Just to make it absolutely clear: the Sunday Express page one story here about BBC pensions and climate change follows on from what B-BBC exclusively revealed on Monday.
What’s fascinating about how fast the warnming bubble is now bursting (in some quarters – not the BBC!) is that the MSM are now falling over themselves to follow up blogs like this – three months ago they didn’t give a hoot. But of course, in the world of the MSM, credit where credit is due is not a term they recognise.
Robin, as a long term contributor to Guido’s blog, its encouraging to note that sanitised versions of themes developed by its contributors, are increasingly frequently , starting to appear in the MSM.
Also its interesting that the beeboid trolls had to give up on the “you’d miss the quality programming “defence, as every post attracted a mass of , we can live with that, if it means the end of your institutionalised left wing bias in every programme !
Great result, Robin – excellent digging up the dirt in your earlier posts.
It is all this stench of corruption that will kill off AGW fascism in the end. But a lot of damage has already been done to the UK economy and our landscape by all the AGW crap, still a long way to go.
No doubt the MSM is finaly catching up. I think the “leaked” emails were the start. Now everyone knows the junk science that made up the latest IPCC report. But why was it that the MSM are now founding out the dubious “evidence” for AGW in that report?
All the “exclusives” by the Times, Express or Mail were dug up from excelent investigative non-journalists on blogs such as EU Referendum or WUWT and also Robin here.
Seems the MSM was happy not to examine the “evidence” from the IPCC, but headline every single “catastrophe” the IPCC made up. All they are doing now is plagerizing blogs for their stories.
I must say that I am glad they are now catching up but these newspapers should at least acknoledge the painstaking research done by Robin Horbury, Richard North, Anthony Watts, Steve McKintyre et al.
I used to post on this blog as “Jon” years ago and I remember then posting a comment on the conflict of interests on Rajendra Pachauri and his TATA group (alas I cannot find it now). All I had was the web to help me find out a lot of the details – yet the MSM with all their resources seemed to accept every single uttering by the corrupt IPCC.
The BBC however are a different case. The BBC are like the former “Information Officer” in Iraq, they will spout any line put to them by their Masters in New Labour even when the enemies tanks are circling their compound.
Sorry should be “finding out” not “founding out”
Just watched the BBC news report on the record-breaking snow storm in the US – the highest snow fall in recorded history in many parts – and clearly not consistent with AGW claims that snow would become rarer.
Interestingly, the BBC choose to follow their report with a piece on last year’s Australian bush fires – an overlong segment which was clearly not news worthy.
Australian bush fires are completely natural and occur every few years. The 2009 incident was exacerbated by poor bush management, lack of controlled burns, lack of bush clearance around properties and cyclical drought – nothing to do with global warming.
The intentional juxtaposition of these two items struck me as a weak attempt by the BBC to downplay the record-breaking US snow storms – happening NOW – by reporting a completely normal hot weather event from LAST YEAR.
Hi, I was googling and I found this
So this scandal has been around the blogosphere since April 2008! I suppose we needed Climategate to get the groundswell of interest going.
Robin, I think it is more likely the sun will rise in the west than any of the MSM acknowledge credit where it is due. But it’s still great that some of the MSM are finally waking out of their trance, and reporting stuff like this. Some sterling work from this blog, please keep crunching away!
Another terrible article for the warmists – Sunday Times :
Well done, Sir.
A scholarly article on all the problems of the software invented by the AGW crowd to run thewir “models” =
And it is in the Guardian of all places – my, how the AGW’s case appears to be breaking up.
A pretty balanced treatment of the AGW scandals by the BBC’s One Planet prog. on the World Service – the first part is about the IPCC, and a later part on the meaning of the ClimateGate emails :
Thanks for the link. But it wasn’t atall balanced: The narrator repeatedly refers to the ClimateGate emails as ‘hacked’ and ‘stolen’, and that they ‘appear to show’ conspiracy. In fact they were most likely leaked, not stolen and there’s no doubt they show wrong doing.
He repeatedly allows the IPPC deputy to claim GlacierGate was a ‘mistake’ when the AR4 chapter author has stated clearly that the bogus 2035 claim was known to be false but intentionally included to generate alarm and funding. I have yet to hear any IPCC spokesman be pinned with that charge: it was a known fradulent claim, NOT a mistake.
Similarly he fails to pin the CRU man on the established FOI obstructions. And to end the program they announce the program’s CO2 emissions over a Carmina Burana foreboding choral music. Pure bullshit.
Everything is relative. Yes, the case against the AGW alarmists and crooked scientists is stronger than the prog suggested, and the questioning could have been much fiercer – but I was surprised that ANY of it got an airing on the World Service.
A great day for sceptics in the UK press.
But somehow – I don’t think the BBC will grant that their campaqign to mislead us is holed beneath the waterline.
Whilst agreeing with all of the above comments, we would be remiss not to also acknowledge the tireless efforts of Christopher Booker in the Telegraph. He has been the one determined sceptic in the MSM throughout this scam, and has had top fend off numerous attacks in the DT’s comment/blog pages from the Warmist scammers.
Well done, Robin. The BBC must be held accountable.
It’s good to see the sceptical side entering the MSM more often even if it’s on the back of bloggers. It’s also good to see more people deciding that the BBC is not good for Britain and has become a corrupt propaganda outfit. With spreading the message across the internet of BBC bias and not paying the TV tax, sooner or later the BBC will become untenable.