The BBC spokespersons that used to grace B-BBC with their presence always insisted that if one or two biased items slipped through, in the long term they would be counterbalanced, because balance was an overall concept, achieved over time. They must have had in mind a timescale of around two hundred years.
Yesterday on News 24, they featured a story that has been on the BBC website for a few days, about the discovery during a raid on a house in Manchester of a video that shows children being ‘radicalised.’
Kim Howells was shown expressing his surprise. If you’re chairman of the parliamentary intelligence and security committee, and you haven’t even heard of the Hamas Bunny, surely something’s wrong. There are hundreds of such things on Youtube, many featuring a nightmarish Mickey Mouse whose voice and appearance alone would surely traumatise any child, never mind indoctrinating it with jihad.
At least the problem was being given an airing. But the Muslim lady featured in the story said ‘the most worrying thing’ was that people might think this sort of carry-on was representative of all Muslims. The actual radicalisation and indoctrination seemed to bother her less.
The website transcript of the words in the vid included “I want to kill the infidels” but missed out the bit where he clearly said “To kill Jews.” If I remember correctly they had it on the News 24 subtitles, so someone at BBC online must have thought it was unseemly, and edited it out.
Kim Howells is a knob. We’ve had the hate filled Saudi text books used in UK schools, we have the Palestinian hate cartoons, we’ve had Muslim kids at UK protests holding up hate signs and so on.
Howell’s is just another dopey prat.
On a relevant note:
Wole Soyinka’s British Problem
What did the 76-year-old Mr. Soyinka—who divides his time between the U.S. and Nigeria—make of his country’s placement on a watch-list of states deemed to be incubators of Islamist terrorism? “That was an irrational, knee-jerk reaction by the Americans. The man did not get radicalized in Nigeria. It happened in England, where he went to university.
“England is a cesspit. England is the breeding ground of fundamentalist Muslims. Its social logic is to allow all religions to preach openly. But this is illogic, because none of the other religions preach apocalyptic violence. And yet England allows it. Remember, that country was the breeding ground for communism, too. Karl Marx did all his work in libraries there.”
Come on David – we can’t take people like that seriousley in this country:
He is a “Nobel laureate for literature and vigorous activist for democracy in his native land” 😉
The BBC spokespersons that used to grace B-BBC with their presence always insisted that if one or two biased items slipped through
Sounds like the IPCC…
Leave out ‘to kill Jews’ Bad journalism but possibly cowardice rather than ideology?
If you’re chairman of the parliamentary intelligence and security committee, and you haven’t even heard of the Hamas Bunny, surely something’s wrong. There are hundreds of such things on Youtube…
Hamas Bunny??
These guys are so clueless I wouldn’t be surprised if Howells thinks YouTube is a bycycle inner tube repair kid from Halfords.
We live in a kakistocracy.