Question Time tonight comes from Basildon and the panel will feature Culture Secretary Little Ben Bradshaw, Lord Lawson, Baroness Tonge, The Sun journalist Jane Moore and Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion Douglas Murray.
Those wanting to get an idea of the political feel of the area – these are the General Election results in the 1997 Basildon constituency (Angela Smith, Lab).
<a href=”“>من نصائح الهرري</a>
<a href=”“>اجعلي يومك مليء يالطاعه لله </a>
<a href=”“>عم يمضي الزمان</a>
<a href=”“>نور الهدى</a>
<a href=”“>نور الهدى نفحات تهدي للخير</a>
<a href=”“>نور الهدى نور حق</a>
<a href=”“>نور الهدى نور حق</a>
<a href=”“>نور الهدى لؤلؤة الشرق</a>
<a href=”“>غرفة نور الهدى للدردشة والدروس الدينية</a>
<a href=”“>مركز تحميل نور الهدى</a>
<a href=”“>مركز تحميل نور الهدى</a>
<a href=”“>خدمة نور الهدى للترجمة</a>
<a href=”“>معرض نور الهدى للصور</a>
Looks like our muslim friends have tracked us down !
I do like the smell of spam in the….afternoon
Aloha Snackbar praise Allan……On a serious note I thought Douglas Murray was surpisingly good last night. Not knowing who he was when they announced his job title I feared the worst but he was a pleasant surprise. Tonge was ghastly btw.
Robert 16:18
I didn’t see it, but surely Dimblebore would introduce Douglas Murray as being from a “right-wing think tank ” ?