OK, it’s dress down Friday so time to give the BBC a good dressing down! What has been bothering YOU about the State Broadcaster today…???

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74 Responses to OPEN THREAD…

  1. Martin says:

    Anyone else see the beeboids covering this pointless political speed dating stunt? Needless to say the BBC managed to find (every time) someone who would never vote Tory oh and we even got one tosser with his Hamas scarf on.

    right on BBC, power to the beeboids. not.


  2. Martin says:

    So again the BBc’ decided that the Radio 5 phone in shoul be about bloody footballers and their slappers.

    Funny that the BBC have decided we the nation don’t need to discuss the economy, the bail out of Greece, the war inAfghanistan or Labour’s lies over health care for the elderly.


    • Jack Bauer says:

      I assume it was about Terry, the noxious twerp? 

      Here’s some actual inside info that will break soon. (Maybe it has since I was told last week, I don’t follow the tabs.)

      This fine specimen of a human being with the IQ of room temperature. 

      He owes £9 million in gambling debts!  If a pair of legs turn up in the Thames we’ll know he didn’t pay up.


  3. Philip says:

    Binyam’s Bestest Channel


  4. Guest says:

    Ch4 presenter tweets last night…

    krishgm   shock revelation : the BBC is checking the tweets of key presenters before they are published. Trusted to broadcast live but not to tweet!

    Trusted by whom to broadcast what? Maybe they just don’t like things in writing so much. A bit easier to cut and forward to show how overt their personal feelings are and override any hint of professional objectivity?

    I actually applaud the BBC for this in some ways, even if it was backside covering.

    A lot of no market rate talents only have an audience because they are associated with their employer, and using tweets with ‘BBC presenter’ as a banner would tend to suggest corporate endorsement.


    • Martin says:

      Actually I think it’s a shame. Tossers like Richard Bacon make no attempt to hide their wet liberalism when they tweet, clearly the beeboids are frightened their fake mask of impartiality might be blown apart by lefties tweeting.


  5. Umbongo says:

    On Today, Andrew Lansley was crucified by Justin Webb for 1. refusing to go along with a spurious consensus (as reported by the totally independent Labour and LibDem parties) on personal health care for ther elderly; 2. not telling Cameron that he was taking part in tri-partite conversations, and 3. informing the electorate that this new initiative was to be paid for by a £20,000 death tax.

    So aggressive was Webb that even Lansley – a sheep in sheep’s clothing – was moved to protest that he wasn’t being given an opportunity to reply to Webb’s accusations (which, by the sound of them, were lifted straight from a Labour/LibDem briefing note).  Further, Naughtie commented afterwards how “interesting” the interview was.

    The BBC has moved into election mode: 1. nothing the Conservatives say or do is or will be reported without a critical gloss; 2.  giving the widest possible publicity to Brown’s grossly offensive (to those of us still left with a modicum of taste and discretion) use of personal family tragedy to portray himself as a part of suffering humanity.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Yes, I noticed Naughtie’s comment and wondered what he meant by that. It wasn’t an interesting interview, because Andrew Lansley wasn’t allowed to put his point across for any length of time without interruption.


    • Heads on poles says:

      This was a text book ambush.
      Ask teh questions, get an answer, continue to answer the questions then quote Liebour accusations over the answers.
      The website is exactly the same.


    • John Anderson says:

      Naughtie’s comment at the end was a total giveaway – more blatant than usual.

      And Webb was disgraceful,  not listening to the answers,  simply determined to skewer the Tory.  Sod the merits of the matter,  sod the actual flow of events – just spot the NuLab party line.


  6. George R says:

    Big BBC news from France:

    “Bidding adieu to the BBC’s old Paris bureau”

    -And the BBC’s Ms. Kirby there is finding it an “emotional experience”, just as she does reporting on behalf of illegal immigrants in France making their way to Britain.


  7. Anonymous says:

    In a lighter vein that the usual (but justified) rants about the inherent bias, imbalance, partiality etc etc, was anyone else amused by Old Lefty Naughtie this morning trying to appear oh so knowledgeable and up with the times talking with some gushing fashionista or other  about the death of Alexander MacQueen?

    To hear Naughty Nightie Naughtie talking about Pagoda shoulders, or whatever it was, had me almost choking over my caffeine in laughter.

    Clameur de Haro           


    • Heads on poles says:

      I get sick and tired of Naughtie interrupting guests so that he can re-interpret and dumb-down what they are saying for the ‘stupid’ listener.
      And he crashes the pips – berk.


  8. Keith Newman says:

    Worth a look at this petition, why not sign it if you agree


  9. fred bloggs says:

    There has been a story running this week about the redacted sentences of Cabinet Papers.  The redaction showed a likely motive of using immigrants votes to manipulate constituencies,  i.e. GerryMandering.



  10. Millie Tant says:

    Ref yoof TV, which we know the BBC is so keen on that it ruins practically every programme it makes, I found this funny video on a thread about BBC3 on Digital Spy’s Broadcasting forum:


    (It was posted by one of those young adults which BBC 3 is apparently designed for. ) 


  11. Anonymous says:

    BBC Rugby wales. Hour upon hour of fucking rugby twallocks. Hundreds of thousands of pounds so the bbc staff can lord it up in on and around the rugby. please help


  12. George R says:

    BBC priorities in reporting re-Oxford University:

    BBC reports this:

    “Widow of Kurt Cobain Courtney Love to speak in Oxford”

    -But, BBC does not report this, re-Oxford Univ:

    “‘Kill the Jews’ says Oxford ISOC Rep”


  13. Payne by name says:

    First of all was all the hoopla about Alistair Campbell ‘breaking down’ when haranguad by Andrew Marr.


    I’m sorry but where is the breakdown, where is the cathartic heart pouring that comes from said breakdown? Of course there isn’t one yet this well documented master of spin manages to convince the BBC that it’s dramatic and demands prime news coverage.


    If that wasn’t enough we then had Labour’s proposal of home healthcare being trumpeted on the 9 o’clock news. It might as well have been a party political broadcast when the news featured a piece about a hard working single mum suffering from cancer.


    At a token gesture of impartiality, the anchor then reported that both the Tories and Liberals had questioned how it was going to be paid for, to which another report was played showing some ‘wet behind the ears’ pup preposturately saying that it could be afforded due to a number of measures including the idea that visiting at home would cut hospital emissions by £13 million.


    No cross examination, no dismissive slant in the reporting. I mean it’s just a proposal and one to try and get them re-elected yet the BBC reported it like it was gospel.


    I wasn’t sure if I was watching the BBC or something from the Labour press office.


  14. Will says:

    Re Umbongo 10:19 – I think the BBC are shooting themselves in the foot by being so keen to return to the Labour Death Tax argument, they should have allowed it to perish after Brown’s refusal to deny the possible policy at PMQs. It is a huge negative for Labour, it really sums up that Brown & Labour will tax you from cradle to grave.


  15. Grant says:

    ITV interview of Gordon the Moron by Piers Moron this coming Sunday. Desperate attempt to present Brown as human.  But, I wonder how the BBC will report it.  They must be jealous that they didn’t get this scoop of their hero.


    • Jack Bauer says:

      How did Morgan do in pretending to be human?


    • Umbongo says:

      On the BBC 24 News the publicity for the Moron interview is relentless.  I’ve never seen the BBC give such enormous coverage of a competitor’s programming before.  I wonder why!


    • Llew says:

      The BBC are still milking it. It’s already been in the paper reviews this morning. No doubt it will be mentioned on the Marr show and the Politics show later today. In case we have forgotten, we will be reminded of the interview in tonight’s early evening news.

      I am sure it will also be mentioned again Monday and I have no doubt that the next time a poll is seen to have moved in Labour’s favour it will be attributed to the interview and another snippet shown.


  16. dave s says:

    I can find no mention by the BBC ( please correct me if I am wrong) that Nick Clegg has had to sack the dreadful anti semitic BBC regular Tonge ( a baroness I believe).
    Her obvious attempts to smear Israel and suggest that Israeli medical teams were harvesting organs in Haiti- See the Jewish Chronicle- by calling for an “enquiry” must be a new low in liberal left smear tactics.
    One look at Tonge- she was on question time a couple of weeks ago – is enough.
    Blood libels like this need immediate refutation not liberal left waffling. I hope the BBC carries the story in depth.
    Somehow I doubt it.


    • Jack Bauer says:

      What??? I can’t even comprehend that. Nasty stuff.

      Vile Tonge indeed.  No doubt she’ll be mentioning how the JOOS are also kidnapping Haitian babies to bake them into Matzo bread.

      Protocols of the Elders of Leftism


  17. George R says:

    Labour and BBC: appeasing Ahmadinejad in LONDON.

    While the Islamic Republic of Iran jams Western TV and radio broadcasts, ann that the BBC (and Miliband) can come up with are a few words od disagreement.

    In the meantime, Ahmadinejad’s 24/7 propaganda from ‘PRESSTV’, operating on the Sky satellite from its LONDON HQ, continues undisturbed, courtesy of dhimmi Labour.

    “BBC: International broadcasters condemn illegal Iranian jamming of radio and television channels”


  18. Martin says:

    God Newsnight are going on about Bin Bag mohammaden again. That Clive Stafford Smith looks like the sort of man who hangs around toilets. Why do these camp liberals all look like pervs? There’s him, that Phil Shiner and that trannie look a like Gareth Pierce.


    • Jack Bauer says:

      A trannie who looks like that hideous terrorist supporting woman with a man’s name!

      Talk about worst of all worlds


  19. ap-w says:

    On the “World at One” on Radio 4 today there was a typically “balanced” piece about the question of care for the elderly. They started the piece by pointing out that Lord Strathclyde had previously been sacked by David Cameron for having cross-party talks without Cameron’s knowledge, and saying that Andrew Lansley had done the same on the issue of care for the elderly, before the talks had broken down. They then cut to a soundbite from Andy Burnham, laying into the Tories on the issue. Next up they (presumably to say they had provided balance) gave some airtime to a recorded interview with Lansley, but not on the substantial question of how healthcase for the elderly should be dealt with, just the narrow question of whether Cameron knew about the cross-party talks and what he had thought on hearing about them (“He said ‘That’s fine’ said Lansley rather anti-climactically).  

    And to round things off for an impartial overview of the issue and how it was being treated by the parties who better to go to than Dame Joan Bakewell?


  20. Martin says:

    Jesus the Newsnight review has the usual leftie losers on, we have a load of jocks (including rat face) talking about Englishness oh and one lone Englishman that being Billy Bragg the only version of an Englishman allowed to give an opinion on the BBC.

    Bragg is a tosser and does NOT represent England, he’s just full of crap. Some ethnic minority bird from the Guardian.


    • dave s says:

      It was truly beyond any parody. But it does show how frightened the liberal left is of the English, meaning those of us who despise everything these talking heads stand for. You can see the fear disguised sometimes as aggression on their faces.
      Hope and change is coming but not their version of it.
      Those who talk of Englishness and try to define it have no idea what it is. They deal in mere words. There has never been any need for words to express what England means to an Englishman.


      • Martin says:

        Agreed, the BBC seem to think that being English is OK so long as it’s the Socialist Red Wedge type offered by turd sniffers like Bragg. When it’s not Bragg it’s that other leftie turd sniffer that used to be in EastEnders years ago and hangs out with Bragg (Tom Watt)


        • Daniel Smith says:

          Watching them talk reminded me of the way colonialists used to talk about natives. We now have a class so totally removed from reality of life in this country and are completely unaware of it.
          Token ‘righty’ Matthew D’Ancona was a disappointment.


          • Grant says:

            I didn’t see it , but surely someone from UKIP or BNP should have been asked ?


          • George R says:

            Yes, Labour, Lib Dems, the BBC and the ‘Guardian’ lead the way in promoting the colonisation of England, via mass immigration.

            “The white proponents of multiculturalism are hypocrites. They are in the main, middle class suburban or rural dwellers of majority white enclaves. One peculiarity of white liberals is that whilst they embrace the ethnic colonisation of the West they are repulsed by the history of white colonisation in the East, thereby showing that their political views have less to do with colonisation per se and more to do with a hatred of Western civilisation. Trying to find a working class man in a gritty and diverse part of town who supports this peculiar ideology is akin to discovering a conservative at the BBC or a democrat in church. Put simply, Western liberals, feminists and homosexuals, who for reasons known only to themselves support multiculturalism, do not choose to live in Riyadh yet hold up Islamic culture as equally valid. ” (Paul Weston on ‘Multiculturalism’).



          • Martin says:

            D’Annacona isn’t English though is he? I thought he was born overseas somewhere? He certainly didn’t come across as a non liberal type. No wonder they had him on.


            • Daniel Smith says:

              I agree about D’ancona. I recognised his name from The Spectator, otherwise I would have taken him as a typical Beeboid, wittering on about Nitin Sawney as the sound of modern England! If he believes that, he should work at the guardian like the others on the panel. Maybe he was so bedazzled by liberal hot air that he felt the need go go native, something that happens alot the the “conservative” guests on these shows.
              They never have any serious conservative thinkers on these things and if they did, they would look out of place, since all the assumptions of the debate are liberal.


        • George R says:

          Of course, Labour’s and BBC’s chum, Mr. Bragg chooses not to live in ‘multicultural’ Tower Hamlets, but in West Dorset.


          • Grant says:

            That is because it is more english 😉


          • Jack Bauer says:

            Imagine having to suffer this comfortably-off-commie braggart down your olde worlde local every night. 

            You’re trying to have a quiet pint in The Prancing Pony, and this lumpen Marxetariat clown is in there spouting his leftoid gibberish about the ruling classes, capitalism and how wonderful the Mohammedans are.

            I can’t stand his pompous orrifice-hole brother Melvyn neither.


  21. Gerald says:

    The Today programme managed to squeeze in (about 5 minutes) Sir David King and his plea for GM crops. It would appear to be because of the global warming disaster coming our way, oh, and the world population explosion.

    You would have thought that Humphrys and Sir David could have done added 2 and 2 and got to four quite easily by saying that world population control is what is actually wanted. It would reduce the harmful (if any) effect of man on global warming and reduce the amount of food that needs to be grown. But not a word, apart from the opening statement of “fact” of what the world poulation would be in x years.

    Has there been any investigation into whether there is anycorrelation between those who are anti GM, anti nuclear and coal and global warming alarmists? My money would be on a strong correlation!


  22. David Burbage says:

    James Naughtie this morning interviewed Sir Jeremy Beecham as the Vice Chairman of the Local Government Association.

    Not only was it a Very soft interview, Naughtie never bothered to mention that Beecham is the Labour Group Leader and therefore is defending the Government rather than looking for a neutral analysis. The interview was carried out in a “let’s analyse the problem” rather than asking Labour’s local government leader any tough questions at all. Quite biased. . . .


  23. Grant says:

    Big news story is that many leader European leaders and bankers are saying that the Euro is a disaster and doomed to failure. In contrast, that idiot Mandelson thinks it is a “great success”.  I wonder how the BBC will report this. Can’t see anything on their website yet.


  24. Grant says:

    There is a great piece on Guido’s blog about the Piers Moron/Gordon the Moron interview.
    Brown is asked what is the best present you have ever had and been allowed to keep ?
    He replies  it was a roast pig given to him by a middle-east government.
    Guido poses the question which one ?  And speculates on Brown’s sanity.


    • Jack Bauer says:

      Pig? Don’t the Mohammedans think porky is verbotten?  

      I’m pretty sure Jews don’t think swine are kosher. Even Brown must know that.

      Is he sure it wasn’t a sheep — or GOAT!

      He looks like the kinda guy who couldn’t tell the difference


  25. George R says:

    BBC omits: under Labour, British universities discriminate in favour of foreign students”

    BBC report: “More ‘will miss out on degrees'”

    ‘Telegraph’ report:

    “Universities ‘admitting more foreign students'”


  26. George R says:

    Reporting Islamic Jihad (or not) in Russia:

    1.) BBC:

    “Ingushetia operation against militants ‘kills 20′”

    2.) ‘Christian Science Monitor’:

    “20 insurgents killed as Jihad attacks rise in Russia’s Caucasus”


  27. George R says:

    ‘Daily Express’ poll:

    “Do we still need the BBC?”


  28. George R says:

    BBC’s daily promotion of “musician BILLY BRAGG” and his political propaganda.

    Last night, the BBC promoted “musician Billy Bragg” and his left-wing political views on patriotism; today, we have a whole BBC news webpage with “musician Billy Bragg” being given free political propaganda space to protest against banker bonuses.

     No doubt the BBC would not be so free with giving Mr. Bragg such uncritical political propaganda space if he were to publicly protest against BBC top salaries , and if he were to vow not to pay his BBC licence until such salaries were reduced.

    “Bragg in bank bonuses protest”


  29. Bupendra says:

    Plenty of opportunity for BBC staffers to carefully select the pro-Gordon texts following the love-in with Mr Disgusting, Piers Morgan.

    Funniest so far (from a Labour activist) was the family man… blah… decent human being…blah…topped off with ‘…and don’t forget he’s eradicated Third World poverty’.

    This household was in roars of laughter.  Many thanks to that texter, you have made our morning.


  30. Heads on poles says:

    Heard the interview between Lord High and Mighty Naughtie, George Osbourne and Alistair Darling this morning.
    George Osbourne was barely allowed to speak and I swear I heard Naughtie foaming at the mouth – absolutely disgraceful behaviour.
    Then Darling was interviewed, no tough questions and was then allowed to persistantly dig at the Conservatives and never answer a question.
    All is well at the BBC this morning.

    Naughtie – you are too pompous for your job, can’t you find something on a late night arts programme on BBC3 that nobody watches – for all our sakes?


  31. George R says:

    While the BBC concentrates (on e.g. its ‘Politics’ page) on the membership rules of the BNP, there is less attention given to ‘Generation Jihad’ (Part 2 tonight, BBC 2):

    “In the second part of this series, Peter Taylor investigates how young Muslims radicalised over the internet formed themselves into a terror network that spread across three continents. Aided and abetted by two young fanatics in Britain, these cells plotted major attacks in Europe and America – culminating in a plan to explode three enormous truck bombs which, it was claimed, would dwarf the London bombings of 7/7.”


  32. Deborah says:

    I only had 10 extra minutes listening to Toady this morning.  Sadly I started with the man from the Co-op wanting votes for 16 year olds – not told (or missed) what position he held – but I know Labour are desperate for the extra votes – but does anyone think this can be brought in so close to the election?  No of course not – so why give it publicity?  It is hardly news.

    Then the disgraceful interview with Osborne.  McNaughtie demanding to know whether co-ops could sack a Headteacher.  Did he ask the man from the co-op if he could sack his CEO.  Irrelevant questioning from McNaughtie in a way trying to ridicule the idea and have a cheap ‘headline’.  What a shame that George didn’t just tell him to stop being so bloddy stupid!

    Then the headline about ‘Tories’ having got the statistic wrong about the number of girls having babies.  54% rather than 5.4% – but no context.  Who said it and when?  Major document or slip of the tongue?  No idea but compared to all the figures that Labour lie over that pass without comment.

    Well 20 minutes of my life wasted when I should have gone back to sleep.  The Today programme – well it gets me so cross it does make me get out of bed!


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      I don’t know if they’ve aired it or not, but the BBC has posted a transcript.  I have no idea if it’s edited.

      Monckton was amused.  Harriban’s religious beliefs are being smashed before his eyes, and he’s not happy.  Nor are the rest of the Warmists at the BBC.  Some analysis of the interview, pointing out what Jones conveniently left out, and what Harriban failed to call him on, can be found here.


  33. David Preiser (USA) says:

    The BBC is still acting like President Obamessiah’s obedient lapdog when it comes to Iran.  Sec. of State Hillary Clinton yesterday expressed her concern that Iran was moving towards a military-style dictatorship.  She also spoke in fairly strong terms regarding Iran’s nuclear bomb desires.

    Naturally, because George Bush (or any Republican) isn’t in charge, the BBC is suddenly very supportive.  They report on Hillary’s statement, and conveniently forget that this sounds just like what Bush used to say.

    “The evidence is accumulating that that’s exactly what they are trying to do,” she said. “I would like to figure out a way to handle it in as peaceful an approach possible, and I certainly welcome any meaningful engagement, but… we don’t want to be engaging while they are building their bomb.”

    That sounds an awful lot like a veiled threat for military intervention.  Funny how the BBC can’t find any criticism like they did when Bush said pretty much the same thing:

    “I vehemently disagree… that nothing has changed and therefore nothing in American policy has to change,” said Senator Hillary Clinton.

    The president should “seize this opportunity” and engage in “serious diplomacy”, she said.

    Rival contender Senator Barack Obama said that Mr Bush “will not let facts get in the way of his ideology… and that’s been the problem with their [the Republicans] foreign policy generally.”

    Funny how there’s no BBC fretting over whether or not the President will consider military action against Iran, even though Hillary strongly hinted at the possibility.  But last time the US took this kind of stance….

    Will Bush take military strikes at Iran?

    By heightening the rhetoric over Iran’s nuclear programme, President Bush has left open the possibility that the United States might in due course abandon diplomacy and turn to military might.

    When a Democrat heightens the rhetoric, of course, the BBC is dutifully on side.  I wonder if we’ll ever see the likes of the following from the Beeboids while The Obamessiah is President?

    The American hostility towards Iran


  34. George R says:

    BBC & TREASON in Britain.

     In a typical BBC pro-‘multicultural’, pro-Islamic propaganda piece on treason, the BBC gives most space to:

    a.) Labour’s Lord Falconer;

    b.) Islamic jihad supporter, Anjem Choudary, with

    c.) a mention by Tory Edward Garnier.

    “Are laws against treason sill relevant or useful?”

    More of this BBC propaganda on Radio 4 ‘Analysis’ tonight and next week.


  35. John Anderson says:

    For all those who have lost track of the cascade of stories showing falsities and shenanigans by the Warmists – here is a useful checklist.   But it does not include the latest revelations,  eg Chris Booker’s story on 13 Feb about the Africa-famine falsity :–.html


  36. deegee says:

    Alan Johnston revisited
    British journalist Paul Martin held in Gaza

    Apparently although he has written for the BBC he is not the same Paul Martin of the BBC Antiques Show Flog It! nor the former Canadian PM.

    So far there is no clue how the BBC is playing this. He is being held by Hamas and not by supposedly independent ‘vigilante gunmen’ this time.


  37. deegee says:

    This must be a contender for the most ‘tabloid’ headline for a while.
    Seven-year-old Rio carnival queen bursts into tears

    The Carnival in Rio is a annual ‘soft news’ story and there is clearly an impropriety issuein a seven yr old ‘Carnival Queen’ but who cares about her tears?


  38. Will says:

    BBC? Beginners! Channel 4 are running a trailer that describes Gerry Adams as a “former activist