”
I think the term “climate change deniers and schoolboy science” says it all.