BBC seems disturbed that those who work in the State sector may have to share in the pain of the recession which at this point has almost exclusively been experienced by private enterprise. Whilst no one wishes any person to lose their job the harsh economic reality is that the State sector has grown fat and bloated under Labour and cannot be economically sustained. (Rather like the BBC in fact) So whilst the BBC ponders how it can be that even as the Public sector faces cutbacks, the private sector contemplates modest job increases, it ignores the obvious answer; namely that the Private sector has already contracted and made adjustments. The days of the vast Gordon Brown created state monolith are over. The days of the BBC as a vast state monolith deserve to be over.
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As usual the BBC seem to find the most pointless story about the Tories then run it as part of a daily smear. Now we get some story about cheap slags on Council Estates getting pregnant and we have the dopey dyke Harman sticking her fat nose in along with the BBC promoting the story way above its importance.
How about the more important things
The economy going down the pan (oh and top economists agreeing with the Tories)
The mess in Afghanistan
The fact we may end up bailing out Greece (and whoever is next)
Labour non Dom’s being given a pass by the BBC
Cameron up in the polls (I notice the BBC have played that one down)
Clegg clearly upsetting the BBC by dismissing a coalition
Instead we get wall to wall pro mong coverage of his pathetic interview with turds sniffer Piers Moron. The BBC must be gutted they couldn’t have done such a simpering interview,
A simple concept that baffles the average BBC brain: The private sector can do what the hell it likes with its OWN money. Sound business judgement uses a combination of expansion as well as cost-cutting.
Drastic cuts are needed after 13 years of economic mismanagement. It is high taxation that is destroying the jobs that are sorely needed.
In spite of Gordon’s claim that it all started in America, the UK’s public sector budget has been out of control for quite some time under New Labour’s mis-management.
The BBC are trying to scare people into not voting Conservative because of cuts that NEED to be made. In their state of self-hypnosis, they somehow think that New Labour will not be forced to make cuts.
Coupled with the fact that we now have an underclass of young people that are virtually unemployable – cannot read or write properly and never receiving any kind of discipline.
The BBC and Labour call this “social dislocation”.
The BBC needs to realize we are no longer a closed shop but a global economy. India, China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Central/Eastern Europe and many others are churning out bright capable graduates with impeccable English, who would wipe the floor with your average flabby Brit in a competitive economy.
Well worth a read
Put Washington D.C. on a Diet
Richard Bacon talking about a hung Parliament (the BBC really are obsessed with this) and you can guess which way the conversation is going.
Beeboids are Public Sector employees, so don’t expect them to be anything other than sympathetic. Also, they are mostly Socialists and neo-Marxists, or at least very far to the Left on the issue of command economies, so they will by default view the Public Sector as sacrosanct, and morally superior to the private sector.
BBC’s Hewitt: “A way of life under threat” – no mention of Labour’s stealth mass immigration policies –
“In Britain too, there are many eager to defend the British way of life. Their words are rarely defined. Part of the appeal of fighting for a ‘way of life’ is that it is understood intuitively by the audience.”
Hewitt quickly moves on to the E.U and merely talks of lower rates of economic growth, ignoring a discussion of the policy of the Islamisation of the E.U., and the impact of it on the ‘European way of life’.
“Fury at mum on £100,000 a year benefits”
“Why not give Essma a Harrods account as well as a £2m mansion?” (Richard Littlejohn)
Read more:
‘Cranmer’ takes a Labour minister to task:
“what does David Wright think Labour have done to the country after 13 years?”:
“Taken us to war on a false premise.
Replaced Cabinet government with a politburo.
Diminished democracy.
Marginalised Parliament.
Taken in three million immigrants.
Saddled us with recession.
Soaring unemployment.
The highest youth unemployment in history.
Eroded our liberties.
Abolished the right to trial by jury.
Raped the Constitution.
Politicised the civil service.
Brought us to the brink of bankruptcy.
Sold off our gold reserves at the bottom of the market.
Raided our pensions.
Subjected us to the Lisbon Treaty.
Failing schools.
Relegation from 7th to 24th in maths and literacy rankings.
Pensioner poverty.
Increased inequality.
Caused fascists to be elected to Brussels.
Increased tax burden.
Given us 5000 new laws.
Created an authoritarian state.
Debased our politics.”