Anyone think that Harrabin now understands the AGW debate?
I nearly did.
“Politicians striving for a low carbon economy hope the current storm of climate scepticism is just a cloud in the political weather which might clear if we get a rash of exceptionally warm years globally, as the Met Office suggests.
But what if the Met Office is wrong about climate change…”
Notice how he frames the debate between the IPCC and bloggers. In Harrabins world Lintzen, Stott, Carter, Singer, Ball, Plimer, Soon etc do not exist. Harrabin would not like the word to get around that these people are eminent scientists and not “bloggers”.
Harrabin and his ilk are the reason there is no “honest debate” on the AGW theory. The only way to acheive such a debate would be to sack Harrabin and get someone who really is impartial to take his place.
Harrabin the Horrible from the clan McMoonbat dosnt like honest debate, thats why he dosnt allow comments to be posted in response to his articles
The Horrible One, looks like hes ready to retire on his full fat cream beeboid pension, its in his financial interests to promate the Moonbattery of agw
I happened across this while searching for something else entirely: “These well-meaning gentlemen of the British Broadcasting Corporation have absolutely no qualifications and no claim to represent British public opinion. They have no right to say that they voice the opinions of English or British people whatever. If anyone can do that it is His Majesty’s government; and there may be two opinions about that. It would be far better to have sharply contrasted views in succession, in alteration, than to have this copious stream of pontifical, anonymous mugwumpery with which we have been dosed for so long.” (Winston Churchill: from a speech in the House of Commons, February 22, 1933)
I’d like to add to what Lloyd had to say on the Tongue MB about the lame reporting from Gaza by the bBC on the arrest of Paul Martin.
In fact when I first heard of the story. (from the guy who runs the blog i sometimes comment on) I noticed that the bBC took its time to do like wise. Since then while numerous news outlets have reported on the story (Including Pal news) telling us all why HAMAS felt the need to arrest PM as he arrived in Gaza to give evidence in court. The Hamas friendly bBC has been very remiss in fully reporting the story or even slating the democratically elected government of Gaza for arresting a reporter.
1/ Johnston was kidnapped and held by a murky group calling itself the Army of Islam, giving Hamas a degree of plausible deniability. Martin was arrested by Hamas police on orders from a Hamas judge.
2/ Johnston was a well-known reporter working for one of the world’s largest news services. The BBC rallied public support for Johnston and maintained pressure on the Islamists. Martin is less-known co-owner of a company that supplies video footage to news organizations. The company, World News & Features, will have little leverage with Hamas.
3/ Johnston was abducted when Hamas was still consolidating its hold over Gaza. Martin was arrested by a de facto government that will make no move compromising it’s “authority” over Gaza
I think Martin may be screwed but possibly the lack of pressure is in his interest. He’s worth a lot less to someone than Johnston was.
Further to my last I wonder why the bBC has abu Bowen reporting on how one of Allah’s faithful (Sorry abu you are like Gardner nothing but a plastic Muslim) got slotted in Dubai , a killing which he happens to leave out the arrests of 2 pals over that murder and how in that report he leaves out how Hamas admitted he was there for the purchase of weapons.
I think I have posted this in the past, but it is incredible to me that thicko Bowen, who has been in the middle east for years hasn’r made any effort to learn hebrew or arabic. What a lazy moron.
I just made the fatal mistake of watching BBC Breakfast. I naively thought it would be appropriate viewing while I ate my breakfast. I was forced to listen to some old codger called Ray Gosling talking about how he killed his gay lover who was suffering from Aids.
On what planet is this suitable viewing for breakfast? Children could be watching for goodness sake.
The fact that we were all forced to pay for this just adds insult to injury.
Radio 5 are backing the Labour MP who called Tories “scum sucking pigs”. This Socialist idiot caught red handed and claimed his Twitter account was hacked. of course it was. NOT. But this hasn’t stopped the BBC backing up his story. Now imagine if a tory MP had called someone that, would the BBC be bigging up the Tories claim of being hacked?
She twice made a point that Pakistan had ‘bowed to America’s demands’. Clearly the thought never crossed her mind that it is in Pakistan’s interest to prevent the Taliban a] using Pakistan as a safe base; b] encouraging alliances with Pakistani groups against the Pakistani government, or c] that 36 nations other than the US have troops in Afghanistan and an interest is defeating the Taliban.
She really is a vile woman, she was asking some bloke who didn’t mind the Taliban being slotted “What even if the CIA are involved?” she seemed disgusted that he didn’t mind.
Yesterdays (Monday 15th) PM show on Radio 4 had yet another item on hung parliaments. Is it me or are the Beeb obsessed with this ? Have they now realised that Brown can never win so see a hung parliament as the next best thing ? The PM item went on for a good minutes about how wonderful hung parliaments were in Wales , Scotland and NI. It just seemed designed to soften up the electorate for this option.
This is just another in what seems to be a theme running through Beeb news reporting of late. Its interesting that all the scenarios discussed involve doing deals with the Lib Dems or nationalists. No one ever mentions what happens if the UKIP or BNP manage to pick up a few seats at the next election and what that might mean. I suppose there are somethings that beebiods just don’t want to think about.
There won’t be a hung Parliament (although I’d like to hang most of the thieving twats there), The Tories have a national lead of about 10% but it’s in the key marginals where a much smaller swing is needed the Tories are doing better.
However, if a hung Parliament did occur Cameron would be the head of the largest single party and entitled to be asked to form a Government first. He could go it alone although I strongly suspect the one eyed idiot would try something on.
Interesting that the one issue the gay beeboids don’t mention is about the jock MPs in the Labour party. Suppose Labour went into a coalition with the Lib Dems and only just had a working majority, again what right would Labour have to use their block vote of jock MPs to vote through legislation that only effects England for the most part? That is the undemocratic issue. If Cameron can somehow stop the jocks voting at Westminster on English only affairs, Labour will be out of power for decades. Good news all round.
I think you are forgetting about postal votes. This election needs UN observers. The end justifies the means and the political arm of the British people has no intention of relinquishing power willingly.
I hope I am wrong but there is little reason for optimism.
Another Labour victory will be the last time a real election will be needed. We will become a one party state.
Good point, in particular the Muslim areas need to be watched, I seem to remember at the last election a lot of the fraud seemed to involve those from the religion of peace, in particular I think Birmingham had some issues.
And meanwhile the LinDems continue to get disproportionate airtime. Just as they were the go-tos on Iraq, now they are the go-tos on the economy – with Vince Cable forever on the airwaves.
The presumed intention is that either Labour and Brown can be salvaged – or if that looks like a loser, a clear Tory majority can be thwarted.
Despite the frequency with which the likelihood of a hung Parliament is brought up on the BBC, it is rarely questioned why it is that this can occur with a Tory lead of 10%, whilst a Labour lead of similar proprtions leads to a landslide. It’s usually taken as a given.
Isn’t the Electoral Commission supposed to draw up constituency boundaries to avoid this sort of thing? What sort of gerrymandering must have been involved to produce such an imbalance? And why are the Tories so useless that they’ve allowed it to happen?
They cling to the hope of a hung parliament like spunk to a blanket because they are getting seriously worried. The tanks are on the lawn at Broadcasting House. On another matter did anybody see the results of the “investigation” into social networking sites that Radio 5Lite carried out? And the winner was…..drumroll….Twitter. Who’d have thunk it?
Easy. What happens is this. You flood an inner city area with immigrants until the population gets so large they need to split the area in two, this basically creates 2 slam dunk Labour seats, so to compensate they merge larger rural areas into one (usually Tory) so Labour gain a seat and the Tories lose one without a vote being cast. The fact that most of the immigrants can’t legally vote is not what they look at, they are still entitled to political representation. you will find that Labour seats have smaller voting pools than tory ones, I think if I remember the difference is quite large. As you say though, the BBC never question it.
BBC broadcasts CUBA propaganda -LIVE, all next week ( it was only a matter of time):
“BBC News to broadcast live from Cuba”
“<img src=”” title=”bbc” border=”0″ alt=”bbc”/>BBC News is to broadcast live from Cuba next week in a move which is thought to be a first for UK News. The corporation has reportedly been in negotiations with the Cuban authorities to broadcast a series of live reports from the communist state and its now believed to have got permission. Matt Frei will front a week of special coverage from Cuba next week which will include two days of live broadcasts from Cuba’s capital, Havana.
“The reports from Cuba will examine life in the communist state, the realities of living in Cuba, its isolation from major powers and the impact of Barack Obama’s presidency on the country. The BBC’s Havana correspondent Michael Voss was part of the negotiation team with the Cuban authorities and will be part of theBBC’s output from the Island next week alongside Matt Frei. The reports produced by the BBC will be broadcast in a variety of its output in programmes such as Newsnight, BBC News, World News America and also on BBC Radio. Hilary Clinton will reportedly be interviewed for the coverage and a Cuban official spokesperson will also be interviewed by the BBC instead of Fidel Castro or his son.”
Will the BBC mention that there is NO broadcasting LICENCE FEE in Cuba?
When the Beeboids return with their Guevara souvenirs, no doubt they will demonstrate outside Broadcasting House for an end to the BBC licence fee here.
Democrate Senator Evan Bayh has announced that he won’t seek reelection this fall. Mardell gets it wrong and shows partisan bias. On one level, though, I grant that Mardell sees Bayh for what he is: a “rat” abandoning a sinking ship.
But he gets it wrong about why the Senator said what he said. Bayh complained about how Washington was being messed up by the failure of bipartisanship, and he didn’t feel like working there anymore. Mardell, coyly admitting his own cynicism (you have to laugh, really), suggests that Bayh sounds like someone who isn’t quitting politics but is positioning himself for a new position.
Bayh has always tried to play the centrist, but his voting record makes it clear that he’s just one more Democrat who has been swept away with the far Left wave of Pelosi, Reid, and the President. So he’s really blaming them for trashing his chances of re-election, not the culture of Washington in the abstract for making him sad. Mark Mardell can’t place blame on his beloved Obamessiah, so he spins this away.
Naturally, as it’s Mardell, something important is left out: the blatant, undemocratic partisanship of the timing of Bayh’s announcement. Bayh gave his statement yesterday, one day before the deadline for potential candidates to get verified for the ballot. Anyone wishing to get on the ballot must go around the state collecting 4500 signatures on a petition, which must then be certified by the state. So what Bayh has done is sabotage everyone’s chances of getting on the ballot. Only one other candidate is even collecting signatures, because all others thought Bayh was staying and didn’t bother.
And what a shock, Rahm Emanuel, showed up in Indiana to get the White House’s choice on the ballot instead. If D’Ippolito doesn’t get the signatures she still needs by noon today, the Democrat machine in the state can hand-pick the candidate, the voters be damned.
That’s what’s going here: blatant, undemocratic partisanship by Evan Bayh, and the Democrats both in Indiana and in the White House. But Mark Mardell either doesn’t know about the timing or Emanuel’s sudden appearance in Indiana, or doesn’t grasp the significance of it due to ignorance, willful or otherwise. Alternatively, he just doesn’t want you to know.
Mardell gave no names, just casually mentioned that Bayh is the fourth rat to abandon the sinking ship. To those who rely on the BBC for information on US issues, the idea that the Democrats are in actual trouble probably comes as something of a shock.
I am utterly gob smacked that STILL the BBC in particular are defending this Labour Minister for his anti Tory slur on Twitter. The BBC are still claiming that his story (that a tweet can be changed once posted) is true.
God if this were a Tory, any Tory the BBC would be demanding a resignation.
BBC 2 ‘Muslim Driving School’ part SIX ! is being broadcast NOW.
I went to check if any episodes of the BBC apartheid engendering series about Muslim women taking driving lessons under the supervision (wrong word) of often burqa-clad Muslim women driving instructors are on Youtube, and they are.( But, by chance I found an odd one there of only 21 seconds duration, which doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of the series.)
George I caught part of this show the other week. I get a funny feeling the Beeb set out to make a show to confirm all their PC beliefs. You know the stuff showing strong empowered Muslim women and how nasty whitey has got the whole Islam and women bit all wrong. What they actually filmed however is very different. One of the women on told how she was forced to marry a Pakistani and now is an 18 year old divorcee. All the younger women filmed want to learn to drive and move to London to get a job and away from the community they see as controlling. It wasn’t pleasant viewing and I can’t help but wonder if this is why the show is being transmitted later than the 8pm time the Beeb usually puts lightweight reality fluff on.
A decent news organisation would see what they have is superb footage on how 3rd world attitudes are holding back intelligent British women. But thats not going to happen is it 🙁
Yes; the SIXTH and I hope, the last episode of ‘Muslim Driving School’ last night (available on iPlayer, and may be later on Youtube) spend a lot a time on sheer propaganda for Islam with big speeches about hajj and Allah -only to be expected from the BBC and its three hours of boring Islamic indoctrination which we non-Muslims have to pay for.
What a joke, rat face on Newsnight talking about public sector pay cuts. Good idea, let’s start by scrapping the TV tax. Oh and why is it that there is a Tory there getting hammered but no Labour scum or St Vince?
Classic BBC. Newsnight spinning lies over the terror trials planned for New York. The BBC even find some halfwit who if offering his court house (opposite the Tailor shop) for use.
“Will Obama hold his nerve” spouts camp looking male beeboid. What you mean the BBC’s idea of what justice for towel head murderers is? Or like the UK where we let them out and stick them on benefits?
One year ago yesterday, some people in Seattle held a protest against the Democrats’ Stimulus Bill. Within a couple of weeks, lots of similar protests started to pop up spontaneously – and independently – all across the country. Almost immediately, participants and bloggers started calling them “Tea Parties”, and it stuck.
The BBC refused to report on this growing story until it was so big they couldn’t hide from it any more.
I first commented about them on Feb. 28 of last year. The BBC hadn’t mentioned them yet, and I felt it was a growing story worth mentioning. I also gave my suspicions about the BBC’s lack of coverage, and guessed how they might report on the story if they ever got around to it.
The BBC finally had to inform you of this increasingly important story because tens of thousands of people across the country were holding hundreds of protests on April 15. Here’s how Kevin Connolly desribed the participants:
The protestors at Lafayette Park, just in front of the White House in Washington, were largely middle-aged, middle-class conservatives.
There were the voices of an older American conservatism there too – a conservatism which does not see much of a role for government beyond national defence and the protection of the constitution – certainly not, for example, in the field of caring for the sick.
Connolly didn’t believe what attendees told him about their reasons for the protests, as he came in with a preconceived bias:
My sense of the people around me in Lafayette Square (what do we call them? Tea-baggers? Tea-baggists?) is that they are essentially the kind of people who did not like Barack Obama anyway and certainly did not vote for him.
The BBC remained totally silent on these protests, even as they continued to happen all around the US for months and months, including many simultaneous ones on July 4. It wasn’t until Katty Kay’s quite reasonable report last month that the BBC dared touch the story again.
From a pretty humble origin, these protests have grown into something of a movement which has actually influence the outcome of town council votes, city, and state-wide elections. Yet the BBC kept this from you for nearly a year.
Iam listening to BBC radio 4 morning news and a lip smacking correspondent insists that it is ~Mossad who did the assassination in Dubai. So silly old Mossad steals the passports of its own citizens to effect this killing. Please explain the logic of this?
In contrast: Binyam Mohamed – Muslim Ethiopian -Al Qaeda trained in Afghanistan – false passports in Pakistan – Gitmo – British resident -BBC poster boy – lives in Dorset
A few days ago there was a TV news report by the one of BBC News’ warmist squad, he squatted in a walled garden surveying a few crocus & telling us that, despite the apparent cold weather, spring flowers were still ahead of the traditional timetable.
HARDtalk, “Dr Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, has dedicated his life to tracking down and prosecuting those responsible for the atrocities of World War II.”
It’s interesting that the extract the BBC chooses to make available on the web site concentrates on Zeinab Badawi cross examining Dr Zuroff on the fact that some “Jewish communities” are worried that shining a light on Nazi war criminals may expose them to antsemitism.
“BBC team at the Olympics outnumbers our athletes”
“The BBC is under fire after sending more staff to cover the Winter Olympics than Britain has athletes who are competing.
Led by Sue Barker, Hazel Irvine and Clare Balding, the BBC has a 74-strong staff in Canada – 22 more than in the GB team.
The bill for covering the Games is expected to run into millions despite the fact the BBC does not need to film the events. This is done by a host broadcaster service provided by the International Olympic Committee. ”
This week marks the one year anniversary of the birth of the Tea Party movement in the US. Except for one subpar report, the BBC refused to mention this phenomenon for nearly a year, even though hundreds of thousands of people across the country were holding protests and gatherings. The pro-Democrat, and especially pro-Obamessiah bias at the BBC colored their opinion of the protests and the participants, and so hid this growing story from you.
The vicious anti-Sarah Palin bias at the BBC makes them behave in the opposite manner. Their bias against the Tea Party protesters and their bias in favor to the point of worship of the President made them see the Tea Parties as a non-issue, just a bit of noise from some white cranks. On the other hand, even though so many Beeboids stated on air that she was unfit for office or a lousy candidate or personally lost the election for the Republicans, they somehow see her as a threat to their beloved Obamessiah, so they report every little thing. Had she not been the keynote speaker at the recent Tea Party convention, I doubt they’d even have reported on the event at all.
Because it’s about their second-most hated female politician in the world, they’re all over it. Sarah Palin is now a less important story than the Tea Party movement. She holds no office, leads no organization, and is not a candidate for anything at this point. The Tea Party movement, on the other hand, is affecting elections right now, and will have a much greater effect on the country in November than Sarah Palin will. But the bias at the BBC prevents you from knowing this.
Being a regular “Recommender” on the BBC Have Your Say site I am somewhat surprised (not) that a new system is being introduced without the Recommend facility.
Generally this doesn’t seem to be going down well. Some even suggesting that it will prevent getting a feeling of the crowd which quite often do not seem to accord with the “Pravda” viewpoint. Strange that.
Recommending does save writing in the same point but could I suggest the way forward is (if possible) to cut and paste comments you approve of, and add “Hear Hear”. It will of course mean that the moderators will be able to put in on immediately because they will already have passed it.
Now can somebody post how to cut and paste on BBC iD? message boards.
Consider the main element of the story here: The BBC has broken with a 565-year tradition by insisting that a male Blue Peter presenter take part in a pancake race previously reserved for women.
The justification given by the BBC for this is: “It would not be in the style of Blue Peter to simply film the race, the whole thing about the programme is that the presenters take part.”
So the tradition of the BBC programme Blue Peter, which was first aired 52 years ago in 1958, for a presenter to take part, takes precedence over a British tradition that has been going on for 565 years.
I hope someone from the BBC is reading this – DO YOU GET IT?
52 years vs 565 years.
If you weren’t so arrogantly and misguidedly full of the belief in your own importance, you would see that you missed an opportunity to instil a respect for tradition in British children, instead of showing them that if it is in your selfish interest to do something – DO IT, regardless of who it might offend – unless its Muslims, because they might become violent in response, instead of sucking your crap up.
Were the Beeboids making such an effort to stoke public outrage when the Russian government assassinated a political opponent while he was in the UK? I realize the use of forged UK passports makes this a quasi-domestic issue, but how is this worse than foreign agents killing people on British soil?
Watch the opening lines of the video clip, and notice how the President emphasises that these will be the “first” new nuclear power plants built for 30 years. He repeats that claim, stressing the word “first”, as if He has triumphed over a bad situation.
The BBC dutifully reports His Nuclear Power Plan For Us, straight out of the White House talking points. Once again your national broadcaster is happy to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for the domestic policies of a foreign government.
Don’t bother reading Mark Mardell’s “thoughts in full” on his blog. Just imagine his tongue firmly planted in the usual place and move on.
Naturally, since it’s one of His announcements, they don’t question it, or dare mention that this is a bit different from how Candidate Obamessiah spoke about nuclear energy.
More than that, Candidate Obamessiah also said that it wasn’t a panacea, and that while He realized nuclear energy wasn’t as bad as coal, first the US should consider investing research dollars into whether nuclear waste can be stored safely for its reuse.
I guess that research has been done already, because now He’s trumpeting His decision to invest $8 billion in building power plants. Where are the environmentals crying about it, BBC? Any news on that front? Of course not. The BBC doesn’t want you to know about any criticism of Him in the US from the Left. The limited criticism from the Right is about concerns over more bailout-type taxpayer cash going to the nuclear energy industry. The BBC doesn’t like to talk about that either.
Obama has not really changed stance on nuclear power. 2 new plants is peanuts.
What Obama is angling for is Republican agreement to cap-and-trade in return for more nuclear. A thorughly bad deal, and as usual Obama is presenting it all dishonestly.
The President emphasized that these were the first two plants in 30 years, as if He was finally breaking through some past obstacle. He was not in favor of nuclear power as a Senator or Candidate or Community Organizer. In fact, during the election campaign, He allowed only that the government should fund research on the viability of spent-fuel storage, a sop to the environmentals.
The BBC is dutifully reporting whatever He says, as He says it. There is no analysis of the horse-trading angle you suggest, or in discussion of anyone upset from the Left. Instead, you get parroting of White House talking points as if history doesn’t exist.
I caught a snatch of the Woman’s Hour interview with David Cameron.
” Did you play darts when you were a member of the Bullingdon Club ? ”
As if we need a reminder !
Kim Ghattas on the World Service just now explaining how The Obamessiah’s meeting with the Dalai Lama might possibly affect the US relationship with China at a key time when we need them to cooperate on Iran and trade. Except, Ghattas ends up saying that it’s no big deal at all.
Ghattas said that this is just “choreography”, every time a US President meets with the BBC’s favorite ex-feudal lord, the Chinese public obliges with knee-jerk anger, but then calm down because they know the deal with Tibet is inevitable. So Chinese anger is all for show, no problem.
Funny how she started out by saying that the President postponed a meeting with the DL last year because He was about to have an important meeting with China and didn’t want to piss them off. When she ends up explaining that this won’t really have any effect, but it’s really complicated (of course), one is left to wonder if the Obamessiah Administration knew that last year, and what was the point of snubbing the Left’s most beloved spiritual leader in the world? Never mind, nothing to see here. The President acted right then, and now, no problem.
The intrepid Mark Mardell, on the other hand, actually found an expert on China relations who admits that all that sucking up the President did to China last year didn’t work, and that He now is taking a tougher approach. Mardell is quick to point out that the President was not to be blamed for trying. Naivité rules OK.
Otherwise, Mardell also takes the view that this is no big deal, China is taking over as the big power on the world stage. And anyway this is really a sign of His taking a tougher approach.
The main piece on the Dalai Lama’s visit presents an even tougher President. Just look at this strong, confident, unilateral stance, doing what He thinks is right in the face of Chinese criticism. And they still have to find ways to play it down, just in case.
As with Iran, it’s funny how the BBC seems to be eager to highlight unilateral toughness in foreign relations from the US President now, but this same kind of toughness wasn’t celebrated at all in the previous President.
‘Talk Sport’ supersedes BBC radio on football slots.
Given the colossal amount the BBC spends on e.g. Glastonbury Festival and freebees there (£1.5m), plus duplicate coverage of Winter Olympics (with 74 Beeboids there), plus next week’s BBC trip to CUBA to propagandise for Castro:
The only places the economy is growing right now are in taxpayer-subsidized banks (where the bonuses are being grabbed back by the government – not much growth potential there) and the public sector, but never mind that.
The BBC actually admits that The Obamessiah hasn’t solved unemployment, and even publish His humble admission that He feels our pain. Isn’t that sweet? He knows and cares, which mitigates the failure of the ‘Stimulus’, against which many people (myself included) protested last year. We called it the ‘ Spendulus Bill’.
And the BBC even allows a criticism from a Republican. That’s one step above their usual “critics are critical” line. Too bad they dutifully use White House talking points and don’t get to the heart of the matter.
In reality, unemployment reached an all-time high of 18%, which is the official number reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are a few different categories (sets of data) published on a regular basis and the main focus is usually on “official” U3 unemployment rate (currently 9.7%, seasonally adjusted)……..
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U6 unemployment number is 18% (16.5% – not seasonally adjusted), which is the highest number of record.
Actually, I bet the Beeboids aren’t aware of this at all. They just follow the Washington, DC, liberal media and official White House press releases, and inform you accordingly.
David Preiser,
I have to confess to having a foot in both camps , being almost equally fond of the Americans and the Chinese. But, Obama is making a complete prat of himself in his dealings with the Chinese. He really is exposing his naivete and ignorance.
China already has the financial power over the US and will soon have the military power. Obama needs to learn about the real world and show some humility.
Crawling to the Dalai Lama may play well on some US university campus, where I think Obama’s “intellect” remains, but it won’t go down well with the Chinese.
He was showing some humility to China last year when he blew off the Dalai Lama, and got nothing for it. One can be fond of both parties, or of neither, and still see that. He’s made a complete prat of himself in dealings with every other foreign government (including the British one). But don’t expect the BBC to do anything but carry His water, as crawling to their favorite feudal lord plays well at White City, too. It also plays well in the US media, many of whom are as worshipful of the DL as all those moronic celebrities are. The President desperately needs the media to cover for Him these days as they did during the election, so He pretty much has to meet with him now.
Don’t expect the BBC to suggest that this is a publicity stunt, either, as they still believe He is above that sort of thing.
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
Anyone think that Harrabin now understands the AGW debate?
I nearly did.
“Politicians striving for a low carbon economy hope the current storm of climate scepticism is just a cloud in the political weather which might clear if we get a rash of exceptionally warm years globally, as the Met Office suggests.
But what if the Met Office is wrong about climate change…”
Nearly there Harrabin.
“..or if the world is in a phase of temporary natural cooling which is masking serious underlying manmade warming?”
Blew it!!!
Notice how he frames the debate between the IPCC and bloggers. In Harrabins world Lintzen, Stott, Carter, Singer, Ball, Plimer, Soon etc do not exist. Harrabin would not like the word to get around that these people are eminent scientists and not “bloggers”.
Harrabin and his ilk are the reason there is no “honest debate” on the AGW theory. The only way to acheive such a debate would be to sack Harrabin and get someone who really is impartial to take his place.
Harrabin the Horrible from the clan McMoonbat dosnt like honest debate, thats why he dosnt allow comments to be posted in response to his articles
The Horrible One, looks like hes ready to retire on his full fat cream beeboid pension, its in his financial interests to promate the Moonbattery of agw
BBC: we won’t mention dhimmi Labour’s release of Islamic Libya’s convicted mass-murderer Megrahi –
“Libya bars Europeans in Swiss row”
So much for Labour’s dhimmi move in releasing Megrahi:
I happened across this while searching for something else entirely:
“These well-meaning gentlemen of the British Broadcasting Corporation have absolutely no qualifications and no claim to represent British public opinion. They have no right to say that they voice the opinions of English or British people whatever. If anyone can do that it is His Majesty’s government; and there may be two opinions about that. It would be far better to have sharply contrasted views in succession, in alteration, than to have this copious stream of pontifical, anonymous mugwumpery with which we have been dosed for so long.”
(Winston Churchill: from a speech in the House of Commons, February 22, 1933)
Great quote. Amazing that the BBC were corrupt, even back in 1933.
Grant, yeah, such a great find. Serendipity.
Another Tory policy (Co-ops) getting hammered by the BBC. Why are the Tories doing this? Keep quiet until the election.
Why no “euthanasia” or “mercy-killing” or “assisted suicide” entry in the BBBC label cloud?
I’d like to add to what Lloyd had to say on the Tongue MB about the lame reporting from Gaza by the bBC on the arrest of Paul Martin.
In fact when I first heard of the story. (from the guy who runs the blog i sometimes comment on) I noticed that the bBC took its time to do like wise. Since then while numerous news outlets have reported on the story (Including Pal news) telling us all why HAMAS felt the need to arrest PM as he arrived in Gaza to give evidence in court. The Hamas friendly bBC has been very remiss in fully reporting the story or even slating the democratically elected government of Gaza for arresting a reporter.
Now I wonder why that is?
Honest Reporting asks the same question.
3 Important Differences Between Paul Martin and Alan Johnston
1/ Johnston was kidnapped and held by a murky group calling itself the Army of Islam, giving Hamas a degree of plausible deniability. Martin was arrested by Hamas police on orders from a Hamas judge.
2/ Johnston was a well-known reporter working for one of the world’s largest news services. The BBC rallied public support for Johnston and maintained pressure on the Islamists. Martin is less-known co-owner of a company that supplies video footage to news organizations. The company, World News & Features, will have little leverage with Hamas.
3/ Johnston was abducted when Hamas was still consolidating its hold over Gaza. Martin was arrested by a de facto government that will make no move compromising it’s “authority” over Gaza
I think Martin may be screwed but possibly the lack of pressure is in his interest. He’s worth a lot less to someone than Johnston was.
Further to my last I wonder why the bBC has abu Bowen reporting on how one of Allah’s faithful (Sorry abu you are like Gardner nothing but a plastic Muslim) got slotted in Dubai , a killing which he happens to leave out the arrests of 2 pals over that murder and how in that report he leaves out how Hamas admitted he was there for the purchase of weapons.
Perhaps Bowens fixer/interpreter failed to give him that message?
I think I have posted this in the past, but it is incredible to me that thicko Bowen, who has been in the middle east for years hasn’r made any effort to learn hebrew or arabic. What a lazy moron.
hasn’t !
He does not have to – he just has to read the words translated by his friends.
Nice one !
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I just made the fatal mistake of watching BBC Breakfast. I naively thought it would be appropriate viewing while I ate my breakfast. I was forced to listen to some old codger called Ray Gosling talking about how he killed his gay lover who was suffering from Aids.
On what planet is this suitable viewing for breakfast? Children could be watching for goodness sake.
The fact that we were all forced to pay for this just adds insult to injury.
And they had him on the Today programme too.
Children could be watching for goodness sake.
Children with the delicious, malleable minds, ripe for cramming full of lefty effluent.
Radio 5 are backing the Labour MP who called Tories “scum sucking pigs”. This Socialist idiot caught red handed and claimed his Twitter account was hacked. of course it was. NOT. But this hasn’t stopped the BBC backing up his story. Now imagine if a tory MP had called someone that, would the BBC be bigging up the Tories claim of being hacked?
Ray Gosling gay, well well well.
I was listening to Orla Guerlin commenting on the possible Pakistani capture of a senior Taliban leader.
Taliban commander Mullah Baradar ‘seized in Pakistan’
She twice made a point that Pakistan had ‘bowed to America’s demands’. Clearly the thought never crossed her mind that it is in Pakistan’s interest to prevent the Taliban a] using Pakistan as a safe base; b] encouraging alliances with Pakistani groups against the Pakistani government, or c] that 36 nations other than the US have troops in Afghanistan and an interest is defeating the Taliban.
The famous BBC scare quotes make an appearance.
Taliban ‘military chief’ seized in Pakistan
While it’s fair to discuss the possibility that the man captured is not Mullah Barader is there any doubt that Barader is Taliban military chief?
He is an innocent, harmless buddhist.
On BBC 1 news at 1 today , they reported the capture as if there had been a death in the family.
She really is a vile woman, she was asking some bloke who didn’t mind the Taliban being slotted “What even if the CIA are involved?” she seemed disgusted that he didn’t mind.
The four greatest evils in the world. Mossad , CIA, MI5 and MI6. We need the BBC to protect us from them.
Yesterdays (Monday 15th) PM show on Radio 4 had yet another item on hung parliaments. Is it me or are the Beeb obsessed with this ? Have they now realised that Brown can never win so see a hung parliament as the next best thing ? The PM item went on for a good minutes about how wonderful hung parliaments were in Wales , Scotland and NI. It just seemed designed to soften up the electorate for this option.
This is just another in what seems to be a theme running through Beeb news reporting of late. Its interesting that all the scenarios discussed involve doing deals with the Lib Dems or nationalists. No one ever mentions what happens if the UKIP or BNP manage to pick up a few seats at the next election and what that might mean. I suppose there are somethings that beebiods just don’t want to think about.
There won’t be a hung Parliament (although I’d like to hang most of the thieving twats there), The Tories have a national lead of about 10% but it’s in the key marginals where a much smaller swing is needed the Tories are doing better.
However, if a hung Parliament did occur Cameron would be the head of the largest single party and entitled to be asked to form a Government first. He could go it alone although I strongly suspect the one eyed idiot would try something on.
Interesting that the one issue the gay beeboids don’t mention is about the jock MPs in the Labour party. Suppose Labour went into a coalition with the Lib Dems and only just had a working majority, again what right would Labour have to use their block vote of jock MPs to vote through legislation that only effects England for the most part? That is the undemocratic issue. If Cameron can somehow stop the jocks voting at Westminster on English only affairs, Labour will be out of power for decades. Good news all round.
I think you are forgetting about postal votes. This election needs UN observers. The end justifies the means and the political arm of the British people has no intention of relinquishing power willingly.
I hope I am wrong but there is little reason for optimism.
Another Labour victory will be the last time a real election will be needed. We will become a one party state.
Good point, in particular the Muslim areas need to be watched, I seem to remember at the last election a lot of the fraud seemed to involve those from the religion of peace, in particular I think Birmingham had some issues.
And meanwhile the LinDems continue to get disproportionate airtime. Just as they were the go-tos on Iraq, now they are the go-tos on the economy – with Vince Cable forever on the airwaves.
The presumed intention is that either Labour and Brown can be salvaged – or if that looks like a loser, a clear Tory majority can be thwarted.
Despite the frequency with which the likelihood of a hung Parliament is brought up on the BBC, it is rarely questioned why it is that this can occur with a Tory lead of 10%, whilst a Labour lead of similar proprtions leads to a landslide. It’s usually taken as a given.
Isn’t the Electoral Commission supposed to draw up constituency boundaries to avoid this sort of thing? What sort of gerrymandering must have been involved to produce such an imbalance? And why are the Tories so useless that they’ve allowed it to happen?
They cling to the hope of a hung parliament like spunk to a blanket because they are getting seriously worried. The tanks are on the lawn at Broadcasting House. On another matter did anybody see the results of the “investigation” into social networking sites that Radio 5Lite carried out? And the winner was…..drumroll….Twitter. Who’d have thunk it?
Easy. What happens is this. You flood an inner city area with immigrants until the population gets so large they need to split the area in two, this basically creates 2 slam dunk Labour seats, so to compensate they merge larger rural areas into one (usually Tory) so Labour gain a seat and the Tories lose one without a vote being cast. The fact that most of the immigrants can’t legally vote is not what they look at, they are still entitled to political representation. you will find that Labour seats have smaller voting pools than tory ones, I think if I remember the difference is quite large. As you say though, the BBC never question it.!/group.php?v=wall&gid=310572835068
BBC broadcasts CUBA propaganda -LIVE, all next week ( it was only a matter of time):
“BBC News to broadcast live from Cuba”
“<img src=”” title=”bbc” border=”0″ alt=”bbc”/>BBC News is to broadcast live from Cuba next week in a move which is thought to be a first for UK News. The corporation has reportedly been in negotiations with the Cuban authorities to broadcast a series of live reports from the communist state and its now believed to have got permission. Matt Frei will front a week of special coverage from Cuba next week which will include two days of live broadcasts from Cuba’s capital, Havana.
“The reports from Cuba will examine life in the communist state, the realities of living in Cuba, its isolation from major powers and the impact of Barack Obama’s presidency on the country. The BBC’s Havana correspondent Michael Voss was part of the negotiation team with the Cuban authorities and will be part of the BBC’s output from the Island next week alongside Matt Frei. The reports produced by the BBC will be broadcast in a variety of its output in programmes such as Newsnight, BBC News, World News America and also on BBC Radio. Hilary Clinton will reportedly be interviewed for the coverage and a Cuban official spokesperson will also be interviewed by the BBC instead of Fidel Castro or his son.”
What are the numbers of BBC staff who are in Cuba, and going to Cuba for the BBC’s pro-Castro’s Cuba propaganda exercise? And the total cost?
Oh how the Beeboids will love it in Cuba (for a week) with dictator Castro/Mandela? and those wonderful Jihadist suspects nearby on Gitmo.
The Beeboids’ ideological heaven!
BBC “negotiations with Cuba ” ? What about ? Money ? What they are allowed to report by the Cuban dictatorship ? Next stop North Korea !
What possible interest could there be for the British people, brodcasting from a communist state? Will they be going to North Korea the week after?
Will the BBC mention that there is NO broadcasting LICENCE FEE in Cuba?
When the Beeboids return with their Guevara souvenirs, no doubt they will demonstrate outside Broadcasting House for an end to the BBC licence fee here.
Another story about US politics, another biased blog post from Mark Mardell.
Bye, Bayh, Blue Dog
Democrate Senator Evan Bayh has announced that he won’t seek reelection this fall. Mardell gets it wrong and shows partisan bias. On one level, though, I grant that Mardell sees Bayh for what he is: a “rat” abandoning a sinking ship.
But he gets it wrong about why the Senator said what he said. Bayh complained about how Washington was being messed up by the failure of bipartisanship, and he didn’t feel like working there anymore. Mardell, coyly admitting his own cynicism (you have to laugh, really), suggests that Bayh sounds like someone who isn’t quitting politics but is positioning himself for a new position.
Bayh has always tried to play the centrist, but his voting record makes it clear that he’s just one more Democrat who has been swept away with the far Left wave of Pelosi, Reid, and the President. So he’s really blaming them for trashing his chances of re-election, not the culture of Washington in the abstract for making him sad. Mark Mardell can’t place blame on his beloved Obamessiah, so he spins this away.
Naturally, as it’s Mardell, something important is left out: the blatant, undemocratic partisanship of the timing of Bayh’s announcement. Bayh gave his statement yesterday, one day before the deadline for potential candidates to get verified for the ballot. Anyone wishing to get on the ballot must go around the state collecting 4500 signatures on a petition, which must then be certified by the state. So what Bayh has done is sabotage everyone’s chances of getting on the ballot. Only one other candidate is even collecting signatures, because all others thought Bayh was staying and didn’t bother.
And what a shock, Rahm Emanuel, showed up in Indiana to get the White House’s choice on the ballot instead. If D’Ippolito doesn’t get the signatures she still needs by noon today, the Democrat machine in the state can hand-pick the candidate, the voters be damned.
That’s what’s going here: blatant, undemocratic partisanship by Evan Bayh, and the Democrats both in Indiana and in the White House. But Mark Mardell either doesn’t know about the timing or Emanuel’s sudden appearance in Indiana, or doesn’t grasp the significance of it due to ignorance, willful or otherwise. Alternatively, he just doesn’t want you to know.
Did Mardell report the “retirement ” of Patrick Kennedy ?
Mardell gave no names, just casually mentioned that Bayh is the fourth rat to abandon the sinking ship. To those who rely on the BBC for information on US issues, the idea that the Democrats are in actual trouble probably comes as something of a shock.
The beeboids wasting our money again. More beeboids than athletes.
I am utterly gob smacked that STILL the BBC in particular are defending this Labour Minister for his anti Tory slur on Twitter. The BBC are still claiming that his story (that a tweet can be changed once posted) is true.
God if this were a Tory, any Tory the BBC would be demanding a resignation.
Does this not beg the question as to the suitability of MPs who participate in an almost childlike “Twitter”.
I hardly think his actions have helped him
“Ladbrokes and Bet365 make the Tories in his seat an 8/15 shot. William Hill have it at 1/2. ”
Seems that parliament is full of adolescents.
BBC 2 ‘Muslim Driving School’ part SIX ! is being broadcast NOW.
I went to check if any episodes of the BBC apartheid engendering series about Muslim women taking driving lessons under the supervision (wrong word) of often burqa-clad Muslim women driving instructors are on Youtube, and they are.( But, by chance I found an odd one there of only 21 seconds duration, which doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of the series.)
George I caught part of this show the other week. I get a funny feeling the Beeb set out to make a show to confirm all their PC beliefs. You know the stuff showing strong empowered Muslim women and how nasty whitey has got the whole Islam and women bit all wrong. What they actually filmed however is very different. One of the women on told how she was forced to marry a Pakistani and now is an 18 year old divorcee. All the younger women filmed want to learn to drive and move to London to get a job and away from the community they see as controlling. It wasn’t pleasant viewing and I can’t help but wonder if this is why the show is being transmitted later than the 8pm time the Beeb usually puts lightweight reality fluff on.
A decent news organisation would see what they have is superb footage on how 3rd world attitudes are holding back intelligent British women. But thats not going to happen is it 🙁
Yes; the SIXTH and I hope, the last episode of ‘Muslim Driving School’ last night (available on iPlayer, and may be later on Youtube) spend a lot a time on sheer propaganda for Islam with big speeches about hajj and Allah -only to be expected from the BBC and its three hours of boring Islamic indoctrination which we non-Muslims have to pay for.
George R – not to keen being called a “non-Muslim” this presuposes that “muslim” is the norm.
What a joke, rat face on Newsnight talking about public sector pay cuts. Good idea, let’s start by scrapping the TV tax. Oh and why is it that there is a Tory there getting hammered but no Labour scum or St Vince?
Classic BBC. Newsnight spinning lies over the terror trials planned for New York. The BBC even find some halfwit who if offering his court house (opposite the Tailor shop) for use.
“Will Obama hold his nerve” spouts camp looking male beeboid. What you mean the BBC’s idea of what justice for towel head murderers is? Or like the UK where we let them out and stick them on benefits?
One year ago yesterday, some people in Seattle held a protest against the Democrats’ Stimulus Bill. Within a couple of weeks, lots of similar protests started to pop up spontaneously – and independently – all across the country. Almost immediately, participants and bloggers started calling them “Tea Parties”, and it stuck.
The BBC refused to report on this growing story until it was so big they couldn’t hide from it any more.
I first commented about them on Feb. 28 of last year. The BBC hadn’t mentioned them yet, and I felt it was a growing story worth mentioning. I also gave my suspicions about the BBC’s lack of coverage, and guessed how they might report on the story if they ever got around to it.
The BBC finally had to inform you of this increasingly important story because tens of thousands of people across the country were holding hundreds of protests on April 15. Here’s how Kevin Connolly desribed the participants:
The protestors at Lafayette Park, just in front of the White House in Washington, were largely middle-aged, middle-class conservatives.
There were the voices of an older American conservatism there too – a conservatism which does not see much of a role for government beyond national defence and the protection of the constitution – certainly not, for example, in the field of caring for the sick.
Connolly didn’t believe what attendees told him about their reasons for the protests, as he came in with a preconceived bias:
My sense of the people around me in Lafayette Square (what do we call them? Tea-baggers? Tea-baggists?) is that they are essentially the kind of people who did not like Barack Obama anyway and certainly did not vote for him.
The BBC remained totally silent on these protests, even as they continued to happen all around the US for months and months, including many simultaneous ones on July 4. It wasn’t until Katty Kay’s quite reasonable report last month that the BBC dared touch the story again.
From a pretty humble origin, these protests have grown into something of a movement which has actually influence the outcome of town council votes, city, and state-wide elections. Yet the BBC kept this from you for nearly a year.
Iam listening to BBC radio 4 morning news and a lip smacking correspondent insists that it is ~Mossad who did the assassination in Dubai. So silly old Mossad steals the passports of its own citizens to effect this killing. Please explain the logic of this?
In contrast: Binyam Mohamed – Muslim Ethiopian -Al Qaeda trained in Afghanistan – false passports in Pakistan – Gitmo – British resident -BBC poster boy – lives in Dorset
A few days ago there was a TV news report by the one of BBC News’ warmist squad, he squatted in a walled garden surveying a few crocus & telling us that, despite the apparent cold weather, spring flowers were still ahead of the traditional timetable.
The National Trust appear to differ
The effect of the climate on the nation’s flowers is monitored every year by the National Trust.
This year the survey found flowers have been delayed by up to a month in the South West
The climate of fear at BBC News is alarming
HARDtalk, “Dr Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, has dedicated his life to tracking down and prosecuting those responsible for the atrocities of World War II.”
It’s interesting that the extract the BBC chooses to make available on the web site concentrates on Zeinab Badawi cross examining Dr Zuroff on the fact that some “Jewish communities” are worried that shining a light on Nazi war criminals may expose them to antsemitism.
The BBC’s message is that Jews bring antisemitism upon themselves by constantly harping on about the Holocaust.
I don’t suppose the BBC will demur:
“Afghanistan Taliban ‘using human shields’ – general”
After all, the BBC did not oppose Hamas’ use of human shields.
“Hamas Human Shield Confession” (video clip)
“BBC team at the Olympics outnumbers our athletes”
“The BBC is under fire after sending more staff to cover the Winter Olympics than Britain has athletes who are competing.
Led by Sue Barker, Hazel Irvine and Clare Balding, the BBC has a 74-strong staff in Canada – 22 more than in the GB team.
The bill for covering the Games is expected to run into millions despite the fact the BBC does not need to film the events. This is done by a host broadcaster service provided by the International Olympic Committee. ”
Read more:
The total cost, to British licencepayers?
The ‘carbon footprint’?
On BBC 2 ‘Newsnight’ tonight:
1.) Dubai killing: we can expect a pro-Hamas, anti-Israel diatribe;
2.) an urgent topic, close to Beeboids’ hearts:
Michelangelo and homosexuality.
This week marks the one year anniversary of the birth of the Tea Party movement in the US. Except for one subpar report, the BBC refused to mention this phenomenon for nearly a year, even though hundreds of thousands of people across the country were holding protests and gatherings. The pro-Democrat, and especially pro-Obamessiah bias at the BBC colored their opinion of the protests and the participants, and so hid this growing story from you.
The vicious anti-Sarah Palin bias at the BBC makes them behave in the opposite manner. Their bias against the Tea Party protesters and their bias in favor to the point of worship of the President made them see the Tea Parties as a non-issue, just a bit of noise from some white cranks. On the other hand, even though so many Beeboids stated on air that she was unfit for office or a lousy candidate or personally lost the election for the Republicans, they somehow see her as a threat to their beloved Obamessiah, so they report every little thing. Had she not been the keynote speaker at the recent Tea Party convention, I doubt they’d even have reported on the event at all.
A nothing story about a cartoon show which insults everybody (except the bien pesants of the Left, of course) making a crude reference to Palin’s mentally disabled child causes the BBC to leap into action.
Because it’s about their second-most hated female politician in the world, they’re all over it. Sarah Palin is now a less important story than the Tea Party movement. She holds no office, leads no organization, and is not a candidate for anything at this point. The Tea Party movement, on the other hand, is affecting elections right now, and will have a much greater effect on the country in November than Sarah Palin will. But the bias at the BBC prevents you from knowing this.
If I’m repeating something I apolgise.
Being a regular “Recommender” on the BBC Have Your Say site I am somewhat surprised (not) that a new system is being introduced without the Recommend facility.
Generally this doesn’t seem to be going down well. Some even suggesting that it will prevent getting a feeling of the crowd which quite often do not seem to accord with the “Pravda” viewpoint. Strange that.
Recommending does save writing in the same point but could I suggest the way forward is (if possible) to cut and paste comments you approve of, and add “Hear Hear”. It will of course mean that the moderators will be able to put in on immediately because they will already have passed it.
Now can somebody post how to cut and paste on BBC iD? message boards.
Consider the main element of the story here: The BBC has broken with a 565-year tradition by insisting that a male Blue Peter presenter take part in a pancake race previously reserved for women.
The justification given by the BBC for this is: “It would not be in the style of Blue Peter to simply film the race, the whole thing about the programme is that the presenters take part.”
So the tradition of the BBC programme Blue Peter, which was first aired 52 years ago in 1958, for a presenter to take part, takes precedence over a British tradition that has been going on for 565 years.
I hope someone from the BBC is reading this – DO YOU GET IT?
52 years vs 565 years.
If you weren’t so arrogantly and misguidedly full of the belief in your own importance, you would see that you missed an opportunity to instil a respect for tradition in British children, instead of showing them that if it is in your selfish interest to do something – DO IT, regardless of who it might offend – unless its Muslims, because they might become violent in response, instead of sucking your crap up.
Wow the Jew haters have been out in force on the BBC today. No holding back.
Were the Beeboids making such an effort to stoke public outrage when the Russian government assassinated a political opponent while he was in the UK? I realize the use of forged UK passports makes this a quasi-domestic issue, but how is this worse than foreign agents killing people on British soil?
Al Bowen is almost crying on the news. I think it’s really funny, murdering scumbag towel head gets slotted. GOOD NEWS DAY!
More Obamessiah worship from the BBC. This time, it’s about His Plan for Nuclear Power.
US to build two new nuclear power stations
Watch the opening lines of the video clip, and notice how the President emphasises that these will be the “first” new nuclear power plants built for 30 years. He repeats that claim, stressing the word “first”, as if He has triumphed over a bad situation.
The BBC dutifully reports His Nuclear Power Plan For Us, straight out of the White House talking points. Once again your national broadcaster is happy to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for the domestic policies of a foreign government.
Don’t bother reading Mark Mardell’s “thoughts in full” on his blog. Just imagine his tongue firmly planted in the usual place and move on.
Naturally, since it’s one of His announcements, they don’t question it, or dare mention that this is a bit different from how Candidate Obamessiah spoke about nuclear energy.
“I am not a nuclear energy proponent”
More than that, Candidate Obamessiah also said that it wasn’t a panacea, and that while He realized nuclear energy wasn’t as bad as coal, first the US should consider investing research dollars into whether nuclear waste can be stored safely for its reuse.
I guess that research has been done already, because now He’s trumpeting His decision to invest $8 billion in building power plants. Where are the environmentals crying about it, BBC? Any news on that front? Of course not. The BBC doesn’t want you to know about any criticism of Him in the US from the Left. The limited criticism from the Right is about concerns over more bailout-type taxpayer cash going to the nuclear energy industry. The BBC doesn’t like to talk about that either.
Obama has not really changed stance on nuclear power. 2 new plants is peanuts.
What Obama is angling for is Republican agreement to cap-and-trade in return for more nuclear. A thorughly bad deal, and as usual Obama is presenting it all dishonestly.
The President emphasized that these were the first two plants in 30 years, as if He was finally breaking through some past obstacle. He was not in favor of nuclear power as a Senator or Candidate or Community Organizer. In fact, during the election campaign, He allowed only that the government should fund research on the viability of spent-fuel storage, a sop to the environmentals.
The BBC is dutifully reporting whatever He says, as He says it. There is no analysis of the horse-trading angle you suggest, or in discussion of anyone upset from the Left. Instead, you get parroting of White House talking points as if history doesn’t exist.
Don’t tell Mark Mardell:
Tea Party Organizer Wins New York State Assembly Race
I caught a snatch of the Woman’s Hour interview with David Cameron.
” Did you play darts when you were a member of the Bullingdon Club ? ”
As if we need a reminder !
Kim Ghattas on the World Service just now explaining how The Obamessiah’s meeting with the Dalai Lama might possibly affect the US relationship with China at a key time when we need them to cooperate on Iran and trade. Except, Ghattas ends up saying that it’s no big deal at all.
Ghattas said that this is just “choreography”, every time a US President meets with the BBC’s favorite ex-feudal lord, the Chinese public obliges with knee-jerk anger, but then calm down because they know the deal with Tibet is inevitable. So Chinese anger is all for show, no problem.
Funny how she started out by saying that the President postponed a meeting with the DL last year because He was about to have an important meeting with China and didn’t want to piss them off. When she ends up explaining that this won’t really have any effect, but it’s really complicated (of course), one is left to wonder if the Obamessiah Administration knew that last year, and what was the point of snubbing the Left’s most beloved spiritual leader in the world? Never mind, nothing to see here. The President acted right then, and now, no problem.
The intrepid Mark Mardell, on the other hand, actually found an expert on China relations who admits that all that sucking up the President did to China last year didn’t work, and that He now is taking a tougher approach. Mardell is quick to point out that the President was not to be blamed for trying. Naivité rules OK.
Otherwise, Mardell also takes the view that this is no big deal, China is taking over as the big power on the world stage. And anyway this is really a sign of His taking a tougher approach.
The main piece on the Dalai Lama’s visit presents an even tougher President. Just look at this strong, confident, unilateral stance, doing what He thinks is right in the face of Chinese criticism. And they still have to find ways to play it down, just in case.
As with Iran, it’s funny how the BBC seems to be eager to highlight unilateral toughness in foreign relations from the US President now, but this same kind of toughness wasn’t celebrated at all in the previous President.
‘Talk Sport’ supersedes BBC radio on football slots.
Given the colossal amount the BBC spends on e.g. Glastonbury Festival and freebees there (£1.5m), plus duplicate coverage of Winter Olympics (with 74 Beeboids there), plus next week’s BBC trip to CUBA to propagandise for Castro:
“TalkSport beats BBC Premier League packages”
Even when they try to present a balanced report on the US, the BBC can’t help but stick to the White House narrative.
US unemployment ‘to stay high, despite economy growing’
The only places the economy is growing right now are in taxpayer-subsidized banks (where the bonuses are being grabbed back by the government – not much growth potential there) and the public sector, but never mind that.
The BBC actually admits that The Obamessiah hasn’t solved unemployment, and even publish His humble admission that He feels our pain. Isn’t that sweet? He knows and cares, which mitigates the failure of the ‘Stimulus’, against which many people (myself included) protested last year. We called it the ‘ Spendulus Bill’.
And the BBC even allows a criticism from a Republican. That’s one step above their usual “critics are critical” line. Too bad they dutifully use White House talking points and don’t get to the heart of the matter.
Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know:
In reality, unemployment reached an all-time high of 18%, which is the official number reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are a few different categories (sets of data) published on a regular basis and the main focus is usually on “official” U3 unemployment rate (currently 9.7%, seasonally adjusted)……..
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U6 unemployment number is 18% (16.5% – not seasonally adjusted), which is the highest number of record.
Actually, I bet the Beeboids aren’t aware of this at all. They just follow the Washington, DC, liberal media and official White House press releases, and inform you accordingly.
David Preiser,
I have to confess to having a foot in both camps , being almost equally fond of the Americans and the Chinese. But, Obama is making a complete prat of himself in his dealings with the Chinese. He really is exposing his naivete and ignorance.
China already has the financial power over the US and will soon have the military power. Obama needs to learn about the real world and show some humility.
Crawling to the Dalai Lama may play well on some US university campus, where I think Obama’s “intellect” remains, but it won’t go down well with the Chinese.
He was showing some humility to China last year when he blew off the Dalai Lama, and got nothing for it. One can be fond of both parties, or of neither, and still see that. He’s made a complete prat of himself in dealings with every other foreign government (including the British one). But don’t expect the BBC to do anything but carry His water, as crawling to their favorite feudal lord plays well at White City, too. It also plays well in the US media, many of whom are as worshipful of the DL as all those moronic celebrities are. The President desperately needs the media to cover for Him these days as they did during the election, so He pretty much has to meet with him now.
Don’t expect the BBC to suggest that this is a publicity stunt, either, as they still believe He is above that sort of thing.