Wonder if you read the statistic in The Times yesterday showing the shocking statistic that almost half of all new jobs created in the past decade under Labour have been the preserve of the State. The BBC Today tackled it this morning around 6.15am and I was amused to hear them use this as a rallying cry for preserving these jobs by NOT cutting State jobs! The idea that the State dominating employment may be a tad dangerous seems to have escaped our BBC friends.
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Of course it’s beyond the drug addled pea brains of beeboids to understand where the Government get its money from, the private sector of course (well OK this bunch of criminals borrows as much as it steals off the private sector) but why should those in the public sector be free from financial savings? Oh hang on who votes Labour….
On another matter I saw an article stating that McFool is going to “spend billions on defence”. Really? SO where is the money to come from? I notice a total silence from the BBC on this story. Imagine if Cameron had said the same thing.
We can’t expect the BBC to be critical of Labour’s creation of non-productive ‘jobs’.
The extent of the problem of quangos (where many such ‘jobs’ are created) is illustratred here:
Jeff Randall:
“Quangos are a luxury we don’t need and certainly can’t afford”
There are millions of citizens in this sad land who have never understood that all wealth resides in, and is created by the nation,not the state. Governments have nothing. The BBC exists because we give it our money.
The entire ruling elite has never grasped the truly simple fact of how wealth is created. it is useless to try to explain to them. They are delusional beyond salvation.
In a more robust country like the US the sane people simply will no longer put up with idiocy hence the tea party movement and the consequent baffled response of the elites and liberal media.
We by contrast are faced with an election in which we are expected to choose between the totally deranged and the semi deranged.
I give up.
To be honest I’m amazed that the figure is so low. Up here in this northern town and the home to several Labour safe seats I would say that approx 80% of the jobs advertised in the local newspaper are either with the civil service make work departments or with fake charities.
Employees of the State are usually the last ones to admit that this is not ultimately a recipe for success. And Beeboids are employees of the State, even though the taxes that pay their salaries are enforced via a different mechanism.
Instead of asking about this, Stephanie Flanders and Robert Peston are criticizing Cameron’s new take on spending and the budget. Peston even mentions that UK public-sector borrowing is too high, but today is the day to get the Tories, so it must be Cameron who’s wrong. Until now, the Beeboids were criticizing the Tories for not spelling out the plans, but now that Cameron has clarified something, Peston calls this “muddying”? It’s a nice smoke screen.