Question Time tonight comes from Milton Keynes and the panel will feature Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liam Byrne, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Caroline Spelman, Sarah Teather, retail expert Richard Madeley and historian Andrew Roberts.
Those wanting to get an idea of the political feel of the area – these are the General Election results in the old (now redrawn and renamed) constituencies of Milton Keynes NE (Con) and SW (Lab).
For those who wish to take part in the B-BBC Buzzword Bingo, we will be playing by the “Scott Brown Rules” meaning that ‘Palin‘s are wildcards and a ‘Obama‘ and a ‘healthcare’ on the same card mean a missed turn. The usual prizes will be awarded.
As usual, the live chat will begin here at 22:35 UK time. Please come and join us!
Jesus Spelman!! Can’t the Tories find a Tory to put up? They might as well not bother. Spelman will get attacked for ther Nanny gate whilst the other MPs will get off about their expenses.
Much to my disappointment I will be away tonight and cant contribute to the QT chat. I hope it’s a bumper edition. Enjoy and see you next week!
The BBC telling more lies. Scott Rasmussen polled voters fter they had voted to find out why. Healthcare was 1 one with the economy no 2, yet the BBC are still telling lies that it was anger over the last 8 years (they’ve got racist Al Sharpton on now spinning the same lie)
Heads up!!! The crime figures are out and the BBC are spining it as good news.
Just how can the BBC claim the government are doing a good job on car crime when it’s the manufacturers who are making it harder to steal a car?
Oh and on Radio 5 the camp male beeboid tried to claim that the economy must be on the up as crime is down. I kid you not!!!
So no doubt Sheena Easton will be crawling out from under his stone to spin this all day.
So house crime is down. Perhaps like me you’ve had to invest in burglar alarms, security lights and multiple locks to protect your home as the cowardly Plods won’t?
Why would anyone believe government figures on crime or anything else for that matter ?
The BBC believe them
Retail Expert, Richard Madeley? hmm.. Money for Nothing, Tesco Wines for free, Dire Straits would say..
Should be interesing to hear how Liam Byrne spins the announced cut on resources in that crucible of terror, Pakistan, and how cutbacks there will help the troops..
classic BBC. Radio 5 Richard Bacon, 2shocked” at the news that John Edwards (former scummy Democrat) has a “love child” and was cheating on his wife. I kid you not.
This was news about 18 months ago in America (well at least Fox News covered it, NBC didn’t)
I think Sara Tether needs to be attached to one
The labour bloke said “if we are goin to spend large sum of public money lets get the best value for it”
Did I really hear that ????
haha Richard Madeley may not talk like a tory but he sure looks like a Cameronite carbon copy
Bit surprised that he said that he couldn’t remember the last time he saw someone wearing a Burka ( i guess he meant a woman but who knows)
He should live in my part of London
Gosh that Andrew Roberts is a bit feisty……
Well that’s it – nice being here my first posts – enjoy the rest of the programme (if you can bear it)