Fancy watching a comedy about suicide bombers? The BBC covered Chris Morris’ long awaited film “Four Lions” which is premiering at the Sundance Film Festival this morning. The BBC were flogging the line that we have to stop demonising suicide bombers because they are part of our culture and that we needed to be more understanding towards the self-detonators. I can appreciate that Morris is a satirist, not sure if the BBC get the satire. There was no one available to suggest suicide bombers are the scum of the earth…
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The BBC were flogging the line that we have to stop demonising suicide bombers because they are part of our culture …
Give the BBC a break. How can they really demonize Muslim suicide bombers when they have to spend so much time demonizing Israel and Jews.
There’s only 24 hours in a day you know.
Oh — as an aside, the BBC must really stop demonizing the BNP. They are part of our culture, doncha know!
Morris is a very minor talent. Swift he ain’t. Slow lumbering and predictable he is.
Yes the BBC have a lot of demonizing to do in a day, Muslims are bottom of that list.
We have (in addition to the Jews)
Americans in particular Americans that don’t sniff Barry’s arse
White English people generally
Tory voters
The Tories themselves
Maggie T
White men
Anyone who opposes the EU
Anyone who wants to crack down on drugs
Anyone who thinks homosexuals get too much air time
Don’t forget those who support the climate change dogma…
Yep how could I forget ‘climate change deniers’
check out this one found recently:
David Vance where did you find The BBC were flogging the line that we have to stop demonising suicide bombers because they are part of our culture … ?
The online article is decidedly luke warm, especially coming from one of their own.
Chris Morris’s terrorist comedy premieres at Sundance
Early reviews described the movie as “deliciously subversive”, but suggested that a shift in tone from satire to thriller in the second half fell flat.
Under BBC guidelines shouldn’t that be militant comedy?
Chris Morris is most definetly not one of the BBC’s own they have sacked him once (possibly twice) for not playing by the rules. His “The Day Today” on the BBC was pretty good but his Channel 4 Brass Eye series was one of the funnyest TV shows I have ever seen. Something the beeb would never have the balls to make.
The idea behind his film is that Islamic Fundametalism is something that should be laughed at rather as British comedians made fun of Hitler during WW2. He tried to get funding for this project from both the BBC and Channel 4 but neither would touch it due to the subject matter. As a result it became a film which is rumoured to be having some difficulties due to distributers not wanting to upset our friends in the ROP.
Jesus Christ, are you for real? Chris Morris is a Jew hating fully paid up member of the lefty elite. You think his Brass Eye show was comedy?????
Reserve any admiration you have for this prick. His attempts at intellectually bullying Martin Amis on the subject of thos poor poor muslims fell flat on it’s face.
Vinnie Jones finds Richard Bacon irritating. Jones have gone up in my estimation.
1327 “As a result it became a film which is rumoured to be having some difficulties due to distributers not wanting to upset our friends in the ROP.”
Rubbish! Here’s how brave is the satire produced by Morris
“Morris is thought to have carried out research to ensure the content of Four Lions is acceptable to the Muslim community.
Producer Mark Herbert, from Warp Films, said: ‘Chris’s research has been meticulous. It is fatwa-proof.’
Chris’s research has been meticulous. It is fatwa-proof.’
Unfortunately Morris the minor talent isn’t FATHEAD proof.
Supercilious “comedians” like Morris need to be exposed as the total frauds they are. Jim Davidson is more subversive than this fathead.
Morris reckons he’s so brave and “edgy” — MOCKING people with the lowest form of mockery.
Cruelty is the foundation of all great comedy. Groucho being a master. No problems there. More the better.
Now I haven’t seen the movie, but based on the quote, I’ll bet you one big fat fawah he doesn’t MOCK MOHAMMED or take the piss out of the RELIGION.
Actually making an acceptable movie can be quite hard. The Anthony Quinn movie The Message (1976) was vetted by The University of Al-Azhar in Cairo and the High Islamic Congress of the Shiat in Lebanon. That didn’t stop this movie from being banned from many Middle-Eastern countries because the religious leaders didn’t like the idea of having the Prophet Mohammed’s story being made into a motion picture.
The BBC thinks that the massive problem to the British people of Islamic jihad/Islamikaze should be left to ‘liberals’ to solve.
No, ‘liberals’ are part of the problem.
BBC report:
“Jet bomb suspect’s UK university reviews radicalisation”
Alternative, non-BBC account:-
“How UCL Authorities ignored Islamist Extremism: Proof of UCL President’s systematic failure to tackle campus radicals”
The trailer is here, it’s not even funny:
The line about the IRA being terrorists was pretty funny.
Anyone else see the BBC news? Camp male beeboid attacked the US military in Haiti over the lack of aid being delivered. Except of course the UN is in charge. Turn to ITV news where we see a UN band practising marching instead of handing out food, a UN food lorry not handing out food because staving people can’t fill out a form (no doubt if the British Government are involved it’s has to be in Urdu as well as 20 other languages) and then some drippy female (in her air conditioned UN 4X4) says it’s a bit dangerous and drives off with the food again.
But don’t expect to see the BBC pointing the finger at the corrupt useless UN.
Ha ha. Hilarious. No reports of UN troops offering food for sex yet? Have patience.
And don’t expect the BBC to even mention the Israeli operation in Haiti:
IDF Mission Concludes its Operations in Haiti
After two weeks of life saving efforts, the Israeli team in Haiti is scheduled to return home. The decision came following the arrival of additional aid forces to Haiti, including the United States military and other, civilian aid, who are now providing regular medical services. Furthermore, many of the local hospitals have reached a sufficient level of functionality.
In the past day, the medical staff at the Israeli field hospital, started transferring patients to the hospital, and on Tuesday they will stop receiving new cases. While the manpower is leaving Haiti, most of the equipment brought by the delegation will remain behind for use by the various medical personnel, including tents, medications and other medical equipment.
During their stay in Haiti, the delegation treated more than 960 patients, conducted 294 successful surgeries, delivered 16 births including three in cesarean sections and saved many from within the ruins. During the weekend, the Israeli team manged to save a 22 year old from the ruins after being buried for 11 days. The man was brought to the hospital and he is now in stable condition
Oh god! check out God Bless Obama on BBC 2. Just another attack on George Bush nasty white conservatives with special guest…. yep The REAL racist Reverend Wright.
The BBC, sticking their rancid puss filled cocks up the arse of Obama once again.
The BBC spinning for the vile racist Wright, unbelievable!!!!!!
Rev. Wright is a proud Marxist and harsh critic of Israel and the evil Israel/Jewish Lobby. Of course the BBC see him as someone whose reputation has been besmirched by wingnut racists like myself. Plus he’s black, so as an officially oppressed minority, he cannot be racist. His views therefore have an added weight that people like us can never hope to achieve.
The BBC as usual did hatchet job on Fox News claiming that the Wright extracts “were taken out of context”
Funny that the BBC along with most of the other leftie media threw all sorts of lies around about Sarah Palin yet never admitted that all the stories were made up or taken from leftist hate sites.
The BBC as usual did hatchet job on Fox News claiming that the Wright extracts “were taken out of context”
BBC simply regurgitating spin and lies. This WAS Wright’s usual schtick.
This was just the stuff caught on camera. You know, like Hitler. Apart from the same old newsreels we see over and over which are taken out of context, Hitler never ranted and raved at all.
Amazingly these were the ONLY times Obama wasn’t at the “church.” What are the odds?
The Rev Wright is nine commandments short of a tablet.
Taken out of context? I suppose those were actually edited clips from his speeches at Heritage Foundation and AIPAC fundraisers?
Another Tory ambush on Newsnight, Paxo sticking up for the mong an giving slaphead Cable an easy ride whilst beating up on Philip Hammond.
Have to laugh at Paxman, talking about excessive salaries and bonuses in the city, so perhaps Paxo might like to explain what beeboids do to earn a bonus? and is HE really work a million pounds a year?
Jeremy Paxman rakes in just over £1 million-a-year with a salary of £800,000 for Newsnight and £240,000 for University Challenge. It’s pretty good wonga for just one and a half hour’s work a week.
The BBC at it again.
Tories getting pounded on radio 5, BBC stating that “cutting public spending” is counter productive (BBC happy as we’re out of the recession caused by the one eyed mong) as it cuts demand. Demand for what, Cocaine? Lots of Scottish callers backing one eye.
My first impression was that “Four Lions” satires the very multicultural leftist reviewers who are just assuming Chris Morris is being an idiot like them, but actually on this issue it doesn’t seem that way – they miss the satire.
Lefties think Muslims are “just another lion” like the Welsh, English and Scots, who can be welcomed as part of British society. The title is not straight but satirical. The film shows to the contrary, they can’t be assimilated, they produce suicide bombers who want to murder British society. The idea of dressing up would be suicide bombers in fancy dress costumes satirises the leftist attempt to make fanatical Islamists cuddly and normal.
“Four Lions” makes a joke out of Islamist fanatics like Allo’ Allo’ made a joke out of the Nazis. If Chris Morris was REALLY trying to produce a work to please those who review it with reference to that other Croft and Perry sitcom “Dad’s Army” he would have done something on the BNP.
As all good lefties know, the BNP are genocidal Nazis.