Have you read Mark Mardell’s latest love message to Obama – and just before Valentine’s! Mardell opines on The One’s most recent teleprompter recital which contains “solid economic measures” and in words which were “striking”. Mardell goes on to allege that Obama was “daring the GOP to vote against potentially popular measures such as curbing lobbyists, promoting new jobs and toughening banking rules.” Pity that under Obama lobbyists are even more to the fore and entrenched, jobs have hemorrhaged and $$$billions have been lavished on the banks. Still, never let the facts get in the way of a good story, right Mark?
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Mardell is a fat joke. America is rejecting Obama.
is it any wonder they’re rejecting him when he thinks he can talk to the Talibans ?
I guess Mark Mardumb didn’t mention the Doofus-in-Chief’s latest Teleprompter malfunction where he referred THREE times to CORPSE MAN, in relation to a US marine of Haitian decent.
He (and his staff of sophomoric speech writers) didn’t know that CORPSMAN is pronounced COREman. But why should be know anything of military terminology. It’s not like he’s commander of anything.
Of course, given that Haiti is most famous for its voodoo Zombie cult, maybe he was closer than he meant. Night of the Living Corpse, Man!
He also bolloxed up the French-Creole name for the United States: Etats Unis.
He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, y’know. And he’s right, as long as he’s on the lav.
I don’t think he’s that hot on law either. Never written anything, virtually no cases tried – except for ACORN. All part of his nil-experience resume /CV.
I liked Palin’s 2 quips yesterday – that he should act like Commander-in-Chief in defending against terrorism, not like a college prof at a lectern. And elsewhere in her speech, that people are sick of being lectured.
Bit by bit, Obama is being nailed as an empty suit who just blathers away on his teleprompter. Lying much of the time, living with his narcissism in his far-left cocoon. Surrounded by ex-lobbyists and Chicago-sleaze politicos.
People KNOW that any new “jobs plan” from Obama means more pork, more debt, no real worthwhile jobs. He really has been rumbled on that, just like he has been totally rumbled on his health plans and his cap-and-trade ideas, both of which would damage America seriously.
Many people don’t, however, recognise that Obama took huge funding from Wall Street banks, and has given them a very easy ride using taxpayers money and masive new debt – but still rants in near-fascist style against bankers.
Much of the US media is waking up to all the polling negatives on Obama, to his utter lack of achievement, to all the damage he has done in foreign affairs – and to his smirking arrogance. In Obama’s view – it is all the fault of the people, who are not listening closely enough to his rants. But people HAVE listened – they are sick of listening, no President has ever done so much speechifying.
People don’t want endless speeches. They want effective action to sort out the economy, and to defend the US against terorist threats effectively, stopping potential attacks and treating captured terrorists as war opponents under martial law, not giving them all the constitutional rights of US citizens.
Of course Mardell and the BBC generally will be the last to recognise all this. They invested heavily in the false image, and they are still stuck with it. Even after Massachusetts, even after all the appalling poll results, the BBC continues to brown-nose Obama – because the BBC is in the same leftie mindset, and cannot recognise that the US is essentially not leftie.
Oh come on now, it’s not like the BBC would’ve reported George Bush making a fool of himself. Their objectivity is surpassed only by their journalistic integrity, you see.
I can’t decide who’s worse for sheer ignorance, Mardell or his nasty predecessor, Justin (I hate America by my own admission) Webb.
It makes a case for using American reporters. That for a start would be a lot cheaper and we’d get people who know at least a bit more about their own country. Right now we pay a licence fee for this opinionated crap!
Trouble is, although the BBC should use US reporters rather than the sloppy, idle and ignorant British staff it uses, they would still select loonie-left reporters, and draw nearly all their commentary from the same unreliable sources. We would still be misinformed by the BBC.
The only solution is to chop it right down to size, to reduce its dominance of the airwaves that we are forced to pay for.
Obama is the black Jimmy Carter with bells and whistles! My American friends are in despair!
I agree with John Anderson that the BBC needs cutting down to size – it would be great to have a Fox news equivalent in the UK. Sky News is pretty useless these days with increasing amounts of tabloid junk and their chief political reporter, Abam Boulton, has his head so far up Labour’s rear end that it must be painful for both of them!
Heard the prince of mince (Niki Campbell) interviewing the guy who did the Generation Jihad series. Don’t know about the Muslims being in denial, the BBC certainly are.
David, the link you have goes to Mardell’s blog, with his latest post about his anger and confusion that a snow storm knocked the power out for a couple days. Poor Mardell, unaware that he lives in a poorly managed area. Sometimes there are power outages elsewhere in the country after massive storms, but it’s hardly a reason to start whining about how decrept the US is beneath the shiny surface, as Mardell alleges.
Poor baby. Too bad he doesn’t live in Philadelphia or northern New Jersey, where I spent the weekend. Equally massive snowstorm, no real problems. Mardell wants you to think the whole country is poorly managed, much worse than Belgium. He’s wrong, and – just like a typical BBC reporter – lets his emotions direct his reporting.
11,786 square miles
3,794,100 square miles
Or the US is 321 times bigger than Belgium.
You see there’s dumb — and then there’s Mark MarDUMB.
Wouldn’t you think a paid BBC hack would at least do some research on how an ELECTRICAL GRID actually works?
I mean, okay so he knows nothing, but why advertise that fact. Oh — because most of the drones who listen to him no nothing either.
It would have been more relevant for Mardell to report that the snowstorms have been truly EPIC. That is why bthere have been outages. And if anything like that weight of snow and storm hits the UK or Europe, we also have outages.
It’s just typical BBC reporting: emotions first, reality second, if ever.