Mark Kinver, one of the BBC’s most prolific global warming alarmists,was quick off the mark today to say that an “independent panel” is going to review the leaking of the Climategate file from UEA, and also whether climate research has been accurately conducted there. Mr Kinver is telling monstrous economies-with-the-truth and he knows it. The panel is anything but independent; as Bishop Hill points out with his usual eloquence, most of them are solidly wedded to to climate change in the same way that quacks are to snake oil. Not only that, the Royal Society are involved, whose website already proclaims that the world is coming to an end – based on material almost exclusively provided by the UEA climate change mob. Oh,and last but not least, the head of the inquiry has announced he’s investigating a hack, not a leak – thereby showing his true colours from the outset. Mr Kinver was no doubt fed news of the inquiry because of services by him and his employers to the cult of climate alarmism; they knew he would loyally trumpet their “independence”.
Update: No sign yet on the BBC website that Phil Campbell, editor-in-chief of Nature, has already resigned from the panel because he patently and blatantly was not ‘indepedent’. I wonder why?
CanI again refer to Harrabin getting a beating on the Scabby Logan show today over this matter, in particular Harrabin’s continual reference to “stolen emails”. Harrabin running the required narrative.
Dr North stated that the likliehood was of an inside job, this didn’t please Harrabin.
BBC, biased, eh? Clearly you haven’t been reading, or listening to, Andrew Neil of late. Of numerous possibilities, here’s his latest sceptical post…
Oh, and have you read any of those notorious emails yourself?
Wow a troll. We’ve not had one of you lot for a while. Yes we have read Neils blog actually. and your point is?
One guy out of 30,000, hours upon hours of broadcasting and website articles across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting, an entire section of the website and several BBC employees whose jobs are dedicated to this stuff, and this means to you that the BBC is unbiased? Seriously?
Yes, I’ve read quite a few of the emails. Have you? I bet you believe that these are all very, very old, nothing new, right? Anyone who has actually read enough of them can see the blatant cover-up.
Plenty of key emails have been posted by lots of bloggers all over the place. The text files themselves can be found here, and here, if anyone is interested.
It is a busted flush already. Dr. Philip Campbell has resigned almost immediately. The Warmists are in a big panic now.
Michael 20:02
Apart from Andrew Neil and Jeremy Clarkson, please name one BBC presenter who is not left-wing.
A petition has been set up
calling for the Prime Minister to suspend the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia from preparation of any Government Climate Statistics until the various allegations have been fully investigated by an independent body
Don’t worry — PROFESSOR CLOUSSEAU is on the case!
He’s an Orrifcer of the Lure.
Mr C 20:42
Thanks, petition signed !
To be fair, the BBC was quick off the mark to report on Campbell’s resignation from the Climategate enquiry (noted by Bishop Hill here . In the same broadcast last night Nigel Lawson was given an opportunity to note that not all the evidence to the the enquiry (hearings in which will be held in private) will be released. Clare Watts (BBC science correspondent) added on Newsnight after NL’s statement, that Sir Muir has now said that all the evidence will, after all, be released and, moreover, the UEA intends to hold a further “independent” enquiry into the science – not just the behaviour of the scientists. Credit to Watts in that this was straightforward reportage: no bias (that I could see).