The dust has long settled over Hoaxenhagen and we are all still alive. 50 Days To Save The World turned out to be merely alive in a combination of Gordoom’s head and the hand-wringing siren call of the Warmists. Despite ClimateGate and a growing body of evidence to the contrary, rather like a George Romero zombie, the hysteria of AGW just won’t die.
Consider this BBC “look back” over the conference – when schools around the world shared their views through Climate Change Interactive, a BBC World Class project with the British Council (which means you funded it both ways! Bonus!).
These are selected excerpts from the BBC site which make for scary reading in their drone-like rote. Of course these children are all being drip-fed with this nonsense by their respective education authorities, but as all 29 contributions are slavishly pro-AGW one has to ask: Were no non-conformist views submitted for this list? If none, were the BBC asking a balanced question or was a question framed to deliver these responses? Were the responses filtered to remove any sceptical input? And why does the BBC not inform children that there is a contrary school of thought…as a neutral news source should?
We believe that we’re affected by climate change because it seems like winter starts earlier.
Sleepy Hollow High School, New York State, USA
Many dust storms blow in the area where I live. There is dust everywhere. Mostly it is very hot, sometimes exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. The duration of summer is increasing.
Government Boys Middle School, Kamboh Nagar, Khanewal, Pakistan
I’ve noticed the water getting further up the side of the pier and the banks.
Sanday Community School, The Orkneys, Scotland
Bournemouth’s main industry is tourism and the wet, drab, grey summers we have been having recently, as well as our beaches are getting washed away with the storms are seriously affecting our income as a town.
Avonbourne School, Bournemouth, England
We are affected by climate change, because in winter it gets colder than before and hotter too in summer.
Al Baihani High Model School, Aden, Yemen
There are a couple of gems though. You’ve got to admire this entry:
There are no ‘seasons’ in our country; it’s just hot, hot, and hot!
Dhahran Ahliyya Schools, Dhahran, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
Erm, yep. “Saudi Arabia” was my clue. Steering into dangerous BBC waters we also have:
The only one who controls it is God.
Njad School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
How did that one sneak past the BBC anti-Christian censors?
This continuous AGW propaganda is nonsense with a hat on.
Hat-tip to G.O.T. for the graphic, and this post crossed with John Horne Tooke mentioning it on the previous thread.
All Seeing Eye
Our postings must have crossed – I just posted about that on the previous item
Great minds, and all that, John Horne Tooke!
This is very frightening stuff really – the indoctrination of our children is appauling.
According to Brown its now too late to do anything about “climate change”
“If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: Since once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement, in some future period, can undo that choice. By then it will be irretrievably too late,”
So why doesn’t the BBCs “environmental” reporters get other jobs? Could it be that he was telling porkies?
How is the God answer “nonsense”? How do you think the universe came to be? Random chance? Please
Cheers Guest, it was only on re-reading it after your comment that I saw how my phrasing was ambiguous. I’ve edited the text to make it clearer what I meant.
The link propaganda between items on CBBC shows a field of cows one of which farts a green cloud of gas (in the shape of a C) a direct inferance to animals methane production and “global warming”. The BBC sertainly catches them young!
For the BBC, God is ok when muslims believe in him.
Which God was being referred to? There’s a few to chose from in the middle east. Or do they know about Gordon Brown in that school?
Hang on, did you actually read the statements? Three of the five that have anything to do with changes (ie ignoring the statement that Saudi Arabia is hot and the one about God controlling the climate) contain things that are not exactly stereotypical signs of warming:
We believe that we’re affected by climate change because it seems like winter starts earlier.
Bournemouth’s main industry is tourism and the wet, drab, grey summers we have been having recently, as well as our beaches are getting washed away with the storms are seriously affecting our income as a town.
We are affected by climate change, because in winter it gets colder than before and hotter too in summer.
Ed — i just did. You know what. I think the BBC has been SPOOFED.
I thought the school quotes were a bit odd, as they actually seem to cast doubt on “global warming”
So I just yahooed Sleepy Hollow High School (which I also thought was a REALLY odd name) I mean, it does refer to a famous gothic American horror type story.
The ONLY four references to SHHS I can find,are in reference to THAT quote from the BBC website.
Does Sleepy Hollow HS actually exist. Are the student all headless Hessians?
UPDATE: Forget that: have found it. It does exist.
The current narrative, though, (and spun with increasing frequency since the cold winter attracted so much derision of AGW) is that “climate change” leads to extremes of temperature, so if its hotter, colder, windier, calmer. whatever than it was last Tuesday then it’s climate change.
No one at the beeboid headquarters seemed to twig what the Copenhagen fest was all about. It was so a bunch of poor, oppressive regimes could come and collect handouts from the rich nations! Get it? Simple.
Also no prizes for guessing what these undemocratic fiends would do with the cash. It wouldn’t be used to clean up their pollution. Their little fiefdoms would become even more intolerant and just as filthy as ever.
The school quotes don’t seem to be written by children. The British school quotes seem fairly literate, so that would rule out the teachers as well. The plot thickens !